U {�1`� � @ s6 d Z ddlmZmZ ddlmZ G dd� dee�ZdS )z8 Lockfile behaviour implemented via Unix PID files. � )�absolute_import�unicode_literals)�PIDLockFilec s0 e Zd ZdZd� fdd� Zd� fdd� Z� ZS ) �TimeoutPIDLockFilea@ Lockfile with default timeout, implemented as a Unix PID file. This uses the ``PIDLockFile`` implementation, with the following changes: * The `acquire_timeout` parameter to the initialiser will be used as the default `timeout` parameter for the `acquire` method. Nc s || _ t� j|f|�|� dS )z� Set up the parameters of a TimeoutPIDLockFile. :param path: Filesystem path to the PID file. :param acquire_timeout: Value to use by default for the `acquire` call. :return: ``None``. N)�acquire_timeout�super�__init__)�self�pathr �args�kwargs�� __class__� �?/opt/alt/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/daemon/pidfile.pyr s zTimeoutPIDLockFile.__init__c s&