[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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su]aB�@s�dZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlm	Z
ddlmZdd	d
ddgZeGd
dd�Zdd�Zdd�dd�Zd*ed�dd�Zd+ed�dd	�Zd,ed�dd
�Zed�dd�Zdd �Zd!d"�Zd#d$�Zd%d&�Zd-ed�d)d�ZdS).zYTime humanizing functions.

These are largely borrowed from Django's `contrib.humanize`.
�N)�Enum)�total_ordering�)�gettext)�ngettext�naturaldelta�naturaltime�
naturalday�naturaldate�precisedeltac@s4eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ	dZ
d	d
�ZdS)�Unitrr������cCs|j|jkr|j|jkStS�N)�	__class__�value�NotImplemented)�self�other�r�>/opt/alt/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/humanize/time.py�__lt__#szUnit.__lt__N)�__name__�
tj��Sr)�dt�datetime�nowrrrr�_now)sr*cCs |jdkrt�}|||S|S)z�Return an "absolute" value for a timedelta, always representing a time distance.

        delta (datetime.timedelta): Input timedelta.

        datetime.timedelta: Absolute timedelta.
r-�r)c	Cs�|s
t�}t|tj�r$|}||}n\t|tj�r>||}|}nBz t|�}tj|d�}||}Wn ttfk
r~d|fYSX|t|�fS)z�Turn a value into a date and a timedelta which represents how long ago it was.

    If that's not possible, return `(None, value)`.
    )�secondsN)	r*�
isinstancer'r(�	timedelta�int�
ValueError�	TypeErrorr-)rr)�dater,rrr�date_and_delta<s
r6Tr/)�returncCs�t|��}|tjtjtjfkr0td|�d���|}t||d�\}}|dkrP|S|}t|j�}t|j	�}	|	d}
|	d}	t
|	d�}|
�s�|	dk�r�|dk�r|tjkr�|jd	kr�td
d|j�|jS|tjks�|tjk�rd	|jkr�dk�rnn|jd	}td
d�S|dk�rFtdd|�|Sd|k�r^dk�rjnnt
d�Sd|k�r�dk�r�nn|d}tdd|�|Sd|k�r�dk�r�nnt
tdd|
dk�rR|	dk�rt
d�S|�stdd|	�|	S|�s.tdd|	�|	S|dk�r@t
d �Std!d"|�|Sn�|
dk�r�|�sp|	�spt
d#�S|�s�td$d%|	�|	S|�r�|dk�r�t
d&�Std'd(|�|Sntd$d%|	�|	Sntd)d*|
SdS)+a�Return a natural representation of a timedelta or number of seconds.

    This is similar to `naturaltime`, but does not add tense to the result.

        value (datetime.timedelta): A timedelta or a number of seconds.
        months (bool): If `True`, then a number of months (based on 30.5 days) will be
            used for fuzziness between years.
        minimum_unit (str): The lowest unit that can be used.
        when (datetime.datetime): Point in time relative to which _value_ is
            interpreted.  Defaults to the current time in the local timezone.

        str: A natural representation of the amount of time elapsed.

        Compare two timestamps in a custom local timezone::

        import datetime as dt
        from dateutil.tz import gettz

        berlin = gettz("Europe/Berlin")
        now = dt.datetime.now(tz=berlin)
        later = now + dt.timedelta(minutes=30)

        assert naturaldelta(later, when=now) == "30 minutes"
    zMinimum unit 'z' not supportedr.N�m��>@rr���%d microsecond�%d microsecondsi@B�%d millisecond�%d milliseconds�a momentza second�<�	%d second�
%d seconds�xza minute��	%d minute�
%d minutesi zan hour�%d hour�%d hoursza day�%d day�%d daysza month�%d month�	%d monthsza yearz1 year, %d dayz1 year, %d daysz1 year, 1 monthz1 year, %d monthz1 year, %d months�%d year�%d years)r�upperr!r rr3r6�absr/r+r2�microsecondsr�_)r�months�minimum_unit�whenZtmpr5r,Z
use_monthsr/r+�yearsZmilliseconds�minutes�hoursrrrrSs�!



