[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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2�Dg&��	���dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm	Z	m
mZmZm
eefZede���ZeeegefZd	ed
efd�ZGd�d
e��ZGd�dej���ZGd�de��Zejd��Zd	ed
efd�Z deedeed
.. testsetup::

    from packaging.specifiers import Specifier, SpecifierSet, InvalidSpecifier
    from packaging.version import Version
�N)	�Callable�Iterable�Iterator�List�Optional�Set�Tuple�TypeVar�Union�)�canonicalize_version)�Version�UnparsedVersionVar)�bound�version�returnc�N�t|t��st|��}|S�N)�
isinstancer)rs �t/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/packaging/specifiers.py�_coerce_versionr"s&���g�w�'�'�#��'�"�"���N�c��eZdZdZdS)�InvalidSpecifiera
    Raised when attempting to create a :class:`Specifier` with a specifier
    string that is invalid.

    >>> Specifier("lolwat")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    packaging.specifiers.InvalidSpecifier: Invalid specifier: 'lolwat'
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�rrrr(s���������rrc	��eZdZejdefd���Zejdefd���Zejde	de
fd���Zeejde
ddfd	���Zejdd
fd���Zej	dd
        Returns the str representation of this Specifier-like object. This
        should be representative of the Specifier itself.
        Nr��selfs r�__str__zBaseSpecifier.__str__5����rc��dS)zF
        Returns a hash value for this Specifier-like object.
        Nrr#s r�__hash__zBaseSpecifier.__hash__<r&r�otherc��dS)z�
        Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier-like
        objects are equal.

        :param other: The other object to check against.
        Nr�r$r)s  r�__eq__zBaseSpecifier.__eq__Br&rc��dS)z�Whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed.

        This can be set to either ``True`` or ``False`` to explicitly enable or disable
        prereleases or it can be set to ``None`` (the default) to use default semantics.
        Nrr#s r�prereleaseszBaseSpecifier.prereleasesKr&r�valueNc��dS)zQSetter for :attr:`prereleases`.

        :param value: The value to set.
        Nr�r$r/s  rr.zBaseSpecifier.prereleasesTr&r�itemr.c��dS)zR
        Determines if the given item is contained within this specifier.
        Nr)r$r2r.s   r�containszBaseSpecifier.contains[r&r�iterablec��dS)z�
        Takes an iterable of items and filters them so that only items which
        are contained within this specifier are allowed in it.
        Nr)r$r5r.s   r�filterzBaseSpecifier.filterar&rr)rrr�abc�abstractmethod�strr%�intr(�object�boolr,�propertyrr.�setterr4rrrr7rrrr!r!4s�����������������	���#�������
	���F��t�����������X�d�^�������X�������$�������	����S��x��~���������
	��TX��� �!3�4��CK�D�>��	�$�	%��������rr!)�	metaclassc	��eZdZdZdZdZejdezezdzejej	z��Z
dddd	d
ddd
d�Zd1dede
eddfd�Zedefd���Zejdeddfd���Zedefd���Zedefd���Zdefd�Zdefd�Zedeeeffd���Zdefd�Zdedefd�Zd edefd!�Zd"ededefd#�Z d"ededefd$�Z!d"ededefd%�Z"d"ededefd&�Z#d"ededefd'�Z$d"ed(edefd)�Z%d"ed(edefd*�Z&d"ededefd+�Z'd,e(eefdefd-�Z)	d2d,e*de
edefd.�Z+	d2d/e,e-de
ede.e-fd0�Z/dS)3�	Specifiera?This class abstracts handling of version specifiers.

