[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from logging import Handler, LogRecord
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import ClassVar, Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union

from pip._vendor.rich._null_file import NullFile

from . import get_console
from ._log_render import FormatTimeCallable, LogRender
from .console import Console, ConsoleRenderable
from .highlighter import Highlighter, ReprHighlighter
from .text import Text
from .traceback import Traceback

class RichHandler(Handler):
    """A logging handler that renders output with Rich. The time / level / message and file are displayed in columns.
    The level is color coded, and the message is syntax highlighted.

        Be careful when enabling console markup in log messages if you have configured logging for libraries not
        under your control. If a dependency writes messages containing square brackets, it may not produce the intended output.

        level (Union[int, str], optional): Log level. Defaults to logging.NOTSET.
        console (:class:`~rich.console.Console`, optional): Optional console instance to write logs.
            Default will use a global console instance writing to stdout.
        show_time (bool, optional): Show a column for the time. Defaults to True.
        omit_repeated_times (bool, optional): Omit repetition of the same time. Defaults to True.
        show_level (bool, optional): Show a column for the level. Defaults to True.
        show_path (bool, optional): Show the path to the original log call. Defaults to True.
        enable_link_path (bool, optional): Enable terminal link of path column to file. Defaults to True.
        highlighter (Highlighter, optional): Highlighter to style log messages, or None to use ReprHighlighter. Defaults to None.
        markup (bool, optional): Enable console markup in log messages. Defaults to False.
        rich_tracebacks (bool, optional): Enable rich tracebacks with syntax highlighting and formatting. Defaults to False.
        tracebacks_width (Optional[int], optional): Number of characters used to render tracebacks, or None for full width. Defaults to None.
        tracebacks_extra_lines (int, optional): Additional lines of code to render tracebacks, or None for full width. Defaults to None.
        tracebacks_theme (str, optional): Override pygments theme used in traceback.
        tracebacks_word_wrap (bool, optional): Enable word wrapping of long tracebacks lines. Defaults to True.
        tracebacks_show_locals (bool, optional): Enable display of locals in tracebacks. Defaults to False.
        tracebacks_suppress (Sequence[Union[str, ModuleType]]): Optional sequence of modules or paths to exclude from traceback.
        locals_max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation.
            Defaults to 10.
        locals_max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to 80.
        log_time_format (Union[str, TimeFormatterCallable], optional): If ``log_time`` is enabled, either string for strftime or callable that formats the time. Defaults to "[%x %X] ".
        keywords (List[str], optional): List of words to highlight instead of ``RichHandler.KEYWORDS``.

    KEYWORDS: ClassVar[Optional[List[str]]] = [
    HIGHLIGHTER_CLASS: ClassVar[Type[Highlighter]] = ReprHighlighter

    def __init__(
        level: Union[int, str] = logging.NOTSET,
        console: Optional[Console] = None,
        show_time: bool = True,
        omit_repeated_times: bool = True,
        show_level: bool = True,
        show_path: bool = True,
        enable_link_path: bool = True,
        highlighter: Optional[Highlighter] = None,
        markup: bool = False,
        rich_tracebacks: bool = False,
        tracebacks_width: Optional[int] = None,
        tracebacks_extra_lines: int = 3,
        tracebacks_theme: Optional[str] = None,
        tracebacks_word_wrap: bool = True,
        tracebacks_show_locals: bool = False,
        tracebacks_suppress: Iterable[Union[str, ModuleType]] = (),
        locals_max_length: int = 10,
        locals_max_string: int = 80,
        log_time_format: Union[str, FormatTimeCallable] = "[%x %X]",
        keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.console = console or get_console()
        self.highlighter = highlighter or self.HIGHLIGHTER_CLASS()
        self._log_render = LogRender(
        self.enable_link_path = enable_link_path
        self.markup = markup
        self.rich_tracebacks = rich_tracebacks
        self.tracebacks_width = tracebacks_width
        self.tracebacks_extra_lines = tracebacks_extra_lines
        self.tracebacks_theme = tracebacks_theme
        self.tracebacks_word_wrap = tracebacks_word_wrap
        self.tracebacks_show_locals = tracebacks_show_locals
        self.tracebacks_suppress = tracebacks_suppress
        self.locals_max_length = locals_max_length
        self.locals_max_string = locals_max_string
        self.keywords = keywords

    def get_level_text(self, record: LogRecord) -> Text:
        """Get the level name from the record.

            record (LogRecord): LogRecord instance.

