[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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r�eZd	Znd
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Peewee helper for loading CSV data into a database.

Load the users CSV file into the database and return a Model for accessing
the data:

    from playhouse.csv_loader import load_csv
    db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:')
    User = load_csv(db, 'users.csv')

Provide explicit field types and/or field names:

    fields = [IntegerField(), IntegerField(), DateTimeField(), DecimalField()]
    field_names = ['from_acct', 'to_acct', 'timestamp', 'amount']
    Payments = load_csv(db, 'payments.csv', fields, field_names)
basestring�openr�seek�csv�reader�close)�self�file_or_name�
__module__�__qualname__rrrrrrr&srcs��fdd�}|S)Ncs��fdd�|_|S)Ncs
�f��S�Nrr��field_class�field_kwargsrr�<lambda>:�z2convert_field.<locals>.decorator.<locals>.<lambda>)�field)�fnrrr�	decorator9sz convert_field.<locals>.decoratorr)rrr$rrr�
convert_field8sr%c@s�eZdZdZddgZddgZd!dd	�Zd
d�Zee	dd
eedd
�dd��Zee
�dd��Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd S)"�RowConvertera
    Simple introspection utility to convert a CSV file into a list of headers
    and column types.

    :param database: a peewee Database object.
    :param bool has_header: whether the first row of CSV is a header row.
    :param int sample_size: number of rows to introspect
    z%Y-%m-%dz%m/%d/%Yz%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%Sz%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%fT�
has_header�sample_size)rr(r)r*rrr�__init__OszRowConverter.__init__c	Cs<|D]2}ztj�||�Wntk
ValueError)r�valueZformatsZfmtrrr�matches_dateTszRowConverter.matches_dater)�defaultcCs|��Sr)�isdigit�rr0rrr�
is_integer]szRowConverter.is_integerc	Cs.zt|�Wnttfk
r$YnXdSdSr,)�floatr/�	TypeErrorr4rrr�is_floatas
zRowConverter.is_float)ZnullcCs|�||j�Sr)r1�datetime_formatsr4rrr�is_datetimejszRowConverter.is_datetimecCs|�||j�Sr)r1�date_formatsr4rrr�is_datenszRowConverter.is_date�cCsdSr,rr4rrrr2rszRowConverter.defaultc		Ks�g}|j}|j|f|��>}|jr(|d7}t|�D] \}}|�|�||jkr0qRq0W5QRX|jrz|d|dd�}}ndd�tt|d��D�}||fS)aq
        Extract `self.sample_size` rows from the CSV file and analyze their

        :param str file_or_name: A string filename or a file handle.
        :param reader_kwargs: Arbitrary parameters to pass to the CSV reader.
        :returns: A 2-tuple containing a list of headers and list of rows
                  read from the CSV file.
        �rNcSsg|]}d|�qS�zfield_%dr��.0�irrr�
<listcomp>�sz-RowConverter.extract_rows.<locals>.<listcomp>)r*rr)�	enumerate�append�range�len)	rrr�rowsZrows_to_readrrB�row�headerrrr�extract_rowsvs

zRowConverter.extract_rowscCs|j|j|j|j|jgS)z6Return a list of functions to use when testing values.)r<r:r5r8r2�rrrr�
get_checks�s�zRowConverter.get_checksc	srt|�}|��}g}t|�D]P\}}dd�|D�}|D]4�t�fdd�|D��}t|�r6|�����qq6q|S)a
        Analyze the given rows and try to determine the type of value stored.

        :param list rows: A list-of-lists containing one or more rows from a
                          csv file.
        :returns: A list of peewee Field objects for each column in the CSV.
        cSsg|]}|dkr|�qS)r=r�rA�valrrrrC�sz(RowConverter.analyze.<locals>.<listcomp>c3s|]}�|�VqdSrrrN�Zcheckrr�	<genexpr>�sz'RowConverter.analyze.<locals>.<genexpr>)�ziprMrD�set�allrEr")	rrHZ
transposedZchecksZcolumn_typesrB�columnZcol_vals�resultsrrPr�analyze�szRowConverter.analyzeN)Tr')rrr�__doc__r;r9r+r1r%�IntegerFieldr5Z
DateTimeFieldr:Z	DateFieldr<Z	BareFieldr2rKrMrWrrrrr&>s,	��

	r&c@sBeZdZdZddd�Zdd	�Zd
d�Zdd
�Zdd�Zdd�Z	dS)�Loaderat
    Load the contents of a CSV file into a database and return a model class
    suitable for working with the CSV data.

