#!/usr/bin/python2 -Es # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Authors: # Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> # Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # from gi.repository import GObject import sys sys.modules['gobject'] = GObject import argparse import os from firewall.client import FirewallClientIPSetSettings, \ FirewallClientZoneSettings, FirewallClientServiceSettings, \ FirewallClientIcmpTypeSettings, FirewallClientHelperSettings from firewall.errors import FirewallError from firewall import config from firewall.core.fw_test import Firewall_test from firewall.functions import joinArgs, splitArgs from firewall.core.io.functions import check_config from firewall.core.io.zone import zone_reader from firewall.core.io.service import service_reader from firewall.core.io.ipset import ipset_reader from firewall.core.io.icmptype import icmptype_reader from firewall.core.io.helper import helper_reader from firewall.command import FirewallCommand # check for root user def assert_root(): if os.getuid() != 0: sys.stderr.write("You need to be root to run %s.\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) SYSTEM_CONFIG_FIREWALL = config.SYSCONFIGDIR + '/system-config-firewall' def __usage(): sys.stdout.write(""" Usage: firewall-offline-cmd [OPTIONS...] If no options are given, configuration from '%s' will be migrated. General Options -h, --help Prints a short help text and exists -V, --version Print the version string of firewalld -q, --quiet Do not print status messages --system-config Path to firewalld system configuration --default-config Path to firewalld default configuration --check-config Check system and default configuration Lokkit Compatibility Options --migrate-system-config-firewall=<file> Import configuration data from the given configuration file. --enabled Enable firewall (default) --disabled Disable firewall --addmodule=<module> Ignored option, was used to enable an iptables module --removemodule=<module> Ignored option, was used to disable an iptables module -s <service>, --service=<service> Enable a service in the default zone (example: ssh) --remove-service=<service> Disable a service in the default zone (example: ssh) -p <port>[-<port>]:<protocol>, --port=<port>[-<port>]:<protocol> Enable a port in the default zone (example: ssh:tcp) -t <interface>, --trust=<interface> Bind an interface to the trusted zone -m <interface>, --masq=<interface> Enables masquerading in the default zone, interface argument is ignored. This is IPv4 only. --custom-rules=[<type>:][<table>:]<filename> Ignored option. Was used to add custom rules to the firewall (Example: ipv4:filter:%s/ipv4_filter_addon) --forward-port=if=<interface>:port=<port>:proto=<protocol>[:toport=<destination port>][:toaddr=<destination address>] Forward the port with protocol for the interface to either another local destination port (no destination address given) or to an other destination address with an optional destination port. This will be added to the default zone. This is IPv4 only. --block-icmp=<icmp type> Block this ICMP type in the default zone. The default is to accept all ICMP types. Log Denied Options --get-log-denied Print the log denied value --set-log-denied=<value> Set log denied value Automatic Helpers Options --get-automatic-helpers Print the automatic helpers value --set-automatic-helpers=<value> Set automatic helpers value Zone Options --get-default-zone Print default zone for connections and interfaces --set-default-zone=<zone> Set default zone --get-zones Print predefined zones --get-services Print predefined services --get-icmptypes Print predefined icmptypes --get-zone-of-interface=<interface> Print name of the zone the interface is bound to --get-zone-of-source=<source>[/<mask>]|<MAC>|ipset:<ipset> Print name of the zone the source is bound to --list-all-zones List everything added for or enabled in all zones --new-zone=<zone> Add a new empty zone --new-zone-from-file=<filename> [--name=<zone>] Add a new zone from file with optional name override [P only] --delete-zone=<zone> Delete an existing zone --load-zone-defaults=<zone> Load zone default settings [Z] --zone=<zone> Use this zone to set or query options, else default zone Usable for options marked with [Z] --set-description=<description> Set new description to zone --get-description Print description for zone --get-target Get the zone target --set-target=<target> Set the zone target --info-zone=<zone> Print information about a zone --path-zone=<zone> Print file path of a zone IPSet Options --new-ipset=<ipset> --type=<ipset type> [--option=<key>[=<value>]].. Add a new empty ipset --new-ipset-from-file=<filename> [--name=<ipset>] Add a new ipset from file with optional name override [P only] --delete-ipset=<ipset> Delete an existing ipset --load-ipset-defaults=<ipset> Load ipset default settings --info-ipset=<ipset> Print information about an ipset --path-ipset=<ipset> Print file path of an ipset --get-ipsets Print predefined ipsets --ipset=<ipset> --set-description=<description> Set new description to ipset --ipset=<ipset> --get-description Print description for ipset --ipset=<ipset> --set-short=<description> Set new short description to ipset --ipset=<ipset> --get-short Print short description for ipset --ipset=<ipset> --add-entry=<entry> Add a new entry to an ipset --ipset=<ipset> --remove-entry=<entry> Remove an entry from an ipset --ipset=<ipset> --query-entry=<entry> Return whether ipset has an entry --ipset=<ipset> --get-entries List entries of an ipset --ipset=<ipset> --add-entries-from-file=<entry> Add a new entries to an ipset [P] --ipset=<ipset> --remove-entries-from-file=<entry> Remove entries from an ipset [P] IcmpType Options --new-icmptype=<icmptype> Add a new empty icmptype --new-icmptype-from-file=<filename> [--name=<icmptype>] Add a new icmptype from file with optional name override [P only] --delete-icmptype=<icmptype> Delete an existing icmptype --load-icmptype-defaults=<icmptype> Load icmptype default settings --info-icmptype=<icmptype> Print information about an icmptype --path-icmptype=<icmptype> Print file path of an icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --set-description=<description> Set new description to icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --get-description Print description for icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --set-short=<description> Set new short description to icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --get-short Print short description for icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --add-destination=<ipv> Enable destination for ipv in icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --remove-destination=<ipv> Disable destination for ipv in icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --query-destination=<ipv> Return whether destination ipv is enabled in icmptype --icmptype=<icmptype> --get-destinations List destinations in icmptype Service Options --new-service=<service> Add a new empty service --new-service-from-file=<filename> [--name=<service>] Add a new service from file with optional name override [P only] --delete-service=<service> Delete an existing service --load-service-defaults=<service> Load icmptype default settings --info-service=<service> Print information about a service --path-service=<service> Print file path of a service --service=<service> --set-description=<description> Set new description to service --service=<service> --get-description Print description for service --service=<service> --set-short=<description> Set new short description to service --service=<service> --get-short Print short description for service --service=<service> --add-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Add a new port to service --service=<service> --remove-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Remove a port from service --service=<service> --query-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Return whether the port has been added for service --service=<service> --get-ports List ports of service --service=<service> --add-protocol=<protocol> Add a new protocol to service --service=<service> --remove-protocol=<protocol> Remove a protocol from service --service=<service> --query-protocol=<protocol> Return whether the protocol has been added for service --service=<service> --get-protocols List protocols of service --service=<service> --add-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Add a new source port to service --service=<service> --remove-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Remove a source port from service --service=<service> --query-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Return whether the source port has been added for service [P only] --service=<service> --get-source-ports List source ports of service --service=<service> --add-module=<module> Add a new module to service --service=<service> --remove-module=<module> Remove a module from service --service=<service> --query-module=<module> Return whether the module has been added for service --service=<service> --get-modules List modules of service --service=<service> --set-destination=<ipv>:<address>[/<mask>] Set destination for ipv to address in service --service=<service> --remove-destination=<ipv> Disable destination for ipv i service --service=<service> --query-destination=<ipv>:<address>[/<mask>] Return whether destination ipv is set for service --service=<service> --get-destinations List destinations in service Options to Adapt and Query Zones --list-all List everything added for or enabled in a zone [Z] --list-services List services added for a zone [Z] --add-service=<service> Add a service for a zone [Z] --remove-service-from-zone=<service> Remove a service from a zone [Z] --query-service=<service> Return whether service has been added for a zone [Z] --list-ports List ports added for a zone [Z] --add-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Add the port for a zone [Z] --remove-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Remove the port from a zone [Z] --query-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Return whether the port has been added for zone [Z] --list-protocols List protocols added for a zone [Z] --add-protocol=<protocol> Add the protocol for a zone [Z] --remove-protocol=<protocol> Remove the protocol from a zone [Z] --query-protocol=<protocol> Return whether the protocol has been added for zone [Z] --list-source-ports List source ports added for a zone [Z] --add-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Add the source port for a zone [Z] --remove-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Remove the source port from a zone [Z] --query-source-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Return whether the source port has been added for zone [Z] --list-icmp-blocks List Internet ICMP type blocks added for a zone [Z] --add-icmp-block=<icmptype> Add an ICMP block for a zone [Z] --remove-icmp-block=<icmptype> Remove the ICMP block from a zone [Z] --query-icmp-block=<icmptype> Return whether an ICMP block has been added for a zone [Z] --add-icmp-block-inversion Enable inversion of icmp blocks for a zone [Z] --remove-icmp-block-inversion Disable inversion of icmp blocks for a zone [Z] --query-icmp-block-inversion Return whether inversion of icmp blocks has been enabled for a zone [Z] --list-forward-ports List IPv4 forward ports added for a zone [Z] --add-forward-port=port=<portid>[-<portid>]:proto=<protocol>[:toport=<portid>[-<portid>]][:toaddr=<address>[/<mask>]] Add the IPv4 forward port for a zone [Z] --remove-forward-port=port=<portid>[-<portid>]:proto=<protocol>[:toport=<portid>[-<portid>]][:toaddr=<address>[/<mask>]] Remove the IPv4 forward port from a zone [Z] --query-forward-port=port=<portid>[-<portid>]:proto=<protocol>[:toport=<portid>[-<portid>]][:toaddr=<address>[/<mask>]] Return whether the IPv4 forward port has been added for a zone [Z] --add-masquerade Enable IPv4 masquerade for a zone [Z] --remove-masquerade Disable IPv4 masquerade for a zone [Z] --query-masquerade Return whether IPv4 masquerading has been enabled for a zone [Z] --list-rich-rules List rich language rules added for a zone [Z] --add-rich-rule=<rule> Add rich language rule 'rule' for a zone [Z] --remove-rich-rule=<rule> Remove rich language rule 'rule' from a zone [Z] --query-rich-rule=<rule> Return whether a rich language rule 'rule' has been added for a zone [Z] Options to Handle Bindings of Interfaces --list-interfaces List interfaces that are bound to a zone [Z] --add-interface=<interface> Bind the <interface> to a zone [Z] --change-interface=<interface> Change zone the <interface> is bound to [Z] --query-interface=<interface> Query whether <interface> is bound to a zone [Z] --remove-interface=<interface> Remove binding of <interface> from a zone [Z] Options to Handle Bindings of Sources --list-sources List sources that are bound to a zone [Z] --add-source=<source>[/<mask>]|<MAC>|ipset:<ipset> Bind the source to a zone [Z] --change-source=<source>[/<mask>]|<MAC>|ipset:<ipset> Change zone the source is bound to [Z] --query-source=<source>[/<mask>]|<MAC>|ipset:<ipset> Query whether the source is bound to a zone [Z] --remove-source=<source>[/<mask>]|<MAC>|ipset:<ipset> Remove binding of the source from a zone [Z] Helper Options --new-helper=<helper> --module=<module> [--family=<family>] Add a new helper --new-helper-from-file=<filename> [--name=<helper>] Add a new helper from file with optional name --delete-helper=<helper> Delete an existing helper --load-helper-defaults=<helper> Load helper default settings --info-helper=<helper> Print information about an helper --path-helper=<helper> Print file path of an helper --get-helpers Print predefined helpers --helper=<helper> --set-description=<description> Set new description to helper --helper=<helper> --get-description Print description for helper --helper=<helper> --set-short=<description> Set new short description to helper --helper=<helper> --get-short Print short description for helper --helper=<helper> --add-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Add a new port to helper --helper=<helper> --remove-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Remove a port from helper --helper=<helper> --query-port=<portid>[-<portid>]/<protocol> Return whether the port has been added for helper --helper=<helper> --get-ports List ports of helper --helper=<helper> --set-module=<module> Set module to helper --helper=<helper> --get-module Get module from helper --helper=<helper> --set-family={ipv4|ipv6|} Set family for helper --helper=<helper> --get-family Get module from helper Direct Options --direct First option for all direct options --get-all-chains Get all chains --get-chains {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> Get all chains added to the table --add-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> Add a new chain to the table --remove-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> Remove the chain from the table --query-chain {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> Return whether the chain has been added to the table --get-all-rules Get all rules --get-rules {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> Get all rules added to chain in table --add-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>... Add rule to chain in table --remove-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>... Remove rule with priority from chain in table --remove-rules {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> Remove rules from chain in table --query-rule {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <table> <chain> <priority> <arg>... Return whether a rule with priority has been added to chain in table --get-all-passthroughs Get all passthrough rules --get-passthroughs {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>... Get passthrough rules --add-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>... Add a new passthrough rule --remove-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>... Remove a passthrough rule --query-passthrough {ipv4|ipv6|eb} <arg>... Return whether the passthrough rule has been added Lockdown Options --lockdown-on Enable lockdown. --lockdown-off Disable lockdown. --query-lockdown Query whether lockdown is enabled Lockdown Whitelist Options --list-lockdown-whitelist-commands List all command lines that are on the whitelist --add-lockdown-whitelist-command=<command> Add the command to the whitelist --remove-lockdown-whitelist-command=<command> Remove the command from the whitelist --query-lockdown-whitelist-command=<command> Query whether the command is on the whitelist --list-lockdown-whitelist-contexts List all contexts that are on the whitelist --add-lockdown-whitelist-context=<context> Add the context context to the whitelist --remove-lockdown-whitelist-context=<context> Remove the context from the whitelist --query-lockdown-whitelist-context=<context> Query whether the context is on the whitelist --list-lockdown-whitelist-uids List all user ids that are on the whitelist --add-lockdown-whitelist-uid=<uid> Add the user id uid to the whitelist --remove-lockdown-whitelist-uid=<uid> Remove the user id uid from the whitelist --query-lockdown-whitelist-uid=<uid> Query whether the user id uid is on the whitelist --list-lockdown-whitelist-users List all user names that are on the whitelist --add-lockdown-whitelist-user=<user> Add the user name user to the whitelist --remove-lockdown-whitelist-user=<user> Remove the user name user from the whitelist --query-lockdown-whitelist-user=<user> Query whether the user name user is on the whitelist Polkit Options --policy-server Change Polkit actions to 'server' (more restricted) --policy-desktop Change Polkit actions to 'desktop' (less restricted) """ % (SYSTEM_CONFIG_FIREWALL, config.SYSCONFIGDIR)) def parse_port_lokkit(value): try: (port, proto) = value.split(":") except Exception: cmd.fail("bad port (most likely missing protocol), correct syntax is portid[-portid]:protocol") return (port, proto) def pk_symlink(product='server'): _PK_DIR = '/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/' _PK_NAME = 'org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.' os.chdir(_PK_DIR) if os.path.isfile(_PK_NAME+product+'.policy.choice'): if os.path.isfile(_PK_NAME+'policy'): os.remove(_PK_NAME+'policy') os.symlink(_PK_NAME+product+'.policy.choice', _PK_NAME+'policy') cmd.print_and_exit('symlink '+_PK_DIR+_PK_NAME+product+'.policy.choice -> '+_PK_NAME+'policy') else: cmd.fail('no such file '+_PK_DIR+_PK_NAME+product+'.policy.choice') # system-config-firewall def read_sysconfig_args(config_file=SYSTEM_CONFIG_FIREWALL): filename = None if os.path.exists(config_file) and os.path.isfile(config_file): filename = config_file try: f = open(filename, 'r') except Exception: return None argv = [ ] for line in f: if not line: break line = line.strip() if len(line) < 1 or line[0] == '#': continue argv.append(line) f.close() return argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="see firewall-offline-cmd man page", add_help=False) parser_group_output = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_group_output.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true") parser_group_output.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true") parser_group_lokkit = parser.add_argument_group() parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--enabled", action="store_true") parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--disabled", action="store_true") parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--addmodule", metavar="<module>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--removemodule", metavar="<module>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--service", "-s", metavar="<service>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--remove-service", metavar="<service>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--port", "-p", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--trust", "-t", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--masq", "-m", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--custom-rules", metavar="<filename>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--forward-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_lokkit.add_argument("--block-icmp", metavar="<icmptype>", action='append') parser.add_argument("--system-config", metavar="path") parser.add_argument("--default-config", metavar="path") parser.add_argument("--check-config", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_group_standalone.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-log-denied", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--set-log-denied", metavar="<value>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-automatic-helpers", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--set-automatic-helpers", metavar="<value>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--policy-server", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--policy-desktop", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--lockdown-on", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--lockdown-off", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--query-lockdown", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-default-zone", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--set-default-zone", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-zones", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-services", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-icmptypes", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-zone-of-interface", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--get-zone-of-source", metavar="<source>", action='append') parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--list-all-zones", action="store_true") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--info-zone", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--info-service", metavar="<service>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--info-icmptype", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--info-ipset", metavar="<ipset>") parser_group_standalone.add_argument("--info-helper", metavar="<helper>") parser_group_config = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-icmptype", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-icmptype-from-file", metavar="<filename>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--delete-icmptype", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--load-icmptype-defaults", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-service", metavar="<service>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-service-from-file", metavar="<filename>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--delete-service", metavar="<service>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--load-service-defaults", metavar="<service>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-zone", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-zone-from-file", metavar="<filename>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--delete-zone", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--load-zone-defaults", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-ipset", metavar="<ipset>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-ipset-from-file", metavar="<filename>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--delete-ipset", metavar="<ipset>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--load-ipset-defaults", metavar="<ipset>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-helper", metavar="<helper>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--new-helper-from-file", metavar="<filename>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--delete-helper", metavar="<helper>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--load-helper-defaults", metavar="<helper>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--path-zone", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--path-service", metavar="<service>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--path-icmptype", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--path-ipset", metavar="<ipset>") parser_group_config.add_argument("--path-helper", metavar="<helper>") parser.add_argument("--name", default="", metavar="<name>") parser_group_lockdown_whitelist = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--list-lockdown-whitelist-commands", action="store_true") parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--add-lockdown-whitelist-command", metavar="<command>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--remove-lockdown-whitelist-command", metavar="<command>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--query-lockdown-whitelist-command", metavar="<command>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--list-lockdown-whitelist-contexts", action="store_true") parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--add-lockdown-whitelist-context", metavar="<context>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--remove-lockdown-whitelist-context", metavar="<context>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--query-lockdown-whitelist-context", metavar="<context>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--list-lockdown-whitelist-uids", action="store_true") parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--add-lockdown-whitelist-uid", metavar="<uid>", type=int, action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--remove-lockdown-whitelist-uid", metavar="<uid>", type=int, action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--query-lockdown-whitelist-uid", metavar="<uid>", type=int, action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--list-lockdown-whitelist-users", action="store_true") parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--add-lockdown-whitelist-user", metavar="<user>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--remove-lockdown-whitelist-user", metavar="<user>", action='append') parser_group_lockdown_whitelist.add_argument("--query-lockdown-whitelist-user", metavar="<user>", action='append') parser.add_argument("--zone", default="", metavar="<zone>") parser_group_zone = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-interface", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-interface", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-interface", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--change-interface", "--change-zone", metavar="<iface>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-interfaces", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-source", metavar="<source>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-source", metavar="<source>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-source", metavar="<source>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--change-source", metavar="<source>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-sources", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-rich-rule", metavar="<rule>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-rich-rule", metavar="<rule>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-rich-rule", metavar="<rule>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-service", metavar="<service>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-service-from-zone", metavar="<zone>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-service", metavar="<zone>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-protocol", metavar="<protocol>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-protocol", metavar="<protocol>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-protocol", metavar="<protocol>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-source-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-source-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-source-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-masquerade", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-masquerade", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-masquerade", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-icmp-block", metavar="<icmptype>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-icmp-block", metavar="<icmptype>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-icmp-block", metavar="<icmptype>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-icmp-block-inversion", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-icmp-block-inversion", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-icmp-block-inversion", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--add-forward-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--remove-forward-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--query-forward-port", metavar="<port>", action='append') parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-rich-rules", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-services", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-ports", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-protocols", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-icmp-blocks", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-forward-ports", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-source-ports", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--list-all", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--get-target", action="store_true") parser_group_zone.add_argument("--set-target", metavar="<target>") parser.add_argument("--option", metavar="<key>[=<value>]", action='append') parser.add_argument("--type", metavar="<ipsettype>") parser.add_argument("--ipset", metavar="<ipset>") parser_ipset = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() #parser_ipset.add_argument("--add-option", metavar="<key>[=<value>]") #parser_ipset.add_argument("--remove-option", metavar="<key>[=<value>]") #parser_ipset.add_argument("--query-option", metavar="<key>[=<value>]") #parser_ipset.add_argument("--get-options", action="store_true") parser_ipset.add_argument("--get-ipsets", action="store_true") parser_ipset.add_argument("--add-entry", metavar="<entry>", action='append') parser_ipset.add_argument("--remove-entry", metavar="<entry>", action='append') parser_ipset.add_argument("--query-entry", metavar="<entry>", action='append') parser_ipset.add_argument("--get-entries", action="store_true") parser_ipset.add_argument("--add-entries-from-file", metavar="<filename>", action='append') parser_ipset.add_argument("--remove-entries-from-file", metavar="<filename>", action='append') parser.add_argument("--icmptype", metavar="<icmptype>") parser_icmptype = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_icmptype.add_argument("--add-destination", metavar="<ipv>", action='append') parser_icmptype.add_argument("--remove-destination", metavar="<ipv>", action='append') parser_icmptype.add_argument("--query-destination", metavar="<ipv>", action='append') parser_icmptype.add_argument("--get-destinations", action="store_true") parser_service = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_service.add_argument("--get-ports", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--get-source-ports", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--get-protocols", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--add-module", metavar="<module>", action='append') parser_service.add_argument("--remove-module", metavar="<module>", action='append') parser_service.add_argument("--query-module", metavar="<module>", action='append') parser_service.add_argument("--get-modules", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--set-destination", metavar="<destination>", action='append') parser_service.add_argument("--get-destination", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--set-description", metavar="<description>") parser_service.add_argument("--get-description", action="store_true") parser_service.add_argument("--set-short", metavar="<description>") parser_service.add_argument("--get-short", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--helper", metavar="<helper>") parser.add_argument("--family", metavar="<family>") parser.add_argument("--module", metavar="<module>") parser_helper = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() #parser_helper.add_argument("--get-ports", action="store_true") parser_helper.add_argument("--get-helpers", action="store_true") parser_helper.add_argument("--set-module", metavar="<module>") parser_helper.add_argument("--get-module", action="store_true") #parser_helper.add_argument("--query-module", metavar="<module>") parser_helper.add_argument("--set-family", metavar="<family>|''", nargs="*") parser_helper.add_argument("--get-family", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--direct", action="store_true") # not possible to have sequences of options here parser_direct = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_direct.add_argument("--add-passthrough", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--remove-passthrough", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--query-passthrough", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--get-passthroughs", nargs=1, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }")) parser_direct.add_argument("--get-all-passthroughs", action="store_true") parser_direct.add_argument("--add-chain", nargs=3, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table>", "<chain>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--remove-chain", nargs=3, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table>", "<chain>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--query-chain", nargs=3, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table>", "<chain>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--get-all-chains", action="store_true") parser_direct.add_argument("--get-chains", nargs=2, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--add-rule", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table> <chain> <priority> <args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--remove-rule", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table> <chain> <priority> <args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--remove-rules", nargs=3, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table> <chain>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--query-rule", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table> <chain> <priority> <args>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--get-rules", nargs=3, metavar=("{ ipv4 | ipv6 | eb }", "<table>", "<chain>")) parser_direct.add_argument("--get-all-rules", action="store_true") ############################################################################## cmd = FirewallCommand() def myexcepthook(exctype, value, traceback): cmd.exception_handler(str(value)) sys.excepthook = myexcepthook if len(sys.argv) > 1 and \ any('--migrate-system-config-firewall' in arg for arg in sys.argv): args = sys.argv[1:] migration_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="see firewall-offline-cmd man page", add_help=False) migration_parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true") migration_parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true") migration_parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true") migration_parser.add_argument("--migrate-system-config-firewall", metavar="<file>", action='store') a,unknown = migration_parser.parse_known_args(args) cmd.set_quiet(a.quiet) cmd.set_verbose(a.verbose) if a.help: __usage() sys.exit(0) else: assert_root() if a.quiet: # it makes no sense to use --quiet with these options a.quiet = False cmd.set_quiet(a.quiet) cmd.fail("-q/--quiet can't be used with this option(s)") if a.migrate_system_config_firewall: args = read_sysconfig_args(a.migrate_system_config_firewall) if not args: cmd.fail("Opening of '%s' failed, exiting." % \ a.migrate_system_config_firewall) args += unknown elif len(sys.argv) > 1: i = -1 args = sys.argv[1:] if '--add-passthrough' in args: i = args.index('--add-passthrough') + 1 elif '--remove-passthrough' in args: i = args.index('--remove-passthrough') + 1 elif '--query-passthrough' in args: i = args.index('--query-passthrough') + 1 elif '--add-rule' in args: i = args.index('--add-rule') + 4 elif '--remove-rule' in args: i = args.index('--remove-rule') + 4 elif '--query-rule' in args: i = args.index('--query-rule') + 4 # join <args> into one argument to prevent parser from parsing each iptables # option, because they can conflict with firewall-cmd options # # e.g. --delete (iptables) and --delete-* (firewall-cmd) if (i > -1) and (i < len(args) - 1): aux_args = args[:] args = aux_args[:i+1] # all but not <args> args.append(joinArgs(aux_args[i+1:])) # add <args> as one arg else: assert_root() # migrate configuration from SYSTEM_CONFIG_FIREWALL args = read_sysconfig_args() if not args: cmd.fail("Opening of '%s' failed, exiting." % SYSTEM_CONFIG_FIREWALL) a = parser.parse_args(args) options_lokkit = a.enabled or a.disabled or a.addmodule or a.removemodule or \ a.trust or a.masq or a.custom_rules or \ a.service or a.remove_service or a.port or \ a.trust or a.masq or a.forward_port or a.block_icmp options_standalone = a.help or a.version or \ a.policy_server or a.policy_desktop or \ a.lockdown_on or a.lockdown_off or a.query_lockdown or \ a.get_default_zone or a.set_default_zone or \ a.get_log_denied or a.set_log_denied or \ a.get_automatic_helpers or a.set_automatic_helpers options_desc_xml_file = a.set_description or a.get_description or \ a.set_short or a.get_short options_lockdown_whitelist = \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_commands or a.add_lockdown_whitelist_command or \ a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_command or \ a.query_lockdown_whitelist_command or \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_contexts or a.add_lockdown_whitelist_context or \ a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_context or \ a.query_lockdown_whitelist_context or \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_uids or a.add_lockdown_whitelist_uid is not None or \ a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_uid is not None or \ a.query_lockdown_whitelist_uid is not None or \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_users or a.add_lockdown_whitelist_user or \ a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_user or \ a.query_lockdown_whitelist_user options_config = a.get_zones or a.get_services or a.get_icmptypes or \ options_lockdown_whitelist or a.list_all_zones or \ a.get_zone_of_interface or a.get_zone_of_source or \ a.info_zone or a.info_icmptype or a.info_service or \ a.info_ipset or a.get_ipsets or a.info_helper or \ a.get_helpers options_zone_action_action = \ a.add_service or a.remove_service_from_zone or a.query_service or \ a.add_port or a.remove_port or a.query_port or \ a.add_protocol or a.remove_protocol or a.query_protocol or \ a.add_source_port or a.remove_source_port or a.query_source_port or \ a.add_icmp_block or a.remove_icmp_block or a.query_icmp_block or \ a.add_forward_port or a.remove_forward_port or a.query_forward_port options_zone_interfaces_sources = \ a.list_interfaces or a.change_interface or \ a.add_interface or a.remove_interface or a.query_interface or \ a.list_sources or a.change_source or \ a.add_source or a.remove_source or a.query_source options_zone_adapt_query = \ a.add_rich_rule or a.remove_rich_rule or a.query_rich_rule or \ a.add_masquerade or a.remove_masquerade or a.query_masquerade or \ a.list_services or a.list_ports or a.list_protocols or \ a.list_source_ports or \ a.list_icmp_blocks or a.list_forward_ports or a.list_rich_rules or \ a.add_icmp_block_inversion or a.remove_icmp_block_inversion or \ a.query_icmp_block_inversion or \ a.list_all or a.get_target or a.set_target options_zone_ops = options_zone_interfaces_sources or \ options_zone_action_action or options_zone_adapt_query options_zone = a.zone or options_zone_ops or options_desc_xml_file options_ipset = a.add_entry or a.remove_entry or a.query_entry or \ a.get_entries or a.add_entries_from_file or \ a.remove_entries_from_file or options_desc_xml_file options_icmptype = a.add_destination or a.remove_destination or \ a.query_destination or a.get_destinations or \ options_desc_xml_file options_service = a.add_port or a.remove_port or a.query_port or \ a.get_ports or \ a.add_protocol or a.remove_protocol or a.query_protocol or \ a.get_protocols or \ a.add_source_port or a.remove_source_port or \ a.query_source_port or a.get_source_ports or \ a.add_module or a.remove_module or a.query_module or \ a.get_modules or \ a.set_destination or a.remove_destination or \ a.query_destination or a.get_destinations or \ options_desc_xml_file options_helper = a.add_port or a.remove_port or a.query_port or \ a.get_ports or a.set_module or a.get_module or \ a.set_family or a.get_family or \ options_desc_xml_file options_permanent = options_config or options_zone or \ a.new_icmptype or a.delete_icmptype or \ a.new_icmptype_from_file or \ a.load_icmptype_defaults or \ a.new_service or a.delete_service or \ a.new_service_from_file or \ a.load_service_defaults or \ a.new_zone or a.delete_zone or \ a.new_zone_from_file or \ a.load_zone_defaults or \ a.new_helper or a.delete_helper or \ a.new_helper_from_file or \ a.load_helper_defaults or \ a.new_ipset or a.delete_ipset or \ a.new_ipset_from_file or \ a.load_ipset_defaults or \ a.ipset or options_ipset or \ (a.icmptype and options_icmptype) or \ (a.service and options_service) or \ (a.helper and options_helper) or \ a.path_zone or a.path_icmptype or a.path_service or \ a.path_ipset or a.path_helper options_direct = \ a.add_chain or a.remove_chain or a.query_chain or \ a.get_chains or a.get_all_chains or \ a.add_rule or a.remove_rule or a.remove_rules or a.query_rule or \ a.get_rules or a.get_all_rules or \ a.add_passthrough or a.remove_passthrough or a.query_passthrough or \ a.get_passthroughs or a.get_all_passthroughs # these are supposed to only write out some output options_list_get = a.help or a.version or a.list_all or a.list_all_zones or \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_commands or a.list_lockdown_whitelist_contexts or \ a.list_lockdown_whitelist_uids or a.list_lockdown_whitelist_users or \ a.list_services or a.list_ports or a.list_protocols or a.list_icmp_blocks or \ a.list_forward_ports or a.list_rich_rules or a.list_interfaces or \ a.list_sources or a.get_default_zone or \ a.get_zone_of_interface or a.get_zone_of_source or a.get_zones or \ a.get_services or a.get_icmptypes or a.get_target or \ a.info_zone or a.info_icmptype or a.info_service or \ a.info_ipset or a.get_ipsets or a.get_entries or \ a.info_helper or a.get_helpers or \ a.get_destinations or a.get_description # Set quiet and verbose cmd.set_quiet(a.quiet) cmd.set_verbose(a.verbose) # Check various impossible combinations of options if not (options_standalone or options_ipset or \ options_lokkit or \ options_icmptype or options_service or options_helper or \ options_permanent or options_direct or options_desc_xml_file or \ a.check_config): cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No option specified.") if options_lokkit and (options_standalone or \ options_permanent or options_direct) and \ not (options_service and a.service): cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Can't use lokkit options with other options.") if options_standalone and (options_permanent or \ options_direct or options_ipset): cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Can't use stand-alone options with other options.") if options_ipset and not options_desc_xml_file and not a.ipset: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No ipset specified.") if (options_icmptype and not a.icmptype) and \ not (options_service and a.service) and not options_desc_xml_file: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No icmptype specified.") if options_service and a.service and len(a.service) > 0: if len(a.service) > 1: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "More than one service specified.") # use the first entry in the array only a.service = a.service[0] if (options_helper and not a.helper) and \ not (options_service and a.service) and \ not options_zone and not options_desc_xml_file: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No helper specified.") if options_direct and options_zone: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Can't use 'direct' options with other options.") if (a.direct and not options_direct) or (options_direct and not a.direct): cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Wrong usage of 'direct' options.") if a.name and not (a.new_zone_from_file or a.new_service_from_file or \ a.new_ipset_from_file or a.new_icmptype_from_file or \ a.new_helper_from_file): cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Wrong usage of '--name' option.") if options_config and options_zone: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Wrong usage of --get-zones | --get-services | --get-icmptypes.") if a.quiet and options_list_get: # it makes no sense to use --quiet with these options a.quiet = False cmd.set_quiet(a.quiet) cmd.fail("-q/--quiet can't be used with this option(s)") if a.help: __usage() sys.exit(0) assert_root() if a.system_config: config.set_system_config_paths(a.system_config) if a.default_config: config.set_default_config_paths(a.default_config) if a.check_config: try: fw = Firewall_test() fw.start() check_config(fw) except FirewallError as error: cmd.print_and_exit("Configuration error: %s" % error, error.code) except Exception as msg: cmd.fail("Configuration error: %s" % msg) sys.exit(0) zone = a.zone fw = Firewall_test() fw.start() try: # Lokkit Compatibility Options if options_lokkit and not (options_service and a.service): trusted_zone = "trusted" default_zone = fw.get_default_zone() fw_zone = fw.config.get_zone(default_zone) fw_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(fw_zone))) if a.enabled: # Enable firewall (default) os.system("systemctl enable firewalld.service") if a.disabled: # Disable firewall os.system("systemctl disable firewalld.service") if a.addmodule: for m in a.addmodule: cmd.print_msg("Ignoring addmodule '%s'" % m) if a.removemodule: for m in a.removemodule: cmd.print_msg("Ignoring removemodule '%s'" % m) if a.custom_rules: for c in a.custom_rules: cmd.print_msg("Ignoring custom-rule '%s'" % c) if a.service: for s in a.service: cmd.print_msg("Adding service '%s' to default zone." % s) if not fw_settings.queryService(s): fw_settings.addService(s) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % s) if a.remove_service: for s in a.remove_service: cmd.print_msg("Removing service '%s' from default zone." % s) if fw_settings.queryService(s): fw_settings.removeService(s) else: cmd.print_msg("NOT_ENABLED: %s" % s) if a.port: for port_proto in a.port: (port, proto) = parse_port_lokkit(port_proto) cmd.print_msg("Adding port '%s/%s' to default zone." % (port, proto)) if not fw_settings.queryPort(port, proto): fw_settings.addPort(port, proto) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % port_proto) if a.trust: if default_zone != trusted_zone: fw_trusted = fw.config.get_zone("trusted") fw_trusted_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(fw_trusted))) # Bind an interface to the trusted zone for i in a.trust: cmd.print_msg("Interface '%s' will be bound to zone '%s'." % \ (i, trusted_zone)) if not fw_trusted_settings.queryInterface(i): fw_trusted_settings.addInterface(i) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % i) fw.config.set_zone_config(fw_trusted, fw_trusted_settings.settings) else: for i in a.trust: cmd.print_msg("Interface '%s' will be bound to zone '%s'." % \ (i, trusted_zone)) if not fw_settings.queryInterface(i): fw_settings.addInterface(i) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % i) if a.masq: # Enables masquerading in the default zone, interface argument is ignored cmd.print_msg("Enabling masquerade for the default zone.") fw_settings.setMasquerade(True) if a.forward_port: for fp in a.forward_port: (port, protocol, toport, toaddr) = cmd.parse_forward_port( fp, compat=True) cmd.print_msg("Adding forward port %s:%s:%s:%s to default zone." % \ (port, protocol, toport, toaddr)) if not fw_settings.queryForwardPort(port, protocol, toport, toaddr): fw_settings.addForwardPort(port, protocol, toport, toaddr) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % fp) if a.block_icmp: for ib in a.block_icmp: cmd.print_msg("Adding icmpblock '%s' to default zone." % ib) if not fw_settings.queryIcmpBlock(ib): fw_settings.addIcmpBlock(ib) else: cmd.print_msg("ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % ib) fw.config.set_zone_config(fw_zone, fw_settings.settings) elif a.version: cmd.print_and_exit(config.VERSION) elif a.get_log_denied: cmd.print_and_exit(fw.get_log_denied()) elif a.set_log_denied: fw.set_log_denied(a.set_log_denied) elif a.get_automatic_helpers: cmd.print_and_exit(fw.get_automatic_helpers()) elif a.set_automatic_helpers: fw.set_automatic_helpers(a.set_automatic_helpers) elif a.policy_server: pk_symlink('server') elif a.policy_desktop: pk_symlink('desktop') # options from firewall-cmd elif a.get_default_zone: cmd.print_and_exit(fw.get_default_zone()) elif a.set_default_zone: fw.set_default_zone(a.set_default_zone) # lockdown elif a.lockdown_on: fw.enable_lockdown() elif a.lockdown_off: fw.disable_lockdown() elif a.query_lockdown: cmd.print_query_result(fw.policies.query_lockdown()) # zones elif a.get_zones: zones = fw.config.get_zones() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(zones)) elif a.new_zone: fw.config.new_zone(a.new_zone, FirewallClientZoneSettings().settings) elif a.new_zone_from_file: filename = os.path.basename(a.new_zone_from_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(a.new_zone_from_file) if dirname == "": dirname = "./" try: obj = zone_reader(filename, dirname) except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("Failed to load zone file '%s': %s" % \ (a.new_zone_from_file, msg), msg.code) except IOError as msg: cmd.fail("Failed to load zone file: %s" % msg) if a.name: obj.name = a.name fw.config.new_zone(obj.name, obj.export_config()) elif a.delete_zone: obj = fw.config.get_zone(a.delete_zone) fw.config.remove_zone(obj) elif a.load_zone_defaults: obj = fw.config.get_zone(a.load_zone_defaults) fw.config.load_zone_defaults(obj) elif a.info_zone: zone = fw.config.get_zone(a.info_zone) settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(zone))) cmd.print_zone_info(a.info_zone, settings, True) sys.exit(0) elif a.path_zone: obj = fw.config.get_zone(a.path_zone) cmd.print_and_exit("%s/%s" % (obj.path, obj.filename)) # services elif a.get_services: services = fw.config.get_services() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(services)) elif a.new_service: fw.config.new_service(a.new_service, FirewallClientServiceSettings().settings) elif a.new_service_from_file: filename = os.path.basename(a.new_service_from_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(a.new_service_from_file) if dirname == "": dirname = "./" try: obj = service_reader(filename, dirname) except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("Failed to load service file '%s': %s" % \ (a.new_service_from_file, msg), msg.code) except IOError as msg: cmd.fail("Failed to load service file: %s" % msg) if a.name: obj.name = a.name fw.config.new_service(obj.name, obj.export_config()) elif a.delete_service: obj = fw.config.get_service(a.delete_service) fw.config.remove_service(obj) # remove service from all zones zones = fw.config.get_zones() for zone in zones: _zone = fw.config.get_zone(zone) _settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(_zone))) if _settings.queryService(a.delete_service): _settings.removeService(a.delete_service) fw.config.set_zone_config(_zone, _settings.settings) elif a.load_service_defaults: obj = fw.config.get_service(a.load_service_defaults) fw.config.load_service_defaults(obj) elif a.info_service: service = fw.config.get_service(a.info_service) settings = FirewallClientServiceSettings( list(fw.config.get_service_config(service))) cmd.print_service_info(a.info_service, settings) sys.exit(0) elif a.path_service: obj = fw.config.get_service(a.path_service) cmd.print_and_exit("%s/%s" % (obj.path, obj.filename)) # icmptypes elif a.get_icmptypes: icmptypes = fw.config.get_icmptypes() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(icmptypes)) elif a.new_icmptype: fw.config.new_icmptype(a.new_icmptype, FirewallClientIcmpTypeSettings().settings) elif a.new_icmptype_from_file: filename = os.path.basename(a.new_icmptype_from_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(a.new_icmptype_from_file) if dirname == "": dirname = "./" try: obj = icmptype_reader(filename, dirname) except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("Failed to load icmptype file '%s': %s" % \ (a.new_icmptype_from_file, msg), msg.code) except IOError as msg: cmd.fail("Failed to load icmptype file: %s" % msg) if a.name: obj.name = a.name fw.config.new_icmptype(obj.name, obj.export_config()) elif a.delete_icmptype: obj = fw.config.get_icmptype(a.delete_icmptype) fw.config.remove_icmptype(obj) # remove icmpyte from all zones zones = fw.config.get_zones() for zone in zones: _zone = fw.config.get_zone(zone) _settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(_zone))) if _settings.queryIcmpBlock(a.delete_icmptype): _settings.removeIcmpBlock(a.delete_icmptype) fw.config.set_zone_config(_zone, _settings.settings) elif a.load_icmptype_defaults: obj = fw.config.get_icmptype(a.load_icmptype_defaults) fw.config.load_icmptype_defaults(obj) elif a.info_icmptype: icmptype = fw.config.get_icmptype(a.info_icmptype) settings = FirewallClientIcmpTypeSettings( list(fw.config.get_icmptype_config(icmptype))) cmd.print_icmptype_info(a.info_icmptype, settings) sys.exit(0) elif a.path_icmptype: obj = fw.config.get_icmptype(a.path_icmptype) cmd.print_and_exit("%s/%s" % (obj.path, obj.filename)) elif a.icmptype and options_icmptype: icmptype = fw.config.get_icmptype(a.icmptype) settings = FirewallClientIcmpTypeSettings( list(fw.config.get_icmptype_config(icmptype))) if a.add_destination: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_destination, settings.addDestination, settings.queryDestination, cmd.check_destination_ipv, "'%s'") fw.config.set_icmptype_config(icmptype, settings.settings) elif a.remove_destination: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_destination, settings.removeDestination, settings.queryDestination, cmd.check_destination_ipv, "'%s'") fw.config.set_icmptype_config(icmptype, settings.settings) elif a.query_destination: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_destination, settings.queryDestination, cmd.check_destination_ipv , "'%s'") elif a.get_destinations: l = settings.getDestinations() if len(l) == 0: l = [ "ipv4", "ipv6" ] cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.set_description: settings.setDescription(a.set_description) fw.config.set_icmptype_config(icmptype, settings.settings) elif a.get_description: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getDescription()) elif a.set_short: settings.setShort(a.set_short) fw.config.set_icmptype_config(icmptype, settings.settings) elif a.get_short: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getShort()) else: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Unknown option") cmd.print_and_exit("success") elif a.service and options_service: service = fw.config.get_service(a.service) settings = FirewallClientServiceSettings( list(fw.config.get_service_config(service))) if a.add_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_port, settings.addPort, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.remove_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_port, settings.removePort, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.query_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_port, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.get_ports: l = settings.getPorts() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s/%s" % (port[0], port[1]) for port in l])) elif a.add_protocol: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_protocol, settings.addProtocol, settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.remove_protocol: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_protocol, settings.removeProtocol, settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.query_protocol: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_protocol, settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") elif a.get_protocols: l = settings.getProtocols() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s" % protocol for protocol in l])) elif a.add_source_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_source_port, settings.addSourcePort, settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.remove_source_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_source_port, settings.removeSourcePort, settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.query_source_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_source_port, settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.get_source_ports: l = settings.getSourcePorts() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s/%s" % (port[0], port[1]) for port in l])) elif a.add_module: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_module, settings.addModule, settings.queryModule, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.remove_module: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_module, settings.removeModule, settings.queryModule, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.query_module: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_module, settings.queryModule, None, "'%s'") elif a.get_modules: l = settings.getModules() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s" % module for module in l])) elif a.set_destination: cmd.add_sequence(a.set_destination, settings.setDestination, settings.queryDestination, cmd.parse_service_destination, "%s:%s") fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.remove_destination: # special case for removeDestination: Only ipv, no address for ipv in a.remove_destination: cmd.check_destination_ipv(ipv) if ipv not in settings.getDestinations(): if len(a.remove_destination) > 1: cmd.print_warning("Warning: NOT_ENABLED: '%s'" % ipv) else: code = FirewallError.get_code("NOT_ENABLED") cmd.print_and_exit("Error: NOT_ENABLED: '%s'" % ipv, code) else: settings.removeDestination(ipv) fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.query_destination: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_destination, settings.queryDestination, cmd.parse_service_destination, "'%s'") elif a.get_destinations: l = settings.getDestinations() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s:%s" % (dest[0], dest[1]) for dest in l.items()])) elif a.set_description: settings.setDescription(a.set_description) fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.get_description: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getDescription()) elif a.set_short: settings.setShort(a.set_short) fw.config.set_service_config(service, settings.settings) elif a.get_short: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getShort()) else: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Unknown option") cmd.print_and_exit("success") # ipsets if a.get_ipsets: ipsets = fw.config.get_ipsets() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(sorted(ipsets))) elif a.new_ipset: if not a.type: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No type specified.") settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings() settings.setType(a.type) if a.option: for opt in a.option: settings.addOption(*cmd.parse_ipset_option(opt)) fw.config.new_ipset(a.new_ipset, settings.settings) elif a.new_ipset_from_file: filename = os.path.basename(a.new_ipset_from_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(a.new_ipset_from_file) if dirname == "": dirname = "./" try: obj = ipset_reader(filename, dirname) except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("Failed to load ipset file '%s': %s" % \ (a.new_ipset_from_file, msg), msg.code) except IOError as msg: cmd.fail("Failed to load ipset file: %s" % msg) if a.name: obj.name = a.name fw.config.new_ipset(obj.name, obj.export_config()) elif a.delete_ipset: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.delete_ipset) fw.config.remove_ipset(ipset) elif a.load_ipset_defaults: obj = fw.config.get_ipset(a.load_ipset_defaults) fw.config.load_ipset_defaults(obj) elif a.info_ipset: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.info_ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.print_ipset_info(a.info_ipset, settings) sys.exit(0) elif a.path_ipset: obj = fw.config.get_ipset(a.path_ipset) cmd.print_and_exit("%s/%s" % (obj.path, obj.filename)) elif a.ipset: if a.add_entry: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.add_sequence(a.add_entry, settings.addEntry, settings.queryEntry, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.remove_entry: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_entry, settings.removeEntry, settings.queryEntry, None, "'%s'") fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.query_entry: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.query_sequence(a.query_entry, settings.queryEntry, None, "'%s'") elif a.get_entries: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) l = settings.getEntries() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.add_entries_from_file: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) changed = False for filename in a.add_entries_from_file: try: entries = cmd.get_ipset_entries_from_file(filename) except IOError as msg: message = "Failed to read file '%s': %s" % (filename, msg) if len(a.add_entries_from_file) > 1: cmd.print_warning(message) else: cmd.print_and_exit(message) else: old_entries = settings.getEntries() entries_set = set() for entry in old_entries: entries_set.add(entry) for entry in entries: if entry not in entries_set: old_entries.append(entry) entries_set.add(entry) changed = True else: cmd.print_if_verbose( "Warning: ALREADY_ENABLED: %s" % entry) if changed: settings.setEntries(old_entries) if changed: fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.remove_entries_from_file: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) changed = False for filename in a.remove_entries_from_file: try: entries = cmd.get_ipset_entries_from_file(filename) except IOError as msg: message = "Failed to read file '%s': %s" % (filename, msg) if len(a.remove_entries_from_file) > 1: cmd.print_warning(message) else: cmd.print_and_exit(message) else: old_entries = settings.getEntries() entries_set = set() for entry in old_entries: entries_set.add(entry) for entry in entries: if entry in entries_set: old_entries.remove(entry) entries_set.discard(entry) changed = True else: cmd.print_if_verbose("Warning: NOT_ENABLED: %s" % \ entry) if changed: settings.setEntries(old_entries) if changed: fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.set_description: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) settings.setDescription(a.set_description) fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.get_description: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getDescription()) elif a.set_short: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) settings.setShort(a.set_short) fw.config.set_ipset_config(ipset, settings.settings) elif a.get_short: ipset = fw.config.get_ipset(a.ipset) settings = FirewallClientIPSetSettings( list(fw.config.get_ipset_config(ipset))) cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getShort()) else: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Unknown option") cmd.print_and_exit("success") # helper elif a.get_helpers: cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(sorted(fw.config.get_helpers()))) elif a.new_helper: if not a.module: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "No module specified.") settings = FirewallClientHelperSettings() settings.setModule(a.module) if a.family: settings.setFamily(a.family) fw.config.new_helper(a.new_helper, settings.settings) elif a.new_helper_from_file: filename = os.path.basename(a.new_helper_from_file) dirname = os.path.dirname(a.new_helper_from_file) if dirname == "": dirname = "./" try: obj = helper_reader(filename, dirname) except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("Failed to load helper file '%s': %s" % \ (a.new_helper_from_file, msg), msg.code) except IOError as msg: cmd.fail("Failed to load helper file: %s" % msg) if a.name: obj.name = a.name fw.config.new_helper(obj.name, obj.export_config()) elif a.delete_helper: obj = fw.config.get_helper(a.delete_helper) fw.config.remove_helper(obj) elif a.load_helper_defaults: obj = fw.config.get_helper(a.load_helper_defaults) fw.config.load_helper_defaults(obj) elif a.info_helper: obj = fw.config.get_helper(a.info_helper) settings = FirewallClientHelperSettings( list(fw.config.get_helper_config(obj))) cmd.print_helper_info(a.info_helper, settings) sys.exit(0) elif a.path_helper: obj = fw.config.get_helper(a.path_helper) cmd.print_and_exit("%s/%s" % (obj.path, obj.filename)) elif a.helper: obj = fw.config.get_helper(a.helper) settings = FirewallClientHelperSettings( list(fw.config.get_helper_config(obj))) if a.add_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_port, settings.addPort, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.remove_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_port, settings.removePort, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.query_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_port, settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.get_ports: l = settings.getPorts() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s/%s" % (port[0], port[1]) for port in l])) elif a.get_module: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getModule()) elif a.set_module: settings.setModule(cmd.check_module(a.set_module)) fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.get_family: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getFamily()) elif a.set_family: settings.setFamily(cmd.check_helper_family(a.set_family[0])) fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.set_description: settings.setDescription(a.set_description) fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.get_description: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getDescription()) elif a.set_short: settings.setShort(a.set_short) fw.config.set_helper_config(obj, settings.settings) elif a.get_short: cmd.print_and_exit(settings.getShort()) else: cmd.fail(parser.format_usage() + "Unknown option") # lockdown whitelist elif options_lockdown_whitelist: whitelist = fw.config.get_policies().lockdown_whitelist # commands if a.list_lockdown_whitelist_commands: l = whitelist.get_commands() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.add_lockdown_whitelist_command: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_lockdown_whitelist_command, whitelist.add_command, whitelist.has_command, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_command: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_command, whitelist.remove_command, whitelist.has_command, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_lockdown_whitelist_command: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_lockdown_whitelist_command, whitelist.has_command, None, "'%s'") # contexts elif a.list_lockdown_whitelist_contexts: l = whitelist.get_contexts() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.add_lockdown_whitelist_context: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_lockdown_whitelist_context, whitelist.add_context, whitelist.has_context, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_context: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_context, whitelist.remove_context, whitelist.has_context, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_lockdown_whitelist_context: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_lockdown_whitelist_context, whitelist.has_context, None, "'%s'") # uids elif a.list_lockdown_whitelist_uids: l = whitelist.get_uids() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(map(str, l))) elif a.add_lockdown_whitelist_uid: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_lockdown_whitelist_uid, whitelist.add_uid, whitelist.has_uid, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_uid: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_uid, whitelist.remove_uid, whitelist.has_uid, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_lockdown_whitelist_uid: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_lockdown_whitelist_uid, whitelist.has_uid, None, "'%s'") # users elif a.list_lockdown_whitelist_users: l = whitelist.get_users() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.add_lockdown_whitelist_user: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_lockdown_whitelist_user, whitelist.add_user, whitelist.has_user, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_user: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_lockdown_whitelist_user, whitelist.remove_user, whitelist.has_user, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_lockdown_whitelist_user: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_lockdown_whitelist_user, whitelist.has_user, None, "'%s'") # apply whitelist changes whitelist.write() elif options_direct: obj = fw.config.get_direct() if a.add_passthrough: if len(a.add_passthrough) < 2: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --add-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <args>") cmd.print_msg( obj.add_passthrough(cmd.check_ipv(a.add_passthrough[0]), splitArgs(a.add_passthrough[1]))) elif a.remove_passthrough: if len(a.remove_passthrough) < 2: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --remove-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <args>") obj.remove_passthrough(cmd.check_ipv(a.remove_passthrough[0]), splitArgs(a.remove_passthrough[1])) elif a.query_passthrough: if len(a.query_passthrough) < 2: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --query-passthrough { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <args>") cmd.print_query_result( obj.query_passthrough(cmd.check_ipv(a.query_passthrough[0]), splitArgs(a.query_passthrough[1]))) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_passthroughs: rules = obj.get_passthroughs(cmd.check_ipv(a.get_passthroughs[0])) for rule in rules: cmd.print_msg(joinArgs(rule)) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_all_passthroughs: rules = obj.get_all_passthroughs() for ipv in rules: for rule in rules[ipv]: cmd.print_msg("%s %s" % (ipv, joinArgs(rule))) sys.exit(0) elif a.add_chain: obj.add_chain(cmd.check_ipv(a.add_chain[0]), a.add_chain[1], a.add_chain[2]) elif a.remove_chain: obj.remove_chain(cmd.check_ipv(a.remove_chain[0]), a.remove_chain[1], a.remove_chain[2]) elif a.query_chain: cmd.print_query_result( obj.query_chain(cmd.check_ipv(a.query_chain[0]), a.query_chain[1], a.query_chain[2])) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_chains: cmd.print_and_exit( " ".join(obj.get_chains(cmd.check_ipv(a.get_chains[0]), a.get_chains[1]))) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_all_chains: chains = obj.get_all_chains() for (ipv, table) in chains: for chain in chains[(ipv, table)]: cmd.print_msg("%s %s %s" % (ipv, table, chain)) sys.exit(0) elif a.add_rule: if len(a.add_rule) < 5: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --add-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") try: priority = int(a.add_rule[3]) except ValueError: cmd.fail("wrong priority\nusage: --direct --add-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") obj.add_rule(cmd.check_ipv(a.add_rule[0]), a.add_rule[1], a.add_rule[2], priority, splitArgs(a.add_rule[4])) elif a.remove_rule: if len(a.remove_rule) < 5: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --remove-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") try: priority = int(a.remove_rule[3]) except ValueError: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --remove-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") obj.remove_rule(cmd.check_ipv(a.remove_rule[0]), a.remove_rule[1], a.remove_rule[2], priority, splitArgs(a.remove_rule[4])) elif a.remove_rules: if len(a.remove_rules) < 3: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --remove-rules { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain>") obj.remove_rules(cmd.check_ipv(a.remove_rules[0]), a.remove_rules[1], a.remove_rules[2]) elif a.query_rule: if len(a.query_rule) < 5: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --query-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") try: priority = int(a.query_rule[3]) except ValueError: cmd.fail("usage: --direct --query-rule { ipv4 | ipv6 | eb } <table> <chain> <priority> <args>") cmd.print_query_result( obj.query_rule(cmd.check_ipv(a.query_rule[0]), a.query_rule[1], a.query_rule[2], priority, splitArgs(a.query_rule[4]))) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_rules: rules = obj.get_rules(cmd.check_ipv(a.get_rules[0]), a.get_rules[1], a.get_rules[2]) for (priority, rule) in rules: cmd.print_msg("%d %s" % (priority, joinArgs(rule))) sys.exit(0) elif a.get_all_rules: rules = obj.get_all_rules() for (ipv, table, chain) in rules: for (priority, rule) in rules[(ipv, table, chain)]: cmd.print_msg("%s %s %s %d %s" % \ (ipv, table, chain, priority, joinArgs(rule))) sys.exit(0) obj.write() else: if zone == "": zone = fw.get_default_zone() fw_zone = fw.config.get_zone(zone) fw_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( list(fw.config.get_zone_config(fw_zone))) # convert to list, for setMasquerade # interface if a.list_interfaces: l = fw_settings.getInterfaces() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(l)) elif a.get_zone_of_interface: for interface in a.get_zone_of_interface: ret = [ ] for zone in fw.config.get_zones(): obj = fw.config.get_zone(zone) if interface in obj.interfaces: ret.append(obj.name) if len(ret) > 1: # Even it shouldn't happen, it's actually possible that # the same interface is in several zone XML files cmd.print_warning(" ".join(ret) + " (ERROR: interface '%s' is in %s zone XML files, can be only in one)" % (interface, len(ret))) if len(ret) == 1: if len(a.get_zone_of_interface) > 1: cmd.print_warning("%s: %s" % (interface, ret[0])) else: cmd.print_and_exit(ret[0]) else: if len(a.get_zone_of_interface) > 1: cmd.print_warning("%s: no zone" % interface) else: cmd.print_and_exit("no zone", 2) elif a.change_interface: for interface in a.change_interface: for old_zone in fw.config.get_zones(): old_zone_obj = fw.config.get_zone(old_zone) if interface in old_zone_obj.interfaces: if old_zone_obj.name != zone: old_zone_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( fw.config.get_zone_config(old_zone_obj)) old_zone_settings.removeInterface(interface) # remove from old fw.config.set_zone_config(old_zone_obj, old_zone_settings.settings) fw_settings.addInterface(interface) # add to new elif a.add_interface: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_interface, fw_settings.addInterface, fw_settings.queryInterface, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_interface: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_interface, fw_settings.removeInterface, fw_settings.queryInterface, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_interface: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_interface, fw_settings.queryInterface, None, "'%s'") # source if a.list_sources: sources = fw_settings.getSources() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(sources)) elif a.get_zone_of_source: for source in a.get_zone_of_source: ret = [ ] for zone in fw.config.get_zones(): obj = fw.config.get_zone(zone) if source in obj.sources: ret.append(obj.name) if len(ret) > 1: # Even it shouldn't happen, it's actually possible that # the same source is in several zone XML files cmd.print_warning(" ".join(ret) + " (ERROR: source '%s' is in %s zone XML files, can be only in one)" % (source, len(ret))) if len(ret) == 1: if len(a.get_zone_of_source) > 1: cmd.print_warning("%s: %s" % (source, ret[0])) else: cmd.print_and_exit(ret[0]) else: if len(a.get_zone_of_source) > 1: cmd.print_warning("%s: no zone" % source) else: cmd.print_and_exit("no zone", 2) elif a.change_source: for source in a.change_source: for old_zone in fw.config.get_zones(): old_zone_obj = fw.config.get_zone(old_zone) if source in old_zone_obj.sources: if old_zone_obj.name != zone: old_zone_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings( fw.config.get_zone_config(old_zone_obj)) old_zone_settings.removeSource(source) # remove from old fw.config.set_zone_config(old_zone_obj, old_zone_settings.settings) fw_settings.addSource(source) # add to new elif a.add_source: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_source, fw_settings.addSource, fw_settings.querySource, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_source: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_source, fw_settings.removeSource, fw_settings.querySource, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_source: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_source, fw_settings.querySource, None, "'%s'") # rich rules if a.list_rich_rules: l = fw_settings.getRichRules() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(l)) elif a.add_rich_rule: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_rich_rule, fw_settings.addRichRule, fw_settings.queryRichRule, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_rich_rule: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_rich_rule, fw_settings.removeRichRule, fw_settings.queryRichRule, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_rich_rule: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_rich_rule, fw_settings.queryRichRule, None, "'%s'") # service if a.list_services: l = fw_settings.getServices() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(sorted(l))) elif a.add_service: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_service, fw_settings.addService, fw_settings.queryService, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_service_from_zone: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_service_from_zone, fw_settings.removeService, fw_settings.queryService, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_service: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_service, fw_settings.queryService, None, "'%s'") # port elif a.list_ports: l = fw_settings.getPorts() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s/%s" % (port[0], port[1]) for port in l])) elif a.add_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_port, fw_settings.addPort, fw_settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.remove_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_port, fw_settings.removePort, fw_settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.query_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_port, fw_settings.queryPort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") # protocol elif a.list_protocols: l = fw_settings.getProtocols() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(sorted(l))) elif