[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# $Id: frontend.py 9328 2023-02-07 14:24:37Z milde $
# Author: David Goodger <goodger@python.org>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.

Command-line and common processing for Docutils front-end tools.

This module is provisional.
Major changes will happen with the switch from the deprecated
"optparse" module to "arparse".

Applications should use the high-level API provided by `docutils.core`.
See https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/api/runtime-settings.html.

Exports the following classes:

* `OptionParser`: Standard Docutils command-line processing.
  Deprecated. Will be replaced by an ArgumentParser.
* `Option`: Customized version of `optparse.Option`; validation support.
  Deprecated. Will be removed.
* `Values`: Runtime settings; objects are simple structs
  (``object.attribute``).  Supports cumulative list settings (attributes).
  Deprecated. Will be removed.
* `ConfigParser`: Standard Docutils config file processing.
  Provisional. Details will change.

Also exports the following functions:

Interface function:
   `get_default_settings()`.  New in 0.19.

Option callbacks:
   `store_multiple()`, `read_config_file()`. Deprecated.

Setting validators:
  `validate_encoding()`, `validate_encoding_error_handler()`,
  `validate_boolean()`, `validate_ternary()`,
  `validate_nonnegative_int()`, `validate_threshold()`,


  `make_paths_absolute()`, `filter_settings_spec()`. Provisional.

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import codecs
import configparser
import optparse
from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP
import os
import os.path
import sys
import warnings

import docutils
from docutils import io, utils

def store_multiple(option, opt, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
    Store multiple values in `parser.values`.  (Option callback.)

    Store `None` for each attribute named in `args`, and store the value for
    each key (attribute name) in `kwargs`.
    for attribute in args:
        setattr(parser.values, attribute, None)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        setattr(parser.values, key, value)

def read_config_file(option, opt, value, parser):
    Read a configuration file during option processing.  (Option callback.)
        new_settings = parser.get_config_file_settings(value)
    except ValueError as err:
    parser.values.update(new_settings, parser)

def validate_encoding(setting, value, option_parser,
                      config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    if value == '':
        return None  # allow overwriting a config file value
    except LookupError:
        raise LookupError('setting "%s": unknown encoding: "%s"'
                          % (setting, value))
    return value

def validate_encoding_error_handler(setting, value, option_parser,
                                    config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    except LookupError:
        raise LookupError(
            'unknown encoding error handler: "%s" (choices: '
            '"strict", "ignore", "replace", "backslashreplace", '
            '"xmlcharrefreplace", and possibly others; see documentation for '
            'the Python ``codecs`` module)' % value)
    return value

def validate_encoding_and_error_handler(
    setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    Side-effect: if an error handler is included in the value, it is inserted
    into the appropriate place as if it was a separate setting/option.
    if ':' in value:
        encoding, handler = value.split(':')
            setting + '_error_handler', handler, option_parser,
            config_parser, config_section)
        if config_parser:
            config_parser.set(config_section, setting + '_error_handler',
            setattr(option_parser.values, setting + '_error_handler', handler)
        encoding = value
    validate_encoding(setting, encoding, option_parser,
                      config_parser, config_section)
    return encoding

def validate_boolean(setting, value, option_parser,
                     config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    """Check/normalize boolean settings:
         True:  '1', 'on', 'yes', 'true'
         False: '0', 'off', 'no','false', ''
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return value
        return option_parser.booleans[value.strip().lower()]
    except KeyError:
        raise LookupError('unknown boolean value: "%s"' % value)

def validate_ternary(setting, value, option_parser,
                     config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    """Check/normalize three-value settings:
         True:  '1', 'on', 'yes', 'true'
         False: '0', 'off', 'no','false', ''
         any other value: returned as-is.
    if isinstance(value, bool) or value is None:
        return value
        return option_parser.booleans[value.strip().lower()]
    except KeyError:
        return value

def validate_nonnegative_int(setting, value, option_parser,
                             config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    value = int(value)
    if value < 0:
        raise ValueError('negative value; must be positive or zero')
    return value

