[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# General class, implementing common methods, using all cpapi plugins by default

import os

from clcommon.features import Feature
from clcommon.utils import exec_utility
from collections import defaultdict
from clcommon import ClPwd
from clcommon.clcustomscript import lvectl_custompanel_script
from clcommon.cpapi.GeneralPanel import GeneralPanelPluginV1
from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import CPAPIExternalProgramFailed

# This flag means that we use enchanced custom long script.
# With keys, which aren't described in official documentation.

class PanelPlugin(GeneralPanelPluginV1):
    def __init__(self):
        self._custom_script_name = lvectl_custompanel_script()
        self._cp_name = "Unknown"

    def getCPName(self):
        Return panel name
        return self._cp_name

    def get_cp_description(self):
        Retrieve panel name and it's version
        :return: dict: { 'name': 'panel_name', 'version': 'panel_version', 'additional_info': 'add_info'}
            or None if can't get info
        if self._custom_script_name is not None:
            return {'name': self._cp_name, 'version': '0', 'additional_info': None}
        # panel detect fail if custom script not found
        return None

    # proxy to avoid arguments-differ
    def cpinfo(self, cpuser=None, keyls=('cplogin', 'package', 'mail', 'reseller', 'dns', 'locale'),
        return self._cpinfo(cpuser, keyls=keyls, search_sys_users=search_sys_users)

    def _cpinfo(self, cpuser=None, keyls=('cplogin', 'package', 'mail', 'reseller', 'dns', 'locale', 'uid'),
                search_sys_users=True, raise_exc=False):
        Retrives specified info about panel users
        :param str|unicode|list|tuple|None cpuser: user login
        :param keyls: List or cortege of data which is necessary to obtain the user,
                    values can be:
           cplogin - name/login user control panel
           mail - Email users
           reseller - name reseller/owner users
           locale - localization of the user account
           package - User name of the package
           dns - domain of the user
           userid - uid
        :param search_sys_users:
        :param raise_exc: hack for clquota that raises exception in case of exit code != 0
        :return: returns a tuple of tuples of data in the same sequence as specified keys in keylst
                (('cltest1', 'default', '', 'root', 'cltest1.com', 'en'),)
                (('res1usr1', 'res1_pack1', '', 'res1', 'res1usr1.com', 'en'),
                 ('res1', 'default', '', 'root', 'res1.com', 'en'),
                 ('res2', 'default', '', 'res2', 'res2.com', 'en'),
                 ('cltest1', 'default', '', 'root', 'cltest1.com', 'en'),
                 ('system', 'undefined', None, 'root', '', 'en'))
        :rtype: tuple
                all_users_data = super().list_users(raise_exc=raise_exc)
                # all_users_data Example:
                #  {1000: 'Package1', 1001: 'BusinessPackage'}
                all_users_data = self.list_all(raise_exc=raise_exc)
        except (OSError, IOError, IndexError, AttributeError, CPAPIExternalProgramFailed):
            all_users_data = {}
        cl_pwd = ClPwd()
        # Build full users data dict
        users_dict = defaultdict(dict)
        for uid, value in all_users_data.items():
                user_name = cl_pwd.get_names(uid)[0]
            except ClPwd.NoSuchUserException:
                # user with uid absent in system, use some fictive name
                # We use : in username, because system does not allow this symbol in username
                user_name = f'::{uid}::'
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                package = value['package']
                reseller = value['reseller']
                package = value
                reseller = ''
                users_dict[user_name] = {'cplogin': user_name,
                                         'package': package,
                                         'mail': None,
                                         'reseller': reseller,
                                         'dns': None,
                                         'locale': None,
                                         'uid': uid,
            except Exception:
                # we are ignoring all errors
        out_list = []
        user_name_list = []
        if isinstance(cpuser, str):
            user_name_list = [cpuser]
        elif isinstance(cpuser, (list, tuple)):
            user_name_list = list(cpuser)
        elif cpuser is None:
            user_name_list = list(users_dict.keys())
        for user_name in user_name_list:
            # for case if users_dict has fictive user names
            if user_name not in users_dict:
            user_data = users_dict[user_name]
            user_data_list = []
            for data_key in keyls:
        return tuple(out_list)

