[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
from __future__ import annotations

import decimal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from babel.core import Locale
from babel.numbers import LC_NUMERIC, format_decimal

    from typing_extensions import Literal

class UnknownUnitError(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, unit: str, locale: Locale) -> None:
        ValueError.__init__(self, f"{unit} is not a known unit in {locale}")

def get_unit_name(
    measurement_unit: str,
    length: Literal['short', 'long', 'narrow'] = 'long',
    locale: Locale | str | None = LC_NUMERIC,
) -> str | None:
    Get the display name for a measurement unit in the given locale.

    >>> get_unit_name("radian", locale="en")

    Unknown units will raise exceptions:

    >>> get_unit_name("battery", locale="fi")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    UnknownUnitError: battery/long is not a known unit/length in fi

    :param measurement_unit: the code of a measurement unit.
                             Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file:

    :param length: "short", "long" or "narrow"
    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
    :return: The unit display name, or None.
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    unit = _find_unit_pattern(measurement_unit, locale=locale)
    if not unit:
        raise UnknownUnitError(unit=measurement_unit, locale=locale)
    return locale.unit_display_names.get(unit, {}).get(length)

def _find_unit_pattern(unit_id: str, locale: Locale | str | None = LC_NUMERIC) -> str | None:
    Expand an unit into a qualified form.

    Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file:

    >>> _find_unit_pattern("radian", locale="en")

    Unknown values will return None.

    >>> _find_unit_pattern("horse", locale="en")

    :param unit_id: the code of a measurement unit.
    :return: A key to the `unit_patterns` mapping, or None.
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    unit_patterns = locale._data["unit_patterns"]
    if unit_id in unit_patterns:
        return unit_id
    for unit_pattern in sorted(unit_patterns, key=len):
        if unit_pattern.endswith(unit_id):
            return unit_pattern

def format_unit(
    value: float | decimal.Decimal,
    measurement_unit: str,
    length: Literal['short', 'long', 'narrow'] = 'long',
    format: str | None = None,
    locale: Locale | str | None = LC_NUMERIC,
) -> str:
    """Format a value of a given unit.

    Values are formatted according to the locale's usual pluralization rules
    and number formats.

    >>> format_unit(12, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO')
    u'12 metri'
    >>> format_unit(15.5, 'length-mile', locale='fi_FI')
    u'15,5 mailia'
    >>> format_unit(1200, 'pressure-millimeter-ofhg', locale='nb')
    u'1\\xa0200 millimeter kvikks\\xf8lv'
    >>> format_unit(270, 'ton', locale='en')
    u'270 tons'

    Number formats may be overridden with the ``format`` parameter.

    >>> import decimal
    >>> format_unit(decimal.Decimal("-42.774"), 'temperature-celsius', 'short', format='#.0', locale='fr')

    The locale's usual pluralization rules are respected.

    >>> format_unit(1, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO')
    u'1 metru'
    >>> format_unit(0, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
    u'0 mi'
    >>> format_unit(1, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
    u'1 filltir'
    >>> format_unit(3, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
    u'3 milltir'

    >>> format_unit(15, 'length-horse', locale='fi')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    UnknownUnitError: length-horse is not a known unit in fi

    .. versionadded:: 2.2.0

    :param value: the value to format. If this is a string, no number formatting will be attempted.
    :param measurement_unit: the code of a measurement unit.
                             Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file:
    :param length: "short", "long" or "narrow"
    :param format: An optional format, as accepted by `format_decimal`.
    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)

    q_unit = _find_unit_pattern(measurement_unit, locale=locale)
    if not q_unit:
        raise UnknownUnitError(unit=measurement_unit, locale=locale)
    unit_patterns = locale._data["unit_patterns"][q_unit].get(length, {})

    if isinstance(value, str):  # Assume the value is a preformatted singular.
        formatted_value = value
        plural_form = "one"
        formatted_value = format_decimal(value, format, locale)
        plural_form = locale.plural_form(value)

    if plural_form in unit_patterns:
        return unit_patterns[plural_form].format(formatted_value)

    # Fall back to a somewhat bad representation.
    # nb: This is marked as no-cover, as the current CLDR seemingly has no way for this to happen.
    fallback_name = get_unit_name(measurement_unit, length=length, locale=locale)  # pragma: no cover
    return f"{formatted_value} {fallback_name or measurement_unit}"  # pragma: no cover

def _find_compound_unit(
    numerator_unit: str,
    denominator_unit: str,
    locale: Locale | str | None = LC_NUMERIC,
) -> str | None:
    Find a predefined compound unit pattern.

    Used internally by format_compound_unit.

    >>> _find_compound_unit("kilometer", "hour", locale="en")

    >>> _find_compound_unit("mile", "gallon", locale="en")

    If no predefined compound pattern can be found, `None` is returned.