def validate_threshold(setting, value, option_parser,
                       config_parser=None, config_section=None):
        return int(value)
    except ValueError:
            return option_parser.thresholds[value.lower()]
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            raise LookupError('unknown threshold: %r.' % value)

def validate_colon_separated_string_list(
    setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    if not isinstance(value, list):
        value = value.split(':')
        last = value.pop()
    return value

def validate_comma_separated_list(setting, value, option_parser,
                                  config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    """Check/normalize list arguments (split at "," and strip whitespace).
    # `value` may be ``bytes``, ``str``, or a ``list`` (when  given as
    # command line option and "action" is "append").
    if not isinstance(value, list):
        value = [value]
    # this function is called for every option added to `value`
    # -> split the last item and append the result:
    last = value.pop()
    items = [i.strip(' \t\n') for i in last.split(',') if i.strip(' \t\n')]
    return value

def validate_url_trailing_slash(
    setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    if not value:
        return './'
    elif value.endswith('/'):
        return value
        return value + '/'

def validate_dependency_file(setting, value, option_parser,
                             config_parser=None, config_section=None):
        return utils.DependencyList(value)
    except OSError:
        # TODO: warn/info?
        return utils.DependencyList(None)

def validate_strip_class(setting, value, option_parser,
                         config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    # value is a comma separated string list:
    value = validate_comma_separated_list(setting, value, option_parser,
                                          config_parser, config_section)
    # validate list elements:
    for cls in value:
        normalized = docutils.nodes.make_id(cls)
        if cls != normalized:
            raise ValueError('Invalid class value %r (perhaps %r?)'
                             % (cls, normalized))
    return value

def validate_smartquotes_locales(setting, value, option_parser,
                                 config_parser=None, config_section=None):
    """Check/normalize a comma separated list of smart quote definitions.

    Return a list of (language-tag, quotes) string tuples."""

    # value is a comma separated string list:
    value = validate_comma_separated_list(setting, value, option_parser,
                                          config_parser, config_section)
    # validate list elements
    lc_quotes = []
    for item in value:
            lang, quotes = item.split(':', 1)
        except AttributeError:
            # this function is called for every option added to `value`
            # -> ignore if already a tuple:
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid value "%s".'
                             ' Format is "<language>:<quotes>".'
                             % item.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'))
        # parse colon separated string list:
        quotes = quotes.strip()
        multichar_quotes = quotes.split(':')
        if len(multichar_quotes) == 4:
            quotes = multichar_quotes
        elif len(quotes) != 4:
            raise ValueError('Invalid value "%s". Please specify 4 quotes\n'
                             '    (primary open/close; secondary open/close).'
                             % item.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'))
        lc_quotes.append((lang, quotes))
    return lc_quotes

def make_paths_absolute(pathdict, keys, base_path=None):
    Interpret filesystem path settings relative to the `base_path` given.

    Paths are values in `pathdict` whose keys are in `keys`.  Get `keys` from
    if base_path is None:
        base_path = os.getcwd()
    for key in keys:
        if key in pathdict:
            value = pathdict[key]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = [make_one_path_absolute(base_path, path)
                         for path in value]
            elif value:
                value = make_one_path_absolute(base_path, value)
            pathdict[key] = value

def make_one_path_absolute(base_path, path):
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, path))

def filter_settings_spec(settings_spec, *exclude, **replace):
    """Return a copy of `settings_spec` excluding/replacing some settings.

    `settings_spec` is a tuple of configuration settings
    (cf. `docutils.SettingsSpec.settings_spec`).

    Optional positional arguments are names of to-be-excluded settings.
    Keyword arguments are option specification replacements.
    (See the html4strict writer for an example.)
    settings = list(settings_spec)
    # every third item is a sequence of option tuples
    for i in range(2, len(settings), 3):
        newopts = []
        for opt_spec in settings[i]:
            # opt_spec is ("<help>", [<option strings>], {<keyword args>})
            opt_name = [opt_string[2:].replace('-', '_')
                        for opt_string in opt_spec[1]
                        if opt_string.startswith('--')][0]
            if opt_name in exclude:
            if opt_name in replace.keys():
        settings[i] = tuple(newopts)
    return tuple(settings)

class Values(optparse.Values):
    """Storage for option values.

