[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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dS)z�curses

The main package for curses support for Python.  Normally used by importing
the package, and perhaps a particular module inside it.

   import curses
   from curses import textpad

�)�*NcCs�ddl}ddl}tdtjjdd�dtjj��|j	�}xO|j
kr_t|||�q_W|S)NrZtermZTERM�unknown�fd�ZACS_�LINES�COLS)rr)
�_curses�cursesZ	setupterm�_os�environ�get�_sys�
__stdout__�fileno�initscr�__dict__�items�setattr)rr	�stdscr�key�value�r�4/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/curses/__init__.pyrs"rcCs^ddl}ddl}|j�}t|d�r?|j|_t|d�rZ|j|_|S)Nr�COLORS�COLOR_PAIRS)rr	�start_color�hasattrrr)rr	Zretvalrrrr*sr�)�has_keycOs�zNt�}t�t�|jd�yt�WnYnX||||�SWddt�kr�|jd�t�t�t�XdS)aWrapper function that initializes curses and calls another function,
    restoring normal keyboard/screen behavior on error.
    The callable object 'func' is then passed the main window 'stdscr'
    as its first argument, followed by any other arguments passed to
    rNrr)	rZnoechoZcbreakZkeypadr�localsZechoZnocbreakZendwin)�func�args�kwdsrrrr�wrapper?s	

rrr�	NameErrorr#rrrr�<module>s


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 1.88 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 1.36 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-35.pyc File 1.88 KB 0644
ascii.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 4.17 KB 0644
ascii.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.09 KB 0644
ascii.cpython-35.pyc File 4.17 KB 0644
has_key.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 4.66 KB 0644
has_key.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.66 KB 0644
has_key.cpython-35.pyc File 4.66 KB 0644
panel.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 234 B 0644
panel.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 157 B 0644
panel.cpython-35.pyc File 234 B 0644
textpad.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.39 KB 0644
textpad.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.85 KB 0644
textpad.cpython-35.pyc File 6.39 KB 0644