[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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    For reading params from sysctl
    z/sbin/sysctlTc�@�||_|j�d�|_||_dS)z�
        :param config_file: path to user defined systcl config file
        :param mute_errors: T/F value to define should we skip errors or not (used in cldiag checker)
rs   �o/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clcommon/sysctl.py�__init__zSysCtlConf.__init__s.��'���"&�"2�8�8�8���&�����c�j�|jdg}	t|��dS#t$r|js�YdSwxYw)z>
        Apply all params from sysctl.d & sysctl.conf
SYSCTL_BINrrr)r�cmds  r�
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        Read sysctl param
        :param name: name of sysctl param
        z-bz-nT)r�return_full_output)rr�strip)�cls�namer�ret_code�std_out�std_in�values       r�_read_sysctl_paramzSysCtlConf._read_sysctl_param6sP��
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        Write sysctl params to sysctl.conf
        :param lines: content for writing to sysctl.conf
)r�lines�sysctl_confs   r�_write_params_to_filez SysCtlConf._write_params_to_fileLs����$�&��g�
>�	+�+��G�G�E�N�N�E����e�$�$�$��������H�[�'�'�)�)�*�*�*�		+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+�	+����	+�	+�	+�	+�
	�	�$�&��(8�9�9�9�9�9s�A%B	�	B
c�\�|�d��d���S)N�=r)�splitr)�lines r�_get_param_name_from_linez$SysCtlConf._get_param_name_from_lineYs%���z�z�#���q�!�'�'�)�)�)rc�.�t|j��}|S)zW
        Read content from sysctl.conf
        :return: lines from sysctl.conf
)r�results  r�_read_sysctl_confzSysCtlConf._read_sysctl_conf_s�� �� 0�1�1���
param_namers  ��r�	<genexpr>z+SysCtlConf.has_parameter.<locals>.<genexpr>ns6�����_�_�D�Z�4�#A�#A�$�#G�#G�G�_�_�_�_�_�_r)r:�any)rr>�
file_linesr9s``  r�
        Get sysctl param by name
        :param name: name of sysctl param
        :return: value of sysctl param
        )rr!)rrr s   r�getzSysCtlConf.getqs,��	
�������'�'��-�-���rc��|�d|�d�}t|�����}d}t|��D]8\}}|�d��r�|�|��}	||	kr|}�9|dkr|�|��n|r|||<|�|��|���dS)z�
        Set sysctl param by name
        :param overwrite: overwrite value of existed parameter
        :param name: name of sysctl param
        :param value: value of sysctl param
        z = �
����#N)�listr:�	enumerate�
rrr �	overwrite�param�sysctl_conf_output�	idx_param�ir6�keys
          r�setzSysCtlConf.set~s����%�%�E�%�%�%��!�$�"8�"8�":�":�;�;���	� �!3�4�4�	�	�G�A�t����s�#�#�
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        Remove systcl param from config
        :param name: name of sysctl param
        rN)rrIr:rJr7�insertr2)rrrO�idx_listrQr6rRs       r�removezSysCtlConf.remove�s���	
������!�$�"8�"8�":�":�;�;���� �!3�4�4�	&�	&�G�A�t��0�0��6�6�C��s�{�{�����1�%�%�%���	&�	&�A�"�1�%�%��"�"�#5�6�6�6�6�6rN)T)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r�SYSCTL_FILErr�classmethodr!r2�staticmethodr7r:rBrDrSrW�rrr
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    Class for migrating of sysctl parameter from /etc/sysctl.conf to /etc/sysctl.conf.d/90-cloudlinux.conf
    z/var/lve/cl-sysctl.migrater�mainc���tt���|_tt���|_tdd���|_|j�|j��dS)N)r
interpolation�strict)	r
r\�	_src_conf�SYSCTL_CL_CONF_FILE�	_dst_confr�_migrate_config�read�MIGRATE_CONFIG_PATH)rs rrzSysCtlMigrate.__init__�s^��#��<�<�<���#�0C�D�D�D��� ,�$�u�M�M�M�����!�!�$�":�;�;�;�;�;rc���d}|j�|j��r@|j�|j|��r |j�|j|��}|S)NF)ri�has_section�MAIN_SECTION�
getboolean)rr>r9s   r�_is_migration_donez SysCtlMigrate._is_migration_done�se������+�+�D�,=�>�>�	T��$�/�/��0A�:�N�N�	T��)�4�4�T�5F�
|�����ddd��n#1swxYwYtj|j|j
config_tmps   r�_set_migration_state_to_donez*SysCtlMigrate._set_migration_state_to_done�s(���#�/�/��0A�B�B�	@�� �,�,�T�->�?�?�?��� � ��!2�J��G�G�G�
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        Migrate sysctl parameter from one config to another
        in conformity with presence of parameter in source config and default value.
        All cases of using you can see in doc:
default_valuer rMs     r�migratezSysCtlMigrate.migrate�s����"�"�j�"�9�9�	��F��>�'�'�
�3�3�	"��N�&�&�z�2�2�E�E�"�E�	
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-311.pyc File 1.54 KB 0644
clcagefs.cpython-311.pyc File 15.5 KB 0644
clcaptain.cpython-311.pyc File 4.31 KB 0644
clconfig.cpython-311.pyc File 3.19 KB 0644
clconfpars.cpython-311.pyc File 16.37 KB 0644
clcustomscript.cpython-311.pyc File 1.85 KB 0644
cldebug.cpython-311.pyc File 1.29 KB 0644
clemail.cpython-311.pyc File 2.42 KB 0644
clexception.cpython-311.pyc File 1.7 KB 0644
clfunc.cpython-311.pyc File 11.95 KB 0644
clhook.cpython-311.pyc File 6.16 KB 0644
cllog.cpython-311.pyc File 2.78 KB 0644
cloutput.cpython-311.pyc File 846 B 0644
clproc.cpython-311.pyc File 8.93 KB 0644
clpwd.cpython-311.pyc File 11.97 KB 0644
clquota.cpython-311.pyc File 1.79 KB 0644
clsec.cpython-311.pyc File 1.55 KB 0644
clwpos_lib.cpython-311.pyc File 20.95 KB 0644
const.cpython-311.pyc File 293 B 0644
evr_utils.cpython-311.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
features.cpython-311.pyc File 6.08 KB 0644
group_info_reader.cpython-311.pyc File 6.46 KB 0644
lock.cpython-311.pyc File 1.97 KB 0644
mail_helper.cpython-311.pyc File 7.2 KB 0644
mysql_lib.cpython-311.pyc File 10.01 KB 0644
php_conf_reader.cpython-311.pyc File 11.29 KB 0644
sysctl.cpython-311.pyc File 10.42 KB 0644
ui_config.cpython-311.pyc File 4.69 KB 0644
utils.cpython-311.pyc File 40.28 KB 0644
utils_cmd.cpython-311.pyc File 4.19 KB 0644