    Updates list attributes by extension rather than by replacement.
    Works in conjunction with the `OptionParser.lists` instance attribute.

    Deprecated. Will be removed.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        warnings.warn('frontend.Values class will be removed '
                      'in Docutils 0.21 or later.',
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if getattr(self, 'record_dependencies', None) is None:
            # Set up dummy dependency list.
            self.record_dependencies = utils.DependencyList()

    def update(self, other_dict, option_parser):
        if isinstance(other_dict, Values):
            other_dict = other_dict.__dict__
        other_dict = dict(other_dict)  # also works with ConfigParser sections
        for setting in option_parser.lists.keys():
            if hasattr(self, setting) and setting in other_dict:
                value = getattr(self, setting)
                if value:
                    value += other_dict[setting]
                    del other_dict[setting]

    def copy(self):
        """Return a shallow copy of `self`."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
            return self.__class__(defaults=self.__dict__)

    def setdefault(self, name, default):
        """Return ``self.name`` or ``default``.

        If ``self.name`` is unset, set ``self.name = default``.
        if getattr(self, name, None) is None:
            setattr(self, name, default)
        return getattr(self, name)

class Option(optparse.Option):
    """Add validation and override support to `optparse.Option`.

    Deprecated. Will be removed.

    ATTRS = optparse.Option.ATTRS + ['validator', 'overrides']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        warnings.warn('The frontend.Option class will be removed '
                      'in Docutils 0.21 or later.',
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def process(self, opt, value, values, parser):
        Call the validator function on applicable settings and
        evaluate the 'overrides' option.
        Extends `optparse.Option.process`.
        result = super().process(opt, value, values, parser)
        setting = self.dest
        if setting:
            if self.validator:
                value = getattr(values, setting)
                    new_value = self.validator(setting, value, parser)
                except Exception as err:
                    raise optparse.OptionValueError(
                        'Error in option "%s":\n    %s'
                        % (opt, io.error_string(err)))
                setattr(values, setting, new_value)
            if self.overrides:
                setattr(values, self.overrides, None)
        return result

class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser, docutils.SettingsSpec):
    Settings parser for command-line and library use.

    The `settings_spec` specification here and in other Docutils components
    are merged to build the set of command-line options and runtime settings
    for this process.

    Common settings (defined below) and component-specific settings must not
    conflict.  Short options are reserved for common settings, and components
    are restricted to using long options.

    Will be replaced by a subclass of `argparse.ArgumentParser`.

    standard_config_files = [
        '/etc/docutils.conf',           # system-wide
        './docutils.conf',              # project-specific
        '~/.docutils']                  # user-specific
    """Docutils configuration files, using ConfigParser syntax.

    Filenames will be tilde-expanded later. Later files override earlier ones.

    threshold_choices = 'info 1 warning 2 error 3 severe 4 none 5'.split()
    """Possible inputs for for --report and --halt threshold values."""

    thresholds = {'info': 1, 'warning': 2, 'error': 3, 'severe': 4, 'none': 5}
    """Lookup table for --report and --halt threshold values."""

    booleans = {'1': True, 'on': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, '0': False,
                'off': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, '': False}
    """Lookup table for boolean configuration file settings."""

    default_error_encoding = (getattr(sys.stderr, 'encoding', None)
                              or io._locale_encoding  # noqa
                              or 'ascii')

    default_error_encoding_error_handler = 'backslashreplace'