a.add_protocol: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_protocol, fw_settings.addProtocol, fw_settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_protocol: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_protocol, fw_settings.removeProtocol, fw_settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_protocol: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_protocol, fw_settings.queryProtocol, None, "'%s'") # source port elif a.list_source_ports: l = fw_settings.getSourcePorts() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(["%s/%s" % (port[0], port[1]) for port in l])) elif a.add_source_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_source_port, fw_settings.addSourcePort, fw_settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.remove_source_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_source_port, fw_settings.removeSourcePort, fw_settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") elif a.query_source_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_source_port, fw_settings.querySourcePort, cmd.parse_port, "%s/%s") # masquerade elif a.add_masquerade: fw_settings.setMasquerade(True) elif a.remove_masquerade: fw_settings.setMasquerade(False) elif a.query_masquerade: cmd.print_query_result(fw_settings.getMasquerade()) # forward port elif a.list_forward_ports: l = fw_settings.getForwardPorts() cmd.print_and_exit("\n".join(["port=%s:proto=%s:toport=%s:toaddr=%s" % (_port, _protocol, _toport, _toaddr) for (_port, _protocol, _toport, _toaddr) in l])) elif a.add_forward_port: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_forward_port, fw_settings.addForwardPort, fw_settings.queryForwardPort, cmd.parse_forward_port, "port=%s:proto=%s:toport=%s:toaddr=%s") elif a.remove_forward_port: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_forward_port, fw_settings.removeForwardPort, fw_settings.queryForwardPort, cmd.parse_forward_port, "port=%s:proto=%s:toport=%s:toaddr=%s") elif a.query_forward_port: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_forward_port, fw_settings.queryForwardPort, cmd.parse_forward_port, "port=%s:proto=%s:toport=%s:toaddr=%s") # block icmp elif a.list_icmp_blocks: l = fw_settings.getIcmpBlocks() cmd.print_and_exit(" ".join(l)) elif a.add_icmp_block: cmd.add_sequence(a.add_icmp_block, fw_settings.addIcmpBlock, fw_settings.queryIcmpBlock, None, "'%s'") elif a.remove_icmp_block: cmd.remove_sequence(a.remove_icmp_block, fw_settings.removeIcmpBlock, fw_settings.queryIcmpBlock, None, "'%s'") elif a.query_icmp_block: cmd.query_sequence(a.query_icmp_block, fw_settings.queryIcmpBlock, None, "'%s'") # icmp block inversion elif a.add_icmp_block_inversion: fw_settings.addIcmpBlockInversion() elif a.remove_icmp_block_inversion: fw_settings.removeIcmpBlockInversion() elif a.query_icmp_block_inversion: cmd.print_query_result(fw_settings.queryIcmpBlockInversion()) # zone target elif a.get_target: cmd.print_and_exit(fw_settings.getTarget()) elif a.set_target: fw_settings.setTarget(a.set_target) # list all zone settings elif a.list_all: cmd.print_zone_info(zone if zone else fw.get_default_zone(), fw_settings) sys.exit(0) # list everything elif a.list_all_zones: zones = fw.config.get_zones() for zone in zones: fw_zone = fw.config.get_zone(zone) fw_settings = FirewallClientZoneSettings(list(fw.config.get_zone_config(fw_zone))) cmd.print_zone_info(zone, fw_settings) cmd.print_msg("") sys.exit(0) elif a.set_description: fw_settings.setDescription(a.set_description) elif a.get_description: cmd.print_and_exit(fw_settings.getDescription()) elif a.set_short: fw_settings.setShort(a.set_short) elif a.get_short: cmd.print_and_exit(fw_settings.getShort()) fw.config.set_zone_config(fw_zone, fw_settings.settings) cmd.print_and_exit("success") except FirewallError as msg: cmd.print_and_exit("%s" % msg, msg.code) except Exception as msg: cmd.fail("%s" % msg) else: cmd.print_and_exit("success")
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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db_deadlock | File | 11.31 KB | 0755 |
db_dump | File | 15.33 KB | 0755 |
db_dump185 | File | 64.45 KB | 0755 |
db_hotbackup | File | 15.34 KB | 0755 |
db_load | File | 27.51 KB | 0755 |
db_log_verify | File | 15.34 KB | 0755 |
db_printlog | File | 32.26 KB | 0755 |
db_recover | File | 11.33 KB | 0755 |
db_replicate | File | 15.34 KB | 0755 |
db_stat | File | 15.26 KB | 0755 |
db_tuner | File | 19.33 KB | 0755 |
db_upgrade | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
db_verify | File | 11.25 KB | 0755 |
dbilogstrip | File | 1.43 KB | 0755 |
dbiprof | File | 6.15 KB | 0755 |
dbiproxy | File | 5.35 KB | 0755 |
dbus-binding-tool | File | 94.49 KB | 0755 |
dbus-cleanup-sockets | File | 11 KB | 0755 |
dbus-daemon | File | 218 KB | 0755 |
dbus-monitor | File | 23.13 KB | 0755 |
dbus-run-session | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
dbus-send | File | 27.07 KB | 0755 |
dbus-test-tool | File | 23.13 KB | 0755 |
dbus-update-activation-environment | File | 15.02 KB | 0755 |
dbus-uuidgen | File | 10.98 KB | 0755 |
dc | File | 44.33 KB | 0755 |
dd | File | 73.14 KB | 0755 |
deallocvt | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
debuginfo-install | File | 7.88 KB | 0755 |
delv | File | 39.98 KB | 0755 |
df | File | 102.55 KB | 0755 |
dgawk | File | 502.12 KB | 0755 |
diff | File | 195.46 KB | 0755 |
diff3 | File | 60.65 KB | 0755 |
dig | File | 146.96 KB | 0755 |
dir | File | 114.85 KB | 0755 |
dircolors | File | 40.44 KB | 0755 |
dirname | File | 28.31 KB | 0755 |
dislocate | File | 7.75 KB | 0755 |
display | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
dltest | File | 11.05 KB | 0755 |
dmesg | File | 48.52 KB | 0755 |
dnsdomainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
domainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
doveadm | File | 2.94 MB | 0755 |
doveconf | File | 541.95 KB | 0755 |
dovecot-sysreport | File | 5.81 KB | 0755 |
dpkg | File | 275.27 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-deb | File | 140.41 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-divert | File | 132.63 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-maintscript-helper | File | 18.58 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-query | File | 140.8 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-split | File | 111.28 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-statoverride | File | 70.52 KB | 0755 |
dpkg-trigger | File | 66.26 KB | 0755 |
dracut | File | 55.83 KB | 0755 |
dsync | File | 2.94 MB | 0755 |
dtrace | File | 16.66 KB | 0755 |
du | File | 110.34 KB | 0755 |
dumpkeys | File | 77.51 KB | 0755 |
dumpsexp | File | 15.19 KB | 0755 |
dvipdf | File | 1 KB | 0755 |
dwp | File | 3.03 MB | 0755 |
dwz | File | 162.6 KB | 0755 |
ea-php56 | File | 4 MB | 0755 |
ea-php56-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php56-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
ea-php70 | File | 3.85 MB | 0755 |
ea-php70-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php70-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
ea-php73 | File | 4.65 MB | 0755 |
ea-php73-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php73-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
ea-php74 | File | 6.09 MB | 0755 |
ea-php74-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php74-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
ea-php80 | File | 6.67 MB | 0755 |
ea-php80-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php80-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
ea-php81 | File | 6.71 MB | 0755 |
ea-php81-pear | File | 383 B | 0755 |
ea-php81-pecl | File | 299 B | 0755 |
easy_install | File | 320 B | 0755 |
easy_install-2.7 | File | 328 B | 0755 |
echo | File | 32.31 KB | 0755 |
egrep | File | 290 B | 0755 |
eject | File | 48.81 KB | 0755 |
elfedit | File | 32.18 KB | 0755 |
elinks | File | 1.3 MB | 0755 |
enchant | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
enchant-lsmod | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
env | File | 28.33 KB | 0755 |
envsubst | File | 36.01 KB | 0755 |
eps2eps | File | 639 B | 0755 |
eqn | File | 144.41 KB | 0755 |
ex | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
expand | File | 32.48 KB | 0755 |
expect | File | 11.09 KB | 0755 |
expr | File | 36.53 KB | 0755 |
factor | File | 93.29 KB | 0755 |
fallocate | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
false | File | 28.25 KB | 0755 |
fc | File | 26 B | 0755 |
fc-cache | File | 132 B | 0755 |
fc-cache-64 | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
fc-cat | File | 15.4 KB | 0755 |
fc-conflist | File | 11.2 KB | 0755 |
fc-list | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
fc-match | File | 11.32 KB | 0755 |
fc-pattern | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
fc-query | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
fc-scan | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
fc-validate | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
fg | File | 26 B | 0755 |
fgconsole | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
fgrep | File | 290 B | 0755 |
filan | File | 89.13 KB | 0755 |
file | File | 19.3 KB | 0755 |
find | File | 194.63 KB | 0755 |
find-repos-of-install | File | 4.27 KB | 0755 |
find2perl | File | 23.06 KB | 0755 |
findmnt | File | 58.38 KB | 0755 |
fipscheck | File | 15.37 KB | 0755 |
fipshmac | File | 11.3 KB | 0755 |
firewall-cmd | File | 113.48 KB | 0755 |
firewall-offline-cmd | File | 101.18 KB | 0755 |
flex | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
flex++ | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
flock | File | 23.88 KB | 0755 |
fmt | File | 36.48 KB | 0755 |
fold | File | 36.46 KB | 0755 |
fonttosfnt | File | 35.99 KB | 0755 |
free | File | 19.33 KB | 0755 |
freetype-config | File | 4.39 KB | 0755 |
fribidi | File | 16.09 KB | 0755 |
ftp | File | 85.5 KB | 0755 |
ftp-rfc | File | 683 B | 0755 |
funzip | File | 31.38 KB | 0755 |
g++ | File | 754.59 KB | 0755 |
gapplication | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
gawk | File | 418.55 KB | 0755 |
gcc | File | 750.59 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ar | File | 26.45 KB | 0755 |
gcc-nm | File | 26.45 KB | 0755 |
gcc-ranlib | File | 26.45 KB | 0755 |
gcov | File | 307.45 KB | 0755 |
gd2copypal | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
gd2togif | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
gd2topng | File | 11.06 KB | 0755 |
gdbus | File | 40.17 KB | 0755 |
gdcmpgif | File | 11.08 KB | 0755 |
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer | File | 15.59 KB | 0755 |
gdlib-config | File | 2.52 KB | 0755 |
gdparttopng | File | 11.07 KB | 0755 |
gdtopng | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
gencat | File | 22.11 KB | 0755 |
genl-ctrl-list | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
geoiplookup | File | 15.28 KB | 0755 |
geoiplookup6 | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
geoipupdate | File | 31.28 KB | 0755 |
geqn | File | 144.41 KB | 0755 |
getconf | File | 22.02 KB | 0755 |
getent | File | 26.39 KB | 0755 |
getfacl | File | 24.29 KB | 0755 |
getkeycodes | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
getopt | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
getopts | File | 31 B | 0755 |
gettext | File | 35.94 KB | 0755 |
gettext.sh | File | 4.52 KB | 0755 |
gettextize | File | 42.69 KB | 0755 |
ghostscript | File | 10.97 KB | 0755 |
giftogd2 | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
gio | File | 73.41 KB | 0755 |
gio-querymodules-64 | File | 11.31 KB | 0755 |
git | File | 1.46 MB | 0755 |
git-receive-pack | File | 1.46 MB | 0755 |
git-shell | File | 722.04 KB | 0755 |
git-upload-archive | File | 1.46 MB | 0755 |
git-upload-pack | File | 795.48 KB | 0755 |
glib-compile-schemas | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
gmake | File | 178.47 KB | 0755 |
gneqn | File | 271 B | 0755 |
gnroff | File | 3.31 KB | 0755 |
gpasswd | File | 76.57 KB | 4755 |
gpg | File | 732.4 KB | 0755 |
gpg-agent | File | 289.74 KB | 0755 |
gpg-connect-agent | File | 152.69 KB | 0755 |
gpg-error | File | 23.18 KB | 0755 |
gpg-error-config | File | 1.83 KB | 0755 |
gpg-zip | File | 3.23 KB | 0755 |
gpg2 | File | 732.4 KB | 0755 |
gpgconf | File | 140.31 KB | 0755 |
gpgparsemail | File | 23.7 KB | 0755 |
gpgsplit | File | 48.88 KB | 0755 |
gpgv | File | 345.38 KB | 0755 |
gpgv2 | File | 345.38 KB | 0755 |
gpic | File | 180.41 KB | 0755 |
gprof | File | 98.41 KB | 0755 |
gr2fonttest | File | 23.66 KB | 0755 |
grep | File | 155.3 KB | 0755 |
groff | File | 81.63 KB | 0755 |
grops | File | 140.85 KB | 0755 |
grotty | File | 98.59 KB | 0755 |
groups | File | 32.41 KB | 0755 |
grub2-editenv | File | 396.07 KB | 0755 |
grub2-file | File | 834.34 KB | 0755 |
grub2-fstest | File | 1.03 MB | 0755 |
grub2-glue-efi | File | 258.84 KB | 0755 |
grub2-kbdcomp | File | 1.63 KB | 0755 |
grub2-menulst2cfg | File | 241.85 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkfont | File | 287.58 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkimage | File | 379.21 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mklayout | File | 264.9 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mknetdir | File | 429.8 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 | File | 271.29 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkrelpath | File | 258.48 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkrescue | File | 1021.84 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkstandalone | File | 534.33 KB | 0755 |
grub2-render-label | File | 839.14 KB | 0755 |
grub2-script-check | File | 295.41 KB | 0755 |
grub2-syslinux2cfg | File | 763.57 KB | 0755 |
gs | File | 10.97 KB | 0755 |
gsbj | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsdj | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsdj500 | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsettings | File | 23.8 KB | 0755 |
gslj | File | 353 B | 0755 |
gslp | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsnd | File | 277 B | 0755 |
gsoelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |
gss-client | File | 23.17 KB | 0755 |
gtar | File | 338.02 KB | 0755 |
gtbl | File | 115.96 KB | 0755 |
gtroff | File | 512.96 KB | 0755 |
gunzip | File | 2.2 KB | 0755 |
gzexe | File | 5.79 KB | 0755 |
gzip | File | 98.43 KB | 0755 |
h2ph | File | 27.65 KB | 0755 |
h2xs | File | 59.15 KB | 0755 |
hdsploader | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
head | File | 40.51 KB | 0755 |
hexdump | File | 32.02 KB | 0755 |
hmac256 | File | 15.67 KB | 0755 |
host | File | 127.02 KB | 0755 |
hostid | File | 28.32 KB | 0755 |
hostname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
hostnamectl | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
htdbm | File | 56.14 KB | 0755 |
htdigest | File | 29.35 KB | 0755 |
htpasswd | File | 54.2 KB | 0755 |
httxt2dbm | File | 21.69 KB | 0755 |
hunspell | File | 53.11 KB | 0755 |
i386 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
iceauth | File | 31.73 KB | 0755 |
iconv | File | 58.14 KB | 0755 |
id | File | 36.52 KB | 0755 |
ident | File | 110.45 KB | 0755 |
identify | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
idiag-socket-details | File | 11.34 KB | 0755 |
idle | File | 93 B | 0755 |
idn | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
ifnames | File | 4.03 KB | 0755 |
igawk | File | 3.11 KB | 0755 |
imapsync | File | 338.75 KB | 0755 |
import | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
imunify-antivirus | File | 1 KB | 0755 |
imunify-service | File | 1023 B | 0755 |
imunify360-agent | File | 1 KB | 0755 |
imunify360-command-wrapper | File | 8.35 KB | 0755 |
info | File | 265.19 KB | 0755 |
infocmp | File | 56.07 KB | 0755 |
infokey | File | 21.47 KB | 0755 |
infotocap | File | 64.26 KB | 0755 |
innochecksum | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
install | File | 139.59 KB | 0755 |
install-tools | File | 4.06 KB | 0755 |
instmodsh | File | 4.15 KB | 0755 |
ionice | File | 23.86 KB | 0755 |
iostat | File | 60.79 KB | 0755 |
ipcalc | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
