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Changelog for six

This file lists the changes in each six version.


- Issue #259, pull request #260: `six.add_metaclass` now preserves
  `__qualname__` from the original class.

- Pull request #204: Add `six.ensure_binary`, `six.ensure_text`, and


- Pull request #178: `with_metaclass` now properly proxies `__prepare__` to the
  underlying metaclass.

- Pull request #191: Allow `with_metaclass` to work with metaclasses implemented
  in C.

- Pull request #203: Add parse_http_list and parse_keqv_list to moved

- Pull request #172 and issue #171: Add unquote_to_bytes to moved urllib.parse.

- Pull request #167: Add `six.moves.getoutput`.

- Pull request #80: Add `six.moves.urllib_parse.splitvalue`.

- Pull request #75: Add `six.moves.email_mime_image`.

- Pull request #72: Avoid creating reference cycles through tracebacks in


- Issue #122: Improve the performance of `six.int2byte` on Python 3.

- Pull request #55 and issue #99: Don't add the `winreg` module to `six.moves`
  on non-Windows platforms.

- Pull request #60 and issue #108: Add `six.moves.getcwd` and

- Pull request #64: Add `create_unbound_method` to create unbound methods.


- Issue #106: Support the `flush` parameter to `six.print_`.

- Pull request #48 and issue #15: Add the `python_2_unicode_compatible`

- Pull request #57 and issue #50: Add several compatibility methods for unittest
  assertions that were renamed between Python 2 and 3.

- Issue #105 and pull request #58: Ensure `six.wraps` respects the *updated* and
  *assigned* arguments.

- Issue #102: Add `raise_from` to abstract out Python 3's raise from syntax.

- Issue #97: Optimize `six.iterbytes` on Python 2.

- Issue #98: Fix `six.moves` race condition in multi-threaded code.

- Pull request #51: Add `six.view(keys|values|itmes)`, which provide dictionary
  views on Python 2.7+.

- Issue #112: `six.moves.reload_module` now uses the importlib module on
  Python 3.4+.


- Issue #90: Add `six.moves.shlex_quote`.

- Issue #59: Add `six.moves.intern`.

- Add `six.urllib.parse.uses_(fragment|netloc|params|query|relative)`.

- Issue #88: Fix add_metaclass when the class has `__slots__` containing
  `__weakref__` or `__dict__`.

- Issue #89: Make six use absolute imports.

- Issue #85: Always accept *updated* and *assigned* arguments for `wraps()`.

- Issue #86: In `reraise()`, instantiate the exception if the second argument is

- Pull request #45: Add `six.moves.email_mime_nonmultipart`.

- Issue #81: Add `six.urllib.request.splittag` mapping.

- Issue #80: Add `six.urllib.request.splituser` mapping.


- Issue #77: Fix import six on Python 3.4 with a custom loader.

- Issue #74: `six.moves.xmlrpc_server` should map to `SimpleXMLRPCServer` on Python
  2 as documented not `xmlrpclib`.


- Issue #72: Fix installing on Python 2.


- Issue #71: Make the six.moves meta path importer handle reloading of the six
  module gracefully.


- Pull request #30: Implement six.moves with a PEP 302 meta path hook.

- Pull request #32: Add six.wraps, which is like functools.wraps but always sets
  the __wrapped__ attribute.

- Pull request #35: Improve add_metaclass, so that it doesn't end up inserting
  another class into the hierarchy.

- Pull request #34: Add import mappings for dummy_thread.

- Pull request #33: Add import mappings for UserDict and UserList.

- Pull request #31: Select the implementations of dictionary iterator routines
  at import time for a 20% speed boost.


- Raise an AttributeError for six.moves.X when X is a module not available in
  the current interpreter.


- Raise an AttributeError for every attribute of unimportable modules.

- Issue #56: Make the fake modules six.moves puts into sys.modules appear not to
  have a __path__ unless they are loaded.

- Pull request #28: Add support for SplitResult.