    settings_spec = (
        'General Docutils Options',
        (('Output destination name. Obsoletes the <destination> '
          'positional argument. Default: None (stdout).',
          ['--output'], {'metavar': '<destination>'}),
         ('Specify the document title as metadata.',
          ['--title'], {'metavar': '<title>'}),
         ('Include a "Generated by Docutils" credit and link.',
          ['--generator', '-g'], {'action': 'store_true',
                                  'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Do not include a generator credit.',
          ['--no-generator'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'generator'}),
         ('Include the date at the end of the document (UTC).',
          ['--date', '-d'], {'action': 'store_const', 'const': '%Y-%m-%d',
                             'dest': 'datestamp'}),
         ('Include the time & date (UTC).',
          ['--time', '-t'], {'action': 'store_const',
                             'const': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC',
                             'dest': 'datestamp'}),
         ('Do not include a datestamp of any kind.',
          ['--no-datestamp'], {'action': 'store_const', 'const': None,
                               'dest': 'datestamp'}),
         ('Include a "View document source" link.',
          ['--source-link', '-s'], {'action': 'store_true',
                                    'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Use <URL> for a source link; implies --source-link.',
          ['--source-url'], {'metavar': '<URL>'}),
         ('Do not include a "View document source" link.',
          {'action': 'callback', 'callback': store_multiple,
           'callback_args': ('source_link', 'source_url')}),
         ('Link from section headers to TOC entries.  (default)',
          {'dest': 'toc_backlinks', 'action': 'store_const', 'const': 'entry',
           'default': 'entry'}),
         ('Link from section headers to the top of the TOC.',
          {'dest': 'toc_backlinks', 'action': 'store_const', 'const': 'top'}),
         ('Disable backlinks to the table of contents.',
          {'dest': 'toc_backlinks', 'action': 'store_false'}),
         ('Link from footnotes/citations to references. (default)',
          {'action': 'store_true', 'default': 1,
           'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Disable backlinks from footnotes and citations.',
          {'dest': 'footnote_backlinks', 'action': 'store_false'}),
         ('Enable section numbering by Docutils.  (default)',
          {'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'sectnum_xform',
           'default': 1, 'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Disable section numbering by Docutils.',
          {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'sectnum_xform'}),
         ('Remove comment elements from the document tree.',
          {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Leave comment elements in the document tree. (default)',
          {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'strip_comments'}),
         ('Remove all elements with classes="<class>" from the document tree. '
          'Warning: potentially dangerous; use with caution. '
          '(Multiple-use option.)',
          {'action': 'append', 'dest': 'strip_elements_with_classes',
           'metavar': '<class>', 'validator': validate_strip_class}),
         ('Remove all classes="<class>" attributes from elements in the '
          'document tree. Warning: potentially dangerous; use with caution. '
          '(Multiple-use option.)',
          {'action': 'append', 'dest': 'strip_classes',
           'metavar': '<class>', 'validator': validate_strip_class}),
         ('Report system messages at or higher than <level>: "info" or "1", '
          '"warning"/"2" (default), "error"/"3", "severe"/"4", "none"/"5"',
          ['--report', '-r'], {'choices': threshold_choices, 'default': 2,
                               'dest': 'report_level', 'metavar': '<level>',
                               'validator': validate_threshold}),
         ('Report all system messages.  (Same as "--report=1".)',
          ['--verbose', '-v'], {'action': 'store_const', 'const': 1,
                                'dest': 'report_level'}),
         ('Report no system messages.  (Same as "--report=5".)',
          ['--quiet', '-q'], {'action': 'store_const', 'const': 5,
                              'dest': 'report_level'}),
         ('Halt execution at system messages at or above <level>.  '
          'Levels as in --report.  Default: 4 (severe).',
          ['--halt'], {'choices': threshold_choices, 'dest': 'halt_level',
                       'default': 4, 'metavar': '<level>',
                       'validator': validate_threshold}),
         ('Halt at the slightest problem.  Same as "--halt=info".',
