[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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ddlZddlm
ddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdd	lmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#dd
l$m%Z%ddl&m'Z'ddl(m)Z)m*Z*m+Z+m,Z,dCZ-ej.�Z/idd6dd6Z0ej1dkr�d�Z2d�Znd�Z3d�Z4e5d�Z6d�Z7d�Z8d�Z9d�Z:d�Z;d�Z<e5d�Z=d �Z>d!�Z?d"�Z@d#�ZAd$�ZBd%�ZCd&�ZDd'�ZEeFd(d)�ZGd*�ZHd+�ZId,�ZJd-�ZKd.�ZLd/�ZMejNd0��ZOd1�ZPdd2�ZRd3�ZSd4d5�ZTd6�ZUd7�ZVd8jWd9�ZXeXd:ZYeXd;ZZd<�Z[d=�Z\d>�Z]ej^d?�Z_ej^d?�Z`d@�ZadA�ZbdB�ZcdS(Ds�

This module provides utility functions that are used within Requests
that are also useful for external consumption.
getproxiestproxy_bypasst
InvalidHeadertFileModeWarningtUnrewindableBodyErrors.netrct_netrciPthttpi�thttpstwin32cCsAy%trddl}nddl}Wntk
r9tSXyK|j|jd�}t|j|d�d�}|j|d�d}Wnt	k
r�tSX|s�|r�tS|j
d�}x|D]w}|dkr�d|kr�tSn|jdd	�}|jd
d�}|jdd�}t
Ni����s;Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet SettingstProxyEnableit
ProxyOverridet;s<local>t.s\.t*s.*t?(Rtwinregt_winregtImportErrortFalsetOpenKeytHKEY_CURRENT_USERtinttQueryValueExtOSErrortsplittTruetreplacetretmatchtI(thostR#tinternetSettingstproxyEnablet

cCs!t�rt|�St|�SdS(s�Return True, if the host should be bypassed.

        Checks proxy settings gathered from the environment, if specified,
        or the registry.
cCs"t|d�r|j�}n|S(s/Returns an internal sequence dictionary update.titems(thasattrR8(td((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytdict_to_sequencecscCs�d}d}t|d�r*t|�}n�t|d�rE|j}nmt|d�r�y|j�}Wntjk
rzq�Xtj|�j}d|j	kr�t
jdt�q�nt|d�rty|j
r�|dk	rq|}qqqtXt|d�rt|dkrty3|jdd	�|j
Nit__len__tlentfilenotbs%Requests has determined the content-length for this request using the binary size of the file: however, the file has been opened in text mode (i.e. without the 'b' flag in the mode). This may lead to an incorrect content-length. In Requests 3.0, support will be removed for files in text mode.ttelltseeki(tNoneR9R=R>tiotUnsupportedOperationtostfstattst_sizetmodetwarningstwarnRR@R+tIOErrorRAtmax(tottotal_lengthtcurrent_positionR>((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt	super_lenls@
	cCseyGddlm}m}d}x^tD]V}ytjjdj|��}Wntk
r_dSXtjj	|�r&|}Pq&q&W|dkr�dSt
|�}d}t|t�r�|j
d�}n|jj|�d}	yG||�j|	�}
d	fSWn#|tfk
s;Returns the Requests tuple auth for a given url from netrc.i����(tnetrctNetrcParseErrors~/{}Nt:tasciiiii(RQRRRBtNETRC_FILESREtpatht
isinstanceRtdecodetnetlocR,tauthenticatorsRKR%tAttributeError(turltraise_errorsRQRRt

cCs[t|dd�}|rWt|t�rW|ddkrW|ddkrWtjj|�SdS(s0Tries to guess the filename of the given object.tnameit<i����t>N(tgetattrRBR[R
RERVtbasename(tobjRi((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytguess_filename�s%cCstjj|�r|Stjj|�\}}xJ|rztjj|�rztjj|�\}}dj||g�}q1Wtj|�s�|Stj|�}||j�kr�|St	j
�}tjj||jd��}tjj|�s|j|d|�}n|S(s�Replace nonexistent paths that look like they refer to a member of a zip
    archive with the location of an extracted copy of the target, or else
    just return the provided path unchanged.
    t/RV(RERVRZR,tjointzipfilet
gettempdirtextract(RVtarchivetmembertprefixtzip_filettmptextracted_path((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytextract_zipped_paths�s cCsD|dkrdSt|ttttf�r:td��nt|�S(sTake an object and test to see if it can be represented as a
    dictionary. Unless it can not be represented as such, return an
    OrderedDict, e.g.,


