[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# $Id: parts.py 9038 2022-03-05 23:31:46Z milde $
# Authors: David Goodger <goodger@python.org>; Ueli Schlaepfer; Dmitry Jemerov
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.

Transforms related to document parts.

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import sys
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.transforms import Transform

class SectNum(Transform):

    Automatically assigns numbers to the titles of document sections.

    It is possible to limit the maximum section level for which the numbers
    are added.  For those sections that are auto-numbered, the "autonum"
    attribute is set, informing the contents table generator that a different
    form of the TOC should be used.

    default_priority = 710
    """Should be applied before `Contents`."""

    def apply(self):
        self.maxdepth = self.startnode.details.get('depth', None)
        self.startvalue = self.startnode.details.get('start', 1)
        self.prefix = self.startnode.details.get('prefix', '')
        self.suffix = self.startnode.details.get('suffix', '')
        if self.document.settings.sectnum_xform:
            if self.maxdepth is None:
                self.maxdepth = sys.maxsize
        else:  # store details for eventual section numbering by the writer
            self.document.settings.sectnum_depth = self.maxdepth
            self.document.settings.sectnum_start = self.startvalue
            self.document.settings.sectnum_prefix = self.prefix
            self.document.settings.sectnum_suffix = self.suffix

    def update_section_numbers(self, node, prefix=(), depth=0):
        depth += 1
        if prefix:
            sectnum = 1
            sectnum = self.startvalue
        for child in node:
            if isinstance(child, nodes.section):
                numbers = prefix + (str(sectnum),)
                title = child[0]
                # Use &nbsp; for spacing:
                generated = nodes.generated(
                    '', (self.prefix + '.'.join(numbers) + self.suffix
                         + '\u00a0' * 3),
                title.insert(0, generated)
                title['auto'] = 1
                if depth < self.maxdepth:
                    self.update_section_numbers(child, numbers, depth)
                sectnum += 1

class Contents(Transform):

    This transform generates a table of contents from the entire document tree
    or from a single branch.  It locates "section" elements and builds them
    into a nested bullet list, which is placed within a "topic" created by the
    contents directive.  A title is either explicitly specified, taken from
    the appropriate language module, or omitted (local table of contents).
    The depth may be specified.  Two-way references between the table of
    contents and section titles are generated (requires Writer support).

    This transform requires a startnode, which contains generation
    options and provides the location for the generated table of contents (the
    startnode is replaced by the table of contents "topic").

    default_priority = 720

    def apply(self):
        # let the writer (or output software) build the contents list?
        toc_by_writer = getattr(self.document.settings, 'use_latex_toc', False)
        details = self.startnode.details
        if 'local' in details:
            startnode = self.startnode.parent.parent
            while not (isinstance(startnode, nodes.section)
                       or isinstance(startnode, nodes.document)):
                # find the ToC root: a direct ancestor of startnode
                startnode = startnode.parent
            startnode = self.document
        self.toc_id = self.startnode.parent['ids'][0]
        if 'backlinks' in details:
            self.backlinks = details['backlinks']
            self.backlinks = self.document.settings.toc_backlinks
        if toc_by_writer:
            # move customization settings to the parent node
            contents = self.build_contents(startnode)
            if len(contents):

    def build_contents(self, node, level=0):
        level += 1
        sections = [sect for sect in node if isinstance(sect, nodes.section)]
        entries = []
        depth = self.startnode.details.get('depth', sys.maxsize)
        for section in sections:
            title = section[0]
            auto = title.get('auto')    # May be set by SectNum.
            entrytext = self.copy_and_filter(title)
            reference = nodes.reference('', '', refid=section['ids'][0],
            ref_id = self.document.set_id(reference,
            entry = nodes.paragraph('', '', reference)
            item = nodes.list_item('', entry)
            if (self.backlinks in ('entry', 'top')
                and title.next_node(nodes.reference) is None):
                if self.backlinks == 'entry':
                    title['refid'] = ref_id
                elif self.backlinks == 'top':
                    title['refid'] = self.toc_id
            if level < depth:
                subsects = self.build_contents(section, level)
                item += subsects
        if entries:
            contents = nodes.bullet_list('', *entries)
            if auto:  # auto-numbered sections
            return contents
            return []

    def copy_and_filter(self, node):
        """Return a copy of a title, with references, images, etc. removed."""
        visitor = ContentsFilter(self.document)
        return visitor.get_entry_text()

class ContentsFilter(nodes.TreeCopyVisitor):

    def get_entry_text(self):
        return self.get_tree_copy().children

    def visit_citation_reference(self, node):
        raise nodes.SkipNode

    def visit_footnote_reference(self, node):
        raise nodes.SkipNode

    def visit_image(self, node):
        if node.hasattr('alt'):
        raise nodes.SkipNode

    def ignore_node_but_process_children(self, node):
        raise nodes.SkipDeparture

    visit_problematic = ignore_node_but_process_children
    visit_reference = ignore_node_but_process_children
    visit_target = ignore_node_but_process_children


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 6.71 KB 0644
components.py File 2.1 KB 0644
frontmatter.py File 20.87 KB 0644
misc.py File 4.76 KB 0644
parts.py File 6.75 KB 0644
peps.py File 10.85 KB 0644
references.py File 35.96 KB 0644
universal.py File 12.25 KB 0644
writer_aux.py File 2.99 KB 0644