          ['--strict'], {'action': 'store_const', 'const': 1,
                         'dest': 'halt_level'}),
         ('Enable a non-zero exit status for non-halting system messages at '
          'or above <level>.  Default: 5 (disabled).',
          ['--exit-status'], {'choices': threshold_choices,
                              'dest': 'exit_status_level',
                              'default': 5, 'metavar': '<level>',
                              'validator': validate_threshold}),
         ('Enable debug-level system messages and diagnostics.',
          ['--debug'], {'action': 'store_true',
                        'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Disable debug output.  (default)',
          ['--no-debug'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'debug'}),
         ('Send the output of system messages to <file>.',
          ['--warnings'], {'dest': 'warning_stream', 'metavar': '<file>'}),
         ('Enable Python tracebacks when Docutils is halted.',
          ['--traceback'], {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None,
                            'validator': validate_boolean}),
         ('Disable Python tracebacks.  (default)',
          ['--no-traceback'], {'dest': 'traceback', 'action': 'store_false'}),
         ('Specify the encoding and optionally the '
          'error handler of input text.  Default: <auto-detect>:strict.',
          ['--input-encoding', '-i'],
          {'metavar': '<name[:handler]>',
           'validator': validate_encoding_and_error_handler}),
         ('Specify the error handler for undecodable characters.  '
          'Choices: "strict" (default), "ignore", and "replace".',
          {'default': 'strict', 'validator': validate_encoding_error_handler}),
         ('Specify the text encoding and optionally the error handler for '
          'output.  Default: utf-8:strict.',
          ['--output-encoding', '-o'],
          {'metavar': '<name[:handler]>', 'default': 'utf-8',
           'validator': validate_encoding_and_error_handler}),
         ('Specify error handler for unencodable output characters; '
          '"strict" (default), "ignore", "replace", '
          '"xmlcharrefreplace", "backslashreplace".',
          {'default': 'strict', 'validator': validate_encoding_error_handler}),
         ('Specify text encoding and optionally error handler '
          'for error output.  Default: %s:%s.'
          % (default_error_encoding, default_error_encoding_error_handler),
          ['--error-encoding', '-e'],
          {'metavar': '<name[:handler]>', 'default': default_error_encoding,
           'validator': validate_encoding_and_error_handler}),
         ('Specify the error handler for unencodable characters in '
          'error output.  Default: %s.'
          % default_error_encoding_error_handler,
          {'default': default_error_encoding_error_handler,
           'validator': validate_encoding_error_handler}),
         ('Specify the language (as BCP 47 language tag).  Default: en.',
          ['--language', '-l'], {'dest': 'language_code', 'default': 'en',
                                 'metavar': '<name>'}),
         ('Write output file dependencies to <file>.',
          {'metavar': '<file>', 'validator': validate_dependency_file,
           'default': None}),           # default set in Values class
         ('Read configuration settings from <file>, if it exists.',
          ['--config'], {'metavar': '<file>', 'type': 'string',
                         'action': 'callback', 'callback': read_config_file}),
         ("Show this program's version number and exit.",
          ['--version', '-V'], {'action': 'version'}),
         ('Show this help message and exit.',
          ['--help', '-h'], {'action': 'help'}),
         # Typically not useful for non-programmatical use:
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--id-prefix'], {'default': ''}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--auto-id-prefix'], {'default': '%'}),
         # Hidden options, for development use only:
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--dump-settings'], {'action': 'store_true'}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--dump-internals'], {'action': 'store_true'}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--dump-transforms'], {'action': 'store_true'}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--dump-pseudo-xml'], {'action': 'store_true'}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--expose-internal-attribute'],
          {'action': 'append', 'dest': 'expose_internals',
           'validator': validate_colon_separated_string_list}),
         (SUPPRESS_HELP, ['--strict-visitor'], {'action': 'store_true'}),
    """Runtime settings and command-line options common to all Docutils front
    ends.  Setting specs specific to individual Docutils components are also
    used (see `populate_from_components()`)."""