- Issue #55: Add move mapping for xmlrpc.server.

- Pull request #29: Add move for urllib.parse.splitquery.


- Issue #53: Make the fake modules six.moves puts into sys.modules appear not to
  have a __name__ unless they are loaded.


- Issue #51: Hack around the Django autoreloader after recent six.moves changes.


- Removed support for Python 2.4. This is because py.test no longer supports

- Fix various import problems including issues #19 and #41. six.moves modules
  are now lazy wrappers over the underlying modules instead of the actual
  modules themselves.

- Issue #49: Add six.moves mapping for tkinter.ttk.

- Pull request #24: Add __dir__ special method to six.moves modules.

- Issue #47: Fix add_metaclass on classes with a string for the __slots__

- Issue #44: Fix interpretation of backslashes on Python 2 in the u() function.

- Pull request #21: Add import mapping for urllib's proxy_bypass function.

- Issue #43: Add import mapping for the Python 2 xmlrpclib module.

- Issue #39: Add import mapping for the Python 2 thread module.

- Issue #40: Add import mapping for the Python 2 gdbm module.

- Issue #35: On Python versions less than 2.7, print_ now encodes unicode
  strings when outputing to standard streams. (Python 2.7 handles this


- Issue #32: urllib module wrappings don't work when six is not a toplevel file.


- Issue #31: Add six.moves mapping for UserString.

- Pull request #12: Add six.add_metaclass, a decorator for adding a metaclass to
  a class.

- Add six.moves.zip_longest and six.moves.filterfalse, which correspond
  respectively to itertools.izip_longest and itertools.ifilterfalse on Python 2
  and itertools.zip_longest and itertools.filterfalse on Python 3.

- Issue #25: Add the unichr function, which returns a string for a Unicode

- Issue #26: Add byte2int function, which complements int2byte.

- Add a PY2 constant with obvious semantics.

- Add helpers for indexing and iterating over bytes: iterbytes and indexbytes.

- Add create_bound_method() wrapper.

- Issue #23: Allow multiple base classes to be passed to with_metaclass.

- Issue #24: Add six.moves.range alias. This exactly the same as the current
  xrange alias.

- Pull request #5: Create six.moves.urllib, which contains abstractions for a
  bunch of things which are in urllib in Python 3 and spread out across urllib,
  urllib2, and urlparse in Python 2.


- Issue #21: Add methods to access the closure and globals of a function.

- In six.iter(items/keys/values/lists), passed keyword arguments through to the
  underlying method.

- Add six.iterlists().

- Issue #20: Fix tests if tkinter is not available.

- Issue #17: Define callable to be builtin callable when it is available again
  in Python 3.2+.

- Issue #16: Rename Python 2 exec_'s arguments, so casually calling exec_ with
  keyword arguments will raise.

- Issue #14: Put the six.moves package in sys.modules based on the name six is
  imported under.

- Fix Jython detection.

- Pull request #4: Add email_mime_multipart, email_mime_text, and
  email_mime_base to six.moves.


- Issue #13: Make iterkeys/itervalues/iteritems return iterators on Python 3
  instead of iterables.

- Issue #11: Fix maxsize support on Jython.

- Add six.next() as an alias for six.advance_iterator().

- Use the builtin next() function for advance_iterator() where is available
  (2.6+), not just Python 3.

- Add the Iterator class for writing portable iterators.


- Add the int2byte function.

- Add compatibility mappings for iterators over the keys, values, and items of a

- Fix six.MAXSIZE on platforms where sizeof(long) != sizeof(Py_ssize_t).

- Issue #3: Add six.moves mappings for filter, map, and zip.


- Issue #2: u() on Python 2.x now resolves unicode escapes.

- Expose an API for adding mappings to six.moves.

1.0 beta 1

- Reworked six into one .py file.  This breaks imports.  Please tell me if you
  are interested in an import compatibility layer.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CHANGES File 7.99 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
PKG-INFO File 2.16 KB 0644
README.rst File 1.3 KB 0644