            Text: A tuple of the style and level name.
        level_name = record.levelname
        level_text = Text.styled(
            level_name.ljust(8), f"logging.level.{level_name.lower()}"
        return level_text

    def emit(self, record: LogRecord) -> None:
        """Invoked by logging."""
        message = self.format(record)
        traceback = None
        if (
            and record.exc_info
            and record.exc_info != (None, None, None)
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = record.exc_info
            assert exc_type is not None
            assert exc_value is not None
            traceback = Traceback.from_exception(
            message = record.getMessage()
            if self.formatter:
                record.message = record.getMessage()
                formatter = self.formatter
                if hasattr(formatter, "usesTime") and formatter.usesTime():
                    record.asctime = formatter.formatTime(record, formatter.datefmt)
                message = formatter.formatMessage(record)

        message_renderable = self.render_message(record, message)
        log_renderable = self.render(
            record=record, traceback=traceback, message_renderable=message_renderable
        if isinstance(self.console.file, NullFile):
            # Handles pythonw, where stdout/stderr are null, and we return NullFile
            # instance from Console.file. In this case, we still want to make a log record
            # even though we won't be writing anything to a file.
            except Exception:

    def render_message(self, record: LogRecord, message: str) -> "ConsoleRenderable":
        """Render message text in to Text.

            record (LogRecord): logging Record.
            message (str): String containing log message.

            ConsoleRenderable: Renderable to display log message.
        use_markup = getattr(record, "markup", self.markup)
        message_text = Text.from_markup(message) if use_markup else Text(message)

        highlighter = getattr(record, "highlighter", self.highlighter)
        if highlighter:
            message_text = highlighter(message_text)

        if self.keywords is None:
            self.keywords = self.KEYWORDS

        if self.keywords:
            message_text.highlight_words(self.keywords, "logging.keyword")

        return message_text

    def render(
        record: LogRecord,
        traceback: Optional[Traceback],
        message_renderable: "ConsoleRenderable",
    ) -> "ConsoleRenderable":
        """Render log for display.

            record (LogRecord): logging Record.
            traceback (Optional[Traceback]): Traceback instance or None for no Traceback.
            message_renderable (ConsoleRenderable): Renderable (typically Text) containing log message contents.

            ConsoleRenderable: Renderable to display log.
        path = Path(record.pathname).name
        level = self.get_level_text(record)
        time_format = None if self.formatter is None else self.formatter.datefmt
        log_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created)

        log_renderable = self._log_render(
            [message_renderable] if not traceback else [message_renderable, traceback],
            link_path=record.pathname if self.enable_link_path else None,
        return log_renderable

if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover
    from time import sleep

    FORMAT = "%(message)s"
    # FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
        handlers=[RichHandler(rich_tracebacks=True, tracebacks_show_locals=True)],
    log = logging.getLogger("rich")

    log.info("Server starting...")
    log.info("Listening on")

    log.info("GET /index.html 200 1298")
    log.info("GET /imgs/backgrounds/back1.jpg 200 54386")
    log.info("GET /css/styles.css 200 54386")
    log.warning("GET /favicon.ico 404 242")

        "JSONRPC request\n--> %r\n<-- %r",
            "version": "1.1",
            "method": "confirmFruitPurchase",
            "params": [["apple", "orange", "mangoes", "pomelo"], 1.123],
            "id": "194521489",
        {"version": "1.1", "result": True, "error": None, "id": "194521489"},
        "Loading configuration file /adasd/asdasd/qeqwe/qwrqwrqwr/sdgsdgsdg/werwerwer/dfgerert/ertertert/ertetert/werwerwer"
    log.error("Unable to find 'pomelo' in database!")
    log.info("POST /jsonrpc/ 200 65532")
    log.info("POST /admin/ 401 42234")
    log.warning("password was rejected for admin site.")

    def divide() -> None:
        number = 1
        divisor = 0
        foos = ["foo"] * 100
        log.debug("in divide")
            number / divisor
            log.exception("An error of some kind occurred!")

    log.critical("Out of memory!")
    log.info("Server exited with code=-1")
    log.info("[bold]EXITING...[/bold]", extra=dict(markup=True))


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