[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import calendar
import time

from email.utils import formatdate, parsedate, parsedate_tz

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

TIME_FMT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"

def expire_after(delta, date=None):
    date = date or datetime.utcnow()
    return date + delta

def datetime_to_header(dt):
    return formatdate(calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()))

class BaseHeuristic(object):

    def warning(self, response):
        Return a valid 1xx warning header value describing the cache

        The response is provided too allow warnings like 113
        http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.5.4 where we need
        to explicitly say response is over 24 hours old.
        return '110 - "Response is Stale"'

    def update_headers(self, response):
        """Update the response headers with any new headers.

        NOTE: This SHOULD always include some Warning header to
              signify that the response was cached by the client, not
              by way of the provided headers.
        return {}

    def apply(self, response):
        updated_headers = self.update_headers(response)

        if updated_headers:
            warning_header_value = self.warning(response)
            if warning_header_value is not None:
                response.headers.update({"Warning": warning_header_value})

        return response

class OneDayCache(BaseHeuristic):
    Cache the response by providing an expires 1 day in the

    def update_headers(self, response):
        headers = {}

        if "expires" not in response.headers:
            date = parsedate(response.headers["date"])
            expires = expire_after(timedelta(days=1), date=datetime(*date[:6]))
            headers["expires"] = datetime_to_header(expires)
            headers["cache-control"] = "public"
        return headers

class ExpiresAfter(BaseHeuristic):
    Cache **all** requests for a defined time period.

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.delta = timedelta(**kw)

    def update_headers(self, response):
        expires = expire_after(self.delta)
        return {"expires": datetime_to_header(expires), "cache-control": "public"}

    def warning(self, response):
        tmpl = "110 - Automatically cached for %s. Response might be stale"
        return tmpl % self.delta

class LastModified(BaseHeuristic):
    If there is no Expires header already, fall back on Last-Modified
    using the heuristic from
    to calculate a reasonable value.

    Firefox also does something like this per
    Unlike mozilla we limit this to 24-hr.
    cacheable_by_default_statuses = {
        200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501

    def update_headers(self, resp):
        headers = resp.headers

        if "expires" in headers:
            return {}

        if "cache-control" in headers and headers["cache-control"] != "public":
            return {}

        if resp.status not in self.cacheable_by_default_statuses:
            return {}

        if "date" not in headers or "last-modified" not in headers:
            return {}

        date = calendar.timegm(parsedate_tz(headers["date"]))
        last_modified = parsedate(headers["last-modified"])
        if date is None or last_modified is None:
            return {}

        now = time.time()
        current_age = max(0, now - date)
        delta = date - calendar.timegm(last_modified)
        freshness_lifetime = max(0, min(delta / 10, 24 * 3600))
        if freshness_lifetime <= current_age:
            return {}

        expires = date + freshness_lifetime
        return {"expires": time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(expires))}

    def warning(self, resp):
        return None


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
caches Folder 0755
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 596 B 0644
._cmd.pyo.40009 File 2.07 KB 0644
.adapter.pyo.40009 File 3.73 KB 0644
.cache.pyo.40009 File 2.49 KB 0644
.compat.pyo.40009 File 815 B 0644
.controller.pyo.40009 File 9.6 KB 0644
.filewrapper.pyo.40009 File 2.71 KB 0644
.heuristics.pyo.40009 File 5.99 KB 0644
.serialize.pyo.40009 File 5.75 KB 0644
.wrapper.pyo.40009 File 855 B 0644
__init__.py File 302 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 596 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 596 B 0644
_cmd.py File 1.26 KB 0644
_cmd.pyc File 2.07 KB 0644
_cmd.pyo File 2.07 KB 0644
adapter.py File 4.77 KB 0644
adapter.pyc File 3.73 KB 0644
adapter.pyo File 3.73 KB 0644
cache.py File 805 B 0644
cache.pyc File 2.49 KB 0644
cache.pyo File 2.49 KB 0644
compat.py File 695 B 0644
compat.pyc File 815 B 0644
compat.pyo File 815 B 0644
controller.py File 13.82 KB 0644
controller.pyc File 9.6 KB 0644
controller.pyo File 9.6 KB 0644
filewrapper.py File 2.47 KB 0644
filewrapper.pyc File 2.71 KB 0644
filewrapper.pyo File 2.71 KB 0644
heuristics.py File 3.97 KB 0644
heuristics.pyc File 5.99 KB 0644
heuristics.pyo File 5.99 KB 0644
serialize.py File 6.92 KB 0644
serialize.pyc File 5.75 KB 0644
serialize.pyo File 5.75 KB 0644
wrapper.py File 690 B 0644
wrapper.pyc File 855 B 0644
wrapper.pyo File 855 B 0644