[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
    Example usage of the Python systemtap tapset to show a nested view of all
    Python function calls (and returns) across the whole system.

    Run this using
        stap systemtap-example.stp
    to instrument all Python processes on the system, or (for example) using
        stap systemtap-example.stp -c COMMAND
    to instrument a specific program (implemented in Python)
probe python.function.entry
  printf("%s => %s in %s:%d\n", thread_indent(1), funcname, filename, lineno);

probe python.function.return
  printf("%s <= %s in %s:%d\n", thread_indent(-1), funcname, filename, lineno);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
LICENSE File 12.47 KB 0644
README File 8.49 KB 0644
pyfuntop.stp File 537 B 0644
systemtap-example.stp File 613 B 0644