        >>> from_key_val_list([('key', 'val')])
        OrderedDict([('key', 'val')])
        >>> from_key_val_list('string')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples
        >>> from_key_val_list({'key': 'val'})
        OrderedDict([('key', 'val')])

    :rtype: OrderedDict
    s+cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuplesN(RBR[RRtboolR)t
cCsb|dkrdSt|ttttf�r:td��nt|t�rX|j�}nt	|�S(s�Take an object and test to see if it can be represented as a
    dictionary. If it can be, return a list of tuples, e.g.,


        >>> to_key_val_list([('key', 'val')])
        [('key', 'val')]
        >>> to_key_val_list({'key': 'val'})
        [('key', 'val')]
        >>> to_key_val_list('string')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples

    :rtype: list
    s+cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuplesN(
RBR[RRR�R)R�RR8tlist(R�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytto_key_val_listscCshg}x[t|�D]M}|d |dko8dknrSt|dd!�}n|j|�qW|S(sParse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.

    In particular, parse comma-separated lists where the elements of
    the list may include quoted-strings.  A quoted-string could
    contain a comma.  A non-quoted string could have quotes in the
    middle.  Quotes are removed automatically after parsing.

    It basically works like :func:`parse_set_header` just that items
    may appear multiple times and case sensitivity is preserved.

    The return value is a standard :class:`list`:

    >>> parse_list_header('token, "quoted value"')
    ['token', 'quoted value']

    To create a header from the :class:`list` again, use the
    :func:`dump_header` function.

    :param value: a string with a list header.
    :return: :class:`list`
    :rtype: list
    ii����t"(t_parse_list_headertunquote_header_valuetappend(R�tresulttitem((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytparse_list_header=s$cCs�i}x�t|�D]~}d|kr5d||<qn|jdd�\}}|d |dkoldknr�t|dd!�}n|||<qW|S(s^Parse lists of key, value pairs as described by RFC 2068 Section 2 and
    convert them into a python dict:

    >>> d = parse_dict_header('foo="is a fish", bar="as well"')
    >>> type(d) is dict
    >>> sorted(d.items())
    [('bar', 'as well'), ('foo', 'is a fish')]

    If there is no value for a key it will be `None`:

    >>> parse_dict_header('key_without_value')
    {'key_without_value': None}

    To create a header from the :class:`dict` again, use the
    :func:`dump_header` function.

    :param value: a string with a dict header.
    :return: :class:`dict`
    :rtype: dict
$cCsq|rm|d|dko%dknrm|dd!}|sN|d dkrm|jdd�jdd�Sn|S(	s�Unquotes a header value.  (Reversal of :func:`quote_header_value`).
    This does not use the real unquoting but what browsers are actually
    using for quoting.

    :param value: the header value to unquote.
    :rtype: str
W|S(s�Returns a key/value dictionary from a CookieJar.

    :param cj: CookieJar object to extract cookies from.
    :rtype: dict
t||�S(s�Returns a CookieJar from a key/value dictionary.

    :param cj: CookieJar to insert cookies into.
    :param cookie_dict: Dict of key/values to insert into CookieJar.
    :rtype: CookieJar
    (R(R�R�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytadd_dict_to_cookiejar�scCsvtjdt�tjddtj�}tjddtj�}tjd�}|j|�|j|�|j|�S(slReturns encodings from given content string.

    :param content: bytestring to extract encodings from.
    s�In requests 3.0, get_encodings_from_content will be removed. For more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This warning should only appear once.)s!<meta.*?charset=["\']*(.+?)["\'>]tflagss+<meta.*?content=["\']*;?charset=(.+?)["\'>]s$^<\?xml.*?encoding=["\']*(.+?)["\'>](RIRJtDeprecationWarningR/tcompileR1tfindall(tcontentt
charset_ret	pragma_retxml_re((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytget_encodings_from_content�sc
Cs�|jd�}|dj�|d}}i}d}x�|D]�}|j�}|r=|t}}|jd�}	|	dkr�||	 j|�}||	dj|�}n|||j�<q=q=W||fS(s�Returns content type and parameters from given header

    :param header: string
    :return: tuple containing content type and dictionary of
    Riis"' R�i����(R,tstripR-tfindtlower(
theaderttokenstcontent_typetparamstparams_dicttitems_to_striptparamtkeyR�tindex_of_equals((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt_parse_content_type_header�s
cCs\|jd�}|sdSt|�\}}d|krH|djd�Sd|krXdSdS(s}Returns encodings from given HTTP Header Dict.

