[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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    Return the major-minor version of the current Python as a string, e.g.
    "3.7" or "3.10".
    s{}.{}(tformattsystversion_info(((sH/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations.pytget_major_minor_version"scC@stt�r$tjjtjd�}n@ytjjtj�d�}Wntk
rctjd�nXtjj	|�S(Ntsrcs=The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found.(
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tpurelibtpypytScriptstbinitdarwinis/System/Library/s/usr/local/bincC@s�ddlm}i|d6}|r3dg|d<n||�}|j�d}	|jddt�}	tt|	�}
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    Return a distutils install scheme
    i(tDistributiontnames
--no-user-cfgtscript_argsRtcreatettinstall_tinstall_libRtplatlibtincludetsitespython{}theadersiN(tdistutils.distR$tparse_config_filestNonetget_command_objtTrueRtdistutils_install_commandtuserRthometroottfinalize_optionsRtgetattrtget_option_dicttupdatetdictR*R	RRRRRt
splitdriveR(t	dist_nameR5R6R7tisolatedRR$t	dist_argstdtobjtitschemetkeyt

		cC@sTt||||||�}td|dd|dd|dd|dd|d�S(s;
    Get the "scheme" corresponding to the input parameters. The distutils
    documentation provides the context for the available schemes:

    :param dist_name: the name of the package to retrieve the scheme for, used
        in the headers scheme path
    :param user: indicates to use the "user" scheme
    :param home: indicates to use the "home" scheme and provides the base
        directory for the same
    :param root: root under which other directories are re-based
    :param isolated: equivalent to --no-user-cfg, i.e. do not consider
        ~/.pydistutils.cfg (posix) or ~/pydistutils.cfg (non-posix) for
        scheme paths
    :param prefix: indicates to use the "prefix" scheme and provides the
        base directory for the same

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.self_outdated_check.pyo.40009 File 5.67 KB 0644
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__init__.pyc File 862 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 862 B 0644
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build_env.pyo File 9.14 KB 0644
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exceptions.pyo File 18.24 KB 0644
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locations.pyc File 5.39 KB 0644
locations.pyo File 5.24 KB 0644
main.py File 437 B 0644
main.pyc File 758 B 0644
main.pyo File 758 B 0644
pyproject.py File 7.23 KB 0644
pyproject.pyc File 4.41 KB 0644
pyproject.pyo File 4.36 KB 0644
self_outdated_check.py File 6.62 KB 0644
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