    >>> _find_compound_unit("gallon", "mile", locale="en")

    >>> _find_compound_unit("horse", "purple", locale="en")

    :param numerator_unit: The numerator unit's identifier
    :param denominator_unit: The denominator unit's identifier
    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
    :return: A key to the `unit_patterns` mapping, or None.
    :rtype: str|None
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)

    # Qualify the numerator and denominator units.  This will turn possibly partial
    # units like "kilometer" or "hour" into actual units like "length-kilometer" and
    # "duration-hour".

    numerator_unit = _find_unit_pattern(numerator_unit, locale=locale)
    denominator_unit = _find_unit_pattern(denominator_unit, locale=locale)

    # If either was not found, we can't possibly build a suitable compound unit either.
    if not (numerator_unit and denominator_unit):
        return None

    # Since compound units are named "speed-kilometer-per-hour", we'll have to slice off
    # the quantities (i.e. "length", "duration") from both qualified units.

    bare_numerator_unit = numerator_unit.split("-", 1)[-1]
    bare_denominator_unit = denominator_unit.split("-", 1)[-1]

    # Now we can try and rebuild a compound unit specifier, then qualify it:

    return _find_unit_pattern(f"{bare_numerator_unit}-per-{bare_denominator_unit}", locale=locale)

def format_compound_unit(
    numerator_value: float | decimal.Decimal,
    numerator_unit: str | None = None,
    denominator_value: float | decimal.Decimal = 1,
    denominator_unit: str | None = None,
    length: Literal["short", "long", "narrow"] = "long",
    format: str | None = None,
    locale: Locale | str | None = LC_NUMERIC,
) -> str | None:
    Format a compound number value, i.e. "kilometers per hour" or similar.

    Both unit specifiers are optional to allow for formatting of arbitrary values still according
    to the locale's general "per" formatting specifier.

    >>> format_compound_unit(7, denominator_value=11, length="short", locale="pt")

    >>> format_compound_unit(150, "kilometer", denominator_unit="hour", locale="sv")
    '150 kilometer per timme'

    >>> format_compound_unit(150, "kilowatt", denominator_unit="year", locale="fi")
    '150 kilowattia / vuosi'

    >>> format_compound_unit(32.5, "ton", 15, denominator_unit="hour", locale="en")
    '32.5 tons per 15 hours'

    >>> format_compound_unit(160, denominator_unit="square-meter", locale="fr")
    '160 par m\\xe8tre carr\\xe9'

    >>> format_compound_unit(4, "meter", "ratakisko", length="short", locale="fi")
    '4 m/ratakisko'

    >>> format_compound_unit(35, "minute", denominator_unit="fathom", locale="sv")
    '35 minuter per famn'

    >>> from babel.numbers import format_currency
    >>> format_compound_unit(format_currency(35, "JPY", locale="de"), denominator_unit="liter", locale="de")
    '35\\xa0\\xa5 pro Liter'

    See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-general.html#perUnitPatterns

    :param numerator_value: The numerator value. This may be a string,
                            in which case it is considered preformatted and the unit is ignored.
    :param numerator_unit: The numerator unit. See `format_unit`.
    :param denominator_value: The denominator value. This may be a string,
                              in which case it is considered preformatted and the unit is ignored.
    :param denominator_unit: The denominator unit. See `format_unit`.
    :param length: The formatting length. "short", "long" or "narrow"
    :param format: An optional format, as accepted by `format_decimal`.
    :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
    :return: A formatted compound value.
    locale = Locale.parse(locale)

    # Look for a specific compound unit first...

    if numerator_unit and denominator_unit and denominator_value == 1:
        compound_unit = _find_compound_unit(numerator_unit, denominator_unit, locale=locale)
        if compound_unit:
            return format_unit(numerator_value, compound_unit, length=length, format=format, locale=locale)

    # ... failing that, construct one "by hand".

    if isinstance(numerator_value, str):  # Numerator is preformatted
        formatted_numerator = numerator_value
    elif numerator_unit:  # Numerator has unit
        formatted_numerator = format_unit(
            numerator_value, numerator_unit, length=length, format=format, locale=locale
    else:  # Unitless numerator
        formatted_numerator = format_decimal(numerator_value, format=format, locale=locale)

    if isinstance(denominator_value, str):  # Denominator is preformatted
        formatted_denominator = denominator_value
    elif denominator_unit:  # Denominator has unit
        if denominator_value == 1:  # support perUnitPatterns when the denominator is 1
            denominator_unit = _find_unit_pattern(denominator_unit, locale=locale)
            per_pattern = locale._data["unit_patterns"].get(denominator_unit, {}).get(length, {}).get("per")
            if per_pattern:
                return per_pattern.format(formatted_numerator)
            # See TR-35's per-unit pattern algorithm, point 3.2.
            # For denominator 1, we replace the value to be formatted with the empty string;
            # this will make `format_unit` return " second" instead of "1 second".
            denominator_value = ""

        formatted_denominator = format_unit(
            denominator_value, denominator_unit, length=length, format=format, locale=locale
    else:  # Bare denominator
        formatted_denominator = format_decimal(denominator_value, format=format, locale=locale)

    # TODO: this doesn't support "compound_variations" (or "prefix"), and will fall back to the "x/y" representation
    per_pattern = locale._data["compound_unit_patterns"].get("per", {}).get(length, {}).get("compound", "{0}/{1}")

    return per_pattern.format(formatted_numerator, formatted_denominator)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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locale-data Folder 0755
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core.py File 41.62 KB 0644
dates.py File 70.87 KB 0644
global.dat File 254.07 KB 0644
languages.py File 2.78 KB 0644
lists.py File 2.94 KB 0644
localedata.py File 8.05 KB 0644
numbers.py File 48.35 KB 0644
plural.py File 22.67 KB 0644
py.typed File 59 B 0644
support.py File 25.62 KB 0644
units.py File 11.6 KB 0644
util.py File 7.77 KB 0644