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Implements the Distutils 'clean' command."""

# contributed by Bastian Kleineidam <calvin@cs.uni-sb.de>, added 2000-03-18

import os
from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree
from distutils import log

class clean(Command):

    description = "clean up temporary files from 'build' command"
    user_options = [
        ('build-base=', 'b',
         "base build directory (default: 'build.build-base')"),
        ('build-lib=', None,
         "build directory for all modules (default: 'build.build-lib')"),
        ('build-temp=', 't',
         "temporary build directory (default: 'build.build-temp')"),
        ('build-scripts=', None,
         "build directory for scripts (default: 'build.build-scripts')"),
        ('bdist-base=', None,
         "temporary directory for built distributions"),
        ('all', 'a',
         "remove all build output, not just temporary by-products")

    boolean_options = ['all']

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.build_base = None
        self.build_lib = None
        self.build_temp = None
        self.build_scripts = None
        self.bdist_base = None
        self.all = None

    def finalize_options(self):
                                   ('build_base', 'build_base'),
                                   ('build_lib', 'build_lib'),
                                   ('build_scripts', 'build_scripts'),
                                   ('build_temp', 'build_temp'))
                                   ('bdist_base', 'bdist_base'))

    def run(self):
        # remove the build/temp.<plat> directory (unless it's already
        # gone)
        if os.path.exists(self.build_temp):
            remove_tree(self.build_temp, dry_run=self.dry_run)
            log.debug("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it",

        if self.all:
            # remove build directories
            for directory in (self.build_lib,
                if os.path.exists(directory):
                    remove_tree(directory, dry_run=self.dry_run)
                    log.warn("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it",

        # just for the heck of it, try to remove the base build directory:
        # we might have emptied it right now, but if not we don't care
        if not self.dry_run:
                log.info("removing '%s'", self.build_base)
            except OSError:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 799 B 0644
bdist.py File 5.43 KB 0644
bdist_dumb.py File 4.8 KB 0644
bdist_msi.py File 34.39 KB 0644
bdist_rpm.py File 21.16 KB 0644
bdist_wininst.py File 14.88 KB 0644
build.py File 5.6 KB 0644
build_clib.py File 7.83 KB 0644
build_ext.py File 30.75 KB 0644
build_py.py File 16.76 KB 0644
build_scripts.py File 6.08 KB 0644
check.py File 5.37 KB 0644
clean.py File 2.71 KB 0644
command_template File 633 B 0644
config.py File 12.79 KB 0644
install.py File 25.92 KB 0644
install_data.py File 2.76 KB 0644
install_egg_info.py File 2.53 KB 0644
install_headers.py File 1.27 KB 0644
install_lib.py File 8.2 KB 0644
install_scripts.py File 1.97 KB 0644
register.py File 11.46 KB 0644
sdist.py File 17.79 KB 0644
upload.py File 7.16 KB 0644
wininst-10.0-amd64.exe File 217 KB 0644
wininst-10.0.exe File 186.5 KB 0644
wininst-14.0-amd64.exe File 574 KB 0644
wininst-14.0.exe File 447.5 KB 0644
wininst-6.0.exe File 60 KB 0644
wininst-7.1.exe File 64 KB 0644
wininst-8.0.exe File 60 KB 0644
wininst-9.0-amd64.exe File 219 KB 0644
wininst-9.0.exe File 191.5 KB 0644