[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future.
# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs=False

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os
import re

from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log
from pip._internal.utils.misc import (
from pip._internal.utils.subprocess import make_command
from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
from pip._internal.vcs.versioncontrol import VersionControl, vcs

_svn_xml_url_re = re.compile('url="([^"]+)"')
_svn_rev_re = re.compile(r'committed-rev="(\d+)"')
_svn_info_xml_rev_re = re.compile(r'\s*revision="(\d+)"')
_svn_info_xml_url_re = re.compile(r'<url>(.*)</url>')

    from typing import Optional, Tuple
    from pip._internal.utils.subprocess import CommandArgs
    from pip._internal.utils.misc import HiddenText
    from pip._internal.vcs.versioncontrol import AuthInfo, RevOptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Subversion(VersionControl):
    name = 'svn'
    dirname = '.svn'
    repo_name = 'checkout'
    schemes = ('svn', 'svn+ssh', 'svn+http', 'svn+https', 'svn+svn')

    def should_add_vcs_url_prefix(cls, remote_url):
        return True

    def get_base_rev_args(rev):
        return ['-r', rev]

    def get_revision(cls, location):
        Return the maximum revision for all files under a given location
        # Note: taken from setuptools.command.egg_info
        revision = 0

        for base, dirs, _ in os.walk(location):
            if cls.dirname not in dirs:
                dirs[:] = []
                continue    # no sense walking uncontrolled subdirs
            entries_fn = os.path.join(base, cls.dirname, 'entries')
            if not os.path.exists(entries_fn):
                # FIXME: should we warn?

            dirurl, localrev = cls._get_svn_url_rev(base)

            if base == location:
                base = dirurl + '/'   # save the root url
            elif not dirurl or not dirurl.startswith(base):
                dirs[:] = []
                continue    # not part of the same svn tree, skip it
            revision = max(revision, localrev)
        return revision

    def get_netloc_and_auth(cls, netloc, scheme):
        This override allows the auth information to be passed to svn via the
        --username and --password options instead of via the URL.
        if scheme == 'ssh':
            # The --username and --password options can't be used for
            # svn+ssh URLs, so keep the auth information in the URL.
            return super(Subversion, cls).get_netloc_and_auth(netloc, scheme)

        return split_auth_from_netloc(netloc)

    def get_url_rev_and_auth(cls, url):
        # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], AuthInfo]
        # hotfix the URL scheme after removing svn+ from svn+ssh:// readd it
        url, rev, user_pass = super(Subversion, cls).get_url_rev_and_auth(url)
        if url.startswith('ssh://'):
            url = 'svn+' + url
        return url, rev, user_pass

    def make_rev_args(username, password):
        # type: (Optional[str], Optional[HiddenText]) -> CommandArgs
        extra_args = []  # type: CommandArgs
        if username:
            extra_args += ['--username', username]
        if password:
            extra_args += ['--password', password]

        return extra_args

    def get_remote_url(cls, location):
        # In cases where the source is in a subdirectory, not alongside
        # setup.py we have to look up in the location until we find a real
        # setup.py
        orig_location = location
        while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, 'setup.py')):
            last_location = location
            location = os.path.dirname(location)
            if location == last_location:
                # We've traversed up to the root of the filesystem without
                # finding setup.py
                    "Could not find setup.py for directory %s (tried all "
                    "parent directories)",
                return None

        return cls._get_svn_url_rev(location)[0]

    def _get_svn_url_rev(cls, location):
        from pip._internal.exceptions import SubProcessError

        entries_path = os.path.join(location, cls.dirname, 'entries')
        if os.path.exists(entries_path):
            with open(entries_path) as f:
                data = f.read()
        else:  # subversion >= 1.7 does not have the 'entries' file
            data = ''

        if (data.startswith('8') or
                data.startswith('9') or
            data = list(map(str.splitlines, data.split('\n\x0c\n')))
            del data[0][0]  # get rid of the '8'
            url = data[0][3]
            revs = [int(d[9]) for d in data if len(d) > 9 and d[9]] + [0]
        elif data.startswith('<?xml'):
            match = _svn_xml_url_re.search(data)
            if not match:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Badly formatted data: {data!r}'.format(**locals()))
            url = match.group(1)    # get repository URL
            revs = [int(m.group(1)) for m in _svn_rev_re.finditer(data)] + [0]
                # subversion >= 1.7
                # Note that using get_remote_call_options is not necessary here
                # because `svn info` is being run against a local directory.
                # We don't need to worry about making sure interactive mode
                # is being used to prompt for passwords, because passwords
                # are only potentially needed for remote server requests.
                xml = cls.run_command(
                    ['info', '--xml', location],
                url = _svn_info_xml_url_re.search(xml).group(1)
                revs = [
                    int(m.group(1)) for m in _svn_info_xml_rev_re.finditer(xml)
            except SubProcessError:
                url, revs = None, []

        if revs:
            rev = max(revs)
            rev = 0

        return url, rev

    def is_commit_id_equal(cls, dest, name):
        """Always assume the versions don't match"""
        return False

    def __init__(self, use_interactive=None):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        if use_interactive is None:
            use_interactive = is_console_interactive()
        self.use_interactive = use_interactive

