# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2018 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT
import json
import re
import os
import subprocess
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List
from enum import Enum
from clcommon.clpwd import ClPwd
from clcommon.utils import get_rhn_systemid_value
class PluginType(Enum):
Plugin types that are currently detected
OBJECT_CACHE = 'object-cache'
ADVANCED_CACHE = 'advanced-cache'
class WpPlugins(Enum):
Static WP plugin names, that are not detected
dynamically from drop-in files, dir names, etc
UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
WP_ROCKET = 'WP Rocket'
ACCELERATE_WP = 'AccelerateWP'
def clean_comment(line: str, is_multiline_comment: bool) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
Yep, this bicycle is needed to handle different comment types in .php file
and ensure that needed line is not under comment
if is_multiline_comment:
if '*/' not in line:
return '', True
pos = line.find('*/')
part1, _ = clean_comment(line[:pos], True)
part2, is_multiline_comment = clean_comment(line[pos + 2:], False)
return part1 + part2, is_multiline_comment
if '//' in line:
pos = line.find('//')
return line[:pos], False
if '#' in line:
pos = line.find('#')
return line[:pos], False
if '/*' in line:
pos = line.find('/*')
part1, _ = clean_comment(line[:pos], False)
part2, is_multiline_comment = clean_comment(line[pos + 2:], True)
return part1 + part2, is_multiline_comment
return line, False
def _is_real_file(file: str) -> bool:
realpath_file = os.path.realpath(file)
return os.path.isfile(realpath_file)
def _check_wp_config_php(abs_path: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
WordPress looks for wp-config.php file in the
(1) WordPress root and (2) one directory above the root.
Check that there is no wp-settings.php file in the second case.
This check helps when there is a nested installation, e.g
/ is WordPress and /wp_path/ is WordPress.
wp_config_php = os.path.join(abs_path, 'wp-config.php')
if os.path.exists(wp_config_php) and _is_real_file(wp_config_php):
return True
except OSError:
abs_path_level_up = os.path.join(abs_path, os.pardir)
wp_config_php_level_up = os.path.join(abs_path_level_up, 'wp-config.php')
wp_settings_php = os.path.join(abs_path_level_up, 'wp-settings.php')
wp_settings_php_exists = os.path.exists(wp_settings_php) and _is_real_file(wp_settings_php)
return os.path.exists(wp_config_php_level_up) and \
not wp_settings_php_exists and \
def _is_real_dir(dir: str) -> bool:
realpath_dir = os.path.realpath(dir)
return os.path.isdir(realpath_dir)
def _check_wp_includes(abs_path: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
Check wp-includes exists and is dir.
wp_includes = os.path.join(abs_path, 'wp-includes')
return 'wp-includes' in os.listdir(abs_path) and _is_real_dir(wp_includes)
def is_wp_path(abs_path: Union[str, Path]) -> bool:
Checks whether passed directory is a wordpress directory
by checking presence of wp-includes folder and wp-config.php file.
if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
return False
# skip paths that can't be read (wrong permissions etc)
except OSError:
return False
return _check_wp_config_php(abs_path) and _check_wp_includes(abs_path)
except OSError:
return False
def find_wp_paths(doc_root: str, excludes: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Iterable[str]:
Returns folder with wordpress
Empty string is wp is in docroot dir
:param doc_root:
root path to start search from
:param excludes:
list of paths that must be excluded from search, e.g. subdomains
if not os.path.exists(doc_root):
if is_wp_path(doc_root):
yield ''
for path in Path(doc_root).iterdir():
if not path.is_dir():
if excludes and str(path) in excludes:
if is_wp_path(path):
yield path.name
def _is_php_define_var_found(var, path):
Looks for defined php variable with true value
r = re.compile(fr'^\s*define\s*\(\s*((\'{var}\')|(\"{var}\"))\s*,\s*true\s*\)\s*;')
# let`s find needed setting by reading line by line
with open(path, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
is_multiline_comment = False
while True:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
cleaned_line, is_multiline_comment = clean_comment(line, is_multiline_comment)
if r.match(cleaned_line):
return True
return False
def is_advanced_cache_enabled(wordpress_path: Path):
Detects whether plugin is really enabled,
cause not all plugins are enabled 'on load'
# https://kevdees.com/what-are-wordpress-drop-in-plugins/
wp_config = wordpress_path.joinpath('wp-config.php')
# really strange when main wordpress config is absent
if not os.path.exists(wp_config):
return False
return _is_php_define_var_found('WP_CACHE', wp_config)
def wp_rocket_plugin(drop_in_path):
They are advising to check whether WP_ROCKET_ADVANCED_CACHE is defined
to ensure plugin is working
if accelerate_wp_plugin(drop_in_path) is None and \
_is_php_define_var_found('WP_ROCKET_ADVANCED_CACHE', drop_in_path):
return WpPlugins.WP_ROCKET.value
return None
def accelerate_wp_plugin(drop_in_path):
Checking if the plugin folder name exists in the drop-in
with open(drop_in_path, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
if '/clsop' in f.read():
return WpPlugins.ACCELERATE_WP.value
return None
def get_wp_cache_plugin(wordpress_path: Path, plugin_type: str):
Looking for object-cache.php or advanced-cache.php in wordpress folder
If found - tries to find 'plugin-owner' of <-cache>.php by
content comparison
If cannot be found -> tries to read <-cache>.php headers looking for Plugin name: <Plugin>
wp_content_dir = wordpress_path.joinpath("wp-content")
activated_cache = wp_content_dir.joinpath(f'{plugin_type}.php')
if not os.path.exists(activated_cache):
return None
if plugin_type == PluginType.ADVANCED_CACHE.value and not is_advanced_cache_enabled(wordpress_path):
return None
plugins_dir = wp_content_dir.joinpath("plugins")
plugin_name = get_wp_cache_plugin_by_scanning_dirs(activated_cache, plugins_dir) \
or get_wp_cache_plugin_by_header(activated_cache) \
or accelerate_wp_plugin(activated_cache) \
or wp_rocket_plugin(activated_cache) \
or WpPlugins.UNKNOWN.value
return plugin_name
def get_wp_cache_plugin_by_scanning_dirs(activated_plugin: Path, plugins_dir: Path) -> Optional[str]:
Scanning plugins/* dir and looking for similar <object/advanced_cache>.php
activated_plugin_bytes = activated_plugin.read_bytes()
if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir):
return None
for plugin in plugins_dir.iterdir():
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(plugin):
if activated_plugin.name in files:
plugin_object_cache_path = Path(root) / activated_plugin.name
if plugin_object_cache_path.read_bytes() == activated_plugin_bytes:
return plugin.name
return None
def get_wp_cache_plugin_by_header(activated_plugin: Path) -> Optional[str]:
Looking for Plugin name: <Some name> in <object/advanced.php>
if not os.path.exists(activated_plugin):
return None
# must be enough to loop through headers
max_top_lines_count = 30
r = re.compile(r'^.*plugin name:\s*(?P<plugin_name>[\w ]+)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE)
with open(activated_plugin, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
for _ in range(max_top_lines_count):
line = f.readline()
match = r.search(line)
if match is not None:
return match.group('plugin_name')
return None
def get_wp_paths_with_enabled_module(user, user_wp_paths, plugin='object_cache'):
Filter user`s wp paths with paths with enabled module
paths_with_enabled_module = []
home = ClPwd().get_homedir(user)
except ClPwd.NoSuchUserException:
return []
config = os.path.join(home, '.clwpos', 'clwpos_config.json')
if not os.path.exists(config):
return []
with open(config, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
conf = f.read()
data = json.loads(conf)
except Exception:
return []
modules_data = data.get('docroots', {}).get('public_html', {})
for wp_path in user_wp_paths:
if wp_path in modules_data and plugin in modules_data[wp_path]:
return paths_with_enabled_module
def install_accelerate_wp():
packages = []
if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin'):
if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-ssa-manager'):
if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-xray-agent'):
if packages:
install_command = ["yum", "install", "-y"] + packages
proc = subprocess.run(install_command, capture_output=True, text=True, check=False)
logging.debug('Installing AccelerateWP packages captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
if not os.path.exists('/usr/share/clos_ssa/ssa_enabled'):
proc = subprocess.run(['/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-ssa-manager', 'enable-ssa'],
capture_output=True, text=True, check=False)
logging.debug('Activation SSA captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
proc = subprocess.run(
['/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-autotracing', 'enable', '--all'],
logging.debug('Activation autotracing captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
system_id = get_rhn_systemid_value('system_id')
if system_id:
proc = subprocess.run(
['/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-xray-manager', 'enable-user-agent', '--system_id', system_id.replace('ID-', '')],
logging.debug('Activation xray manager captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
def configure_accelerate_wp(async_set_suite: bool = False, source: str = None):
1. Installs needed packages
2. Enables autotracing
3. Allows AccelerateWP Free for all
if os.path.exists('/var/clwpos/admin/allowed_for_all_site_optimization.flag'):
command = ['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin',
if source == 'BILLING_OVERRIDE':
command.extend(['--source', 'BILLING_OVERRIDE'])
# For WHMCS command
if async_set_suite:
subprocess.Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
proc = subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
logging.debug('Activation AccelerateWP Free captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
def configure_accelerate_wp_premium(source: str = None):
# just in case server already allowed for all
if os.path.exists('/var/clwpos/admin/allowed_for_all_object_cache.flag'):
command = ['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin',
# If this is a request from WHMCS, we must pass --source to correctly save the suite status
# and not overwrite the settings of users
if source == 'BILLING_OVERRIDE':
command.extend(['--source', 'BILLING_OVERRIDE', '--preserve-user-settings'])
# set AccelerateWP visible for all users
proc = subprocess.run(command, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
logging.debug('Activation AccelerateWP Premium captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
def configure_accelerate_wp_cdn(source: str = None):
# just in case server already allowed for all
if os.path.exists('/var/clwpos/admin/allowed_for_all_cdn.flag'):
# set AccelerateWP visible for all users
command_cdn = ['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin',
# If this is a request from WHMCS, we must pass --source to correctly save the suite status
if source == 'BILLING_OVERRIDE':
command_cdn.extend(['--source', 'BILLING_OVERRIDE'])
proc = subprocess.run(command_cdn, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
logging.debug('Activation AccelerateWP CDN captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
# set AccelerateWP CDN PRO visible for all users
command_cdn_pro = ['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin',
# If this is a request from WHMCS, we must pass --source to correctly save the suite status
# and not overwrite the settings of users
if source == 'BILLING_OVERRIDE':
command_cdn_pro.extend(['--source', 'BILLING_OVERRIDE', '--preserve-user-settings'])
proc = subprocess.run(command_cdn_pro, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
logging.debug('Activation AccelerateWP CDN PRO captured out: %s, err: %s', proc.stdout, proc.stderr)
def configure_upgrade_url(upgrade_url):
if not upgrade_url:
options_json = subprocess.run(['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin', 'get-options'],
options = json.loads(options_json)
# nothing to do, upgrade url already set to same value
if upgrade_url == options.get('upgrade_url'):
proc = subprocess.run(['/usr/bin/cloudlinux-awp-admin',
logging.debug('Setting AccelerateWP Premium upgrade url captured out: %s, err: %s',
proc.stdout, proc.stderr)