[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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HTTPStatusc@s{eZdZdZddd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
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d�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z d�Z!d�Z"d�Z#d�Z$d�Z%d�Z&d�Z'd�Z(d�Z)d�Z*d�Z+d�Z,d�Z-d�Z.d�Z/d�Z0d�Z1d�Z2d�Z3d�Z4d�Z5d�Z6d�Z7d�Z8d�Z9d�Z:d�Z;d�Z<d�Z=d�S)�raHTTP status codes and reason phrases

    Status codes from the following RFCs are all observed:

        * RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
        * RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes
        * RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP
        * RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for WebDAV, obsoletes 2518
        * RFC 5842: Binding Extensions to WebDAV
        * RFC 7238: Permanent Redirect
        * RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
        * RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework
    �cCs1tj||�}||_||_||_|S)N)�int�__new__Z_value_�phrase�description)�cls�valuerr�obj�r�2/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/http/__init__.pyrs
			zHTTPStatus.__new__�d�Continue�!Request received, please continue�e�Switching Protocols�.Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header�f�
Processing���OK�#Request fulfilled, document follows���Created�Document created, URL follows���Accepted�/Request accepted, processing continues off-line���Non-Authoritative Information�Request fulfilled from cache���
No Content�"Request fulfilled, nothing follows���
Reset Content�"Clear input form for further input���Partial Content�Partial content follows���Multi-Status���Already Reported���IM Used�,�Multiple Choices�,Object has several resources -- see URI list�-�Moved Permanently�(Object moved permanently -- see URI list�.�Found�(Object moved temporarily -- see URI list�/�	See Other�'Object moved -- see Method and URL list�0�Not Modified�)Document has not changed since given time�1�	Use Proxy�@You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource�3�Temporary Redirect�4�Permanent Redirect��Bad Request�(Bad request syntax or unsupported method��Unauthorized�*No permission -- see authorization schemes��Payment Required�"No payment -- see charging schemes��	Forbidden�0Request forbidden -- authorization will not help��	Not Found�Nothing matches the given URI��Method Not Allowed�-Specified method is invalid for this resource��Not Acceptable�%URI not available in preferred format��Proxy Authentication Required�7You must authenticate with this proxy before proceeding��Request Timeout�"Request timed out; try again later��Conflict�Request conflict��Gone�5URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed��Length Required�"Client must specify Content-Length��Precondition Failed� Precondition in headers is false��Request Entity Too Large�Entity is too large��Request-URI Too Long�URI is too long��Unsupported Media Type�!Entity body in unsupported format��Requested Range Not Satisfiable�Cannot satisfy request range��Expectation Failed�'Expect condition could not be satisfied��Unprocessable Entity��Locked��Failed Dependency��Upgrade Required��Precondition Required�8The origin server requires the request to be conditional��Too Many Requests�OThe user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting")��Request Header Fields Too Large�VThe server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large���Internal Server Error�Server got itself in trouble��Not Implemented�&Server does not support this operation��Bad Gateway�+Invalid responses from another server/proxy��Service Unavailable�8The server cannot process the request due to a high load��Gateway Timeout�4The gateway server did not receive a timely response��HTTP Version Not Supported�Cannot fulfill request��Variant Also Negotiates��Insufficient Storage��
Loop Detected��Not Extended��Network Authentication Required�7The client needs to authenticate to gain network accessN)rrr)rrr)rr)rrr)rrr)rrr)rr r!)r"r#r$)r%r&r')r(r)r*)r+r,)r-r.)r/r0)r1r2r3)r4r5r6)r7r8r9)r:r;r<)r=r>r?)r@rArB)rCrDr9)rErFr9)rGrHrI)rJrKrL)rMrNrO)rPrQrR)rSrTrU)rVrWrX)rYrZr[)r\r]r^)r_r`ra)rbrcrd)rerfrg)rhrirj)rkrlrm)rnrorp)rqrrrs)rtrurv)rwrxry)rzr{r|)r}r~)rr�)r�r�)r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�r�)r�r�)r�r�)r�r�)r�r�)r�r�r�)>�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rZCONTINUEZSWITCHING_PROTOCOLSZ
	N)Zenumr�__all__rrrrr


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 6.53 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 5.99 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-35.pyc File 6.53 KB 0644
client.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 33.36 KB 0644
client.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 26.32 KB 0644
client.cpython-35.pyc File 33.47 KB 0644
cookiejar.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 56.79 KB 0644
cookiejar.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 41.46 KB 0644
cookiejar.cpython-35.pyc File 56.98 KB 0644
cookies.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 16.77 KB 0644
cookies.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 12.37 KB 0644
cookies.cpython-35.pyc File 16.82 KB 0644
server.cpython-35.opt-1.pyc File 33.76 KB 0644
server.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc File 22.11 KB 0644
server.cpython-35.pyc File 33.76 KB 0644