[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Eric Larson
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import annotations

import io
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Mapping, cast

from pip._vendor import msgpack
from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from pip._vendor.urllib3 import HTTPResponse

    from pip._vendor.requests import PreparedRequest

class Serializer:
    serde_version = "4"

    def dumps(
        request: PreparedRequest,
        response: HTTPResponse,
        body: bytes | None = None,
    ) -> bytes:
        response_headers: CaseInsensitiveDict[str] = CaseInsensitiveDict(

        if body is None:
            # When a body isn't passed in, we'll read the response. We
            # also update the response with a new file handler to be
            # sure it acts as though it was never read.
            body = response.read(decode_content=False)
            response._fp = io.BytesIO(body)  # type: ignore[assignment]
            response.length_remaining = len(body)

        data = {
            "response": {
                "body": body,  # Empty bytestring if body is stored separately
                "headers": {str(k): str(v) for k, v in response.headers.items()},
                "status": response.status,
                "version": response.version,
                "reason": str(response.reason),
                "decode_content": response.decode_content,

        # Construct our vary headers
        data["vary"] = {}
        if "vary" in response_headers:
            varied_headers = response_headers["vary"].split(",")
            for header in varied_headers:
                header = str(header).strip()
                header_value = request.headers.get(header, None)
                if header_value is not None:
                    header_value = str(header_value)
                data["vary"][header] = header_value

        return b",".join([f"cc={self.serde_version}".encode(), self.serialize(data)])

    def serialize(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> bytes:
        return cast(bytes, msgpack.dumps(data, use_bin_type=True))

    def loads(
        request: PreparedRequest,
        data: bytes,
        body_file: IO[bytes] | None = None,
    ) -> HTTPResponse | None:
        # Short circuit if we've been given an empty set of data
        if not data:
            return None

        # Previous versions of this library supported other serialization
        # formats, but these have all been removed.
        if not data.startswith(f"cc={self.serde_version},".encode()):
            return None

        data = data[5:]
        return self._loads_v4(request, data, body_file)

    def prepare_response(
        request: PreparedRequest,
        cached: Mapping[str, Any],
        body_file: IO[bytes] | None = None,
    ) -> HTTPResponse | None:
        """Verify our vary headers match and construct a real urllib3
        HTTPResponse object.
        # Special case the '*' Vary value as it means we cannot actually
        # determine if the cached response is suitable for this request.
        # This case is also handled in the controller code when creating
        # a cache entry, but is left here for backwards compatibility.
        if "*" in cached.get("vary", {}):
            return None

        # Ensure that the Vary headers for the cached response match our
        # request
        for header, value in cached.get("vary", {}).items():
            if request.headers.get(header, None) != value:
                return None

        body_raw = cached["response"].pop("body")

        headers: CaseInsensitiveDict[str] = CaseInsensitiveDict(
        if headers.get("transfer-encoding", "") == "chunked":

        cached["response"]["headers"] = headers

            body: IO[bytes]
            if body_file is None:
                body = io.BytesIO(body_raw)
                body = body_file
        except TypeError:
            # This can happen if cachecontrol serialized to v1 format (pickle)
            # using Python 2. A Python 2 str(byte string) will be unpickled as
            # a Python 3 str (unicode string), which will cause the above to
            # fail with:
            #     TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw.encode("utf8"))

        # Discard any `strict` parameter serialized by older version of cachecontrol.
        cached["response"].pop("strict", None)

        return HTTPResponse(body=body, preload_content=False, **cached["response"])

    def _loads_v4(
        request: PreparedRequest,
        data: bytes,
        body_file: IO[bytes] | None = None,
    ) -> HTTPResponse | None:
            cached = msgpack.loads(data, raw=False)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        return self.prepare_response(request, cached, body_file)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
caches Folder 0755
__init__.py File 676 B 0644
_cmd.py File 1.7 KB 0644
adapter.py File 6.21 KB 0644
cache.py File 1.91 KB 0644
controller.py File 18.14 KB 0644
filewrapper.py File 4.19 KB 0644
heuristics.py File 4.72 KB 0644
py.typed File 0 B 0644
serialize.py File 5.04 KB 0644
wrapper.py File 1.38 KB 0644