    settings_defaults = {'_disable_config': None,
                         '_source': None,
                         '_destination': None,
                         '_config_files': None}
    """Defaults for settings without command-line option equivalents.

    See https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/config.html#internal-settings

    config_section = 'general'

    version_template = ('%%prog (Docutils %s%s, Python %s, on %s)'
                        % (docutils.__version__,
                           and ' [%s]'%docutils.__version_details__ or '',
                           sys.version.split()[0], sys.platform))
    """Default version message."""

    def __init__(self, components=(), defaults=None, read_config_files=False,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        """Set up OptionParser instance.

        `components` is a list of Docutils components each containing a
        ``.settings_spec`` attribute.
        `defaults` is a mapping of setting default overrides.

        self.lists = {}
        """Set of list-type settings."""

        self.config_files = []
        """List of paths of applied configuration files."""

        self.relative_path_settings = ['warning_stream']  # will be modified

        warnings.warn('The frontend.OptionParser class will be replaced '
                      'by a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser '
                      'in Docutils 0.21 or later.',
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        super().__init__(option_class=Option, add_help_option=None,
                         *args, **kwargs)
        if not self.version:
            self.version = self.version_template
        self.components = (self, *components)
        self.defaults.update(defaults or {})
        if read_config_files and not self.defaults['_disable_config']:
                config_settings = self.get_standard_config_settings()
            except ValueError as err:

    def populate_from_components(self, components):
        """Collect settings specification from components.

        For each component, populate from the `SettingsSpec.settings_spec`
        structure, then from the `SettingsSpec.settings_defaults` dictionary.
        After all components have been processed, check for and populate from
        each component's `SettingsSpec.settings_default_overrides` dictionary.
        for component in components:
            if component is None:
            settings_spec = component.settings_spec
            for i in range(0, len(settings_spec), 3):
                title, description, option_spec = settings_spec[i:i+3]
                if title:
                    group = optparse.OptionGroup(self, title, description)
                    group = self        # single options
                for (help_text, option_strings, kwargs) in option_spec:
                    option = group.add_option(help=help_text, *option_strings,
                    if kwargs.get('action') == 'append':
                        self.lists[option.dest] = True
                if component.settings_defaults:
        for component in components:
            if component and component.settings_default_overrides:

    def get_standard_config_files(cls):
        """Return list of config files, from environment or standard."""
        if 'DOCUTILSCONFIG' in os.environ:
            config_files = os.environ['DOCUTILSCONFIG'].split(os.pathsep)
            config_files = cls.standard_config_files
        return [os.path.expanduser(f) for f in config_files if f.strip()]

    def get_standard_config_settings(self):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
            settings = Values()
        for filename in self.get_standard_config_files():
            settings.update(self.get_config_file_settings(filename), self)
        return settings

    def get_config_file_settings(self, config_file):
        """Returns a dictionary containing appropriate config file settings."""
        config_parser = ConfigParser()
        # parse config file, add filename if found and successfully read.
        applied = set()
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
            self.config_files += config_parser.read(config_file, self)
            settings = Values()
        for component in self.components:
            if not component:
            for section in (tuple(component.config_section_dependencies or ())
                            + (component.config_section,)):
                if section in applied:
                if config_parser.has_section(section):
                    settings.update(config_parser[section], self)
        return settings.__dict__

    def check_values(self, values, args):
        """Store positional arguments as runtime settings."""
        values._source, values._destination = self.check_args(args)
        make_paths_absolute(values.__dict__, self.relative_path_settings)
        values._config_files = self.config_files
        return values

    def check_args(self, args):
        source = destination = None
        if args:
            source = args.pop(0)
            if source == '-':           # means stdin
                source = None
        if args:
            destination = args.pop(0)
            if destination == '-':      # means stdout
                destination = None
        if args:
            self.error('Maximum 2 arguments allowed.')
        if source and source == destination:
            self.error('Do not specify the same file for both source and '
                       'destination.  It will clobber the source file.')
        return source, destination

    def set_defaults_from_dict(self, defaults):
        # not used, deprecated, will be removed

    def get_default_values(self):
        """Needed to get custom `Values` instances."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
            defaults = Values(self.defaults)
        defaults._config_files = self.config_files
        return defaults

    def get_option_by_dest(self, dest):
        Get an option by its dest.

        If you're supplying a dest which is shared by several options,
        it is undefined which option of those is returned.

        A KeyError is raised if there is no option with the supplied
        for group in self.option_groups + [self]:
            for option in group.option_list:
                if option.dest == dest:
                    return option
        raise KeyError('No option with dest == %r.' % dest)

class ConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser):
    """Parser for Docutils configuration files.

    See https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/config.html.

    Option key normalization includes conversion of '-' to '_'.

    Config file encoding is "utf-8". Encoding errors are reported
    and the affected file(s) skipped.

