� 1�Dg)W � �: � d dl Z d dlZd dlmZ d dlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z mZ d dlm Z mZmZmZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZmZ d dlmZmZmZmZ ed d � � Z edd� � Z!dd�Z"dd�Z# G d� de$� � Z%dd�Z&d d�Z'd� Z(d� Z)d� Z*d!d�Z+d� Z,d"d�Z-dS )#� N)�reduce)�tobytes�bord�_copy_bytes� iter_range�tostr�bchr�bstr)�SHA1�SHA256�HMAC�CMAC�BLAKE2s)�strxor)�get_random_bytes)�size� long_to_bytes� bytes_to_long)�load_pycryptodome_raw_lib�create_string_buffer�get_raw_buffer�c_size_tzCrypto.Cipher._Salsa20z� int Salsa20_8_core(const uint8_t *x, const uint8_t *y, uint8_t *out); zCrypto.Protocol._scrypta typedef int (core_t)(const uint8_t [64], const uint8_t [64], uint8_t [64]); int scryptROMix(const uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out, size_t data_len, unsigned N, core_t *core); �� c � � |st }t | � � } |� | |z � � }|j }||k rt d|z � � �t |� � dk rt dt |� � z � � �t |dz � � D ])}|� |� � � � � }�*|� � � d|� S )aM Derive one key from a password (or passphrase). This function performs key derivation according to an old version of the PKCS#5 standard (v1.5) or `RFC2898 <https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2898.txt>`_. Args: password (string): The secret password to generate the key from. salt (byte string): An 8 byte string to use for better protection from dictionary attacks. This value does not need to be kept secret, but it should be randomly chosen for each derivation. dkLen (integer): The length of the desired key. The default is 16 bytes, suitable for instance for :mod:`Crypto.Cipher.AES`. count (integer): The number of iterations to carry out. The recommendation is 1000 or more. hashAlgo (module): The hash algorithm to use, as a module or an object from the :mod:`Crypto.Hash` package. The digest length must be no shorter than ``dkLen``. The default algorithm is :mod:`Crypto.Hash.SHA1`. Return: A byte string of length ``dkLen`` that can be used as key. z:Selected hash algorithm has a too short digest (%d bytes).� z,Salt is not 8 bytes long (%d bytes instead).� N) r r �new�digest_size� TypeError�len� ValueErrorr �digest)�password�salt�dkLen�count�hashAlgo�pHashr"