�Fc	Cs�|pt�}t||d�\}}|dkr&|St|tjtjf�r@||k}|rLtd�ntd�}t||||d�}|td�krxtd�S||S)a�Return a natural representation of a time in a resolution that makes sense.

    This is more or less compatible with Django's `naturaltime` filter.

        value (datetime.datetime, int): A `datetime` or a number of seconds.
        future (bool): Ignored for `datetime`s, where the tense is always figured out
            based on the current time. For integers, the return value will be past tense
            by default, unless future is `True`.
        months (bool): If `True`, then a number of months (based on 30.5 days) will be
            used for fuzziness between years.
        minimum_unit (str): The lowest unit that can be used.
        when (datetime.datetime): Point in time relative to which _value_ is
            interpreted.  Defaults to the current time in the local timezone.

        str: A natural representation of the input in a resolution that makes sense.
    r.Nz%s from nowz%s ago)rUr?r))r*r6r0r'r(r1rRr)	rZfuturerSrTrUr)r5r,Zagorrrr�s
�%b %dc	Cs�zt�|j|j|j�}Wn2tk
rJ|YSX|tj��}|j	dkrlt
d�S|j	dkr~t
d�S|j	dkr�t
d�S|�|�S)z�Return a natural day.

    For date values that are tomorrow, today or yesterday compared to
    present day return representing string. Otherwise, return a string
    formatted according to `format`.

    r�todayrZtomorrow���Z	yesterday)r'r5�year�month�day�AttributeError�
OverflowErrorr3rZr+rR�strftime)r�formatr,rrrr	�s

c	Cszzt�|j|j|j�}Wn2tk
rJ|YSXt|tj�	��}|j
dkrrt|d�St|�S)zKLike `naturalday`, but append a year for dates more than ~five months away.g�����c@z%b %d %Y)r'r5r\r]r^r_r`r3r-rZr+r	)rr,rrrr

cCs2||kr||dfS||kr$d|fSt||�SdS)a�Divide `value` by `divisor` returning the quotient and remainder.

    If `unit` is `minimum_unit`, makes the quotient a float number and the remainder
    will be zero. The rational is that if `unit` is the unit of the quotient, we cannot
    represent the remainder because it would require a unit smaller than the

    >>> from humanize.time import _quotient_and_remainder, Unit
    >>> _quotient_and_remainder(36, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.DAYS, [])
    (1.5, 0)

    If unit is in `suppress`, the quotient will be zero and the remainder will be the
    initial value. The idea is that if we cannot use `unit`, we are forced to use a
    lower unit so we cannot do the division.

    >>> _quotient_and_remainder(36, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.HOURS, [Unit.DAYS])
    (0, 36)

    In other case return quotient and remainder as `divmod` would do it.

    >>> _quotient_and_remainder(36, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.HOURS, [])
    (1, 12)

rfcCs<||kr|||dfS||kr0d|||fS||fSdS)a�Return a tuple with two values.

    If the unit is in `suppress`, multiply `value1` by `ratio` and add it to `value2`
    (carry to right). The idea is that if we cannot represent `value1` we need to
    represent it in a lower unit.

    >>> from humanize.time import _carry, Unit
    >>> _carry(2, 6, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.SECONDS, [Unit.DAYS])
    (0, 54)

    If the unit is the minimum unit, `value2` is divided by `ratio` and added to
    `value1` (carry to left). We assume that `value2` has a lower unit so we need to
    carry it to `value1`.

    >>> _carry(2, 6, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.DAYS, [])
    (2.25, 0)

    Otherwise, just return the same input:

    >>> _carry(2, 6, 24, Unit.DAYS, Unit.SECONDS, [])
    (2, 6)
rhcCs6||kr2tD]}||kr||kr|Sqtd��|S)a�Return a minimum unit suitable that is not suppressed.

    If not suppressed, return the same unit:

    >>> from humanize.time import _suitable_minimum_unit, Unit
    >>> _suitable_minimum_unit(Unit.HOURS, []).name

    But if suppressed, find a unit greather than the original one that is not

    >>> _suitable_minimum_unit(Unit.HOURS, [Unit.HOURS]).name

    >>> _suitable_minimum_unit(Unit.HOURS, [Unit.HOURS, Unit.DAYS]).name
    z@Minimum unit is suppressed and no suitable replacement was found)rr3)rgrerdrrr�_suitable_minimum_unitVs
�ricCs,t|�}tD]}||krq(|�|�q|S)aExtend suppressed units (if any) with all units lower than the minimum unit.

