[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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An interface to html5lib that mimics the lxml.html interface.
HTMLParser)�TreeBuilder)�etree)�Element�XHTML_NAMESPACE�_contains_block_level_tag)�urlopen)�urlparsec��eZdZdZdd�ZdS)rz*An html5lib HTML parser with lxml as tree.Fc�:�tj|f|td�|��dS�N)�strict�tree)�_HTMLParser�__init__r��selfr�kwargss   �w/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lxml/html/html5parser.pyrzHTMLParser.__init__s(����T�M�&�{�M�M�f�M�M�M�M�M�N�F��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r�rrrrs4������4�4�N�N�N�N�N�Nrr)�XHTMLParserc��eZdZdZdd�ZdS)rz+An html5lib XHTML Parser with lxml as tree.Fc�:�tj|f|td�|��dSr
)�_XHTMLParserrrrs   rrzXHTMLParser.__init__*s(���!�$�R�v�K�R�R�6�R�R�R�R�RrNrrrrrrr's4������9�9�	S�	S�	S�	S�	S�	Srrc�t�|�|��}|�|S|�dt�d|����S)N�{�})�findr)r�tag�elems   r�	_find_tagr(0s;���9�9�S�>�>�D������9�9�9����#�#�6�7�7�7rc���t|t��std���|�t}i}|�t|t��rd}|�||d<|j|fi|�����S)z�
    Parse a whole document into a string.

    If `guess_charset` is true, or if the input is not Unicode but a
    byte string, the `chardet` library will perform charset guessing
    on the string.
    �string requiredNT�
isinstance�_strings�	TypeError�html_parser�bytes�parse�getroot)�html�
guess_charset�parser�optionss    r�document_fromstringr77s����d�H�%�%�+��)�*�*�*�
�� � -�����6�<��(�(��(�(�0�0�2�2�2rFc�t�t|t��std���|�t}i}|�t|t��rd}|�||d<|j|dfi|��}|rWt|dt��r<|r:|d���rtjd|dz���|d=|S)a`Parses several HTML elements, returning a list of elements.

    The first item in the list may be a string.  If no_leading_text is true,
    then it will be an error if there is leading text, and it will always be
    a list of only elements.

    If `guess_charset` is true, the `chardet` library will perform charset
    guessing on the string.
    r*NFr+�divrzThere is leading text: %r)	r,r-r.r/r0�
parseFragment�stripr�ParserError)r3�no_leading_textr4r5r6�childrens      r�fragments_fromstringr?Os����d�H�%�%�+��)�*�*�*�
�� � -����#�v�#�D�%�;�;�7�;�;�H���J�x��{�H�5�5���	���{� � �"�"�
5��'�(C�(0���)4�5�5�5�����Orc�|�t|t��std���t|��}t	||||���}|rjt|t��sd}t|��}|r@t|dt��r|d|_|d=|�|��|S|stj	d���t|��dkrtj	d���|d}|jr5|j���rtj	d|jz���d	|_|S)
a�Parses a single HTML element; it is an error if there is more than
    one element, or if anything but whitespace precedes or follows the

    If 'create_parent' is true (or is a tag name) then a parent node
    will be created to encapsulate the HTML in a single element.  In
    this case, leading or trailing text is allowed.

    If `guess_charset` is true, the `chardet` library will perform charset
    guessing on the string.
    r*)r4r5r=r9rzNo elements found�zMultiple elements foundzElement followed by text: %rN)
create_parentr4r5�accept_leading_text�elements�new_root�results        r�fragment_fromstringrLqsU���d�H�%�%�+��)�*�*�*��}�-�-��#��M�&�/�/�1�1�1�H��	��-��2�2�	"�!�M��=�)�)���	&��(�1�+�x�0�0�
 � (����
��Q�K��O�O�H�%�%�%����5��� 3�4�4�4�
�8�}�}�q����� 9�:�:�:�
�{�N�v�{�(�(�*�*�N��� >��� L�M�M�M��F�K��Mrc���t|t��std���t|||���}|dd�}t|t��r|�dd��}|������}|�d��s|�d��r|St|d	��}t|��r|St|d
��}t|��dkrT|jr|j���s4|dj
r|dj
���s|d
St|��rd|_nd|_|S)a�Parse the html, returning a single element/document.