    :param db_or_model: a peewee Database instance or a Model class.
    :param file_or_name: the filename of the CSV file *or* a file handle.
    :param list fields: A list of peewee Field() instances appropriate to
        the values in the CSV file.
    :param list field_names: A list of names to use for the fields.
    :param bool has_header: Whether the first row of the CSV file is a header.
    :param int sample_size: Number of rows to introspect if fields are not
    :param converter: A RowConverter instance to use.
    :param str db_table: Name of table to store data in (if not specified, the
        table name will be derived from the CSV filename).
    :param reader_kwargs: Arbitrary arguments to pass to the CSV reader.
|_t|t�r<||_	nt|t
�rNd|_	n|j|_	t|t�r�||_
d|_|p�tj�tj�|j	��d|_nd||_|jjj
|jjj|_|jjj|_|jjj|_|jjjr�|	s�|jdd�|_|jdd�|_dS)Nzdata.csvrr>)r�fields�field_namesr)r*�	converterrr
sorted_fieldsZsorted_field_namesZauto_increment)r�db_or_modelrr[r\r)r*r]re�	pk_in_csvrrrrr+�s4

�zLoader.__init__cCst�dd|���S)Nz
�zLoader.get_convertercsb�����j�jf�j�\}}|r0��|��_n�fdd�|D��_�js^�fdd�|D��_dS)Ncsg|]}�j���qSr)r2r")rAri)r]rrrC�sz&Loader.analyze_csv.<locals>.<listcomp>csg|]}��|��qSr�rn�rA�colrLrrrC�s)rorKrrrWr[r\)rrJrHr)r]rr�analyze_csv�s��zLoader.analyze_csvcCsr|jr|jStt||��}d|kr.t�|d<nt|dt�rFt�|d<t|j��t	f|�}|j
|j|j_|S)N�idZ_auto_pk)r`�dictrRZPrimaryKeyFieldr

s�js����js4�js4dd�tt�j��D��_�j�jf�j�}|��}�jspt	|�}�fdd�|D��_n�jr~t	|���
�j�j�}�j���b|�
d�|D]L}i}t�j|�D]"\}}|r�tr�|�d�}|||<q�|r�|jf|���q�W5QRXW5QRX|S)NcSsg|]}d|�qSr?rr@rrrrCszLoader.load.<locals>.<listcomp>csg|]}��|��qSrrprqrLrrrCsTzutf-8)r[rsr\r)rFrGrrr�nextryr(ZtransactionZcreate_tablerR�decode_value�decode�insertZexecute)rZ
field_namer0rrLr�loads4�

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��S)N)	rgrr[r\r)r*r]rerh)rZr~)rgrr[r\r)r*r]rerhr�loaderrrr�load_csv's�
�r�cCs�t|t�rt||rdpd�}n|}|r2|�dd�|pHtj|ddtjd�}|r�g}t|j�D]F\}	}
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    Create a CSV dump of a query.
    �a�wr��,�")Z	delimiterZ	quotecharZquotingzcol_%s)r
rrr
QUOTE_MINIMALrDZ_selectZ_aliasrEZFieldrr_ZwriterowZtuples�iteratorr)ZqueryrZinclude_headerZ
contextlibrr�ImportError�ioZpeeweerrr�strrr{�objectrr%r&rZr�r�rrrr�<module>sBqx�


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 103 B 0644
__init__.cpython-38.pyc File 103 B 0644
apsw_ext.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 7.09 KB 0644
apsw_ext.cpython-38.pyc File 7.09 KB 0644
berkeleydb.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 2.99 KB 0644
berkeleydb.cpython-38.pyc File 2.99 KB 0644
csv_loader.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 141 B 0644
csv_loader.cpython-38.pyc File 141 B 0644
csv_utils.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 10.67 KB 0644
csv_utils.cpython-38.pyc File 10.67 KB 0644
dataset.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 12.52 KB 0644
dataset.cpython-38.pyc File 12.52 KB 0644
db_url.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 2.91 KB 0644
db_url.cpython-38.pyc File 2.91 KB 0644
djpeewee.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 5.37 KB 0644
djpeewee.cpython-38.pyc File 5.37 KB 0644
fields.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 11.8 KB 0644
fields.cpython-38.pyc File 11.8 KB 0644
flask_utils.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 5.57 KB 0644
flask_utils.cpython-38.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
gfk.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 5.68 KB 0644
gfk.cpython-38.pyc File 5.68 KB 0644
hybrid.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 2.06 KB 0644
hybrid.cpython-38.pyc File 2.06 KB 0644
kv.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 6.41 KB 0644
kv.cpython-38.pyc File 6.41 KB 0644
migrate.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 21.11 KB 0644
migrate.cpython-38.pyc File 21.11 KB 0644
pool.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 7.52 KB 0644
pool.cpython-38.pyc File 7.52 KB 0644
postgres_ext.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 15.81 KB 0644
postgres_ext.cpython-38.pyc File 15.81 KB 0644
read_slave.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 1.68 KB 0644
read_slave.cpython-38.pyc File 1.68 KB 0644
reflection.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 17.11 KB 0644
reflection.cpython-38.pyc File 17.11 KB 0644
shortcuts.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 5.26 KB 0644
shortcuts.cpython-38.pyc File 5.26 KB 0644
signals.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 2.86 KB 0644
signals.cpython-38.pyc File 2.86 KB 0644
sqlcipher_ext.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 4.38 KB 0644
sqlcipher_ext.cpython-38.pyc File 4.38 KB 0644
sqlite_ext.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 34.02 KB 0644
sqlite_ext.cpython-38.pyc File 34.09 KB 0644
sqlite_udf.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 15.36 KB 0644
sqlite_udf.cpython-38.pyc File 15.36 KB 0644
sqliteq.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 9.03 KB 0644
sqliteq.cpython-38.pyc File 9.03 KB 0644
test_utils.cpython-38.opt-1.pyc File 3.93 KB 0644
test_utils.cpython-38.pyc File 3.96 KB 0644