    .. tip::

        It is generally not required to instantiate this manually. You should instead
        prefer to work with :class:`SpecifierSet` instead, which can parse
        comma-separated version specifiers (which is what package metadata contains).
                # The identity operators allow for an escape hatch that will
                # do an exact string match of the version you wish to install.
                # This will not be parsed by PEP 440 and we cannot determine
                # any semantic meaning from it. This operator is discouraged
                # but included entirely as an escape hatch.
                (?<====)  # Only match for the identity operator
                [^\s;)]*  # The arbitrary version can be just about anything,
                          # we match everything except for whitespace, a
                          # semi-colon for marker support, and a closing paren
                          # since versions can be enclosed in them.
                # The (non)equality operators allow for wild card and local
                # versions to be specified so we have to define these two
                # operators separately to enable that.
                (?<===|!=)            # Only match for equals and not equals

                (?:[0-9]+!)?          # epoch
                [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*   # release

                # You cannot use a wild card and a pre-release, post-release, a dev or
                # local version together so group them with a | and make them optional.
                    \.\*  # Wild card syntax of .*
                    (?:                                  # pre release
                    (?:                                  # post release
                    (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)?         # dev release
                    (?:\+[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*)? # local
                # The compatible operator requires at least two digits in the
                # release segment.
                (?<=~=)               # Only match for the compatible operator

                (?:[0-9]+!)?          # epoch
                [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)+   # release  (We have a + instead of a *)
                (?:                   # pre release
                (?:                                   # post release
                (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)?          # dev release
                # All other operators only allow a sub set of what the
                # (non)equality operators do. Specifically they do not allow
                # local versions to be specified nor do they allow the prefix
                # matching wild cards.
                (?<!==|!=|~=)         # We have special cases for these
                                      # operators so we want to make sure they
                                      # don't match here.

                (?:[0-9]+!)?          # epoch
                [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*   # release
                (?:                   # pre release
                (?:                                   # post release
                (?:[-_\.]?dev[-_\.]?[0-9]*)?          # dev release
compatible�equal�	not_equal�less_than_equal�greater_than_equal�	less_than�greater_than�	arbitrary)�~=�==z!=�<=�>=�<�>�===�N�specr.rc��|j�|��}|std|�d����|�d�����|�d�����f|_||_dS)a�Initialize a Specifier instance.

        :param spec:
            The string representation of a specifier which will be parsed and
            normalized before use.
        :param prereleases:
            This tells the specifier if it should accept prerelease versions if
            applicable or not. The default of ``None`` will autodetect it from the
            given specifiers.
        :raises InvalidSpecifier:
            If the given specifier is invalid (i.e. bad syntax).
        zInvalid specifier: '�'�operatorrN)�_regex�searchr�group�strip�_spec�_prereleases)r$rSr.�matchs    r�__init__zSpecifier.__init__�s�����"�"�4�(�(���	C�"�#A�$�#A�#A�#A�B�B�B�
�#�#�)�)�+�+��K�K�	�"�"�(�(�*�*�'
�(����rc��|j�|jS|j\}}|dvr;|dkr|�d��r
is_prerelease)r$rVrs   rr.zSpecifier.prereleasess|����(��$�$�
��t��urr/c��||_dSr�r\r1s  rr.zSpecifier.prereleases���!����rc��|jdS)z`The operator of this specifier.

        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3").operator
        r�r[r#s rrVzSpecifier.operator����z�!�}�rc��|jdS)zaThe version of this specifier.

        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3").version
        rrhr#s rrzSpecifier.version%rirc�l�|j�
d|j��nd}d|jj�dt	|���|�d�S)aTA representation of the Specifier that shows all internal state.

        >>> Specifier('>=1.0.0')
        >>> Specifier('>=1.0.0', prereleases=False)
        <Specifier('>=1.0.0', prereleases=False)>
        >>> Specifier('>=1.0.0', prereleases=True)
        <Specifier('>=1.0.0', prereleases=True)>
        N�, prereleases=rRrO�(�)>)r\r.�	__class__rr:�r$�pres  r�__repr__zSpecifier.__repr__.sT��� �,�
2�T�-�1�1�1��	�B�4�>�*�A�A�S��Y�Y�A�#�A�A�A�Arc� �dj|j�S)z�A string representation of the Specifier that can be round-tripped.