    This class is provisional and will change in future versions.

    old_settings = {
        'pep_stylesheet': ('pep_html writer', 'stylesheet'),
        'pep_stylesheet_path': ('pep_html writer', 'stylesheet_path'),
        'pep_template': ('pep_html writer', 'template')}
    """{old setting: (new section, new setting)} mapping, used by
    `handle_old_config`, to convert settings from the old [options] section.

    old_warning = (
        'The "[option]" section is deprecated.\n'
        'Support for old-format configuration files will be removed in '
        'Docutils 0.21 or later.  Please revise your configuration files.  '
        'See <https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/config.html>, '
        'section "Old-Format Configuration Files".')

    not_utf8_error = """\
Unable to read configuration file "%s": content not encoded as UTF-8.
Skipping "%s" configuration file.

    def read(self, filenames, option_parser=None):
        # Currently, if a `docutils.frontend.OptionParser` instance is
        # supplied, setting values are validated.
        if option_parser is not None:
            warnings.warn('frontend.ConfigParser.read(): parameter '
                          '"option_parser" will be removed '
                          'in Docutils 0.21 or later.',
                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        read_ok = []
        if isinstance(filenames, str):
            filenames = [filenames]
        for filename in filenames:
            # Config files are UTF-8-encoded:
                read_ok += super().read(filename, encoding='utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                sys.stderr.write(self.not_utf8_error % (filename, filename))
            if 'options' in self:
            if option_parser is not None:
                self.validate_settings(filename, option_parser)
        return read_ok

    def handle_old_config(self, filename):
        warnings.warn_explicit(self.old_warning, ConfigDeprecationWarning,
                               filename, 0)
        options = self.get_section('options')
        if not self.has_section('general'):
        for key, value in options.items():
            if key in self.old_settings:
                section, setting = self.old_settings[key]
                if not self.has_section(section):
                section = 'general'
                setting = key
            if not self.has_option(section, setting):
                self.set(section, setting, value)

    def validate_settings(self, filename, option_parser):
        Call the validator function and implement overrides on all applicable
        for section in self.sections():
            for setting in self.options(section):
                    option = option_parser.get_option_by_dest(setting)
                except KeyError:
                if option.validator:
                    value = self.get(section, setting)
                        new_value = option.validator(
                            setting, value, option_parser,
                            config_parser=self, config_section=section)
                    except Exception as err:
                        raise ValueError(f'Error in config file "{filename}", '
                                         f'section "[{section}]":\n'
                                         f'    {io.error_string(err)}\n'
                                         f'        {setting} = {value}')
                    self.set(section, setting, new_value)
                if option.overrides:
                    self.set(section, option.overrides, None)

    def optionxform(self, optionstr):
        Lowercase and transform '-' to '_'.

        So the cmdline form of option names can be used in config files.
        return optionstr.lower().replace('-', '_')

    def get_section(self, section):
        Return a given section as a dictionary.

        Return empty dictionary if the section doesn't exist.

        Deprecated. Use the configparser "Mapping Protocol Access" and
        catch KeyError.
        warnings.warn('frontend.OptionParser.get_section() '
                      'will be removed in Docutils 0.21 or later.',
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            return dict(self[section])
        except KeyError:
            return {}

class ConfigDeprecationWarning(FutureWarning):
    """Warning for deprecated configuration file features."""

def get_default_settings(*components):
    """Return default runtime settings for `components`.

    Return a `frontend.Values` instance with defaults for generic Docutils
    settings and settings from the `components` (`SettingsSpec` instances).

    This corresponds to steps 1 and 2 in the `runtime settings priority`__.

    __ https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/api/runtime-settings.html
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
        return OptionParser(components).get_default_values()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
parsers Folder 0755
readers Folder 0755
transforms Folder 0755
utils Folder 0755
writers Folder 0755
__init__.py File 10.05 KB 0644
__main__.py File 3.54 KB 0644
core.py File 32.27 KB 0644
examples.py File 3.87 KB 0644
frontend.py File 39.06 KB 0644
io.py File 23.4 KB 0644
nodes.py File 79.11 KB 0644
statemachine.py File 55.62 KB 0644