[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin
import shutil
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, STDOUT
import sys
from tempfile import mkdtemp

from . import compat

    import importlib.resources as resources

    def _in_proc_script_path():
        return resources.path(__package__, '_in_process.py')
except ImportError:
    def _in_proc_script_path():
        yield pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), '_in_process.py')

def tempdir():
    td = mkdtemp()
        yield td

class BackendUnavailable(Exception):
    """Will be raised if the backend cannot be imported in the hook process."""
    def __init__(self, traceback):
        self.traceback = traceback

class BackendInvalid(Exception):
    """Will be raised if the backend is invalid."""
    def __init__(self, backend_name, backend_path, message):
        self.backend_name = backend_name
        self.backend_path = backend_path
        self.message = message

class HookMissing(Exception):
    """Will be raised on missing hooks."""
    def __init__(self, hook_name):
        super(HookMissing, self).__init__(hook_name)
        self.hook_name = hook_name

class UnsupportedOperation(Exception):
    """May be raised by build_sdist if the backend indicates that it can't."""
    def __init__(self, traceback):
        self.traceback = traceback

def default_subprocess_runner(cmd, cwd=None, extra_environ=None):
    """The default method of calling the wrapper subprocess."""
    env = os.environ.copy()
    if extra_environ:

    check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env)

def quiet_subprocess_runner(cmd, cwd=None, extra_environ=None):
    """A method of calling the wrapper subprocess while suppressing output."""
    env = os.environ.copy()
    if extra_environ:

    check_output(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, stderr=STDOUT)

def norm_and_check(source_tree, requested):
    """Normalise and check a backend path.

    Ensure that the requested backend path is specified as a relative path,
    and resolves to a location under the given source tree.

    Return an absolute version of the requested path.
    if os.path.isabs(requested):
        raise ValueError("paths must be relative")

    abs_source = os.path.abspath(source_tree)
    abs_requested = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(abs_source, requested))
    # We have to use commonprefix for Python 2.7 compatibility. So we
    # normalise case to avoid problems because commonprefix is a character
    # based comparison :-(
    norm_source = os.path.normcase(abs_source)
    norm_requested = os.path.normcase(abs_requested)
    if os.path.commonprefix([norm_source, norm_requested]) != norm_source:
        raise ValueError("paths must be inside source tree")

    return abs_requested

class Pep517HookCaller(object):
    """A wrapper around a source directory to be built with a PEP 517 backend.

    source_dir : The path to the source directory, containing pyproject.toml.
    build_backend : The build backend spec, as per PEP 517, from
    backend_path : The backend path, as per PEP 517, from pyproject.toml.
    runner : A callable that invokes the wrapper subprocess.

    The 'runner', if provided, must expect the following:
        cmd : a list of strings representing the command and arguments to
            execute, as would be passed to e.g. 'subprocess.check_call'.
        cwd : a string representing the working directory that must be
            used for the subprocess. Corresponds to the provided source_dir.
        extra_environ : a dict mapping environment variable names to values
            which must be set for the subprocess execution.
    def __init__(
        if runner is None:
            runner = default_subprocess_runner

        self.source_dir = abspath(source_dir)
        self.build_backend = build_backend
        if backend_path:
            backend_path = [
                norm_and_check(self.source_dir, p) for p in backend_path
        self.backend_path = backend_path
        self._subprocess_runner = runner

    def subprocess_runner(self, runner):
        """A context manager for temporarily overriding the default subprocess
        prev = self._subprocess_runner
        self._subprocess_runner = runner
            self._subprocess_runner = prev

    def get_requires_for_build_wheel(self, config_settings=None):
        """Identify packages required for building a wheel

        Returns a list of dependency specifications, e.g.:
            ["wheel >= 0.25", "setuptools"]

        This does not include requirements specified in pyproject.toml.
        It returns the result of calling the equivalently named hook in a
        return self._call_hook('get_requires_for_build_wheel', {
            'config_settings': config_settings

    def prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(
            self, metadata_directory, config_settings=None,
        """Prepare a *.dist-info folder with metadata for this project.

        Returns the name of the newly created folder.

        If the build backend defines a hook with this name, it will be called
        in a subprocess. If not, the backend will be asked to build a wheel,
        and the dist-info extracted from that (unless _allow_fallback is
        return self._call_hook('prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel', {
            'metadata_directory': abspath(metadata_directory),
            'config_settings': config_settings,
            '_allow_fallback': _allow_fallback,

    def build_wheel(
            self, wheel_directory, config_settings=None,
        """Build a wheel from this project.

        Returns the name of the newly created file.

