[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 Zdefd��YZdS(su
Class representing the list of files in a distribution.

Equivalent to distutils.filelist, but fixes some problems.
i����Ni(tDistlibException(tfsdecode(tconvert_pathtManifests\\w*
d�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zed�Z	d�Z
d�Zd�Ze
ed	�Ze
ed�Zd�ZRS(s~A list of files built by on exploring the filesystem and filtered by
    applying various patterns to what we find there.
    cCsYtjjtjj|p!tj���|_|jtj|_d|_	t
        Initialise an instance.

        :param base: The base directory to explore under.
        N(tostpathtabspathtnormpathtgetcwdtbasetseptprefixtNonetallfilestsettfiles(tselfR	((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyt__init__*s-	cCs�ddlm}m}m}g|_}|j}|g}|j}|j}x�|r�|�}tj	|�}	x�|	D]{}
�}tj|�}|j}
�ru||�ququWqPWdS(smFind all files under the base and set ``allfiles`` to the absolute
        pathnames of files found.
R	tpoptappendRtlistdirRtjointst_modeR(RRRRR
        Add a file to the manifest.

        :param item: The pathname to add. This can be relative to the base.
        N(	t
startswithRRRRR	RtaddR(Rtitem((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyR$TscCs"x|D]}|j|�qWdS(s�
        Add a list of files to the manifest.

        :param items: The pathnames to add. These can be relative to the base.
        Return sorted files in directory order
        csj|j|�tjd|�|�jkrftjj|�\}}|dksVt��||�ndS(Nsadd_dir added %stt/(R(R)(R$tloggertdebugR	RRtsplittAssertionError(tdirstdtparentt_(tadd_dirR(sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyR2ls
css!|]}tjj|�VqdS(N(RRR,(t.0R((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pys	<genexpr>{s(RRRRtdirnametsortedR(RtwantdirstresultR.tft

cCst�|_g|_dS(sClear all collected files.N(RRR
(R((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pytclear}scCs|j|�\}}}}|dkrcx�|D].}|j|dt�s.tjd|�q.q.Wn�|dkr�x�|D]}|j|dt�}qvWn{|dkr�xl|D].}|j|dt�s�tjd|�q�q�Wn3|dkrx$|D]}|j|dt�}q�Wn�|dkr`x�|D]1}|j|d	|�s(tjd
||�q(q(Wn�|dkr�x�|D]}|j|d	|�}qsWn~|dkr�|jdd	|�stjd
|�qnG|dkr|jdd	|�stjd|�qntd|��dS(sv
        Process a directive which either adds some files from ``allfiles`` to
        ``files``, or removes some files from ``files``.

        :param directive: The directive to process. This should be in a format
                     compatible with distutils ``MANIFEST.in`` files:

        tincludetanchorsno files found matching %rtexcludesglobal-includes3no files found matching %r anywhere in distributionsglobal-excludesrecursive-includeRs-no files found matching %r under directory %rsrecursive-excludetgrafts no directories found matching %rtprunes4no previously-included directories found matching %rsinvalid action %rN(	t_parse_directivet_include_patterntTrueR*twarningt_exclude_patterntFalseRR(Rt	directivetactiontpatternstthedirt
Cs{|j�}t|�dkrA|ddkrA|jdd�n|d}d}}}|dkr�t|�dkr�td|��ng|dD]}t|�^q�}n�|dkrt|�d
        Validate a directive.
        :param directive: The directive to validate.
        :return: A tuple of action, patterns, thedir, dir_patterns
        iiR;R=sglobal-includesglobal-excludesrecursive-includesrecursive-excludeR>R?is$%r expects <pattern1> <pattern2> ...is*%r expects <dir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ...s!%r expects a single <dir_pattern>sunknown action %r(sincludesexcludesglobal-includesglobal-excludesrecursive-includesrecursive-excludesgraftspruneN(sincludesexcludesglobal-includesglobal-exclude(srecursive-includesrecursive-exclude(sgraftsprune(R,tlentinsertRRR(RRFtwordsRGRHRItdir_patterntword((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyR@�s:	
	&&cCszt}|j||||�}|jdkr:|j�nx9|jD].}|j|�rD|jj|�t}qDqDW|S(s�Select strings (presumably filenames) from 'self.files' that
        match 'pattern', a Unix-style wildcard (glob) pattern.

        Patterns are not quite the same as implemented by the 'fnmatch'
        module: '*' and '?'  match non-special characters, where "special"
        is platform-dependent: slash on Unix; colon, slash, and backslash on
        DOS/Windows; and colon on Mac OS.

        If 'anchor' is true (the default), then the pattern match is more
        stringent: "*.py" will match "foo.py" but not "foo/bar.py".  If
        'anchor' is false, both of these will match.

        If 'prefix' is supplied, then only filenames starting with 'prefix'
        (itself a pattern) and ending with 'pattern', with anything in between
        them, will match.  'anchor' is ignored in this case.

        If 'is_regex' is true, 'anchor' and 'prefix' are ignored, and
        'pattern' is assumed to be either a string containing a regex or a
        regex object -- no translation is done, the regex is just compiled
        and used as-is.

        Selected strings will be added to self.files.

        Return True if files are found.
        N(	REt_translate_patternR
RR"tsearchRR$RB(RRKR<Rtis_regexRLt

cCsdt}|j||||�}x?t|j�D].}|j|�r.|jj|�t}q.q.W|S(stRemove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match

        Other parameters are the same as for 'include_pattern()', above.
        The list 'self.files' is modified in place. Return True if files are

        This API is public to allow e.g. exclusion of SCM subdirs, e.g. when
        packaging source distributions
	CsH|r)t|t�r"tj|�S|SntdkrY|jd�jd�\}}}n|r�|j|�}tdkr�|j|�r�|j|�s�t	�q�nd}tj
tjj
|jd��}	|d
k	r�tdkr|jd�}
� }nV|j|�}|j|�r<|j|�sBt	�|t|�t|�t|�!}tj}tjdkr�d}ntdkr�d|	|j
|d|f�}q;|t|�t|�t|�!}d	||	||||f}nC|r;tdkrd|	|}q;d
||	|t|�f}ntj|�S(sTranslate a shell-like wildcard pattern to a compiled regular

        Return the compiled regex.  If 'is_regex' true,
        then 'pattern' is directly compiled to a regex (if it's a string)
        or just returned as-is (assumes it's a regex object).
isinstancetstrtretcompilet_PYTHON_VERSIONt_glob_to_ret	partitionR#tendswithR-tescapeRRRR	RRNR
RRKR<RRUtstartR1tendRVR	t
empty_patternt	prefix_reR
$*!$#		# cCsStj|�}tj}tjdkr0d}nd|}tjd||�}|S(s�Translate a shell-like glob pattern to a regular expression.

        Return a string containing the regex.  Differs from
        'fnmatch.translate()' in that '*' does not match "special characters"
        (which are platform-specific).
        s\s\\\\s\1[^%s]s((?<!\\)(\\\\)*)\.(tfnmatcht	translateRR
__module__t__doc__RRR"R$R'RER5R:RMR@RBRARDRSR_(((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyR%s 		
				O	/(6(RmRgtloggingRR\tsysR(RtcompatRtutilRt__all__t	getLoggerRkR*R]tMt_COLLAPSE_PATTERNtSt_COMMENTED_LINEtversion_infoR^tobjectR(((sM/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/manifest.pyt<module>


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