[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module handles import compatibility issues between Python 2 and
Python 3.

from pip._vendor import chardet

import sys

# -------
# Pythons
# -------

# Syntax sugar.
_ver = sys.version_info

#: Python 2.x?
is_py2 = (_ver[0] == 2)

#: Python 3.x?
is_py3 = (_ver[0] == 3)

# Note: We've patched out simplejson support in pip because it prevents
#       upgrading simplejson on Windows.
# try:
#     import simplejson as json
# except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
#     # simplejson does not support Python 3.2, it throws a SyntaxError
#     # because of u'...' Unicode literals.
import json

# ---------
# Specifics
# ---------

if is_py2:
    from urllib import (
        quote, unquote, quote_plus, unquote_plus, urlencode, getproxies,
        proxy_bypass, proxy_bypass_environment, getproxies_environment)
    from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin, urlsplit, urldefrag
    from urllib2 import parse_http_list
    import cookielib
    from Cookie import Morsel
    from StringIO import StringIO
    # Keep OrderedDict for backwards compatibility.
    from collections import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, OrderedDict

    builtin_str = str
    bytes = str
    str = unicode
    basestring = basestring
    numeric_types = (int, long, float)
    integer_types = (int, long)

elif is_py3:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin, urlsplit, urlencode, quote, unquote, quote_plus, unquote_plus, urldefrag
    from urllib.request import parse_http_list, getproxies, proxy_bypass, proxy_bypass_environment, getproxies_environment
    from http import cookiejar as cookielib
    from http.cookies import Morsel
    from io import StringIO
    # Keep OrderedDict for backwards compatibility.
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from collections.abc import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping

    builtin_str = str
    str = str
    bytes = bytes
    basestring = (str, bytes)
    numeric_types = (int, float)
    integer_types = (int,)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
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.adapters.pyo.40009 File 19.22 KB 0644
.api.pyo.40009 File 7.26 KB 0644
.auth.pyo.40009 File 10.61 KB 0644
.certs.pyo.40009 File 631 B 0644
.compat.pyo.40009 File 1.92 KB 0644
.cookies.pyo.40009 File 22.85 KB 0644
.exceptions.pyo.40009 File 7.32 KB 0644
.help.pyo.40009 File 3.36 KB 0644
.hooks.pyo.40009 File 1.23 KB 0644
.models.pyo.40009 File 29.39 KB 0644
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.sessions.pyo.40009 File 22.74 KB 0644
.status_codes.pyo.40009 File 6.04 KB 0644
.structures.pyo.40009 File 5.54 KB 0644
.utils.pyo.40009 File 27.41 KB 0644
__init__.py File 4.36 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 4.33 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 4.16 KB 0644
__version__.py File 441 B 0644
__version__.pyc File 605 B 0644
__version__.pyo File 605 B 0644
_internal_utils.py File 1.07 KB 0644
_internal_utils.pyc File 1.54 KB 0644
_internal_utils.pyo File 1.49 KB 0644
adapters.py File 21.04 KB 0644
adapters.pyc File 19.22 KB 0644
adapters.pyo File 19.22 KB 0644
api.py File 6.34 KB 0644
api.pyc File 7.26 KB 0644
api.pyo File 7.26 KB 0644
auth.py File 9.97 KB 0644
auth.pyc File 10.61 KB 0644
auth.pyo File 10.61 KB 0644
certs.py File 465 B 0644
certs.pyc File 631 B 0644
certs.pyo File 631 B 0644
compat.py File 2 KB 0644
compat.pyc File 1.92 KB 0644
compat.pyo File 1.92 KB 0644
cookies.py File 18 KB 0644
cookies.pyc File 22.85 KB 0644
cookies.pyo File 22.85 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 3.1 KB 0644
exceptions.pyc File 7.32 KB 0644
exceptions.pyo File 7.32 KB 0644
help.py File 3.49 KB 0644
help.pyc File 3.36 KB 0644
help.pyo File 3.36 KB 0644
hooks.py File 757 B 0644
hooks.pyc File 1.23 KB 0644
hooks.pyo File 1.23 KB 0644
models.py File 33.48 KB 0644
models.pyc File 29.39 KB 0644
models.pyo File 29.39 KB 0644
packages.py File 695 B 0644
packages.pyc File 591 B 0644
packages.pyo File 591 B 0644
sessions.py File 28.63 KB 0644
sessions.pyc File 22.74 KB 0644
sessions.pyo File 22.74 KB 0644
status_codes.py File 4.09 KB 0644
status_codes.pyc File 6.04 KB 0644
status_codes.pyo File 6.04 KB 0644
structures.py File 2.93 KB 0644
structures.pyc File 5.54 KB 0644
structures.pyo File 5.54 KB 0644
utils.py File 29.47 KB 0644
utils.pyc File 27.41 KB 0644
utils.pyo File 27.41 KB 0644