[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import json

from .algorithms import get_default_algorithms
from .exceptions import InvalidKeyError, PyJWKError, PyJWKSetError

class PyJWK:
    def __init__(self, jwk_data, algorithm=None):
        self._algorithms = get_default_algorithms()
        self._jwk_data = jwk_data

        kty = self._jwk_data.get("kty", None)
        if not kty:
            raise InvalidKeyError("kty is not found: %s" % self._jwk_data)

        if not algorithm and isinstance(self._jwk_data, dict):
            algorithm = self._jwk_data.get("alg", None)

        if not algorithm:
            # Determine alg with kty (and crv).
            crv = self._jwk_data.get("crv", None)
            if kty == "EC":
                if crv == "P-256" or not crv:
                    algorithm = "ES256"
                elif crv == "P-384":
                    algorithm = "ES384"
                elif crv == "P-521":
                    algorithm = "ES512"
                elif crv == "secp256k1":
                    algorithm = "ES256K"
                    raise InvalidKeyError("Unsupported crv: %s" % crv)
            elif kty == "RSA":
                algorithm = "RS256"
            elif kty == "oct":
                algorithm = "HS256"
            elif kty == "OKP":
                if not crv:
                    raise InvalidKeyError("crv is not found: %s" % self._jwk_data)
                if crv == "Ed25519":
                    algorithm = "EdDSA"
                    raise InvalidKeyError("Unsupported crv: %s" % crv)
                raise InvalidKeyError("Unsupported kty: %s" % kty)

        self.Algorithm = self._algorithms.get(algorithm)

        if not self.Algorithm:
            raise PyJWKError("Unable to find a algorithm for key: %s" % self._jwk_data)

        self.key = self.Algorithm.from_jwk(self._jwk_data)

    def from_dict(obj, algorithm=None):
        return PyJWK(obj, algorithm)

    def from_json(data, algorithm=None):
        obj = json.loads(data)
        return PyJWK.from_dict(obj, algorithm)

    def key_type(self):
        return self._jwk_data.get("kty", None)

    def key_id(self):
        return self._jwk_data.get("kid", None)

    def public_key_use(self):
        return self._jwk_data.get("use", None)

class PyJWKSet:
    def __init__(self, keys):
        self.keys = []

        if not keys or not isinstance(keys, list):
            raise PyJWKSetError("Invalid JWK Set value")

        if len(keys) == 0:
            raise PyJWKSetError("The JWK Set did not contain any keys")

        for key in keys:

    def from_dict(obj):
        keys = obj.get("keys", [])
        return PyJWKSet(keys)

    def from_json(data):
        obj = json.loads(data)
        return PyJWKSet.from_dict(obj)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 1.52 KB 0644
algorithms.py File 20.97 KB 0644
api_jwk.py File 2.87 KB 0644
api_jws.py File 7.65 KB 0644
api_jwt.py File 7.13 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 965 B 0644
help.py File 1.57 KB 0644
jwks_client.py File 1.88 KB 0644
py.typed File 0 B 0644
utils.py File 2.45 KB 0644