[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

    Formatter for groff output.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import math
from pip._vendor.pygments.formatter import Formatter
from pip._vendor.pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_int_opt

__all__ = ['GroffFormatter']

class GroffFormatter(Formatter):
    Format tokens with groff escapes to change their color and font style.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11

    Additional options accepted:

        The style to use, can be a string or a Style subclass (default:

        If set to true, monospace font will be used (default: ``true``).

        If set to true, print the line numbers (default: ``false``).

        Wrap lines to the specified number of characters. Disabled if set to 0
        (default: ``0``).

    name = 'groff'
    aliases = ['groff','troff','roff']
    filenames = []

    def __init__(self, **options):
        Formatter.__init__(self, **options)

        self.monospaced = get_bool_opt(options, 'monospaced', True)
        self.linenos = get_bool_opt(options, 'linenos', False)
        self._lineno = 0
        self.wrap = get_int_opt(options, 'wrap', 0)
        self._linelen = 0

        self.styles = {}

    def _make_styles(self):
        regular = '\\f[CR]' if self.monospaced else '\\f[R]'
        bold = '\\f[CB]' if self.monospaced else '\\f[B]'
        italic = '\\f[CI]' if self.monospaced else '\\f[I]'

        for ttype, ndef in self.style:
            start = end = ''
            if ndef['color']:
                start += '\\m[{}]'.format(ndef['color'])
                end = '\\m[]' + end
            if ndef['bold']:
                start += bold
                end = regular + end
            if ndef['italic']:
                start += italic
                end = regular + end
            if ndef['bgcolor']:
                start += '\\M[{}]'.format(ndef['bgcolor'])
                end = '\\M[]' + end

            self.styles[ttype] = start, end

    def _define_colors(self, outfile):
        colors = set()
        for _, ndef in self.style:
            if ndef['color'] is not None:

        for color in sorted(colors):
            outfile.write('.defcolor ' + color + ' rgb #' + color + '\n')

    def _write_lineno(self, outfile):
        self._lineno += 1
        outfile.write("%s% 4d " % (self._lineno != 1 and '\n' or '', self._lineno))

    def _wrap_line(self, line):
        length = len(line.rstrip('\n'))
        space = '     ' if self.linenos else ''
        newline = ''

        if length > self.wrap:
            for i in range(0, math.floor(length / self.wrap)):
                chunk = line[i*self.wrap:i*self.wrap+self.wrap]
                newline += (chunk + '\n' + space)
            remainder = length % self.wrap
            if remainder > 0:
                newline += line[-remainder-1:]
                self._linelen = remainder
        elif self._linelen + length > self.wrap:
            newline = ('\n' + space) + line
            self._linelen = length
            newline = line
            self._linelen += length

        return newline

    def _escape_chars(self, text):
        text = text.replace('\\', '\\[u005C]'). \
                    replace('.', '\\[char46]'). \
                    replace('\'', '\\[u0027]'). \
                    replace('`', '\\[u0060]'). \
                    replace('~', '\\[u007E]')
        copy = text

        for char in copy:
            if len(char) != len(char.encode()):
                uni = char.encode('unicode_escape') \
                    .decode()[1:] \
                    .replace('x', 'u00') \
                text = text.replace(char, '\\[u' + uni[1:] + ']')

        return text

    def format_unencoded(self, tokensource, outfile):


        if self.linenos:

        for ttype, value in tokensource:
            while ttype not in self.styles:
                ttype = ttype.parent
            start, end = self.styles[ttype]

            for line in value.splitlines(True):
                if self.wrap > 0:
                    line = self._wrap_line(line)

                if start and end:
                    text = self._escape_chars(line.rstrip('\n'))
                    if text != '':
                        outfile.write(''.join((start, text, end)))

                if line.endswith('\n'):
                    if self.linenos:
                        self._linelen = 0
                        self._linelen = 0



Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 5.26 KB 0644
_mapping.py File 4.08 KB 0644
bbcode.py File 3.24 KB 0644
groff.py File 4.99 KB 0644
html.py File 34.83 KB 0644
img.py File 22.74 KB 0644
irc.py File 4.86 KB 0644
latex.py File 18.85 KB 0644
other.py File 4.92 KB 0644
pangomarkup.py File 2.17 KB 0644
rtf.py File 11.68 KB 0644
svg.py File 7.01 KB 0644
terminal.py File 4.56 KB 0644
terminal256.py File 11.48 KB 0644