        >>> str(Specifier('>=1.0.0'))
        >>> str(Specifier('>=1.0.0', prereleases=False))
        z{}{})�formatr[r#s rr%zSpecifier.__str__@s���v�}�d�j�)�)rc�v�t|jd|jddk���}|jd|fS)NrrrK��strip_trailing_zero)r
r[)r$�canonical_versions  r�_canonical_speczSpecifier._canonical_specJsB��0��J�q�M�!%��A��$�!6�
���z�!�}�/�/�/rc�*�t|j��Sr)�hashryr#s rr(zSpecifier.__hash__Rs���D�(�)�)�)rr)c��t|t��r;	|�t|����}n3#t$r
tcYSwxYwt||j��stS|j|jkS)a>Whether or not the two Specifier-like objects are equal.

        :param other: The other object to check against.

        The value of :attr:`prereleases` is ignored.

        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3") == Specifier("==")
        >>> (Specifier("==1.2.3", prereleases=False) ==
        ...  Specifier("==1.2.3", prereleases=True))
        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3") == "==1.2.3"
        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3") == Specifier("==1.2.4")
        >>> Specifier("==1.2.3") == Specifier("~=1.2.3")
        )rr:ror�NotImplementedryr+s  rr,zSpecifier.__eq__Us���&�e�S�!�!�	"�
&�����E�4�>�2�2�	"�!�!��#�u�'<�<�<s�":�A�
A�opc�B�t|d|j|����}|S)N�	_compare_)�getattr�
_operators)r$r~�operator_callables   r�
_get_operatorzSpecifier._get_operatorrs/��.5��3�d�o�b�1�3�3�/
��!� r�prospectivec
}|�d��||��o|�d��||��S)N�.���r`rNrL)�join�list�	itertools�	takewhile�_is_not_suffix�_version_splitr�)r$r�rS�prefixs    r�_compare_compatiblezSpecifier._compare_compatiblexs��������$�^�^�D�5I�5I�J�J�K�K�C�R�C�P�
�?W�t�?Q�?Q�RV�?W�?W���@
rc��|�d��r}t|jd���}t|dd�d���}t|��}t|��}t	||��\}}|dt|���}	|	|kSt
�publicr��_pad_version�lenr�local)r$r�rS�normalized_prospective�normalized_spec�
split_spec�split_prospective�padded_prospective�_�shortened_prospective�spec_versions           r�_compare_equalzSpecifier._compare_equal�s����=�=����$	/�%9��"��&�&�&�"�3�4����9�RW�X�X�X�O�(��8�8�J�
!/�/E� F� F��%1�1B�J�$O�$O�!���
%7�7H��Z���7H�$I�!�(�J�6�6�#�4�=�=�L�
:�%�k�&8�9�9���,�.�.rc�0�|�||��Sr)r��r$r�rSs   r�_compare_not_equalzSpecifier._compare_not_equal�s���&�&�{�D�9�9�9�9rc�L�t|j��t|��kSr�rr�r�s   r�_compare_less_than_equalz"Specifier._compare_less_than_equal�� ��
�{�)�*�*�g�d�m�m�;�;rc�L�t|j��t|��kSrr�r�s   r�_compare_greater_than_equalz%Specifier._compare_greater_than_equal�r�r�spec_strc��t|��}||ksdS|js3|jr,t|j��t|j��krdSdS�NFT)rrc�base_version�r$r�r�rSs    r�_compare_less_thanzSpecifier._compare_less_than�sg���x� � ��
�T�!�!��5��!�	�k�&?�	��{�/�0�0�G�D�<M�4N�4N�N�N��u�
�trc��t|��}||ksdS|js3|jr,t|j��t|j��krdS|j�,t|j��t|j��krdSdSr�)r�is_postreleaser�r�r�s    r�_compare_greater_thanzSpecifier._compare_greater_than�s����x� � ��
�T�!�!��5��"�	�{�'A�	��{�/�0�0�G�D�<M�4N�4N�N�N��u���(��{�/�0�0�G�D�<M�4N�4N�N�N��u�
�trc��t|�����t|�����kSr)r:�lowerr�s   r�_compare_arbitraryzSpecifier._compare_arbitrary�s1���;���%�%�'�'�3�t�9�9�?�?�+<�+<�<�<rr2c�,�|�|��S)a;Return whether or not the item is contained in this specifier.

        :param item: The item to check for.

        This is used for the ``in`` operator and behaves the same as
        :meth:`contains` with no ``prereleases`` argument passed.

