� �t�_c @ su d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z e r[ d d l m Z n d e f d � � YZ d S( s` Represents a wheel file and provides access to the various parts of the name that have meaning. i����N( t Tag( t InvalidWheelFilename( t MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING( t Listt Wheelc B sG e Z d Z e j d e j � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s A wheel files� ^(?P<namever>(?P<name>.+?)-(?P<ver>.*?)) ((-(?P<build>\d[^-]*?))?-(?P<pyver>.+?)-(?P<abi>.+?)-(?P<plat>.+?) \.whl|\.dist-info)$c s� � j j | � } | s0 t d j | � � � n | � _ | j d � j d d � � _ | j d � j d d � � _ | j d � � _ | j d � j d � � _ | j d � j d � � _ | j d � j d � � _ � f d � � j D� � _ d S( sX :raises InvalidWheelFilename: when the filename is invalid for a wheel s! {} is not a valid wheel filename.t namet _t -t vert buildt pyvert .t abit platc sB h | ]8 } � j D]( } � j D] } t | | | � � q q q S( ( t abist platsR ( t .0t xt yt z( t self( sK /opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.pys <setcomp>/ s N( t wheel_file_ret matchR t formatt filenamet groupt replaceR t versiont build_tagt splitt pyversionsR R t file_tags( R R t wheel_info( ( R sK /opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.pyt __init__ s c C s t d � | j D� � S( s4 Return the wheel's tags as a sorted list of strings.c s s | ] } t | � Vq d S( N( t str( R t tag( ( sK /opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.pys <genexpr>6 s ( t sortedR ( R ( ( sK /opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.pyt get_formatted_file_tags3 s c s t � f d � | j D� � S( s� Return the lowest index that one of the wheel's file_tag combinations achieves in the given list of supported tags. For example, if there are 8 supported tags and one of the file tags is first in the list, then return 0. :param tags: the PEP 425 tags to check the wheel against, in order with most preferred first. :raises ValueError: If none of the wheel's file tags match one of the supported tags. c 3 s* | ] } | � k r � j | � Vq d S( N( t index( R R# ( t tags( sK /opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.pys <genexpr>F s ( t minR ( R R'