[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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YnXGdd�dedd��ZGdd�de�ZdS)	�)�
namedtupleN�cs(eZdZdZ�fdd�Z�S)�ExtTypez'ExtType represents ext type in msgpack.cszt|t�std��t|t�s6td��d|koMdkns^td��tt|�j|||�S)Nzcode must be intzdata must be bytesr�zcode must be 0~127)�
isinstance�int�	TypeError�bytes�
ValueError�superr�__new__)�cls�code�data)�	__class__���/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python35-pip-20.2.4-1.el7.x86_64/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/ext.pyrszExtType.__new__)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrr)rrrsrz	code datac@s�eZdZdZddgZddd�Zdd�Zd	d
�Zdd�Zd
d�Z	e
dd��Zdd�Ze
dd��ZdS) �	TimestampaRTimestamp represents the Timestamp extension type in msgpack.

    When built with Cython, msgpack uses C methods to pack and unpack `Timestamp`. When using pure-Python
    msgpack, :func:`to_bytes` and :func:`from_bytes` are used to pack and unpack `Timestamp`.

    This class is immutable: Do not override seconds and nanoseconds.
    �seconds�nanosecondsrcCstt|t�std��t|t�s6td��d|koMdkns^td��||_||_dS)	a�Initialize a Timestamp object.

        :param int seconds:
            Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (00:00:00 UTC Jan 1 1970, minus leap seconds).
            May be negative.

        :param int nanoseconds:
            Number of nanoseconds to add to `seconds` to get fractional time.
            Maximum is 999_999_999.  Default is 0.

        Note: Negative times (before the UNIX epoch) are represented as negative seconds + positive ns.
        zseconds must be an intergerznanoseconds must be an integerr�
�	z?nanoseconds must be a non-negative integer less than 999999999.Niʚ;)r�	int_typesrr
		zTimestamp.__init__cCsdj|j|j�S)z#String representation of Timestamp.z'Timestamp(seconds={0}, nanoseconds={1}))�formatrr)rrrr�__repr__EszTimestamp.__repr__cCs;t|�|jkr7|j|jko6|j|jkSdS)z0Check for equality with another Timestamp objectF)�typerrr)r�otherrrr�__eq__Ks"zTimestamp.__eq__cCs|j|�S)z(not-equals method (see :func:`__eq__()`))r#)rr"rrr�__ne__SszTimestamp.__ne__cCst|j|jf�S)N)�hashrr)rrrr�__hash__WszTimestamp.__hash__cCs�t|�dkr1tjd|�d}d}nxt|�dkrptjd|�d}|d@}|d?}n9t|�dkr�tjd	|�\}}ntd
��t||�S)aUnpack bytes into a `Timestamp` object.

        Used for pure-Python msgpack unpacking.

        :param b: Payload from msgpack ext message with code -1
        :type b: bytes

        :returns: Timestamp object unpacked from msgpack ext payload
        :rtype: Timestamp
        �z!Lr�z!Ql���"�z!IqzFTimestamp type can only be created from 32, 64, or 96-bit byte objects)�len�struct�unpackr

	zTimestamp.from_bytescCs�|jd?dkra|jd>|jB}|d@dkrLtjd|�}q|tjd|�}ntjd|j|j�}|S)z�Pack this Timestamp object into bytes.

        Used for pure-Python msgpack packing.

        :returns data: Payload for EXT message with code -1 (timestamp type)
        :rtype: bytes
        r)rl��z!Lz!Qz!Iq)rrr,�pack)rr/rrrr�to_bytesuszTimestamp.to_bytescCs1t|d�}t|dd�}t||�S)z�Create a Timestamp from posix timestamp in seconds.

        :param unix_float: Posix timestamp in seconds.
        :type unix_float: int or float.
        �rriʚ;)rr)�unix_secrrrrr�	from_unix�szTimestamp.from_unixcCs|j|jdS)znGet the timestamp as a floating-point value.

        :returns: posix timestamp
        :rtype: float
        ge��A)rr)rrrr�to_unix�szTimestamp.to_unixcCstt|d��S)z�Create a Timestamp from posix timestamp in nanoseconds.

        :param int unix_ns: Posix timestamp in nanoseconds.
        :rtype: Timestamp
        rriʚ;)r�divmod)�unix_nsrrr�from_unix_nano�szTimestamp.from_unix_nanocCs|jd|jS)z~Get the timestamp as a unixtime in nanoseconds.

        :returns: posix timestamp in nanoseconds
        :rtype: int
        rriʚ;)rr)rrrr�to_unix_nano�szTimestamp.to_unix_nanocCstjj|j�t�S)zlGet the timestamp as a UTC datetime.

        Python 2 is not supported.

        :rtype: datetime.
fromtimestampr6�_utc)rrrr�to_datetime�szTimestamp.to_datetimecCstj|j��S)zuCreate a Timestamp from datetime with tzinfo.

        Python 2 is not supported.

        :rtype: Timestamp
        )rr5�	timestamp)�dtrrr�
from_datetime�szTimestamp.from_datetimeN)rrrr�	__slots__rr r#r$r&�staticmethodr0r2r5r6r9r:r>rArrrrr"s		r)�collectionsrr;�sysr,�version_info�PY2r�longrr=�timezone�utc�AttributeError�	timedeltar�objectrrrrr�<module>s	


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-35.pyc File 1.48 KB 0644
_version.cpython-35.pyc File 261 B 0644
exceptions.cpython-35.pyc File 1.94 KB 0644
ext.cpython-35.pyc File 6.45 KB 0644
fallback.cpython-35.pyc File 28.18 KB 0644