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Url is constructed from ``str``::
>>> from yarl import URL
>>> url = URL('https://www.python.org/~guido?arg=1#frag')
>>> url
All url parts: *scheme*, *user*, *password*, *host*, *port*, *path*,
*query* and *fragment* are accessible by properties::
>>> url.scheme
>>> url.host
>>> url.path
>>> url.query_string
>>> url.query
<MultiDictProxy('arg': '1')>
>>> url.fragment
All url manipulations produces a new url object::
>>> url.parent / 'downloads/source'
Strings passed to constructor and modification methods are
automatically encoded giving canonical representation as result::
>>> url = URL('https://www.python.org/путь')
>>> url
Regular properties are *percent-decoded*, use ``raw_`` versions for
getting *encoded* strings::
>>> url.path
>>> url.raw_path
Human readable representation of URL is available as ``.human_repr()``::
>>> url.human_repr()
For full documentation please read https://yarl.readthedocs.org.
$ pip install yarl
The library is Python 3 only!
YARL requires multidict_ library.
API documentation
The documentation is located at https://yarl.readthedocs.org
Comparison with other URL libraries
* furl (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/furl)
The library has a rich functionality but ``furl`` object is mutable.
I afraid to pass this object into foreign code: who knows if the
code will modify my url in a terrible way while I just want to send URL
with handy helpers for accessing URL properties.
``furl`` has other non obvious tricky things but the main objection
is mutability.
* URLObject (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/URLObject)
URLObject is immutable, that's pretty good.
Every URL change generates a new URL object.
But the library doesn't any decode/encode transformations leaving end
user to cope with these gory details.
Source code
The project is hosted on GitHub_
Please file an issue on the `bug tracker
<https://github.com/aio-libs/yarl/issues>`_ if you have found a bug
or have some suggestion in order to improve the library.
The library uses `Travis <https://travis-ci.org/aio-libs/yarl>`_ for
Continuous Integration.
Discussion list
*aio-libs* google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/aio-libs
Feel free to post your questions and ideas here.
Authors and License
The ``yarl`` package is written by Andrew Svetlov.
It's *Apache 2* licensed and freely available.
.. _GitHub: https://github.com/aio-libs/yarl
.. _multidict: https://github.com/aio-libs/multidict