        >>> "1.2.3" in Specifier(">=1.2.3")
        >>> Version("1.2.3") in Specifier(">=1.2.3")
        >>> "1.0.0" in Specifier(">=1.2.3")
        >>> "1.3.0a1" in Specifier(">=1.2.3")
        >>> "1.3.0a1" in Specifier(">=1.2.3", prereleases=True)
        �r4�r$r2s  r�__contains__zSpecifier.__contains__���&�}�}�T�"�"�"rc��|�|j}t|��}|jr|sdS|�|j��}|||j��S)alReturn whether or not the item is contained in this specifier.

        :param item:
            The item to check for, which can be a version string or a
            :class:`Version` instance.
        :param prereleases:
            Whether or not to match prereleases with this Specifier. If set to
            ``None`` (the default), it uses :attr:`prereleases` to determine
            whether or not prereleases are allowed.

        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3").contains("1.2.3")
        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3").contains(Version("1.2.3"))
        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3").contains("1.0.0")
        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3").contains("1.3.0a1")
        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3", prereleases=True).contains("1.3.0a1")
        >>> Specifier(">=1.2.3").contains("1.3.0a1", prereleases=True)
        NF)r.rrcr�rVr)r$r2r.�normalized_itemr�s     rr4zSpecifier.containssg��8���*�K�*�$�/�/��
�(�	��	��5�/3�.@�.@���.O�.O�� � ��$�,�?�?�?rr5c#��K�d}g}d|�|ndi}|D]K}t|��}|j|fi|��r,|jr|s|js|�|���Ed}|V��L|s|r|D]
}|V��dSdSdS)aOFilter items in the given iterable, that match the specifier.

        :param iterable:
            An iterable that can contain version strings and :class:`Version` instances.
            The items in the iterable will be filtered according to the specifier.
        :param prereleases:
            Whether or not to allow prereleases in the returned iterator. If set to
            ``None`` (the default), it will be intelligently decide whether to allow
            prereleases or not (based on the :attr:`prereleases` attribute, and
            whether the only versions matching are prereleases).

        This method is smarter than just ``filter(Specifier().contains, [...])``
        because it implements the rule from :pep:`440` that a prerelease item
        SHOULD be accepted if no other versions match the given specifier.

        >>> list(Specifier(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(Specifier(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.2.3", "1.3", Version("1.4")]))
        ['1.2.3', '1.3', <Version('1.4')>]
        >>> list(Specifier(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(Specifier(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"], prereleases=True))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']
        >>> list(Specifier(">=1.2.3", prereleases=True).filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']
        Fr.NT)rr4rcr.�append)r$r5r.�yielded�found_prereleases�kwr�parsed_versions        rr7zSpecifier.filterEs�����<�����K�,C�[�[��
N�� �	"�	"�G�,�W�5�5�N��t�}�^�2�2�r�2�2�
�	�,�	�,�
�	�	�	�	�
IGNORECASErWr�r:rr=r^r>r.r?rVrrrr%r	ryr;r(r<r,�CallableOperatorr�rr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�rr��UnparsedVersionr4rrrr7rrrrBrBks/����������\��|�R�Z��%�%�(:�:�W�D�
�R�]�"���F�����"�
��	�	�J�(�(�S�(�H�T�N�(�d�(�(�(�(�4��T�����X��.��"��"�$�"�"�"���"���#�����X���������X��B�#�B�B�B�B�$*��*�*�*�*��0��s�C�x��0�0�0��X�0�*�#�*�*�*�*�=�F�=�t�=�=�=�=�:!��!�(8�!�!�!�!�
�,@�,@�,@�,@�^UY�;�;� �!3�4�;�CK�D�>�;�	�$�	%�;�;�;�;�;�;rrBz^([0-9]+)((?:a|b|c|rc)[0-9]+)$c���g}|�d��D][}t�|��}|r(|�|������F|�|���\|S)Nr�)�split�
_prefix_regexrX�extend�groupsr�)r�resultr2r]s    rr�r��st���F��
�c�"�"� � ���$�$�T�*�*���	 ��M�M�%�,�,�.�.�)�)�)�)��M�M�$������Mr�segmentc�<��t�fd�dD����S)Nc3�B�K�|]}��|��V��dSr)�
startswith)�.0r�r�s  �r�	<genexpr>z!_is_not_suffix.<locals>.<genexpr>�sB�������'-����6�"�"������r)�dev�a�b�rc�post)�any)r�s`rr�r��s@��������1P�������r�left�rightc�R�gg}}|�ttjd�|������|�ttjd�|������|�|t	|d��d���|�|t	|d��d���|�ddgt
dt	|d��t	|d��z
dt	|d��t	|d��z
��z��ttj|���ttj|���fS)Nc�*�|���Sr��isdigit��xs r�<lambda>z_pad_version.<locals>.<lambda>�s�������rc�*�|���Srr�r�s rr�z_pad_version.<locals>.<lambda>�s��!�)�)�+�+�rrr�0)r�r�r�r�r��insert�max�chain)r�r��
left_split�right_splits    rr�r��sr�� �"��J����d�9�.�/D�/D�d�K�K�L�L�M�M�M����t�I�/�0E�0E�u�M�M�N�N�O�O�O����d�3�z�!�}�-�-�/�/�0�1�1�1����u�S��Q��0�0�2�2�3�4�4�4����a�#���Q��K��N�(;�(;�c�*�Q�-�>P�>P�(P�!Q�!Q�Q�R�R�R����q�3�%�#�a��Z��]�);�);�c�+�a�.�>Q�>Q�)Q�"R�"R�R�S�S�S����*�-�.�.��Y�_�k�5R�0S�0S�T�Trc	��eZdZdZ	ddedeeddfd�Zedeefd���Z	e	j
d	eddfd
���Z	defd�Zdefd�Zde
fd�Zdeefd�Zdedefd�Z		ddedeedeedefd�Z	ddeedeedeefd�ZdS)�SpecifierSetz�This class abstracts handling of a set of version specifiers.