    This tries to minimally parse the chunk of text, without knowing if it
    is a fragment or a document.

    'base_url' will set the document's base_url attribute (and the tree's

    If `guess_charset` is true, or if the input is not Unicode but a
    byte string, the `chardet` library will perform charset guessing
    on the string.
    r*)r5r4N�2�ascii�replacez<htmlz	<!doctype�head�bodyrA���rr9�span)r,r-r.r7r0�decode�lstrip�lower�
startswithr(rErCr;rFrr&)r3r4r5�doc�startrQrRs       r�
fromstringr[�sq���d�H�%�%�+��)�*�*�*�
��"��I�E��%����1����W�i�0�0���L�L�N�N� � �"�"�E����� � ��E�$4�$4�[�$A�$A���
��S�&�!�!�D�	�D�	�	�Q����	������1B�1B���b���	�&*�2�h�m�&9�&9�&;�&;�	��A�w��
!��&�&����������Krc���|�t}t|t��s|}|�d}n7t|��rt	|��}|�d}nt|d��}|�d}i}|r||d<|j|fi|��S)a*Parse a filename, URL, or file-like object into an HTML document
    tree.  Note: this returns a tree, not an element.  Use
    ``parse(...).getroot()`` to get the document root.

    If ``guess_charset`` is true, the ``useChardet`` option is passed into
    html5lib to enable character detection.  This option is on by default
    when parsing from URLs, off by default when parsing from file(-like)
    objects (which tend to return Unicode more often than not), and on by
    default when parsing from a file path (which is read in binary mode).
    NFT�rbr+)r/r,r-�_looks_like_urlr	�openr1)�filename_url_or_filer4r5�fpr6s     rr1r1�s����~����*�H�5�5�
!��� �!�M��	�-�	.�	.�!�
*��� � �M��
-��� � �M��G��.� -�����6�<��&�&�g�&�&�&rc��t|��d}|sdStjdkr#|tjvrt|��dkrdSdS)NrF�win32rAT)r
ascii_lettersrE)�str�schemes  rr^r^�sU��

!��f�*�*�*��F���q� � ��u��tr)NN)FNN)$rrdrf�html5librr� html5lib.treebuilders.etree_lxmlr�lxmlr�	lxml.htmlrrr�
basestringr-�	NameErrorr0rh�urllib2r	�ImportError�urllib.requestr
�urllib.parserr!�xhtml_parserr(r7r?rLr[r1r^r/rrr�<module>rus������
�.�.�.�.�.�.�8�8�8�8�8�8�������I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I���H�H�������s�|�H�H�H�����'����������'�'�'�&�&�&�&�&�&�&�&�'����&�!�!�!�!�!�!�!���&�&�&�%�%�%�%�%�%�%�%�&����N�N�N�N�N��N�N�N�!�4�4�4�4�4�4�S�S�S�S�S�l�S�S�S��;�=�=�L�L���	�	�	��D�	����8�8�8�3�3�3�3�005�48�����D-2�37�)�)�)�)�X3�3�3�3�l!'�!'�!'�!'�H
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
ElementSoup.cpython-311.pyc File 718 B 0644
__init__.cpython-311.pyc File 88.28 KB 0644
_diffcommand.cpython-311.pyc File 4.47 KB 0644
_html5builder.cpython-311.pyc File 6 KB 0644
_setmixin.cpython-311.pyc File 2.73 KB 0644
builder.cpython-311.pyc File 4.22 KB 0644
clean.cpython-311.pyc File 29.45 KB 0644
defs.cpython-311.pyc File 3.71 KB 0644
diff.cpython-311.pyc File 37.98 KB 0644
formfill.cpython-311.pyc File 14.17 KB 0644
html5parser.cpython-311.pyc File 9.96 KB 0644
soupparser.cpython-311.pyc File 12.98 KB 0644
usedoctest.cpython-311.pyc File 564 B 0644