��Yf90 � @ sU d Z d d l Z Gd d � d � Z Gd d � d e � Z Gd d � d e � Z d S) a� Provides classes to represent module version numbers (one class for each style of version numbering). There are currently two such classes implemented: StrictVersion and LooseVersion. Every version number class implements the following interface: * the 'parse' method takes a string and parses it to some internal representation; if the string is an invalid version number, 'parse' raises a ValueError exception * the class constructor takes an optional string argument which, if supplied, is passed to 'parse' * __str__ reconstructs the string that was passed to 'parse' (or an equivalent string -- ie. one that will generate an equivalent version number instance) * __repr__ generates Python code to recreate the version number instance * _cmp compares the current instance with either another instance of the same class or a string (which will be parsed to an instance of the same class, thus must follow the same rules) � Nc @ sm e Z d Z d Z d d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S)�Versionz�Abstract base class for version numbering classes. Just provides constructor (__init__) and reproducer (__repr__), because those seem to be the same for all version numbering classes; and route rich comparisons to _cmp. Nc C s | r | j | � d S)N)�parse)�self�vstring� r �6/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/distutils/version.py�__init__&