    It can be passed a single specifier (``>=3.0``), a comma-separated list of
    specifiers (``>=3.0,!=3.1``), or no specifier at all.
specifiersr.rc���d�|�d��D��}t��}|D]$}|�t|�����%t	|��|_||_dS)aNInitialize a SpecifierSet instance.

        :param specifiers:
            The string representation of a specifier or a comma-separated list of
            specifiers which will be parsed and normalized before use.
        :param prereleases:
            This tells the SpecifierSet if it should accept prerelease versions if
            applicable or not. The default of ``None`` will autodetect it from the
            given specifiers.

        :raises InvalidSpecifier:
            If the given ``specifiers`` are not parseable than this exception will be
        c�^�g|]*}|����|�����+Sr)rZ�r��ss  r�
<listcomp>z)SpecifierSet.__init__.<locals>.<listcomp>�s-��R�R�R�!����	�	�R�A�G�G�I�I�R�R�Rr�,N)r��set�addrB�	frozenset�_specsr\)r$r�r.�split_specifiers�parsed�	specifiers      rr^zSpecifierSet.__init__�s��(S�R�z�/?�/?��/D�/D�R�R�R��"%����)�	-�	-�I��J�J�y��+�+�,�,�,�,� ��'�'���(����rc�l�|j�|jS|jsdStd�|jD����S)Nc3�$K�|]}|jV��dSr�r.r�s  rr�z+SpecifierSet.prereleases.<locals>.<genexpr>�s$����6�6�Q�1�=�6�6�6�6�6�6r)r\r�r�r#s rr.zSpecifierSet.prereleases�sH����(��$�$�
�{�	��4��6�6�$�+�6�6�6�6�6�6rr/c��||_dSrrer1s  rr.zSpecifierSet.prereleases�rfrc�R�|j�
d|j��nd}dt|���|�d�S)aA representation of the specifier set that shows all internal state.

        Note that the ordering of the individual specifiers within the set may not
        match the input string.

