U ��\' � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dl m Z d dlmZm Z mZ d dlmZ zd dlmZ W n ek r� d dlmZ Y nX G dd � d e�ZG d d� de�Z G dd � d e�Z!dd� Z"dS )� )�print_functionN)�datetime� timedelta)�VERSION)�Dsn�logger�capture_internal_exceptions)�BackgroundWorker)� getproxiesc @ s@ e Zd ZdZdZd dd�Zdd� Zddd�Zd d � Zdd� Z dS )� TransportzWBaseclass for all transports. A transport is used to send an event to sentry. Nc C s, || _ |r"|d r"t|d �| _nd | _d S )N�dsn)�optionsr � parsed_dsn)�selfr � r � /transport.py�__init__( s zTransport.__init__c C s t � �dS )zdThis gets invoked with the event dictionary when an event should be sent to sentry. N)�NotImplementedError�r �eventr r r � capture_event0 s zTransport.capture_eventc C s dS )z=Wait `timeout` seconds for the current events to be sent out.Nr �r Ztimeout�callbackr r r �flush6 s zTransport.flushc C s dS )zForcefully kills the transport.Nr �r r r r �kill: s zTransport.killc C s&