    >>> from humanize.time import _suppress_lower_units, Unit
    >>> [x.name for x in sorted(_suppress_lower_units(Unit.SECONDS, [Unit.DAYS]))]
    )�setr�add)rgre�urrr�_suppress_lower_unitstsrmr�%0.2fc!
Cs2t|�\}}|dkr|Sdd�|D�}t|��}t||�}~t||�}|j}|j}|j}	tt�\}
}}}
}}}}t	|d|||�\}}t	|d|||�\}}t
||d|||�\}}t	|d|||�\}}t	|d|
||	d	|||�\}}	t	|	d
|||�\}}	t
|	dd|
||�\}	}d
d|fdd|fdd|fdd|fdd|fdd|fdd|fdd|	fg}g}ttt�|�D]�\}}|\}}}|dk�s�|�s�||k�r�t
|||�}||k�r�t�|�ddk�r�|�d|�}|�||�||k�rn�q�qnt|�dk�r|dSd�|dd��}|d} td �|| fS)!a%Return a precise representation of a timedelta.

    >>> import datetime as dt
    >>> from humanize.time import precisedelta

    >>> delta = dt.timedelta(seconds=3633, days=2, microseconds=123000)
    >>> precisedelta(delta)
    '2 days, 1 hour and 33.12 seconds'


    A custom `format` can be specified to control how the fractional part
    is represented:

    >>> precisedelta(delta, format="%0.4f")
    '2 days, 1 hour and 33.1230 seconds'


    Instead, the `minimum_unit` can be changed to have a better resolution;
    the function will still readjust the unit to use the greatest of the
    units that does not lose precision.

    For example setting microseconds but still representing the date with milliseconds:

    >>> precisedelta(delta, minimum_unit="microseconds")
    '2 days, 1 hour, 33 seconds and 123 milliseconds'


    If desired, some units can be suppressed: you will not see them represented and the
    time of the other units will be adjusted to keep representing the same timedelta:

    >>> precisedelta(delta, suppress=['days'])
    '49 hours and 33.12 seconds'


    Note that microseconds precision is lost if the seconds and all
    the units below are suppressed:

    >>> delta = dt.timedelta(seconds=90, microseconds=100)
    >>> precisedelta(delta, suppress=['seconds', 'milliseconds', 'microseconds'])
    '1.50 minutes'


    If the delta is too small to be represented with the minimum unit,
    a value of zero will be returned:

    >>> delta = dt.timedelta(seconds=1)
    >>> precisedelta(delta, minimum_unit="minutes")
    '0.02 minutes'

    >>> delta = dt.timedelta(seconds=0.1)
    >>> precisedelta(delta, minimum_unit="minutes")
    '0 minutes'

    NcSsg|]}t|���qSr)rrO)�.0�srrr�
<listcomp>�sz precisedelta.<locals>.<listcomp>r8r9i�QrDr@g��.Ar:rrrMrNrKrLrIrJrGrHrErFrArBr=r>r;r<z%dz, r[z	%s and %s)r6rrOrirmr+r/rQ�listrfrh�zip�reversedr�mathZmodf�replace�append�len�joinrR)!rrTrerbr5r,rgr+ZsecsZusecsrr r!r"r#r$r%r&rVrSrXrWZmsecsZ_unusedZfmtsZtextsrdZfmtZsingular_txtZ


)Tr/N)FTr/N)rY)r/rrn)�__doc__r(r'ru�enumr�	functoolsrZi18nrrRr�__all__rr*r-r6�strrrr	r
rfrhrirmrrrrr�<module>sJ�	��q��*!


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 991 B 0644
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filesize.cpython-38.pyc File 1.91 KB 0644
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i18n.cpython-38.pyc File 4.25 KB 0644
number.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 10.82 KB 0644
number.cpython-38.pyc File 10.82 KB 0644
time.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 13.29 KB 0644
time.cpython-38.pyc File 13.29 KB 0644