[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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from __future__ import absolute_import

from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name

from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command
from pip._internal.cli.req_command import SessionCommandMixin
from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import SUCCESS
from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError
from pip._internal.req import parse_requirements
from pip._internal.req.constructors import (
from pip._internal.utils.misc import protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING

    from optparse import Values
    from typing import List

class UninstallCommand(Command, SessionCommandMixin):
    Uninstall packages.

    pip is able to uninstall most installed packages. Known exceptions are:

    - Pure distutils packages installed with ``python setup.py install``, which
      leave behind no metadata to determine what files were installed.
    - Script wrappers installed by ``python setup.py develop``.

    usage = """
      %prog [options] <package> ...
      %prog [options] -r <requirements file> ..."""

    def add_options(self):
        # type: () -> None
            '-r', '--requirement',
            help='Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements '
                 'file.  This option can be used multiple times.',
            '-y', '--yes',
            help="Don't ask for confirmation of uninstall deletions.")

        self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts)

    def run(self, options, args):
        # type: (Values, List[str]) -> int
        session = self.get_default_session(options)

        reqs_to_uninstall = {}
        for name in args:
            req = install_req_from_line(
                name, isolated=options.isolated_mode,
            if req.name:
                reqs_to_uninstall[canonicalize_name(req.name)] = req
        for filename in options.requirements:
            for parsed_req in parse_requirements(
                req = install_req_from_parsed_requirement(
                if req.name:
                    reqs_to_uninstall[canonicalize_name(req.name)] = req
        if not reqs_to_uninstall:
            raise InstallationError(
                'You must give at least one requirement to {self.name} (see '
                '"pip help {self.name}")'.format(**locals())

            modifying_pip="pip" in reqs_to_uninstall

        for req in reqs_to_uninstall.values():
            uninstall_pathset = req.uninstall(
                auto_confirm=options.yes, verbose=self.verbosity > 0,
            if uninstall_pathset:

        return SUCCESS


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