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# Module which supports allocation of ctypes objects from shared memory
# multiprocessing/sharedctypes.py
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.

import ctypes
import weakref

from . import heap
from . import get_context

from .context import assert_spawning
from .reduction import ForkingPickler

__all__ = ['RawValue', 'RawArray', 'Value', 'Array', 'copy', 'synchronized']


typecode_to_type = {
    'c': ctypes.c_char,  'u': ctypes.c_wchar,
    'b': ctypes.c_byte,  'B': ctypes.c_ubyte,
    'h': ctypes.c_short, 'H': ctypes.c_ushort,
    'i': ctypes.c_int,   'I': ctypes.c_uint,
    'l': ctypes.c_long,  'L': ctypes.c_ulong,
    'f': ctypes.c_float, 'd': ctypes.c_double


def _new_value(type_):
    size = ctypes.sizeof(type_)
    wrapper = heap.BufferWrapper(size)
    return rebuild_ctype(type_, wrapper, None)

def RawValue(typecode_or_type, *args):
    Returns a ctypes object allocated from shared memory
    type_ = typecode_to_type.get(typecode_or_type, typecode_or_type)
    obj = _new_value(type_)
    ctypes.memset(ctypes.addressof(obj), 0, ctypes.sizeof(obj))
    return obj

def RawArray(typecode_or_type, size_or_initializer):
    Returns a ctypes array allocated from shared memory
    type_ = typecode_to_type.get(typecode_or_type, typecode_or_type)
    if isinstance(size_or_initializer, int):
        type_ = type_ * size_or_initializer
        obj = _new_value(type_)
        ctypes.memset(ctypes.addressof(obj), 0, ctypes.sizeof(obj))
        return obj
        type_ = type_ * len(size_or_initializer)
        result = _new_value(type_)
        return result

def Value(typecode_or_type, *args, lock=True, ctx=None):
    Return a synchronization wrapper for a Value
    obj = RawValue(typecode_or_type, *args)
    if lock is False:
        return obj
    if lock in (True, None):
        ctx = ctx or get_context()
        lock = ctx.RLock()
    if not hasattr(lock, 'acquire'):
        raise AttributeError("'%r' has no method 'acquire'" % lock)
    return synchronized(obj, lock, ctx=ctx)

def Array(typecode_or_type, size_or_initializer, *, lock=True, ctx=None):
    Return a synchronization wrapper for a RawArray
    obj = RawArray(typecode_or_type, size_or_initializer)
    if lock is False:
        return obj
    if lock in (True, None):
        ctx = ctx or get_context()
        lock = ctx.RLock()
    if not hasattr(lock, 'acquire'):
        raise AttributeError("'%r' has no method 'acquire'" % lock)
    return synchronized(obj, lock, ctx=ctx)

def copy(obj):
    new_obj = _new_value(type(obj))
    ctypes.pointer(new_obj)[0] = obj
    return new_obj

def synchronized(obj, lock=None, ctx=None):
    assert not isinstance(obj, SynchronizedBase), 'object already synchronized'
    ctx = ctx or get_context()

    if isinstance(obj, ctypes._SimpleCData):
        return Synchronized(obj, lock, ctx)
    elif isinstance(obj, ctypes.Array):
        if obj._type_ is ctypes.c_char:
            return SynchronizedString(obj, lock, ctx)
        return SynchronizedArray(obj, lock, ctx)
        cls = type(obj)
            scls = class_cache[cls]
        except KeyError:
            names = [field[0] for field in cls._fields_]
            d = dict((name, make_property(name)) for name in names)
            classname = 'Synchronized' + cls.__name__
            scls = class_cache[cls] = type(classname, (SynchronizedBase,), d)
        return scls(obj, lock, ctx)

# Functions for pickling/unpickling

def reduce_ctype(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, ctypes.Array):
        return rebuild_ctype, (obj._type_, obj._wrapper, obj._length_)
        return rebuild_ctype, (type(obj), obj._wrapper, None)

def rebuild_ctype(type_, wrapper, length):
    if length is not None:
        type_ = type_ * length
    ForkingPickler.register(type_, reduce_ctype)
    buf = wrapper.create_memoryview()
    obj = type_.from_buffer(buf)
    obj._wrapper = wrapper
    return obj

# Function to create properties

def make_property(name):
        return prop_cache[name]
    except KeyError:
        d = {}
        exec(template % ((name,)*7), d)
        prop_cache[name] = d[name]
        return d[name]

template = '''
def get%s(self):
        return self._obj.%s
def set%s(self, value):
        self._obj.%s = value
%s = property(get%s, set%s)

prop_cache = {}
class_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

# Synchronized wrappers

class SynchronizedBase(object):

    def __init__(self, obj, lock=None, ctx=None):
        self._obj = obj
        if lock:
            self._lock = lock
            ctx = ctx or get_context(force=True)
            self._lock = ctx.RLock()
        self.acquire = self._lock.acquire
        self.release = self._lock.release

    def __enter__(self):
        return self._lock.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        return self._lock.__exit__(*args)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return synchronized, (self._obj, self._lock)

    def get_obj(self):
        return self._obj

    def get_lock(self):
        return self._lock

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s wrapper for %s>' % (type(self).__name__, self._obj)

class Synchronized(SynchronizedBase):
    value = make_property('value')

class SynchronizedArray(SynchronizedBase):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._obj)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        with self:
            return self._obj[i]

    def __setitem__(self, i, value):
        with self:
            self._obj[i] = value

    def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
        with self:
            return self._obj[start:stop]

    def __setslice__(self, start, stop, values):
        with self:
            self._obj[start:stop] = values

class SynchronizedString(SynchronizedArray):
    value = make_property('value')
    raw = make_property('raw')


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
dummy Folder 0755
__init__.py File 923 B 0644
connection.py File 30.13 KB 0644
context.py File 10.43 KB 0644
forkserver.py File 8.02 KB 0644
heap.py File 8.13 KB 0644
managers.py File 35.12 KB 0644
pool.py File 25.21 KB 0644
popen_fork.py File 2.27 KB 0644
popen_forkserver.py File 1.92 KB 0644
popen_spawn_posix.py File 1.87 KB 0644
popen_spawn_win32.py File 2.93 KB 0644
process.py File 8.92 KB 0644
queues.py File 10.5 KB 0644
reduction.py File 7.92 KB 0644
resource_sharer.py File 5.19 KB 0644
semaphore_tracker.py File 4.71 KB 0644
sharedctypes.py File 6.08 KB 0644
spawn.py File 8.65 KB 0644
synchronize.py File 11.77 KB 0644
util.py File 11.37 KB 0644