[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

    Basic token types and the standard tokens.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

class _TokenType(tuple):
    parent = None

    def split(self):
        buf = []
        node = self
        while node is not None:
            node = node.parent
        return buf

    def __init__(self, *args):
        # no need to call super.__init__
        self.subtypes = set()

    def __contains__(self, val):
        return self is val or (
            type(val) is self.__class__ and
            val[:len(self)] == self

    def __getattr__(self, val):
        if not val or not val[0].isupper():
            return tuple.__getattribute__(self, val)
        new = _TokenType(self + (val,))
        setattr(self, val, new)
        new.parent = self
        return new

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Token' + (self and '.' or '') + '.'.join(self)

    def __copy__(self):
        # These instances are supposed to be singletons
        return self

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        # These instances are supposed to be singletons
        return self

Token = _TokenType()

# Special token types
Text = Token.Text
Whitespace = Text.Whitespace
Escape = Token.Escape
Error = Token.Error
# Text that doesn't belong to this lexer (e.g. HTML in PHP)
Other = Token.Other

# Common token types for source code
Keyword = Token.Keyword
Name = Token.Name
Literal = Token.Literal
String = Literal.String
Number = Literal.Number
Punctuation = Token.Punctuation
Operator = Token.Operator
Comment = Token.Comment

# Generic types for non-source code
Generic = Token.Generic

# String and some others are not direct children of Token.
# alias them:
Token.Token = Token
Token.String = String
Token.Number = Number

def is_token_subtype(ttype, other):
    Return True if ``ttype`` is a subtype of ``other``.

    exists for backwards compatibility. use ``ttype in other`` now.
    return ttype in other

def string_to_tokentype(s):
    Convert a string into a token type::

        >>> string_to_token('String.Double')
        >>> string_to_token('Token.Literal.Number')
        >>> string_to_token('')

    Tokens that are already tokens are returned unchanged:

        >>> string_to_token(String)
    if isinstance(s, _TokenType):
        return s
    if not s:
        return Token
    node = Token
    for item in s.split('.'):
        node = getattr(node, item)
    return node

# Map standard token types to short names, used in CSS class naming.
# If you add a new item, please be sure to run this file to perform
# a consistency check for duplicate values.
    Token:                         '',

    Text:                          '',
    Whitespace:                    'w',
    Escape:                        'esc',
    Error:                         'err',
    Other:                         'x',

    Keyword:                       'k',
    Keyword.Constant:              'kc',
    Keyword.Declaration:           'kd',
    Keyword.Namespace:             'kn',
    Keyword.Pseudo:                'kp',
    Keyword.Reserved:              'kr',
    Keyword.Type:                  'kt',

    Name:                          'n',
    Name.Attribute:                'na',
    Name.Builtin:                  'nb',
    Name.Builtin.Pseudo:           'bp',
    Name.Class:                    'nc',
    Name.Constant:                 'no',
    Name.Decorator:                'nd',
    Name.Entity:                   'ni',
    Name.Exception:                'ne',
    Name.Function:                 'nf',
    Name.Function.Magic:           'fm',
    Name.Property:                 'py',
    Name.Label:                    'nl',
    Name.Namespace:                'nn',
    Name.Other:                    'nx',
    Name.Tag:                      'nt',
    Name.Variable:                 'nv',
    Name.Variable.Class:           'vc',
    Name.Variable.Global:          'vg',
    Name.Variable.Instance:        'vi',
    Name.Variable.Magic:           'vm',

    Literal:                       'l',
    Literal.Date:                  'ld',

    String:                        's',
    String.Affix:                  'sa',
    String.Backtick:               'sb',
    String.Char:                   'sc',
    String.Delimiter:              'dl',
    String.Doc:                    'sd',
    String.Double:                 's2',
    String.Escape:                 'se',
    String.Heredoc:                'sh',
    String.Interpol:               'si',
    String.Other:                  'sx',
    String.Regex:                  'sr',
    String.Single:                 's1',
    String.Symbol:                 'ss',

    Number:                        'm',
    Number.Bin:                    'mb',
    Number.Float:                  'mf',
    Number.Hex:                    'mh',
    Number.Integer:                'mi',
    Number.Integer.Long:           'il',
    Number.Oct:                    'mo',

    Operator:                      'o',
    Operator.Word:                 'ow',

    Punctuation:                   'p',
    Punctuation.Marker:            'pm',

    Comment:                       'c',
    Comment.Hashbang:              'ch',
    Comment.Multiline:             'cm',
    Comment.Preproc:               'cp',
    Comment.PreprocFile:           'cpf',
    Comment.Single:                'c1',
    Comment.Special:               'cs',

    Generic:                       'g',
    Generic.Deleted:               'gd',
    Generic.Emph:                  'ge',
    Generic.Error:                 'gr',
    Generic.Heading:               'gh',
    Generic.Inserted:              'gi',
    Generic.Output:                'go',
    Generic.Prompt:                'gp',
    Generic.Strong:                'gs',
    Generic.Subheading:            'gu',
    Generic.EmphStrong:            'ges',
    Generic.Traceback:             'gt',


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
filters Folder 0755
formatters Folder 0755
lexers Folder 0755
styles Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.91 KB 0644
__main__.py File 353 B 0644
cmdline.py File 23.1 KB 0644
console.py File 1.68 KB 0644
filter.py File 1.87 KB 0644
formatter.py File 4.29 KB 0644
lexer.py File 34.52 KB 0644
modeline.py File 1005 B 0644
plugin.py File 1.85 KB 0644
regexopt.py File 3 KB 0644
scanner.py File 3.02 KB 0644
sphinxext.py File 7.79 KB 0644
style.py File 6.27 KB 0644
token.py File 6.08 KB 0644
unistring.py File 61.73 KB 0644
util.py File 9.8 KB 0644