ipcmk | File | 24 KB | 0755 |
ipcrm | File | 27.85 KB | 0755 |
ipcs | File | 48.37 KB | 0755 |
iptables-xml | File | 91.52 KB | 0755 |
isc-config.sh | File | 3.47 KB | 0755 |
isosize | File | 23.83 KB | 0755 |
ispell | File | 988 B | 0755 |
isql | File | 31.69 KB | 0755 |
iusql | File | 23.61 KB | 0755 |
jobs | File | 28 B | 0755 |
join | File | 48.75 KB | 0755 |
journalctl | File | 537.88 KB | 0755 |
jq | File | 23.61 KB | 0755 |
js | File | 3.36 MB | 0755 |
json_pp | File | 3.82 KB | 0755 |
json_reformat | File | 35.89 KB | 0755 |
json_verify | File | 27.52 KB | 0755 |
json_xs | File | 6.74 KB | 0755 |
kbd_mode | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
kbdinfo | File | 11.19 KB | 0755 |
kbdrate | File | 11.22 KB | 0755 |
kcare-scanner-interface | File | 4.56 KB | 0755 |
kcare-uname | File | 571 B | 0755 |
kcarectl | File | 1.21 KB | 0755 |
kdumpctl | File | 33.18 KB | 0755 |
kernel-install | File | 4.7 KB | 0755 |
keyctl | File | 27.94 KB | 0755 |
kibitz | File | 10.63 KB | 0755 |
kill | File | 32.82 KB | 0755 |
killall | File | 24.14 KB | 0755 |
kmod | File | 143.24 KB | 0755 |
krb5-config | File | 6.96 KB | 0755 |
last | File | 19.11 KB | 0755 |
lastb | File | 19.11 KB | 0755 |
lastlog | File | 19.15 KB | 0755 |
lchfn | File | 15.52 KB | 0755 |
lchsh | File | 15.49 KB | 0755 |
ld | File | 982.58 KB | 0755 |
ld.bfd | File | 982.58 KB | 0755 |
ld.gold | File | 5.11 MB | 0755 |
ldd | File | 5.18 KB | 0755 |
less | File | 154.57 KB | 0755 |
lessecho | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
lesskey | File | 16.67 KB | 0755 |
lesspipe.sh | File | 2.24 KB | 0755 |
lex | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
lexgrog | File | 85.09 KB | 0755 |
libcare-cron | File | 1.06 KB | 0755 |
libgcrypt-config | File | 3.78 KB | 0755 |
libnetcfg | File | 15.36 KB | 0755 |
libpng-config | File | 2.38 KB | 0755 |
libpng15-config | File | 2.38 KB | 0755 |
libtool | File | 314.04 KB | 0755 |
libtoolize | File | 76.8 KB | 0755 |
libwmf-fontmap | File | 12.78 KB | 0755 |
link | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
links | File | 1.3 MB | 0755 |
linux-boot-prober | File | 5.85 KB | 0755 |
linux32 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
linux64 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
ln | File | 57.22 KB | 0755 |
loadkeys | File | 110.48 KB | 0755 |
loadunimap | File | 23.88 KB | 0755 |
locale | File | 37.11 KB | 0755 |
localectl | File | 326.23 KB | 0755 |
localedef | File | 318.31 KB | 0755 |
logger | File | 28.62 KB | 0755 |
login | File | 36.38 KB | 0755 |
loginctl | File | 489.6 KB | 0755 |
logname | File | 28.31 KB | 0755 |
logresolve | File | 28.58 KB | 0755 |
look | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
lprsetup.sh | File | 5.34 KB | 0755 |
lpunlock | File | 2.56 KB | 0755 |
ls | File | 114.85 KB | 0755 |
lsattr | File | 11.25 KB | 0755 |
lsblk | File | 79.17 KB | 0755 |
lscpu | File | 60.75 KB | 0755 |
lsinitrd | File | 6.26 KB | 0755 |
lsipc | File | 60.95 KB | 0755 |
lslocks | File | 41.01 KB | 0755 |
lslogins | File | 52.88 KB | 0755 |
lsmem | File | 40.78 KB | 0755 |
lsns | File | 36.43 KB | 0755 |
lsphp | File | 937 B | 0755 |
lsscsi | File | 56.48 KB | 0755 |
lua | File | 15.47 KB | 0755 |
luac | File | 119.03 KB | 0755 |
lwp-download | File | 8.43 KB | 0755 |
lwp-dump | File | 2.73 KB | 0755 |
lwp-mirror | File | 2.42 KB | 0755 |
lwp-request | File | 14.71 KB | 0755 |
lynx | File | 1.43 MB | 0755 |
lz4 | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
lz4c | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
lz4cat | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
m4 | File | 151.17 KB | 0755 |
machinectl | File | 533.93 KB | 0755 |
File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
mailx | File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
make | File | 178.47 KB | 0755 |
makedb | File | 18.11 KB | 0755 |
man | File | 100.44 KB | 0755 |
mandb | File | 122.25 KB | 0755 |
manpath | File | 32.55 KB | 0755 |
mapscrn | File | 19.78 KB | 0755 |
mcookie | File | 15.44 KB | 0755 |
md5sum | File | 40.53 KB | 0755 |
mdig | File | 44.2 KB | 0755 |
merge | File | 110.43 KB | 0755 |
mesg | File | 10.98 KB | 0755 |
mixartloader | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
mkdir | File | 77.9 KB | 0755 |
mkfifo | File | 61.59 KB | 0755 |
mkfontdir | File | 65 B | 0755 |
mkfontscale | File | 32.48 KB | 0755 |
mkinitrd | File | 2.94 KB | 0755 |
mknod | File | 65.61 KB | 0755 |
mkpasswd | File | 5.56 KB | 0755 |
mktemp | File | 40.66 KB | 0755 |
modutil | File | 165.78 KB | 0755 |
mogrify | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
montage | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
more | File | 40.15 KB | 0755 |
mount | File | 43.23 KB | 4755 |
mountpoint | File | 15.32 KB | 0755 |
mpstat | File | 56.54 KB | 0755 |
msgattrib | File | 23.36 KB | 0755 |
msgcat | File | 23.34 KB | 0755 |
msgcmp | File | 23.59 KB | 0755 |
msgcomm | File | 19.31 KB | 0755 |
msgconv | File | 19.3 KB | 0755 |
msgen | File | 19.3 KB | 0755 |
msgexec | File | 15.33 KB | 0755 |
msgfilter | File | 27.56 KB | 0755 |
msgfmt | File | 77.05 KB | 0755 |
msgfmt.py | File | 6.33 KB | 0755 |
msggrep | File | 35.97 KB | 0755 |
msghack | File | 12.45 KB | 0755 |
msginit | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
msgmerge | File | 52.6 KB | 0755 |
msgunfmt | File | 31.7 KB | 0755 |
msguniq | File | 19.31 KB | 0755 |
msql2mysql | File | 1.91 KB | 0755 |
mv | File | 127.3 KB | 0755 |
my_print_defaults | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
myisam_ftdump | File | 7.17 MB | 0755 |
myisamchk | File | 7.72 MB | 0755 |
myisamlog | File | 6.86 MB | 0755 |
myisampack | File | 7.29 MB | 0755 |
mysql | File | 6.96 MB | 0755 |
mysql_client_test | File | 8.05 MB | 0755 |
mysql_client_test_embedded | File | 88.05 MB | 0755 |
mysql_config | File | 6.92 KB | 0755 |
mysql_config_editor | File | 5.86 MB | 0755 |
mysql_convert_table_format | File | 4.61 KB | 0755 |
mysql_find_rows | File | 3.7 KB | 0755 |
mysql_fix_extensions | File | 1.69 KB | 0755 |
mysql_install_db | File | 34.21 KB | 0755 |
mysql_plugin | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
mysql_secure_installation | File | 10.28 KB | 0755 |
mysql_setpermission | File | 17.53 KB | 0755 |
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql | File | 4.38 MB | 0755 |
mysql_upgrade | File | 5.94 MB | 0755 |
mysql_waitpid | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
mysql_zap | File | 4.26 KB | 0755 |
mysqlaccess | File | 109.89 KB | 0755 |
mysqlaccess.conf | File | 1.66 KB | 0644 |
mysqladmin | File | 5.81 MB | 0755 |
mysqlbinlog | File | 6.71 MB | 0755 |
mysqlbug | File | 11.32 KB | 0755 |
mysqlcheck | File | 5.79 MB | 0755 |
mysqld_multi | File | 26.29 KB | 0755 |
mysqld_safe | File | 26.01 KB | 0755 |
mysqldump | File | 6.13 MB | 0755 |
mysqldumpslow | File | 7.64 KB | 0755 |
mysqlhotcopy | File | 34.51 KB | 0755 |
mysqlimport | File | 5.8 MB | 0755 |
mysqlshow | File | 5.79 MB | 0755 |
mysqlslap | File | 5.87 MB | 0755 |
mysqltest | File | 6.62 MB | 0755 |
mysqltest_embedded | File | 86.25 MB | 0755 |
nail | File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
named-rrchecker | File | 15.32 KB | 0755 |
namei | File | 27.95 KB | 0755 |
nano | File | 201.08 KB | 0755 |
nc | File | 371.27 KB | 0755 |
ncat | File | 371.27 KB | 0755 |
ncdu | File | 76.88 KB | 0755 |
ncurses5-config | File | 5.68 KB | 0755 |
ncursesw5-config | File | 5.68 KB | 0755 |
ndptool | File | 23.63 KB | 0755 |
needs-restarting | File | 8.17 KB | 0755 |
neqn | File | 271 B | 0755 |
net-snmp-create-v3-user | File | 2.98 KB | 0755 |
netstat | File | 151.38 KB | 0755 |
nettle-hash | File | 11.33 KB | 0755 |
nettle-lfib-stream | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
newgidmap | File | 38.09 KB | 0755 |
newgrp | File | 40.95 KB | 4755 |
newuidmap | File | 38.06 KB | 0755 |
nf-ct-add | File | 11.8 KB | 0755 |
nf-ct-list | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-add | File | 16.21 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-delete | File | 15.99 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-list | File | 11.8 KB | 0755 |
nf-log | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
nf-monitor | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
nf-queue | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
nfsiostat-sysstat | File | 52.55 KB | 0755 |
ngettext | File | 35.95 KB | 0755 |
nice | File | 32.32 KB | 0755 |
nisdomainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
nl | File | 40.6 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-add | File | 11.65 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-delete | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-list | File | 15.88 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-add | File | 11.7 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-delete | File | 11.55 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-list | File | 11.48 KB | 0755 |
nl-classid-lookup | File | 11.29 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-add | File | 11.76 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-delete | File | 11.68 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-list | File | 11.58 KB | 0755 |
nl-fib-lookup | File | 11.41 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-enslave | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-ifindex2name | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-list | File | 11.52 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-name2ifindex | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-release | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-set | File | 11.64 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-stats | File | 11.39 KB | 0755 |
nl-list-caches | File | 11.08 KB | 0755 |
nl-list-sockets | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
nl-monitor | File | 11.2 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-add | File | 11.51 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-delete | File | 11.57 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-list | File | 11.46 KB | 0755 |
nl-neightbl-list | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
nl-pktloc-lookup | File | 11.36 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-add | File | 11.6 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-delete | File | 11.54 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-list | File | 11.63 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-add | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-delete | File | 15.86 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-get | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-list | File | 11.77 KB | 0755 |
nl-rule-list | File | 11.3 KB | 0755 |
nl-tctree-list | File | 11.53 KB | 0755 |
nl-util-addr | File | 7.03 KB | 0755 |
nm | File | 45.43 KB | 0755 |
nm-online | File | 15.16 KB | 0755 |
nmcli | File | 809.16 KB | 0755 |
nmtui | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-connect | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-edit | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-hostname | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nohup | File | 32.42 KB | 0755 |
nproc | File | 32.37 KB | 0755 |
nroff | File | 3.31 KB | 0755 |
nsenter | File | 28.22 KB | 0755 |
nslookup | File | 130.93 KB | 0755 |
nss-policy-check | File | 15.26 KB | 0755 |
nsupdate | File | 65.2 KB | 0755 |
numfmt | File | 64.71 KB | 0755 |
objcopy | File | 227.34 KB | 0755 |
objdump | File | 357.76 KB | 0755 |
od | File | 64.81 KB | 0755 |
odbc_config | File | 11.04 KB | 0755 |
odbcinst | File | 27.69 KB | 0755 |
oldfind | File | 186.41 KB | 0755 |
open | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
openssl | File | 542.27 KB | 0755 |
openvt | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
os-prober | File | 5.51 KB | 0755 |
p11-kit | File | 32.18 KB | 0755 |
package-cleanup | File | 17.39 KB | 0755 |
page_owner_sort | File | 10.2 KB | 0755 |
pango-list | File | 11.1 KB | 0755 |
pango-querymodules-64 | File | 28.26 KB | 0755 |
pango-view | File | 49.47 KB | 0755 |
paperconf | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
passmass | File | 4.63 KB | 0755 |
passwd | File | 27.2 KB | 4755 |
paste | File | 32.34 KB | 0755 |
patch | File | 147 KB | 0755 |
pathchk | File | 32.31 KB | 0755 |
pchrt | File | 3.93 KB | 0755 |
pcre-config | File | 2.09 KB | 0755 |
pdf2dsc | File | 698 B | 0755 |
pdf2ps | File | 909 B | 0755 |
peekfd | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
perl | File | 11.14 KB | 0755 |
perl5.16.3 | File | 11.14 KB | 0755 |
perlbug | File | 43.61 KB | 0755 |
perldoc | File | 203 B | 0755 |
perlivp | File | 10.52 KB | 0755 |
perlml | File | 5.98 KB | 0755 |
perlthanks | File | 43.61 KB | 0755 |
perror | File | 4.73 MB | 0755 |
pf2afm | File | 498 B | 0755 |
pfbtopfa | File | 516 B | 0755 |
pflags | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
pftp | File | 85.5 KB | 0755 |
pgawk | File | 418.59 KB | 0755 |
pgrep | File | 27.67 KB | 0755 |
php | File | 937 B | 0755 |
pic | File | 180.41 KB | 0755 |
piconv | File | 7.99 KB | 0755 |
pidstat | File | 68.91 KB | 0755 |
pinentry | File | 2.54 KB | 0755 |
pinentry-curses | File | 49.19 KB | 0755 |
ping | File | 64.63 KB | 0755 |
ping6 | File | 64.63 KB | 0755 |
pinky | File | 36.57 KB | 0755 |
pk12util | File | 103.22 KB | 0755 |
pkaction | File | 15 KB | 0755 |
pkcheck | File | 23.03 KB | 0755 |
pkcs1-conv | File | 15.52 KB | 0755 |
pkexec | File | 27.02 KB | 4755 |
pkg-config | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
pkill | File | 27.67 KB | 0755 |
pkla-admin-identities | File | 19.23 KB | 0755 |
pkla-check-authorization | File | 27.3 KB | 0755 |
pkttyagent | File | 18.98 KB | 0755 |
pl2pm | File | 4.42 KB | 0755 |
pldd | File | 14.11 KB | 0755 |
plesk_configure | File | 450 B | 0755 |
plymouth | File | 39.77 KB | 0755 |
pmap | File | 27.61 KB | 0755 |
pngtogd | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
pngtogd2 | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
pod2html | File | 4 KB | 0755 |
pod2latex | File | 10.1 KB | 0755 |
pod2man | File | 13.26 KB | 0755 |
pod2text | File | 10.75 KB | 0755 |
pod2usage | File | 3.67 KB | 0755 |
podchecker | File | 3.7 KB | 0755 |
podselect | File | 2.55 KB | 0755 |
post-grohtml | File | 187.55 KB | 0755 |
powernow-k8-decode | File | 6.15 KB | 0755 |
pphs | File | 404 B | 0755 |
pr | File | 65.11 KB | 0755 |
pre-grohtml | File | 86.24 KB | 0755 |
precat | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
preconv | File | 40.88 KB | 0755 |
preunzip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip-bin | File | 11.05 KB | 0755 |
printafm | File | 395 B | 0755 |
printenv | File | 28.28 KB | 0755 |
printf | File | 48.61 KB | 0755 |
prl_backup | File | 7.37 KB | 0755 |
prlimit | File | 41.2 KB | 0755 |
procan | File | 76.99 KB | 0755 |
prove | File | 13.13 KB | 0755 |
prtstat | File | 15.25 KB | 0755 |
ps | File | 97.77 KB | 0755 |
ps2ascii | File | 631 B | 0755 |
ps2epsi | File | 2.69 KB | 0755 |
ps2pdf | File | 272 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf12 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf13 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf14 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdfwr | File | 1.07 KB | 0755 |
ps2ps | File | 647 B | 0755 |
ps2ps2 | File | 669 B | 0755 |
psed | File | 52.08 KB | 0755 |
psfaddtable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfgettable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfstriptable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfxtable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
pstree | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
pstree.x11 | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
pstruct | File | 35.75 KB | 0755 |
ptar | File | 3.43 KB | 0755 |
ptardiff | File | 2.41 KB | 0755 |
ptargrep | File | 4.13 KB | 0755 |
