[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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StyleStack�	StyleType)�Styledc��eZdZdZdddddd�deded	ed
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						dd�ZdS)�Treea�A renderable for a tree structure.

        label (RenderableType): The renderable or str for the tree label.
        style (StyleType, optional): Style of this tree. Defaults to "tree".
        guide_style (StyleType, optional): Style of the guide lines. Defaults to "tree.line".
        expanded (bool, optional): Also display children. Defaults to True.
        highlight (bool, optional): Highlight renderable (if str). Defaults to False.
    �treez	tree.lineTF)�style�guide_style�expanded�	highlight�	hide_root�labelrrrrr�returnNc�h�||_||_||_g|_||_||_||_dS�N)rrr�childrenrrr)�selfrrrrrrs       �u/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/tree.py�__init__z
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�"���"������rrrrc��t||�|jn||�|jn|||�|jn|���}|j�|��|S)a3Add a child tree.

            label (RenderableType): The renderable or str for the tree label.
            style (StyleType, optional): Style of this tree. Defaults to "tree".
            guide_style (StyleType, optional): Style of the guide lines. Defaults to "tree.line".
            expanded (bool, optional): Also display children. Defaults to True.
            highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Highlight renderable (if str). Defaults to False.

            Tree: A new child Tree, which may be further modified.
        Nr&)rrrrr!�append)r"rrrrr�nodes       r#�addzTree.add)sf��*�� %�
#�����K�g}|j}|j}tj��}|j}tj��}||jd���p|}	td��\}
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post_style)!�popr(rr9�	get_styler�nullr�range�int�iterr	rr�next�
StopIteration�currentr�render_linesrr�update�	max_width�sumr�justifyr�apply_style�background_stylerr!�len�push)r"r+r,�stackrIrZ�new_linerJ�
stack_node�lastr)r�prefix�renderable_lines�firstr9r;r<r=s  `                         @@@r#�__rich_console__zTree.__rich_console__Hs���������46���i���|���<�>�>���%�	��Z�\�\�
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Box Office�right�green)rVrzDec 20, 2019z Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkerz$952,110,690zMay 25, 2018zSolo: A Star Wars Storyz$393,151,347zDec 15, 2017z!Star Wars Ep. V111: The Last Jediz$1,332,539,889zDec 16, 2016zRogue One: A Star Wars Storyz$1,332,439,889zmclass Segment(NamedTuple):
    text: str = ""
    style: Optional[Style] = None
    is_control: bool = False
�python�monokai)�theme�line_numbersz=### example.md
> Hello, World!
> Markdown _all_ the things
u🌲 [b green]Rich Tree)rrz:file_folder: Renderables�red)rz!:file_folder: [bold yellow]Atomiczuu greenu📄 Syntaxu
📄 Markdown)�border_stylez&:file_folder: [bold magenta]Containerszbold magentazJust a panelu📄 Panelsu📄 [b magenta]TableN)4�typingrrrr�_looprr	r+r
rrr
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-311.pyc File 7.35 KB 0644
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bar.cpython-311.pyc File 4.48 KB 0644
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jupyter.cpython-311.pyc File 6.29 KB 0644
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repr.cpython-311.pyc File 7.48 KB 0644
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