    # inherited implementation does not work because
    # old plugin does not contain resellers
    def reseller_package_by_uid(self, user_id):
        Retrieves reseller name and package name by uid
        :param user_id: User id
        :return: Cortege: (Reseller_name, Package_name)
        package_name = ''
            _, stdout = exec_utility(self._custom_script_name, ['--userid='+str(user_id)])
            package_name = stdout.split('\n').pop(0)
        except (OSError, IOError, IndexError, AttributeError):
        return '', package_name

    # This is reseller method.
    # Key `--list-resellers-packages` of custom long script isn't
    # described in official documentation, so we use this method
    # only in tests and implement the key only in tests
    # for real client's custom long script we return empty result
    def resellers_packages(self, raise_exc=False):
        Return dictionary, contains available resellers packages, grouped by resellers
        :return: Dictionary.
            {'res1': ['BusinessPackage', 'UltraPackage', 'Package'],
             'res2': ['SimplePackage', 'Package'] }
            return {}
            return super().resellers_packages(raise_exc=raise_exc)
        except (OSError, IOError, IndexError, AttributeError, CPAPIExternalProgramFailed):
            return {}

    # This is reseller method.
    # Key `--list-users` of custom long script isn't
    # described in official documentation, so we use this method
    # only in tests and implement the key only in tests
    # for real client's custom long script we return empty result
    def resellers(self):
        Generates a list of resellers in the control panel
        :return: list/tuple of cpusers registered in the control panel
        :rtype: tuple
        :raise: NotSupported
            return tuple()
        resellers_list = [value['reseller'] for value in self.list_users().values()]
        return tuple(set(resellers_list))

    def get_admin_emails_list(self):
        Gets admin emails list
        :rtype: List
        :return: List: ['admin1@mail.com', 'admin2@mail.com' ]
        return []

    def docroot(self, domain):
        Return document root for domain
        :return: Cortege: (document_root, owner)
        return ()

    def userdomains(self, cpuser):
        Return domain and document root pairs for control panel user
        first domain is main domain
        :param str|unicode cpuser: user login
        :rtype: List
        :return: list of tuples (domain_name, documen_root)
        return []

    def homedirs(self):
        Detects and returns list of folders contained the home dirs of users of the cPanel
        :rtype: List
        :return: list of folders, which are parent of home dirs of users of the panel
        return []

    def reseller_users(self, resellername=None):
        Return reseller users
        :param resellername: reseller name; autodetect name if None
        :rtype: List
        :return list[str]: user names list
        return []

    def reseller_domains(self, resellername=None):
        Return reseller users and their main domains
        :param resellername: reseller name; autodetect name if None
        :rtype: List
        :return dict[str, str]: pairs user <==> domain
        return {}

    def get_user_login_url(self, domain):
        Get login url for current panel;
        :type domain: str
        :rtype: str
        :return: Panel login URL
        return ""

    def get_reseller_id_pairs(self):
        Get dict reseller => id
        Optional method for panels without hard
        link reseller <=> system user
        :rtype: dict[str,int] - {'res1': id1}
        return {}

    # This is reseller method.
    # Key `--list-reseller-users` of custom long script isn't
    # described in official documentation, so we use this method
    # only in tests and implement the key only in tests
    # for real client's custom long script we return empty result
    def get_reseller_users(self, reseller):
            return {}
            return super().get_reseller_users(reseller)
        except (OSError, IOError, IndexError, AttributeError, CPAPIExternalProgramFailed):
            return {}

    def list_users(self, raise_exc=False):
        Return list of <userid package reseller> triples
        :rtype: dict
        :return: Dictionary. Example:
            {1000: {'reseller': '', 'package': 'Package1'},
             1001: {'reseller': '', 'package': 'BusinessPackage'},
        packages_users = defaultdict(dict)
        users_info = self._cpinfo(keyls=('uid', 'reseller', 'package'), raise_exc=True)
        for uid, reseller, package in users_info:
            packages_users[uid] = {'reseller': reseller, 'package': package}
        return packages_users

    def get_unsupported_cl_features(self) -> tuple[Feature, ...]:
        Return list of cloudlinux features that can be used
        on current control panel.
        # empty list mostly for historical reasons
        return tuple()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 23 B 0644
backward_plugin.py File 10.88 KB 0644
cpanel.py File 39.04 KB 0644
directadmin.py File 39.79 KB 0644
interworx.py File 3.68 KB 0644
ispmanager.py File 9.64 KB 0644
nopanel.py File 7.73 KB 0644
plesk.py File 34.78 KB 0644
universal.py File 1.86 KB 0644
vendors.py File 11.45 KB 0644