ptaskset | File | 3.8 KB | 0755 |
ptx | File | 65.08 KB | 0755 |
pure-pw | File | 33.97 KB | 0755 |
pure-pwconvert | File | 9.93 KB | 0755 |
pure-statsdecode | File | 9.93 KB | 0755 |
pwd | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
pwdx | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
pwmake | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
pwscore | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
pydoc | File | 78 B | 0755 |
pygettext.py | File | 21.57 KB | 0755 |
pynche | File | 137 B | 0755 |
python | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
python2 | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python2-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
python2.7 | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python2.7-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
pyzor | File | 165 B | 0755 |
pyzor-migrate | File | 181 B | 0755 |
pyzord | File | 167 B | 0755 |
qemu-ga | File | 980.87 KB | 0755 |
quota | File | 83.31 KB | 4755 |
quotasync | File | 70.84 KB | 0755 |
ranlib | File | 61.21 KB | 0755 |
raw | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
rcs | File | 175.6 KB | 0755 |
rcsclean | File | 819 B | 0755 |
rcsdiff | File | 816 B | 0755 |
rcsfreeze | File | 4.34 KB | 0755 |
rcsmerge | File | 819 B | 0755 |
rdate | File | 10.3 KB | 0755 |
read | File | 28 B | 0755 |
readelf | File | 509.84 KB | 0755 |
readlink | File | 40.82 KB | 0755 |
realpath | File | 61.23 KB | 0755 |
recode-sr-latin | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
rename | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
renice | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
replace | File | 4.51 MB | 0755 |
repo-graph | File | 4.09 KB | 0755 |
repo-rss | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
repoclosure | File | 11.42 KB | 0755 |
repodiff | File | 13.97 KB | 0755 |
repomanage | File | 6.88 KB | 0755 |
repoquery | File | 55.68 KB | 0755 |
reposync | File | 14.14 KB | 0755 |
repotrack | File | 9.86 KB | 0755 |
reset | File | 19.59 KB | 0755 |
resizecons | File | 19.63 KB | 0755 |
resolve_stack_dump | File | 4.7 MB | 0755 |
resolveip | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
rev | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
rftp | File | 8.68 KB | 0755 |
rlog | File | 807 B | 0755 |
rlogin-cwd | File | 501 B | 0755 |
rm | File | 61.4 KB | 0755 |
rmdir | File | 44.46 KB | 0755 |
rnano | File | 201.08 KB | 0755 |
rpcgen | File | 90.45 KB | 0755 |
rpm | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rpm2cpio | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
rpmdb | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
rpmkeys | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
rpmquery | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rpmverify | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rsync | File | 488.38 KB | 0755 |
rsyslog-recover-qi.pl | File | 5.96 KB | 0755 |
run-parts | File | 2.04 KB | 0755 |
run-with-aspell | File | 85 B | 0755 |
runcon | File | 32.47 KB | 0755 |
rvi | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
rview | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
rvim | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
s2p | File | 52.08 KB | 0755 |
sadf | File | 168.46 KB | 0755 |
sandbox | File | 17.52 KB | 0755 |
sar | File | 95.4 KB | 0755 |
scl | File | 19.5 KB | 0755 |
scl_enabled | File | 258 B | 0755 |
scl_source | File | 1.83 KB | 0755 |
scp | File | 89.23 KB | 0755 |
screen | File | 464.1 KB | 2755 |
script | File | 19.61 KB | 0755 |
scriptreplay | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
sdiff | File | 48.41 KB | 0755 |
secon | File | 24.06 KB | 0755 |
sed | File | 74.29 KB | 0755 |
sedismod | File | 249.42 KB | 0755 |
sedispol | File | 176.32 KB | 0755 |
semodule_package | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
seq | File | 48.48 KB | 0755 |
sessreg | File | 11.24 KB | 0755 |
setarch | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
setfacl | File | 36.73 KB | 0755 |
setfont | File | 40.38 KB | 0755 |
setkeycodes | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
setleds | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
setmetamode | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
setpriv | File | 36.06 KB | 0755 |
setsid | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
setterm | File | 27.48 KB | 0755 |
setup-nsssysinit | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
setup-nsssysinit.sh | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
setvtrgb | File | 11.34 KB | 0755 |
sexp-conv | File | 23.63 KB | 0755 |
sftp | File | 142.01 KB | 0755 |
sg | File | 40.95 KB | 4755 |
sh | File | 941.93 KB | 0755 |
sha1sum | File | 36.57 KB | 0755 |
sha224sum | File | 40.63 KB | 0755 |
sha256sum | File | 40.63 KB | 0755 |
sha384sum | File | 40.65 KB | 0755 |
sha512sum | File | 40.65 KB | 0755 |
shar | File | 154.05 KB | 0755 |
shasum | File | 8.4 KB | 0755 |
show-changed-rco | File | 10.13 KB | 0755 |
show-installed | File | 16.18 KB | 0755 |
showconsolefont | File | 15.47 KB | 0755 |
showkey | File | 15.23 KB | 0755 |
showrgb | File | 7.08 KB | 0755 |
shred | File | 52.94 KB | 0755 |
shuf | File | 49.13 KB | 0755 |
signver | File | 102.6 KB | 0755 |
sim_client | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
size | File | 32.35 KB | 0755 |
skill | File | 23.62 KB | 0755 |
slabinfo | File | 34.96 KB | 0755 |
slabtop | File | 19.52 KB | 0755 |
sleep | File | 32.35 KB | 0755 |
slogin | File | 760.45 KB | 0755 |
smtpd.py | File | 18.1 KB | 0755 |
snice | File | 23.62 KB | 0755 |
snmpconf | File | 25.52 KB | 0755 |
socat | File | 380.43 KB | 0755 |
soelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |
sort | File | 114.94 KB | 0755 |
sotruss | File | 4.24 KB | 0755 |
spell | File | 122 B | 0755 |
splain | File | 18.03 KB | 0755 |
split | File | 69.47 KB | 0755 |
sprof | File | 22.1 KB | 0755 |
sqlite3 | File | 54.95 KB | 0755 |
ssh | File | 760.45 KB | 0755 |
ssh-add | File | 352.46 KB | 0755 |
ssh-agent | File | 373.25 KB | 2111 |
ssh-copy-id | File | 10.22 KB | 0755 |
ssh-keygen | File | 409.38 KB | 0755 |
ssh-keyscan | File | 434.7 KB | 0755 |
ssltap | File | 118.41 KB | 0755 |
stat | File | 77.19 KB | 0755 |
stdbuf | File | 64.88 KB | 0755 |
strace | File | 1009.22 KB | 0755 |
strace-log-merge | File | 1.28 KB | 0755 |
stream | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
strings | File | 36.53 KB | 0755 |
strip | File | 227.32 KB | 0755 |
stty | File | 68.61 KB | 0755 |
su | File | 31.38 KB | 4750 |
sudo | File | 147.88 KB | 4111 |
sudoedit | File | 147.88 KB | 4111 |
sudoreplay | File | 56.11 KB | 0111 |
sum | File | 36.55 KB | 0755 |
sw-engine | File | 22.34 MB | 0755 |
sxpm | File | 19.83 KB | 0755 |
sync | File | 28.33 KB | 0755 |
systemctl | File | 704.8 KB | 0755 |
systemd-analyze | File | 1.49 MB | 0755 |
systemd-ask-password | File | 60.38 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cat | File | 39.98 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgls | File | 326.31 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgtop | File | 85.09 KB | 0755 |
systemd-coredumpctl | File | 154.52 KB | 0755 |
systemd-delta | File | 76.84 KB | 0755 |
systemd-detect-virt | File | 39.97 KB | 0755 |
systemd-escape | File | 48.2 KB | 0755 |
systemd-firstboot | File | 101.52 KB | 0755 |
systemd-hwdb | File | 85.31 KB | 0755 |
systemd-inhibit | File | 309.83 KB | 0755 |
systemd-loginctl | File | 489.6 KB | 0755 |
systemd-machine-id-setup | File | 52.23 KB | 0755 |
systemd-notify | File | 48.13 KB | 0755 |
systemd-nspawn | File | 545.88 KB | 0755 |
systemd-path | File | 52.16 KB | 0755 |
systemd-run | File | 387.05 KB | 0755 |
systemd-stdio-bridge | File | 305.77 KB | 0755 |
systemd-sysv-convert | File | 3.89 KB | 0755 |
systemd-tmpfiles | File | 146.13 KB | 0755 |
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent | File | 84.75 KB | 0755 |
tabs | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
tac | File | 32.48 KB | 0755 |
tail | File | 65.25 KB | 0755 |
tailf | File | 23.88 KB | 0755 |
tapestat | File | 52.56 KB | 0755 |
tar | File | 338.02 KB | 0755 |
taskset | File | 32.22 KB | 0755 |
tbl | File | 115.96 KB | 0755 |
tcamgr | File | 23.47 KB | 0755 |
tcamttest | File | 19.37 KB | 0755 |
tcatest | File | 52.78 KB | 0755 |
tcbmgr | File | 27.66 KB | 0755 |
tcbmttest | File | 47.96 KB | 0755 |
tcbtest | File | 64.47 KB | 0755 |
tcfmgr | File | 19.5 KB | 0755 |
tcfmttest | File | 31.79 KB | 0755 |
tcftest | File | 43.86 KB | 0755 |
tchmgr | File | 23.52 KB | 0755 |
tchmttest | File | 43.87 KB | 0755 |
tchtest | File | 52.29 KB | 0755 |
tclsh | File | 7 KB | 0755 |
tclsh8.5 | File | 7 KB | 0755 |
tcptraceroute | File | 1.44 KB | 0755 |
tctmgr | File | 31.82 KB | 0755 |
tctmttest | File | 39.72 KB | 0755 |
tcttest | File | 51.9 KB | 0755 |
tcucodec | File | 31.75 KB | 0755 |
tcumttest | File | 19.52 KB | 0755 |
tcutest | File | 65.61 KB | 0755 |
teamd | File | 155.09 KB | 0755 |
teamdctl | File | 28.98 KB | 0755 |
teamnl | File | 19.09 KB | 0755 |
tee | File | 32.38 KB | 0755 |
test | File | 36.46 KB | 0755 |
testgdbm | File | 29.77 KB | 0755 |
tic | File | 64.26 KB | 0755 |
timed-read | File | 303 B | 0755 |
timed-run | File | 277 B | 0755 |
timedatectl | File | 330.2 KB | 0755 |
timeout | File | 53.31 KB | 0755 |
tload | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
tmon | File | 31.11 KB | 0755 |
tmpwatch | File | 27.87 KB | 0755 |
toe | File | 15.42 KB | 0755 |
top | File | 104.38 KB | 0755 |
touch | File | 61.02 KB | 0755 |
tput | File | 15.43 KB | 0755 |
tr | File | 44.61 KB | 0755 |
tracepath | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
tracepath6 | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
traceroute | File | 61.86 KB | 0755 |
traceroute6 | File | 61.86 KB | 0755 |
troff | File | 512.96 KB | 0755 |
true | File | 28.26 KB | 0755 |
truncate | File | 52.68 KB | 0755 |
trust | File | 179.08 KB | 0755 |
tset | File | 19.59 KB | 0755 |
tsort | File | 36.47 KB | 0755 |
tty | File | 28.29 KB | 0755 |
turbostat | File | 113.15 KB | 0755 |
tzselect | File | 7.17 KB | 0755 |
uapi | File | 3.02 MB | 0755 |
ucs2any | File | 19.47 KB | 0755 |
udevadm | File | 414.27 KB | 0755 |
ul | File | 19.47 KB | 0755 |
umask | File | 29 B | 0755 |
umount | File | 31.23 KB | 4755 |
unalias | File | 31 B | 0755 |
uname | File | 32.3 KB | 0755 |
unbuffer | File | 640 B | 0755 |
unexpand | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
unicode_start | File | 2.5 KB | 0755 |
unicode_stop | File | 363 B | 0755 |
uniq | File | 44.71 KB | 0755 |
unix-lpr.sh | File | 4.07 KB | 0755 |
unlink | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
unlz4 | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
unshar | File | 108.52 KB | 0755 |
unshare | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
unxz | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
unzip | File | 185.16 KB | 0755 |
unzipsfx | File | 88.66 KB | 0755 |
update-ca-trust | File | 1.03 KB | 0755 |
update-mime-database | File | 52.82 KB | 0755 |
uptime | File | 11.22 KB | 0755 |
urlgrabber | File | 12.17 KB | 0755 |
users | File | 32.42 KB | 0755 |
usleep | File | 10.95 KB | 0755 |
usx2yloader | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
utmpdump | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
uuclient | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
uudecode | File | 103.99 KB | 0755 |
uuencode | File | 103.98 KB | 0755 |
uuidgen | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
vdir | File | 114.85 KB | 0755 |
verifytree | File | 10.79 KB | 0755 |
vi | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
view | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
vim | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
vimdiff | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
vimtutor | File | 2.04 KB | 0755 |
vlock | File | 15.73 KB | 0755 |
vmstat | File | 31.48 KB | 0755 |
vxloader | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
w | File | 19.45 KB | 0755 |
wait | File | 28 B | 0755 |
wall | File | 14.98 KB | 2555 |
watch | File | 24.14 KB | 0755 |
watchgnupg | File | 15.35 KB | 0755 |
wc | File | 40.67 KB | 0755 |
wdctl | File | 40.7 KB | 0755 |
weather | File | 2.18 KB | 0755 |
webpng | File | 11.15 KB | 0755 |
wget | File | 408.97 KB | 0755 |
whatis | File | 45.49 KB | 0755 |
whereis | File | 20.2 KB | 0755 |
which | File | 23.77 KB | 0755 |
whiptail | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
who | File | 48.7 KB | 0755 |
whoami | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
wish | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
wish8.5 | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
wmf2eps | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
wmf2fig | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
wmf2gd | File | 15.26 KB | 0755 |
wmf2svg | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
wmf2x | File | 15.25 KB | 0755 |
word-list-compress | File | 11.03 KB | 0755 |
write | File | 19.09 KB | 2755 |
x86_64 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-c++ | File | 754.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ | File | 754.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc | File | 750.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_energy_perf_policy | File | 10.23 KB | 0755 |
xargs | File | 60.91 KB | 0755 |
xgamma | File | 11.15 KB | 0755 |
xgettext | File | 265.35 KB | 0755 |
xhost | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
xinput | File | 52.81 KB | 0755 |
xkibitz | File | 4.75 KB | 0755 |
xkill | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
xml2-config | File | 1.68 KB | 0755 |
xmlcatalog | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
xmllint | File | 61.94 KB | 0755 |
xmlwf | File | 24 KB | 0755 |
xmodmap | File | 32.28 KB | 0755 |
xorg-x11-fonts-update-dirs | File | 1.29 KB | 0744 |
xrandr | File | 60.06 KB | 0755 |
xrdb | File | 27.78 KB | 0755 |
xrefresh | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
xset | File | 31.72 KB | 0755 |
xsetmode | File | 11.1 KB | 0755 |
xsetpointer | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
xsetroot | File | 19.38 KB | 0755 |
xslt-config | File | 2.36 KB | 0755 |
xsltproc | File | 23.5 KB | 0755 |
xstdcmap | File | 15.77 KB | 0755 |
xsubpp | File | 4.45 KB | 0755 |
xxd | File | 14.42 KB | 0755 |
xz | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
xzcat | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
xzcmp | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzdec | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
xzdiff | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzegrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzfgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
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yes | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
ypdomainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
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yum-config-manager | File | 9.35 KB | 0755 |
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yum-debug-restore | File | 7.72 KB | 0755 |
yum-groups-manager | File | 10.77 KB | 0755 |
yumdownloader | File | 10.85 KB | 0755 |
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zcmp | File | 1.72 KB | 0755 |
zdiff | File | 5.63 KB | 0755 |
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zfgrep | File | 123 B | 0755 |
zforce | File | 2.09 KB | 0755 |
zgrep | File | 5.98 KB | 0755 |
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zipcloak | File | 98.1 KB | 0755 |
zipcmp | File | 11.71 KB | 0755 |
zipdetails | File | 47.32 KB | 0755 |
zipgrep | File | 2.88 KB | 0755 |
zipinfo | File | 185.16 KB | 0755 |
zipmerge | File | 11.76 KB | 0755 |
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zmore | File | 2.79 KB | 0755 |
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zsoelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |