[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from pip._vendor.six import text_type

import re

from codecs import register_error, xmlcharrefreplace_errors

from .constants import voidElements, booleanAttributes, spaceCharacters
from .constants import rcdataElements, entities, xmlEntities
from . import treewalkers, _utils
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

_quoteAttributeSpecChars = "".join(spaceCharacters) + "\"'=<>`"
_quoteAttributeSpec = re.compile("[" + _quoteAttributeSpecChars + "]")
_quoteAttributeLegacy = re.compile("[" + _quoteAttributeSpecChars +

_encode_entity_map = {}
_is_ucs4 = len("\U0010FFFF") == 1
for k, v in list(entities.items()):
    # skip multi-character entities
    if ((_is_ucs4 and len(v) > 1) or
            (not _is_ucs4 and len(v) > 2)):
    if v != "&":
        if len(v) == 2:
            v = _utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(v)
            v = ord(v)
        if v not in _encode_entity_map or k.islower():
            # prefer &lt; over &LT; and similarly for &amp;, &gt;, etc.
            _encode_entity_map[v] = k

def htmlentityreplace_errors(exc):
    if isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)):
        res = []
        codepoints = []
        skip = False
        for i, c in enumerate(exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]):
            if skip:
                skip = False
            index = i + exc.start
            if _utils.isSurrogatePair(exc.object[index:min([exc.end, index + 2])]):
                codepoint = _utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(exc.object[index:index + 2])
                skip = True
                codepoint = ord(c)
        for cp in codepoints:
            e = _encode_entity_map.get(cp)
            if e:
                if not e.endswith(";"):
                res.append("&#x%s;" % (hex(cp)[2:]))
        return ("".join(res), exc.end)
        return xmlcharrefreplace_errors(exc)

register_error("htmlentityreplace", htmlentityreplace_errors)

def serialize(input, tree="etree", encoding=None, **serializer_opts):
    """Serializes the input token stream using the specified treewalker

    :arg input: the token stream to serialize

    :arg tree: the treewalker to use

    :arg encoding: the encoding to use

    :arg serializer_opts: any options to pass to the
        :py:class:`html5lib.serializer.HTMLSerializer` that gets created

    :returns: the tree serialized as a string


    >>> from html5lib.html5parser import parse
    >>> from html5lib.serializer import serialize
    >>> token_stream = parse('<html><body><p>Hi!</p></body></html>')
    >>> serialize(token_stream, omit_optional_tags=False)

    # XXX: Should we cache this?
    walker = treewalkers.getTreeWalker(tree)
    s = HTMLSerializer(**serializer_opts)
    return s.render(walker(input), encoding)

class HTMLSerializer(object):

    # attribute quoting options
    quote_attr_values = "legacy"  # be secure by default
    quote_char = '"'
    use_best_quote_char = True

    # tag syntax options
    omit_optional_tags = True
    minimize_boolean_attributes = True
    use_trailing_solidus = False
    space_before_trailing_solidus = True

    # escaping options
    escape_lt_in_attrs = False
    escape_rcdata = False
    resolve_entities = True

    # miscellaneous options
    alphabetical_attributes = False
    inject_meta_charset = True
    strip_whitespace = False
    sanitize = False

    options = ("quote_attr_values", "quote_char", "use_best_quote_char",
               "omit_optional_tags", "minimize_boolean_attributes",
               "use_trailing_solidus", "space_before_trailing_solidus",
               "escape_lt_in_attrs", "escape_rcdata", "resolve_entities",
               "alphabetical_attributes", "inject_meta_charset",
               "strip_whitespace", "sanitize")

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize HTMLSerializer

        :arg inject_meta_charset: Whether or not to inject the meta charset.

            Defaults to ``True``.

        :arg quote_attr_values: Whether to quote attribute values that don't
            require quoting per legacy browser behavior (``"legacy"``), when
            required by the standard (``"spec"``), or always (``"always"``).

            Defaults to ``"legacy"``.

        :arg quote_char: Use given quote character for attribute quoting.

            Defaults to ``"`` which will use double quotes unless attribute
            value contains a double quote, in which case single quotes are

        :arg escape_lt_in_attrs: Whether or not to escape ``<`` in attribute

            Defaults to ``False``.

        :arg escape_rcdata: Whether to escape characters that need to be
            escaped within normal elements within rcdata elements such as

            Defaults to ``False``.

        :arg resolve_entities: Whether to resolve named character entities that
            appear in the source tree. The XML predefined entities &lt; &gt;
            &amp; &quot; &apos; are unaffected by this setting.

            Defaults to ``True``.

        :arg strip_whitespace: Whether to remove semantically meaningless
            whitespace. (This compresses all whitespace to a single space
            except within ``pre``.)

            Defaults to ``False``.

        :arg minimize_boolean_attributes: Shortens boolean attributes to give
            just the attribute value, for example::

              <input disabled="disabled">


              <input disabled>

            Defaults to ``True``.

        :arg use_trailing_solidus: Includes a close-tag slash at the end of the
            start tag of void elements (empty elements whose end tag is
            forbidden). E.g. ``<hr/>``.

            Defaults to ``False``.

        :arg space_before_trailing_solidus: Places a space immediately before
            the closing slash in a tag using a trailing solidus. E.g.
            ``<hr />``. Requires ``use_trailing_solidus=True``.

            Defaults to ``True``.

        :arg sanitize: Strip all unsafe or unknown constructs from output.
            See :py:class:`html5lib.filters.sanitizer.Filter`.

            Defaults to ``False``.

        :arg omit_optional_tags: Omit start/end tags that are optional.

            Defaults to ``True``.

        :arg alphabetical_attributes: Reorder attributes to be in alphabetical order.

            Defaults to ``False``.

        unexpected_args = frozenset(kwargs) - frozenset(self.options)
        if len(unexpected_args) > 0:
            raise TypeError("__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % next(iter(unexpected_args)))
        if 'quote_char' in kwargs:
            self.use_best_quote_char = False
        for attr in self.options:
            setattr(self, attr, kwargs.get(attr, getattr(self, attr)))
        self.errors = []
        self.strict = False

    def encode(self, string):
        assert(isinstance(string, text_type))
        if self.encoding:
            return string.encode(self.encoding, "htmlentityreplace")
            return string

    def encodeStrict(self, string):
        assert(isinstance(string, text_type))
        if self.encoding:
            return string.encode(self.encoding, "strict")
            return string

    def serialize(self, treewalker, encoding=None):
        # pylint:disable=too-many-nested-blocks
        self.encoding = encoding
        in_cdata = False
        self.errors = []

        if encoding and self.inject_meta_charset:
            from .filters.inject_meta_charset import Filter
            treewalker = Filter(treewalker, encoding)
        # Alphabetical attributes is here under the assumption that none of
        # the later filters add or change order of attributes; it needs to be
        # before the sanitizer so escaped elements come out correctly
        if self.alphabetical_attributes:
            from .filters.alphabeticalattributes import Filter
            treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
        # WhitespaceFilter should be used before OptionalTagFilter
        # for maximum efficiently of this latter filter
        if self.strip_whitespace:
            from .filters.whitespace import Filter
            treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
        if self.sanitize:
            from .filters.sanitizer import Filter
            treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
        if self.omit_optional_tags:
            from .filters.optionaltags import Filter
            treewalker = Filter(treewalker)

        for token in treewalker:
            type = token["type"]
            if type == "Doctype":
                doctype = "<!DOCTYPE %s" % token["name"]

                if token["publicId"]:
                    doctype += ' PUBLIC "%s"' % token["publicId"]
                elif token["systemId"]:
                    doctype += " SYSTEM"
                if token["systemId"]:
                    if token["systemId"].find('"') >= 0:
                        if token["systemId"].find("'") >= 0:
                            self.serializeError("System identifier contains both single and double quote characters")
                        quote_char = "'"
                        quote_char = '"'
                    doctype += " %s%s%s" % (quote_char, token["systemId"], quote_char)

                doctype += ">"
                yield self.encodeStrict(doctype)

            elif type in ("Characters", "SpaceCharacters"):
                if type == "SpaceCharacters" or in_cdata:
                    if in_cdata and token["data"].find("</") >= 0:
                        self.serializeError("Unexpected </ in CDATA")
                    yield self.encode(token["data"])
                    yield self.encode(escape(token["data"]))

            elif type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"):
                name = token["name"]
                yield self.encodeStrict("<%s" % name)
                if name in rcdataElements and not self.escape_rcdata:
                    in_cdata = True
                elif in_cdata:
                    self.serializeError("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")
                for (_, attr_name), attr_value in token["data"].items():
                    # TODO: Add namespace support here
                    k = attr_name
                    v = attr_value
                    yield self.encodeStrict(' ')

                    yield self.encodeStrict(k)
                    if not self.minimize_boolean_attributes or \
                        (k not in booleanAttributes.get(name, tuple()) and
                         k not in booleanAttributes.get("", tuple())):
                        yield self.encodeStrict("=")
                        if self.quote_attr_values == "always" or len(v) == 0:
                            quote_attr = True
                        elif self.quote_attr_values == "spec":
                            quote_attr = _quoteAttributeSpec.search(v) is not None
                        elif self.quote_attr_values == "legacy":
                            quote_attr = _quoteAttributeLegacy.search(v) is not None
                            raise ValueError("quote_attr_values must be one of: "
                                             "'always', 'spec', or 'legacy'")
                        v = v.replace("&", "&amp;")
                        if self.escape_lt_in_attrs:
                            v = v.replace("<", "&lt;")
                        if quote_attr:
                            quote_char = self.quote_char
                            if self.use_best_quote_char:
                                if "'" in v and '"' not in v:
                                    quote_char = '"'
                                elif '"' in v and "'" not in v:
                                    quote_char = "'"
                            if quote_char == "'":
                                v = v.replace("'", "&#39;")
                                v = v.replace('"', "&quot;")
                            yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char)
                            yield self.encode(v)
                            yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char)
                            yield self.encode(v)
                if name in voidElements and self.use_trailing_solidus:
                    if self.space_before_trailing_solidus:
                        yield self.encodeStrict(" /")
                        yield self.encodeStrict("/")
                yield self.encode(">")

            elif type == "EndTag":
                name = token["name"]
                if name in rcdataElements:
                    in_cdata = False
                elif in_cdata:
                    self.serializeError("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")
                yield self.encodeStrict("</%s>" % name)

            elif type == "Comment":
                data = token["data"]
                if data.find("--") >= 0:
                    self.serializeError("Comment contains --")
                yield self.encodeStrict("<!--%s-->" % token["data"])

            elif type == "Entity":
                name = token["name"]
                key = name + ";"
                if key not in entities:
                    self.serializeError("Entity %s not recognized" % name)
                if self.resolve_entities and key not in xmlEntities:
                    data = entities[key]
                    data = "&%s;" % name
                yield self.encodeStrict(data)


    def render(self, treewalker, encoding=None):
        """Serializes the stream from the treewalker into a string

        :arg treewalker: the treewalker to serialize

        :arg encoding: the string encoding to use

        :returns: the serialized tree


        >>> from html5lib import parse, getTreeWalker
        >>> from html5lib.serializer import HTMLSerializer
        >>> token_stream = parse('<html><body>Hi!</body></html>')
        >>> walker = getTreeWalker('etree')
        >>> serializer = HTMLSerializer(omit_optional_tags=False)
        >>> serializer.render(walker(token_stream))

        if encoding:
            return b"".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker, encoding)))
            return "".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker)))

    def serializeError(self, data="XXX ERROR MESSAGE NEEDED"):
        # XXX The idea is to make data mandatory.
        if self.strict:
            raise SerializeError

class SerializeError(Exception):
    """Error in serialized tree"""


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_trie Folder 0755
filters Folder 0755
treeadapters Folder 0755
treebuilders Folder 0755
treewalkers Folder 0755
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 1.42 KB 0644
.constants.pyo.40009 File 81.63 KB 0644
__init__.py File 1.13 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 1.42 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 1.42 KB 0644
_ihatexml.py File 16.34 KB 0644
_ihatexml.pyc File 15.44 KB 0644
_ihatexml.pyo File 15.36 KB 0644
_inputstream.py File 31.59 KB 0644
_inputstream.pyc File 27.8 KB 0644
_inputstream.pyo File 27.26 KB 0644
_tokenizer.py File 75.23 KB 0644
_tokenizer.pyc File 53.89 KB 0644
_tokenizer.pyo File 53.85 KB 0644
_utils.py File 4.82 KB 0644
_utils.pyc File 6.28 KB 0644
_utils.pyo File 6.2 KB 0644
constants.py File 81.51 KB 0644
constants.pyc File 81.63 KB 0644
constants.pyo File 81.63 KB 0644
html5parser.py File 114.44 KB 0644
html5parser.pyc File 121.79 KB 0644
html5parser.pyo File 120.82 KB 0644
serializer.py File 15.39 KB 0644
serializer.pyc File 13.24 KB 0644
serializer.pyo File 13.15 KB 0644