    :param headers: dictionary to extract encoding from.
    :rtype: str
    scontent-typetcharsets'"ttexts
ISO-8859-1N(tgetRBR�R�(theadersR�R�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytget_encoding_from_headers�sccs�|jdkr)x|D]}|VqWdStj|j�dd�}x+|D]#}|j|�}|rK|VqKqKW|jddt�}|r�|VndS(sStream decodes a iterator.NterrorsR.ttfinal(tencodingRBtcodecstgetincrementaldecoderR\R-(titeratortrR�tdecodertchunktrv((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytstream_decode_response_unicode�s
ccsdd}|dks|dkr-t|�}nx0|t|�kr_||||!V||7}q0WdS(s Iterate over slices of a string.iN(RBR=(tstringtslice_lengthtpos((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytiter_slicesscCs�tjdt�g}t|j�}|rcyt|j|�SWqctk
r_|j|�qcXnyt|j|dd�SWnt	k
r�|jSXdS(s�Returns the requested content back in unicode.

    :param r: Response object to get unicode content from.


    1. charset from content-type
    2. fall back and replace all unicode characters

    :rtype: str
    s�In requests 3.0, get_unicode_from_response will be removed. For more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This warning should only appear once.)R�R.N(
RIRJR�R�R�RR�tUnicodeErrorR�t	TypeError(R�ttried_encodingsR�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytget_unicode_from_responses

r�td|��nX|tkr�|||d||<q�d||||<q%d||||<q%Wdj	|�S(s�Un-escape any percent-escape sequences in a URI that are unreserved
    characters. This leaves all reserved, illegal and non-ASCII bytes encoded.

    :rtype: str
    t%iiiis%Invalid percent-escape sequence: '%s'R�(
rFt|d|�SXdS(s�Re-quote the given URI.

    This function passes the given URI through an unquote/quote cycle to
    ensure that it is fully and consistently quoted.

    :rtype: str
cCs�tjdtj|��d}|jd�\}}tjdtjtt|����d}tjdtj|��d|@}||@||@kS(s�This function allows you to check if an IP belongs to a network subnet

    Example: returns True if ip = and net =
             returns False if ip = and net =

    :rtype: bool
    s=LiRp(tstructtunpacktsockett	inet_atonR,tdotted_netmaskR)(tiptnettipaddrtnetaddrtbitstnetmasktnetwork((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytaddress_in_networkhs
+#cCs/ddd|>dA}tjtjd|��S(s�Converts mask from /xx format to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Example: if mask is 24 function returns

    :rtype: str
    I����ii s>I(R�t	inet_ntoaR�tpack(tmaskR�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyR�wscCs-ytj|�Wntjk
    :rtype: bool
    (R�R�terrorR&R-(t	string_ip((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytis_ipv4_address�s
    Very simple check of the cidr format in no_proxy variable.

    :rtype: bool
    Rpii i(	tcountR)R,R�R&R�R�R�R-(tstring_networkR�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt
ccst|dk	}|r4tjj|�}|tj|<nz	dVWd|ro|dkr_tj|=qo|tj|<nXdS(s�Set the environment variable 'env_name' to 'value'

    Save previous value, yield, and then restore the previous value stored in
    the environment variable 'env_name'.

    If 'value' is None, do nothingN(RBREtenvironR�(tenv_nameR�t
value_changedt	old_value((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytset_environ�s	
Cs�d�}|}|dkr*|d�}nt|�}|jdkrItS|r3d�|jdd�jd�D�}t|j�r�x�|D]>}t|�r�t|j|�r�tSq�|j|kr�tSq�Wq3|j}|j	r�|dj
|j	�7}nx6|D]+}|jj|�s(|j|�rtSqWntd|��;yt
|j�}Wn ttjfk
rxt}nXWdQX|r�tStS(	sL
    Returns whether we should bypass proxies or not.

    :rtype: bool
    cSs(tjj|�p'tjj|j��S(N(RER�R�tupper(tk((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt<lambda>�stno_proxycss|]}|r|VqdS(N((t.0R2((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pys	<genexpr>�st R�t,s:{}N(RBRthostnameR-R.R,R�R�R�tportRXtendswithR�RR�R�tgaierrorR&(	R`R�t	get_proxytno_proxy_argtparsedtproxy_ipthost_with_portR2tbypass((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytshould_bypass_proxies�s<	%
    Return a dict of environment proxies.

    :rtype: dict
(R`R�((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytget_environ_proxies�scCs�|p	i}t|�}|jdkrC|j|j|jd��S|jd|j|jd|jdg}d}x(|D] }||krz||}PqzqzW|S(s�Select a proxy for the url, if applicable.

    :param url: The url being for the request
    :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes or schemes and hosts to proxy URLs
proxy_keystproxyt	proxy_key((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytselect_proxys
    Return a string representing the default user agent.

    :rtype: str
�d6dd6dd	6�S(s9
    :rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict
User-Agents, tgziptdeflatesAccept-Encodings*/*tAccepts
Connection(RR(RR

c	Cs
r�PnX|j|�||j|�<q�W|j|�q8W|S(	s�Return a list of parsed link headers proxies.

    i.e. Link: <http:/.../front.jpeg>; rel=front; type="image/jpeg",<http://.../back.jpeg>; rel=back;type="image/jpeg"

    :rtype: list
    s '"s, *<RiR�s<> '"R`R�(R�R/R,R�R�(	R�tlinkst

 tRTiicCs|d }|tjtjfkr&dS|d tjkr=dS|d tjtjfkr]dS|jt�}|dkr|dS|dkr�|d	d	d�tkr�d
S|dd	d�tkr�dSn|dkr�|d t	kr�d
S|dt	kr�dSnd	S(s
    :rtype: str
    isutf-32is	utf-8-sigisutf-16isutf-8Ns	utf-16-beis	utf-16-les	utf-32-bes	utf-32-le(R�tBOM_UTF32_LEtBOM_UTF32_BEtBOM_UTF8tBOM_UTF16_LEtBOM_UTF16_BER�t_nullt_null2t_null3RB(tdatatsamplet	nullcount((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytguess_json_utf^s*
cCsSt||�\}}}}}}|s7||}}nt||||||f�S(s�Given a URL that may or may not have a scheme, prepend the given scheme.
    Does not replace a present scheme with the one provided as an argument.

    :rtype: str
    (RR(R`t
rMd}nX|S(s{Given a url with authentication components, extract them into a tuple of

    :rtype: (str,str)
    R�(R�R�(RR	tusernametpasswordR_R�(R`R�tauth((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytget_auth_from_url�s"
r�td||t|�f��nXdS(s�Verifies that header value is a string which doesn't contain
    leading whitespace or return characters. This prevents unintended
    header injection.

    :param header: tuple, in the format (name, value).
    s7Invalid return character or leading space in header: %ss>Value for header {%s: %s} must be of type str or bytes, not %sN(R[Rt_CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_BYTEt_CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_STRR0RR�ttype(R�RiR�tpat((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytcheck_header_validity�s	
    Given a url remove the fragment and the authentication part.

    :rtype: str
    t@ii����R�(RtrsplitR(R`RR]RVR�R#R$((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt
cCs}t|jdd�}|dk	rmt|jt�rmy||j�Wqyttfk
ritd��qyXntd��dS(sfMove file pointer back to its recorded starting position
    so it can be read again on redirect.
    RAs;An error occurred when rewinding request body for redirect.s+Unable to rewind request body for redirect.N(	RltbodyRBR[t_body_positionRRKR+R(tprepared_requestt	body_seek((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pytrewind_body�s(s.netrcs_netrc(dt__doc__R�t
contextlibRCRER/R�R�tsysRvRIRrtcollectionsRRR�Rt_internal_utilsRtcompatRR�RRRRR	R
DEFAULT_PORTStplatformR7R;RPR&RhRoRR�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�t	frozensetR�R�R�R�R�R�R�tcontextmanagerR�RRBRR	R
RRtencodeRRRR!R%R)R�R*R+R.R1R6(((sK/opt/alt/python35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/utils.pyt<module>	s�^"	'			=3		 			 	#							
							=				&



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