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��YfxE�@sHdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlTdZejde�Zejdeef�Z	e
jdd�ZGd	d
dd�Zd
d�ejD�Zdd�Zdd�ZGdd�d�ZedkrDdZxKddddfD]7Zede�edjeee���e�q	WdS)a6distutils.fancy_getopt

Wrapper around the standard getopt module that provides the following
additional features:
  * short and long options are tied together
  * options have help strings, so fancy_getopt could potentially
    create a complete usage summary
  * options set attributes of a passed-in object
�N)�*z[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)z^%s$z^(%s)=!(%s)$�-�_c@s�eZdZdZddd�Zdd�Zdd�Zddd	d
�Zdd�Zd
d�Z	dd�Z
dd�Zdd�Zdd�Z
dddd�Zdd�Zddd�Zdddd�ZdS)�FancyGetopta�Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some
    handy extra functionality:
      * short and long options are tied together
      * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled
        from them
      * options set attributes of a passed-in object
      * boolean options can have "negative aliases" -- eg. if
        --quiet is the "negative alias" of --verbose, then "--quiet"
        on the command line sets 'verbose' to false
    NcCsq||_i|_|jr%|j�i|_i|_g|_g|_i|_i|_i|_	g|_
dS)N)�option_table�option_index�_build_index�alias�negative_alias�
short_opts�	long_opts�
short2long�	attr_name�	takes_arg�option_order)�selfr�r�;/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/distutils/fancy_getopt.py�__init__)s				
zFancyGetopt._build_indexcCs||_|j�dS)N)rr)rrrrr�set_option_tableVs	zFancyGetopt.set_option_tablecCsR||jkr"td|��n,|||f}|jj|�||j|<dS)Nz'option conflict: already an option '%s')r�DistutilsGetoptErrorr�append)r�long_optionZshort_optionZhelp_stringrrrr�
add_optionZszFancyGetopt.add_optioncCs
||jkS)zcReturn true if the option table for this parser has an
        option with long name 'long_option'.)r)rrrrr�
|jt�S)z�Translate long option name 'long_option' to the form it
        has as an attribute of some object: ie., translate hyphens
        to underscores.)�	translate�
WdS)Nz(invalid %s '%s': option '%s' not definedz0invalid %s '%s': aliased option '%s' not defined)�itemsrr)r�aliasesZwhatr	�optrrr�_check_alias_dictnszFancyGetopt._check_alias_dictcCs|j|d�||_dS)z'Set the aliases for this option parser.r	N)r#r	)rr	rrr�set_aliasesxszFancyGetopt.set_aliasescCs|j|d�||_dS)z�Set the negative aliases for this option parser.
        'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to
        option names, both the key and value must already be defined
        in the option table.znegative aliasN)r#r
rrr�set_negative_aliases}sz FancyGetopt.set_negative_aliasescCsug|_g|_|jj�i|_xF|jD];}t|�dkrb|\}}}d}n:t|�dkr�|\}}}}ntd|f��t|t	�s�t|�dkr�t
d|��|dkp�t|t	�o�t|�dkst
d	|��||j|<|jj|�|dd
krh|rH|d}|dd�}d|j|<n[|j
j|�}|dk	r�|j|r�t
d||f��||jd<d|j|<|jj|�}|dk	r|j||j|krt
d|��|j|�|j|<|r2|jj|�||j|d<q2WdS)z�Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on the
        option table.  Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything
        �r�zinvalid option tuple: %r�z9invalid long option '%s': must be a string of length >= 2N�z:invalid short option '%s': must a single character or None�=�:z>invalid negative alias '%s': aliased option '%s' takes a valuezginvalid alias '%s': inconsistent with aliased option '%s' (one of them takes a value, the other doesn'tzEinvalid long option name '%s' (must be letters, numbers, hyphens only���r,r,)rrr
�getr	�


r�}zt	|��WYdd}~XnXx|D]\}}t
|�dkr|ddkr|j|d}n|dd�}|jj
|�}	|	r/|	}|j|si|jj
|�}	|	rc|	}d}nd}|j|}
�dk	r�t||
|�|jj||f�q�W|r�||fS|SdS)	aParse command-line options in args. Store as attributes on object.

        If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses 'sys.argv[1:]'.  If
        'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new OptionDummy
        object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple (args,
        object).  If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place and
        'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned
        'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which
        is left untouched.
        Nr)TF� r(rr)�sys�argv�OptionDummyr8�joinr�getoptr�errorZDistutilsArgErrorr.r
r	r2rr
rr-�getattr�setattrrr)r�args�objectZcreated_objectrZopts�msgr"�valr	�attrrrrr>�sB		

zFancyGetopt.getoptcCs)|jdkrtd��n|jSdS)z�Returns the list of (option, value) tuples processed by the
        previous run of 'getopt()'.  Raises RuntimeError if
        'getopt()' hasn't been called yet.
        Nz!'getopt()' hasn't been called yet)r�RuntimeError)rrrr�get_option_orderszFancyGetopt.get_option_ordercCs�d}xs|jD]h}|d}|d}t|�}|ddkrP|d}|dk	rf|d}||kr|}qW|ddd}d}||}	d|}
|r�|g}n	d	g}x|jD]}|dd
�\}}}t||	�}
df�q�|jd||f�nHd
|�q�Wq�W|S)z�Generate help text (a list of strings, one per suggested line of
        output) from the option table for this FancyGetopt object.
        rr)r*N�r(�Nr9zOption summary:r&z  --%-*s  %sz
  --%-*s  z%s (-%s)z  --%-*sr,r,r,)rr.�	wrap_textr)r�headerZmax_optrr5r6�lZ	opt_widthZ
big_indent�linesr7�textZ	opt_namesrrr�


	!	zFancyGetopt.generate_helpcCsD|dkrtj}x(|j|�D]}|j|d�q%WdS)N�
print_helphs	zFancyGetopt.print_help)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrrrrrr#r$r%r8r>rHrPrVrrrrrs
OrcCs)t|�}|j|�|j||�S)N)rr%r>)�optionsZnegative_optrCrB�parserrrr�fancy_getoptos
<dictcomp>us	r`cCsv|dkrgSt|�|kr)|gS|j�}|jt�}tjd|�}dd�|D�}g}x|rqg}d}xq|r�t|d�}|||kr�|j|d�|d=||}q�|r�|d	ddkr�|d
=Pq�W|rX|dkr=|j|dd|��|d|d�|d<|dddkrX|d=|jdj|��qrW|S)z�wrap_text(text : string, width : int) -> [string]

    Split 'text' into multiple lines of no more than 'width' characters
    each, and return the list of strings that results.
    Nz( +|-+)cSsg|]}|r|�qSrr)r_Zchrrr�
<listcomp>�s	zwrap_text.<locals>.<listcomp>rr)r9�r,r,)r.�
|jt�S)zXConvert a long option name to a valid Python identifier by
    changing "-" to "_".
    )rr)r"rrr�translate_longopt�srhc@s%eZdZdZgdd�ZdS)r<z_Dummy class just used as a place to hold command-line option
    values as instance attributes.cCs%x|D]}t||d�qWdS)zkCreate a new OptionDummy instance.  The attributes listed in
        'options' will be initialized to None.N)rA)rr[r"rrrr�s
zOptionDummy.__init__N)rWrXrYrZrrrrrr<�sr<�__main__z�Tra-la-la, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
How *do* you spell that odd word, anyways?
(Someone ask Mary -- she'll know [or she'll
say, "How should I know?"].)�
���(z	width: %drQ)rZr:�stringrer>Zdistutils.errorsZlongopt_pat�compiler3Zneg_alias_rer1�	maketransrrr]Z
whitespacerdrKrhr<rWrO�w�printr=rrrr�<module>	s($
�S6


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 406 B 0644
__init__.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 212 B 0644
__init__.cpython-35.pyc File 406 B 0644
_msvccompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 13.18 KB 0644
_msvccompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 12.38 KB 0644
_msvccompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 13.25 KB 0644
archive_util.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.64 KB 0644
archive_util.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.64 KB 0644
archive_util.cpython-35.pyc File 6.64 KB 0644
bcppcompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 7.08 KB 0644
bcppcompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 6.78 KB 0644
bcppcompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 7.08 KB 0644
ccompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 33.82 KB 0644
ccompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 17.84 KB 0644
ccompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 33.99 KB 0644
cmd.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 15.27 KB 0644
cmd.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 9.4 KB 0644
cmd.cpython-35.pyc File 15.27 KB 0644
config.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 3.71 KB 0644
config.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.32 KB 0644
config.cpython-35.pyc File 3.71 KB 0644
core.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.88 KB 0644
core.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.56 KB 0644
core.cpython-35.pyc File 6.88 KB 0644
cygwinccompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 9 KB 0644
cygwinccompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 7.39 KB 0644
cygwinccompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 9 KB 0644
debug.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 211 B 0644
debug.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 201 B 0644
debug.cpython-35.pyc File 211 B 0644
dep_util.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 2.79 KB 0644
dep_util.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 1.36 KB 0644
dep_util.cpython-35.pyc File 2.79 KB 0644
dir_util.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.05 KB 0644
dir_util.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.72 KB 0644
dir_util.cpython-35.pyc File 6.05 KB 0644
dist.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 35.6 KB 0644
dist.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 26.5 KB 0644
dist.cpython-35.pyc File 35.6 KB 0644
errors.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 5.58 KB 0644
errors.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 2.96 KB 0644
errors.cpython-35.pyc File 5.58 KB 0644
extension.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 7.23 KB 0644
extension.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.81 KB 0644
extension.cpython-35.pyc File 7.23 KB 0644
fancy_getopt.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 11.05 KB 0644
fancy_getopt.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 8.29 KB 0644
fancy_getopt.cpython-35.pyc File 11.22 KB 0644
file_util.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.15 KB 0644
file_util.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.05 KB 0644
file_util.cpython-35.pyc File 6.15 KB 0644
filelist.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 10.08 KB 0644
filelist.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 7.27 KB 0644
filelist.cpython-35.pyc File 10.08 KB 0644
log.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 2.42 KB 0644
log.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 2.35 KB 0644
log.cpython-35.pyc File 2.42 KB 0644
msvc9compiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 18.66 KB 0644
msvc9compiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 17.06 KB 0644
msvc9compiler.cpython-35.pyc File 18.72 KB 0644
msvccompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 15.57 KB 0644
msvccompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 14.01 KB 0644
msvccompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 15.57 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.96 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-35.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
sysconfig.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 12.79 KB 0644
sysconfig.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 9.38 KB 0644
sysconfig.cpython-35.pyc File 12.79 KB 0644
text_file.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 8.68 KB 0644
text_file.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 3.69 KB 0644
text_file.cpython-35.pyc File 8.68 KB 0644
unixccompiler.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 7.43 KB 0644
unixccompiler.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 6.8 KB 0644
unixccompiler.cpython-35.pyc File 7.43 KB 0644
util.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 16.14 KB 0644
util.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 10.21 KB 0644
util.cpython-35.pyc File 16.14 KB 0644
version.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 7.54 KB 0644
version.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 4.32 KB 0644
version.cpython-35.pyc File 7.59 KB 0644
versionpredicate.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
versionpredicate.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 2.81 KB 0644
versionpredicate.cpython-35.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644