��Yf�7 � @ s4 d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d � Z Gd d � d � Z Gd d � d e j � Z e d k r0e j d d d d � d S)� N)�FormatParagraph)�EditorWindow)�Tk�Text)�requiresc @ sX e Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S)�Is_Get_TestzTest the is_ and get_ functionsz# This is a commentzThis is not a commentz# This is a comment z # This is a commentz This is not a commentc C sI | j t j d � � | j t j d � � | j t j | j � � d S)N� z )Z assertTrue�fpZis_all_whiteZassertFalse�test_comment)�self� r �K/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/idlelib/idle_test/test_formatparagraph.py�test_is_all_white s zIs_Get_Test.test_is_all_whitec C sq | j } | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � d S)Nr z )�assertEqualr Z get_indentr �trailingws_comment�leadingws_comment�leadingws_nocomment)r �Equalr r r �test_get_indent s zIs_Get_Test.test_get_indentc C s� | j } | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � | t j | j � d � d S)N�#z #z r )r r Zget_comment_headerr r r r �test_nocomment)r r r r r �test_get_comment_header s z#Is_Get_Test.test_get_comment_headerN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r r r r r r r r r s r c @ sL e Z d Z d Z e d d � � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S)�FindTesta` Test the find_paragraph function in FormatParagraph. Using the runcase() function, find_paragraph() is called with 'mark' set at multiple indexes before and inside the test paragraph. It appears that code with the same indentation as a quoted string is grouped as part of the same paragraph, which is probably incorrect behavior. c C s d d l m } | � | _ d S)Nr )r )Zidlelib.idle_test.mock_tkr �text)�clsr r r r � setUpClass2 s zFindTest.setUpClassc C s� | j } | j d | � x� t d | � D]v } t | j d | � j d � d � } xG d | d | f D]2 } d | | f } | j t j | | � | � qi Wq) W| j d d � d S) Nz1.0� z%d.end�.r � z%d.%d�end) r �insert�range�int�index�splitr r Zfind_paragraph�delete) r Z inserttextZstopline�expectedr �lineZ linelength�colZ tempindexr r r �runcase7 s &$zFindTest.runcasec C s| d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d S)Nz;# Comment block with no blank lines before # Comment line � z1.0z3.0r r �: zG # Comment block with whitespace line before and after # Comment line � z2.0z4.0r �F zS # Indented comment block with whitespace before and after # Comment line z #�R z # Single line comment � z4 # Single line comment with leading whitespace �3 z0 # Comment immediately followed by code x = 42 �( z= # Indented comment immediately followed by code x = 42 �5 z= # Comment immediately followed by indented code x = 42 �1 )r- )r Zcommentr r r �test_find_commentD s )))))))zFindTest.test_find_commentc C s� d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d } | j | d d d d | d d � f � d S)Nz6"""String with no blank lines before String line """ r0 z1.0z4.0r r r6 zC """String with whitespace line before and after String line. """ � z2.0z5.0r �B zV """Indented string with whitespace before and after Comment string. """ z �U z """Single line string.""" r. z3.0� z8 """Single line string with leading whitespace.""" �7 )r- )r Z teststringr r r �test_find_paragraphz s ))))zFindTest.test_find_paragraphN) r r r r �classmethodr r- r8 r>