        In general, this will call the 'build_wheel' hook in the backend.
        However, if that was previously called by
        'prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel', and the same metadata_directory is
        used, the previously built wheel will be copied to wheel_directory.
        if metadata_directory is not None:
            metadata_directory = abspath(metadata_directory)
        return self._call_hook('build_wheel', {
            'wheel_directory': abspath(wheel_directory),
            'config_settings': config_settings,
            'metadata_directory': metadata_directory,

    def get_requires_for_build_sdist(self, config_settings=None):
        """Identify packages required for building a wheel

        Returns a list of dependency specifications, e.g.:
            ["setuptools >= 26"]

        This does not include requirements specified in pyproject.toml.
        It returns the result of calling the equivalently named hook in a
        return self._call_hook('get_requires_for_build_sdist', {
            'config_settings': config_settings

    def build_sdist(self, sdist_directory, config_settings=None):
        """Build an sdist from this project.

        Returns the name of the newly created file.

        This calls the 'build_sdist' backend hook in a subprocess.
        return self._call_hook('build_sdist', {
            'sdist_directory': abspath(sdist_directory),
            'config_settings': config_settings,

    def _call_hook(self, hook_name, kwargs):
        # On Python 2, pytoml returns Unicode values (which is correct) but the
        # environment passed to check_call needs to contain string values. We
        # convert here by encoding using ASCII (the backend can only contain
        # letters, digits and _, . and : characters, and will be used as a
        # Python identifier, so non-ASCII content is wrong on Python 2 in
        # any case).
        # For backend_path, we use sys.getfilesystemencoding.
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            build_backend = self.build_backend.encode('ASCII')
            build_backend = self.build_backend
        extra_environ = {'PEP517_BUILD_BACKEND': build_backend}

        if self.backend_path:
            backend_path = os.pathsep.join(self.backend_path)
            if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                backend_path = backend_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
            extra_environ['PEP517_BACKEND_PATH'] = backend_path

        with tempdir() as td:
            hook_input = {'kwargs': kwargs}
            compat.write_json(hook_input, pjoin(td, 'input.json'),

            # Run the hook in a subprocess
            with _in_proc_script_path() as script:
                    [sys.executable, str(script), hook_name, td],

            data = compat.read_json(pjoin(td, 'output.json'))
            if data.get('unsupported'):
                raise UnsupportedOperation(data.get('traceback', ''))
            if data.get('no_backend'):
                raise BackendUnavailable(data.get('traceback', ''))
            if data.get('backend_invalid'):
                raise BackendInvalid(
                    message=data.get('backend_error', '')
            if data.get('hook_missing'):
                raise HookMissing(hook_name)
            return data['return_val']

class LoggerWrapper(threading.Thread):
    Read messages from a pipe and redirect them
    to a logger (see python's logging module).

    def __init__(self, logger, level):
        self.daemon = True

        self.logger = logger
        self.level = level

        # create the pipe and reader
        self.fd_read, self.fd_write = os.pipe()
        self.reader = os.fdopen(self.fd_read)


    def fileno(self):
        return self.fd_write

    def remove_newline(msg):
        return msg[:-1] if msg.endswith(os.linesep) else msg

    def run(self):
        for line in self.reader:

    def _write(self, message):
        self.logger.log(self.level, message)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 274 B 0644
._in_process.pyo.40009 File 10.68 KB 0644
.build.pyo.40009 File 4.31 KB 0644
.check.pyo.40009 File 5.9 KB 0644
.colorlog.pyo.40009 File 3.62 KB 0644
.compat.pyo.40009 File 1.44 KB 0644
.dirtools.pyo.40009 File 1.72 KB 0644
.envbuild.pyo.40009 File 5.4 KB 0644
.meta.pyo.40009 File 3.54 KB 0644
.wrappers.pyo.40009 File 12.72 KB 0644
__init__.py File 84 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 274 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 274 B 0644
_in_process.py File 8.24 KB 0644
_in_process.pyc File 10.68 KB 0644
_in_process.pyo File 10.68 KB 0644
build.py File 3.26 KB 0644
build.pyc File 4.31 KB 0644
build.pyo File 4.31 KB 0644
check.py File 5.82 KB 0644
check.pyc File 5.9 KB 0644
check.pyo File 5.9 KB 0644
colorlog.py File 4 KB 0644
colorlog.pyc File 3.62 KB 0644
colorlog.pyo File 3.62 KB 0644
compat.py File 780 B 0644
compat.pyc File 1.44 KB 0644
compat.pyo File 1.44 KB 0644
dirtools.py File 1.1 KB 0644
dirtools.pyc File 1.72 KB 0644
dirtools.pyo File 1.72 KB 0644
envbuild.py File 5.9 KB 0644
envbuild.pyc File 5.4 KB 0644
envbuild.pyo File 5.4 KB 0644
meta.py File 2.41 KB 0644
meta.pyc File 3.54 KB 0644
meta.pyo File 3.54 KB 0644
wrappers.py File 10.53 KB 0644
wrappers.pyc File 12.72 KB 0644
wrappers.pyo File 12.72 KB 0644