        >>> SpecifierSet('>=1.0.0,!=2.0.0')
        >>> SpecifierSet('>=1.0.0,!=2.0.0', prereleases=False)
        <SpecifierSet('!=2.0.0,>=1.0.0', prereleases=False)>
        >>> SpecifierSet('>=1.0.0,!=2.0.0', prereleases=True)
        <SpecifierSet('!=2.0.0,>=1.0.0', prereleases=True)>
        NrlrRz<SpecifierSet(rn)r\r.r:rps  rrrzSpecifierSet.__repr__�sF��� �,�
2�T�-�1�1�1��	�5��D�	�	�4�S�4�4�4�4rc�d�d�td�|jD������S)anA string representation of the specifier set that can be round-tripped.

        Note that the ordering of the individual specifiers within the set may not
        match the input string.

        >>> str(SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1"))
        >>> str(SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1", prereleases=False))
        r�c3�4K�|]}t|��V��dSr)r:r�s  rr�z'SpecifierSet.__str__.<locals>.<genexpr>s(����;�;�!�s�1�v�v�;�;�;�;�;�;r)r��sortedr�r#s rr%zSpecifierSet.__str__�s/���x�x��;�;�t�{�;�;�;�;�;�<�<�<rc�*�t|j��Sr)r{r�r#s rr(zSpecifierSet.__hash__
s���D�K� � � rr)c��t|t��rt|��}nt|t��stSt��}t	|j|jz��|_|j�|j�
|j|_ntd���|S)a�Return a SpecifierSet which is a combination of the two sets.

        :param other: The other object to combine with.

        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") & '<=2.0.0,!=2.0.1'
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") & SpecifierSet('<=2.0.0,!=2.0.1')
        NzFCannot combine SpecifierSets with True and False prerelease overrides.)rr:r�r}r�r�r\�
ValueError)r$r)r�s   r�__and__zSpecifierSet.__and__
s����e�S�!�!�	"� ��'�'�E�E��E�<�0�0�	"�!�!� �N�N�	�$�T�[�5�<�%?�@�@�	����$��);�)G�%*�%7�I�"�"�
*�u�/A�/I�%)�%6�I�"�"�
4�%)�%6�I�"�"�����
�rc���t|ttf��rtt|����}nt|t��stS|j|jkS)a�Whether or not the two SpecifierSet-like objects are equal.

        :param other: The other object to check against.

        The value of :attr:`prereleases` is ignored.

        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") == SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1")
        >>> (SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1", prereleases=False) ==
        ...  SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1", prereleases=True))
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") == ">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1"
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") == SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0")
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1") == SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.2")
        )rr:rBr�r}r�r+s  rr,zSpecifierSet.__eq__-sW��&�e�c�9�-�.�.�	"� ��U���,�,�E�E��E�<�0�0�	"�!�!��{�e�l�*�*rc�*�t|j��S)z7Returns the number of specifiers in this specifier set.)r�r�r#s r�__len__zSpecifierSet.__len__Gs���4�;���rc�*�t|j��S)z�
        Returns an iterator over all the underlying :class:`Specifier` instances
        in this specifier set.

        >>> sorted(SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1"), key=str)
        [<Specifier('!=1.0.1')>, <Specifier('>=1.0.0')>]
        )�iterr�r#s r�__iter__zSpecifierSet.__iter__Ks���D�K� � � rr2c�,�|�|��S)arReturn whether or not the item is contained in this specifier.

        :param item: The item to check for.

        This is used for the ``in`` operator and behaves the same as
        :meth:`contains` with no ``prereleases`` argument passed.

        >>> "1.2.3" in SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1")
        >>> Version("1.2.3") in SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1")
        >>> "1.0.1" in SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1")
        >>> "1.3.0a1" in SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1")
        >>> "1.3.0a1" in SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1", prereleases=True)
        r�r�s  rr�zSpecifierSet.__contains__Ur�r�	installedc�����t�t��st������|j��s	�jrdS|r�jrt�j���t��fd�|jD����S)a�Return whether or not the item is contained in this SpecifierSet.

        :param item:
            The item to check for, which can be a version string or a
            :class:`Version` instance.
        :param prereleases:
            Whether or not to match prereleases with this SpecifierSet. If set to
            ``None`` (the default), it uses :attr:`prereleases` to determine
            whether or not prereleases are allowed.

        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1").contains("1.2.3")
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1").contains(Version("1.2.3"))
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1").contains("1.0.1")
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1").contains("1.3.0a1")
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1", prereleases=True).contains("1.3.0a1")
        >>> SpecifierSet(">=1.0.0,!=1.0.1").contains("1.3.0a1", prereleases=True)
        NFc3�F�K�|]}|������V��dS)r�Nr�)r�r�r2r.s  ��rr�z(SpecifierSet.contains.<locals>.<genexpr>�s3�����R�R��1�:�:�d��:�<�<�R�R�R�R�R�Rr)rrr.rcr��allr�)r$r2r.rs `` rr4zSpecifierSet.containsjs�����<�$��(�(�	!��4�=�=�D�
���*�K��	�t�1�	��5��	.��+�	.��4�,�-�-�D��R�R�R�R�R�d�k�R�R�R�R�R�Rrr5c��|�|j}|jr=|jD]&}|�|t|�����}�'t	|��Sg}g}|D]G}t|��}|jr|s|s|�|���2|�|���H|s|r|�t	|��St	|��S)a.Filter items in the given iterable, that match the specifiers in this set.

        :param iterable:
            An iterable that can contain version strings and :class:`Version` instances.
            The items in the iterable will be filtered according to the specifier.
        :param prereleases:
            Whether or not to allow prereleases in the returned iterator. If set to
            ``None`` (the default), it will be intelligently decide whether to allow
            prereleases or not (based on the :attr:`prereleases` attribute, and
            whether the only versions matching are prereleases).

        This method is smarter than just ``filter(SpecifierSet(...).contains, [...])``
        because it implements the rule from :pep:`440` that a prerelease item
        SHOULD be accepted if no other versions match the given specifier.

        >>> list(SpecifierSet(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(SpecifierSet(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.3", Version("1.4")]))
        ['1.3', <Version('1.4')>]
        >>> list(SpecifierSet(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.2", "1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(SpecifierSet(">=1.2.3").filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"], prereleases=True))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']
        >>> list(SpecifierSet(">=1.2.3", prereleases=True).filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']

        An "empty" SpecifierSet will filter items based on the presence of prerelease
        versions in the set.

        >>> list(SpecifierSet("").filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(SpecifierSet("").filter(["1.5a1"]))
        >>> list(SpecifierSet("", prereleases=True).filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"]))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']
        >>> list(SpecifierSet("").filter(["1.3", "1.5a1"], prereleases=True))
        ['1.3', '1.5a1']
        Nr�)r.r�r7r=rrrcr�)r$r5r.rS�filteredr�r2r�s        rr7zSpecifierSet.filter�s���X���*�K�
�;�	"���
P���;�;�x�T�+�=N�=N�;�O�O�����>�>�!�
24�H�:<�� �	
/� 1�
/�k�6I��-�.�.�.���>�>�!rr�)NNr)rrrrr:rr=r^r>r.r?rrr%r;r(rrr<r,r
�!(�!(�!(�!(�F�7�X�d�^�7�7�7��X�7� ��"��"�$�"�"�"���"�5�#�5�5�5�5�*=��=�=�=�=�!�#�!�!�!�!��U�>�3�#6�7��N�����@+�F�+�t�+�+�+�+�4 �� � � � �!�(�9�-�!�!�!�!�#��#�T�#�#�#�#�0'+�$(�	7S�7S��7S��d�^�7S��D�>�	7S�

�7S�7S�7S�7S�tUY�M"�M"� �!3�4�M"�CK�D�>�M"�	�$�	%�M"�M"�M"�M"�M"�M"rr�)#rr8r�r��typingrrrrrrr	r
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-311.pyc File 546 B 0644
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_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc File 5.04 KB 0644
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_tokenizer.cpython-311.pyc File 8.48 KB 0644
markers.cpython-311.pyc File 11.76 KB 0644
metadata.cpython-311.pyc File 11.12 KB 0644
requirements.cpython-311.pyc File 4.98 KB 0644
specifiers.cpython-311.pyc File 40.21 KB 0644
tags.cpython-311.pyc File 22.97 KB 0644
utils.cpython-311.pyc File 6.67 KB 0644
version.cpython-311.pyc File 20.56 KB 0644