[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set  # noqa

from yarl import URL

from .typedefs import LooseHeaders, StrOrURL
from .web_response import Response

__all__ = (

# HTTP Exceptions

class HTTPException(Response, Exception):

    # You should set in subclasses:
    # status = 200

    status_code = -1
    empty_body = False

    __http_exception__ = True

    def __init__(
        headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None,
        reason: Optional[str] = None,
        body: Any = None,
        text: Optional[str] = None,
        content_type: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if body is not None:
                "body argument is deprecated for http web exceptions",
        Exception.__init__(self, self.reason)
        if self.body is None and not self.empty_body:
            self.text = f"{self.status}: {self.reason}"

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return True

class HTTPError(HTTPException):
    """Base class for exceptions with status codes in the 400s and 500s."""

class HTTPRedirection(HTTPException):
    """Base class for exceptions with status codes in the 300s."""

class HTTPSuccessful(HTTPException):
    """Base class for exceptions with status codes in the 200s."""

class HTTPOk(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 200

class HTTPCreated(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 201

class HTTPAccepted(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 202

class HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 203

class HTTPNoContent(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 204
    empty_body = True

class HTTPResetContent(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 205
    empty_body = True

class HTTPPartialContent(HTTPSuccessful):
    status_code = 206

# 3xx redirection

class _HTTPMove(HTTPRedirection):
    def __init__(
        location: StrOrURL,
        headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None,
        reason: Optional[str] = None,
        body: Any = None,
        text: Optional[str] = None,
        content_type: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if not location:
            raise ValueError("HTTP redirects need a location to redirect to.")
        self.headers["Location"] = str(URL(location))
        self.location = location

class HTTPMultipleChoices(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 300

class HTTPMovedPermanently(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 301

class HTTPFound(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 302

# This one is safe after a POST (the redirected location will be
# retrieved with GET):
class HTTPSeeOther(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 303

class HTTPNotModified(HTTPRedirection):
    # FIXME: this should include a date or etag header
    status_code = 304
    empty_body = True

class HTTPUseProxy(_HTTPMove):
    # Not a move, but looks a little like one
    status_code = 305

class HTTPTemporaryRedirect(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 307

class HTTPPermanentRedirect(_HTTPMove):
    status_code = 308

# 4xx client error

class HTTPClientError(HTTPError):

class HTTPBadRequest(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 400

class HTTPUnauthorized(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 401

class HTTPPaymentRequired(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 402

class HTTPForbidden(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 403

class HTTPNotFound(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 404

class HTTPMethodNotAllowed(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 405

    def __init__(
        method: str,
        allowed_methods: Iterable[str],
        headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None,
        reason: Optional[str] = None,
        body: Any = None,
        text: Optional[str] = None,
        content_type: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        allow = ",".join(sorted(allowed_methods))
        self.headers["Allow"] = allow
        self.allowed_methods = set(allowed_methods)  # type: Set[str]
        self.method = method.upper()

class HTTPNotAcceptable(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 406

class HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 407

class HTTPRequestTimeout(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 408

class HTTPConflict(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 409

class HTTPGone(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 410

class HTTPLengthRequired(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 411

class HTTPPreconditionFailed(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 412

class HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 413

    def __init__(self, max_size: float, actual_size: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            "Maximum request body size {} exceeded, "
            "actual body size {}".format(max_size, actual_size),

class HTTPRequestURITooLong(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 414

class HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 415

class HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 416

class HTTPExpectationFailed(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 417

class HTTPMisdirectedRequest(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 421

class HTTPUnprocessableEntity(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 422

class HTTPFailedDependency(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 424

class HTTPUpgradeRequired(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 426

class HTTPPreconditionRequired(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 428

class HTTPTooManyRequests(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 429

class HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 431

class HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons(HTTPClientError):
    status_code = 451

    def __init__(
        link: str,
        headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None,
        reason: Optional[str] = None,
        body: Any = None,
        text: Optional[str] = None,
        content_type: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.headers["Link"] = '<%s>; rel="blocked-by"' % link
        self.link = link

# 5xx Server Error
#  Response status codes beginning with the digit "5" indicate cases in
#  which the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of
#  performing the request. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the
#  server SHOULD include an entity containing an explanation of the error
#  situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. User
#  agents SHOULD display any included entity to the user. These response
#  codes are applicable to any request method.

class HTTPServerError(HTTPError):

class HTTPInternalServerError(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 500

class HTTPNotImplemented(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 501

class HTTPBadGateway(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 502

class HTTPServiceUnavailable(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 503

class HTTPGatewayTimeout(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 504

class HTTPVersionNotSupported(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 505

class HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 506

class HTTPInsufficientStorage(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 507

class HTTPNotExtended(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 510

class HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired(HTTPServerError):
    status_code = 511


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