[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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Script which takes one or more file paths and reports on their detected


    % chardetect somefile someotherfile
    somefile: windows-1252 with confidence 0.5
    someotherfile: ascii with confidence 1.0

If no paths are provided, it takes its input from stdin.

i(tabsolute_importtprint_functiontunicode_literalsN(t__version__(tPY2(tUniversalDetectorustdincC@s�t�}x4|D],}t|�}|j|�|jrPqqW|j�|j}trt|jtj	�d�}n|dr�dj
    Return a string describing the probable encoding of a file or
    list of strings.

    :param lines: The lines to get the encoding of.
    :type lines: Iterable of bytes
    :param name: Name of file or collection of lines
    :type name: str
    uignoreuencodingu{0}: {1} with confidence {2}u
confidenceu{0}: no resultN(Rt	bytearraytfeedtdonetclosetresultRtdecodetsystgetfilesystemencodingtformat(tlinestnametutlineR
C@s�tjdd�}|jddddtjd�dd	d
trHtjn	tjjg�|jddd
ddjt	��|j
|�}xU|jD]J}|j�r�t
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    :param argv: List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
                 If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.
    :type argv: list of str
    tdescriptionuVTakes one or more file paths and reports their detected                      encodingsuinputthelpu^File whose encoding we would like to determine.                               (default: stdin)ttypeurbtnargsu*tdefaultu	--versiontactionuversiontversionu%(prog)s {0}u0You are running chardetect interactively. Press u8CTRL-D twice at the start of a blank line to signal the u4end of your input. If you want help, run chardetect u--help
tfileN(targparsetArgumentParsertadd_argumenttFileTypeRRtstdintbufferRRt
parse_argstinputtisattytprinttstderrRR(targvtparsertargstf((sS/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/cli/chardetect.pytmain6s			u__main__(t__doc__t
__future__RRRRRtpip._vendor.chardetRtpip._vendor.chardet.compatRt%pip._vendor.chardet.universaldetectorRRtNoneR+t__name__(((sS/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/cli/chardetect.pyt<module>s


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 168 B 0644
.chardetect.pyo.40009 File 3.15 KB 0644
__init__.py File 1 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 168 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 168 B 0644
chardetect.py File 2.71 KB 0644
chardetect.pyc File 3.15 KB 0644
chardetect.pyo File 3.15 KB 0644