        # This member is used to cache the fetched version of the current
        # ``svn`` client.
        # Special value definitions:
        #   None: Not evaluated yet.
        #   Empty tuple: Could not parse version.
        self._vcs_version = None  # type: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]

        super(Subversion, self).__init__()

    def call_vcs_version(self):
        # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...]
        """Query the version of the currently installed Subversion client.

        :return: A tuple containing the parts of the version information or
            ``()`` if the version returned from ``svn`` could not be parsed.
        :raises: BadCommand: If ``svn`` is not installed.
        # Example versions:
        #   svn, version 1.10.3 (r1842928)
        #      compiled Feb 25 2019, 14:20:39 on x86_64-apple-darwin17.0.0
        #   svn, version 1.7.14 (r1542130)
        #      compiled Mar 28 2018, 08:49:13 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
        #   svn, version 1.12.0-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.12.0)
        #      compiled May 28 2019, 13:44:56 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2
        version_prefix = 'svn, version '
        version = self.run_command(['--version'])

        if not version.startswith(version_prefix):
            return ()

        version = version[len(version_prefix):].split()[0]
        version_list = version.partition('-')[0].split('.')
            parsed_version = tuple(map(int, version_list))
        except ValueError:
            return ()

        return parsed_version

    def get_vcs_version(self):
        # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...]
        """Return the version of the currently installed Subversion client.

        If the version of the Subversion client has already been queried,
        a cached value will be used.

        :return: A tuple containing the parts of the version information or
            ``()`` if the version returned from ``svn`` could not be parsed.
        :raises: BadCommand: If ``svn`` is not installed.
        if self._vcs_version is not None:
            # Use cached version, if available.
            # If parsing the version failed previously (empty tuple),
            # do not attempt to parse it again.
            return self._vcs_version

        vcs_version = self.call_vcs_version()
        self._vcs_version = vcs_version
        return vcs_version

    def get_remote_call_options(self):
        # type: () -> CommandArgs
        """Return options to be used on calls to Subversion that contact the server.

        These options are applicable for the following ``svn`` subcommands used
        in this class.

            - checkout
            - export
            - switch
            - update

        :return: A list of command line arguments to pass to ``svn``.
        if not self.use_interactive:
            # --non-interactive switch is available since Subversion 0.14.4.
            # Subversion < 1.8 runs in interactive mode by default.
            return ['--non-interactive']

        svn_version = self.get_vcs_version()
        # By default, Subversion >= 1.8 runs in non-interactive mode if
        # stdin is not a TTY. Since that is how pip invokes SVN, in
        # call_subprocess(), pip must pass --force-interactive to ensure
        # the user can be prompted for a password, if required.
        #   SVN added the --force-interactive option in SVN 1.8. Since
        # e.g. RHEL/CentOS 7, which is supported until 2024, ships with
        # SVN 1.7, pip should continue to support SVN 1.7. Therefore, pip
        # can't safely add the option if the SVN version is < 1.8 (or unknown).
        if svn_version >= (1, 8):
            return ['--force-interactive']

        return []

    def export(self, location, url):
        # type: (str, HiddenText) -> None
        """Export the svn repository at the url to the destination location"""
        url, rev_options = self.get_url_rev_options(url)

        logger.info('Exporting svn repository %s to %s', url, location)
        with indent_log():
            if os.path.exists(location):
                # Subversion doesn't like to check out over an existing
                # directory --force fixes this, but was only added in svn 1.5
            cmd_args = make_command(
                'export', self.get_remote_call_options(),
                rev_options.to_args(), url, location,

    def fetch_new(self, dest, url, rev_options):
        # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
        rev_display = rev_options.to_display()
            'Checking out %s%s to %s',
        cmd_args = make_command(
            'checkout', '-q', self.get_remote_call_options(),
            rev_options.to_args(), url, dest,

    def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options):
        # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
        cmd_args = make_command(
            'switch', self.get_remote_call_options(), rev_options.to_args(),
            url, dest,

    def update(self, dest, url, rev_options):
        # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
        cmd_args = make_command(
            'update', self.get_remote_call_options(), rev_options.to_args(),



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