#!/usr/bin/perl eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if $running_under_some_shell; use strict; use Config; use File::Path qw(mkpath); use Getopt::Std; # Make sure read permissions for all are set: if (defined umask && (umask() & 0444)) { umask (umask() & ~0444); } getopts('Dd:rlhaQe'); use vars qw($opt_D $opt_d $opt_r $opt_l $opt_h $opt_a $opt_Q $opt_e); die "-r and -a options are mutually exclusive\n" if ($opt_r and $opt_a); my @inc_dirs = inc_dirs() if $opt_a; my $Exit = 0; my $Dest_dir = $opt_d || $Config{installsitearch}; die "Destination directory $Dest_dir doesn't exist or isn't a directory\n" unless -d $Dest_dir; my @isatype = qw( char uchar u_char short ushort u_short int uint u_int long ulong u_long FILE key_t caddr_t float double size_t ); my %isatype; @isatype{@isatype} = (1) x @isatype; my $inif = 0; my %Is_converted; my %bad_file = (); @ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV; build_preamble_if_necessary(); sub reindent($) { my($text) = shift; $text =~ s/\n/\n /g; $text =~ s/ /\t/g; $text; } my ($t, $tab, %curargs, $new, $eval_index, $dir, $name, $args, $outfile); my ($incl, $incl_type, $incl_quote, $next); while (defined (my $file = next_file())) { if (-l $file and -d $file) { link_if_possible($file) if ($opt_l); next; } # Recover from header files with unbalanced cpp directives $t = ''; $tab = 0; # $eval_index goes into '#line' directives, to help locate syntax errors: $eval_index = 1; if ($file eq '-') { open(IN, "-"); open(OUT, ">-"); } else { ($outfile = $file) =~ s/\.h$/.ph/ || next; print "$file -> $outfile\n" unless $opt_Q; if ($file =~ m|^(.*)/|) { $dir = $1; mkpath "$Dest_dir/$dir"; } if ($opt_a) { # automagic mode: locate header file in @inc_dirs foreach (@inc_dirs) { chdir $_; last if -f $file; } } open(IN,"$file") || (($Exit = 1),(warn "Can't open $file: $!\n"),next); open(OUT,">$Dest_dir/$outfile") || die "Can't create $outfile: $!\n"; } print OUT "require '_h2ph_pre.ph';\n\n", "no warnings qw(redefine misc);\n\n"; while (defined (local $_ = next_line($file))) { if (s/^\s*\#\s*//) { if (s/^define\s+(\w+)//) { $name = $1; $new = ''; s/\s+$//; s/\(\w+\s*\(\*\)\s*\(\w*\)\)\s*(-?\d+)/$1/; # (int (*)(foo_t))0 if (s/^\(([\w,\s]*)\)//) { $args = $1; my $proto = '() '; if ($args ne '') { $proto = ''; foreach my $arg (split(/,\s*/,$args)) { $arg =~ s/^\s*([^\s].*[^\s])\s*$/$1/; $curargs{$arg} = 1; } $args =~ s/\b(\w)/\$$1/g; $args = "my($args) = \@_;\n$t "; } s/^\s+//; expr(); $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; #"]); EMIT($proto); } else { s/^\s+//; expr(); $new = 1 if $new eq ''; # Shunt around such directives as '#define FOO FOO': next if $new =~ /^\s*&\Q$name\E\s*\z/; $new = reindent($new); $args = reindent($args); $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']); print OUT $t, 'eval '; if ($opt_h) { print OUT "\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . "; $eval_index++; } print OUT "'sub $name () {$new;}' unless defined(&$name);\n"; } } elsif (/^(include|import|include_next)\s*([<\"])(.*)[>\"]/) { $incl_type = $1; $incl_quote = $2; $incl = $3; if (($incl_type eq 'include_next') || ($opt_e && exists($bad_file{$incl}))) { $incl =~ s/\.h$/.ph/; print OUT ($t, "eval {\n"); $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); print OUT ($t, "my(\@REM);\n"); if ($incl_type eq 'include_next') { print OUT ($t, "my(\%INCD) = map { \$INC{\$_} => 1 } ", "(grep { \$_ eq \"$incl\" } ", "keys(\%INC));\n"); print OUT ($t, "\@REM = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ", "(grep { not exists(\$INCD{\"\$_/$incl\"})", " and -f \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n"); } else { print OUT ($t, "\@REM = map { \"\$_/$incl\" } ", "(grep {-r \"\$_/$incl\" } \@INC);\n"); } print OUT ($t, "require \"\$REM[0]\" if \@REM;\n"); $tab -= 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); print OUT ($t, "};\n"); print OUT ($t, "warn(\$\@) if \$\@;\n"); } else { $incl =~ s/\.h$/.ph/; # copy the prefix in the quote syntax (#include "x.h") case if ($incl !~ m|/| && $incl_quote eq q{"} && $file =~ m|^(.*)/|) { $incl = "$1/$incl"; } print OUT $t,"require '$incl';\n"; } } elsif (/^ifdef\s+(\w+)/) { print OUT $t,"if(defined(&$1)) {\n"; $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); } elsif (/^ifndef\s+(\w+)/) { print OUT $t,"unless(defined(&$1)) {\n"; $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); } elsif (s/^if\s+//) { $new = ''; $inif = 1; expr(); $inif = 0; print OUT $t,"if($new) {\n"; $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); } elsif (s/^elif\s+//) { $new = ''; $inif = 1; expr(); $inif = 0; $tab -= 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); print OUT $t,"}\n elsif($new) {\n"; $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); } elsif (/^else/) { $tab -= 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); print OUT $t,"} else {\n"; $tab += 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); } elsif (/^endif/) { $tab -= 4; $t = "\t" x ($tab / 8) . ' ' x ($tab % 8); print OUT $t,"}\n"; } elsif(/^undef\s+(\w+)/) { print OUT $t, "undef(&$1) if defined(&$1);\n"; } elsif(/^error\s+(".*")/) { print OUT $t, "die($1);\n"; } elsif(/^error\s+(.*)/) { print OUT $t, "die(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n"; } elsif(/^warning\s+(.*)/) { print OUT $t, "warn(\"", quotemeta($1), "\");\n"; } elsif(/^ident\s+(.*)/) { print OUT $t, "# $1\n"; } } elsif (/^\s*(typedef\s*)?enum\s*(\s+[a-zA-Z_]\w*\s*)?/) { # { for vi until(/\{[^}]*\}.*;/ || /;/) { last unless defined ($next = next_line($file)); chomp $next; # drop "#define FOO FOO" in enums $next =~ s/^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+\1\s*$//; # #defines in enums (aliases) $next =~ s/^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*$/$1 = $2,/; $_ .= $next; print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D; } s/#\s*if.*?#\s*endif//g; # drop #ifdefs s@/\*.*?\*/@@g; s/\s+/ /g; next unless /^\s?(typedef\s?)?enum\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?\{(.*)\}\s?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)?\s?;/; (my $enum_subs = $3) =~ s/\s//g; my @enum_subs = split(/,/, $enum_subs); my $enum_val = -1; foreach my $enum (@enum_subs) { my ($enum_name, $enum_value) = $enum =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(=.+)?$/; $enum_name or next; $enum_value =~ s/^=//; $enum_val = (length($enum_value) ? $enum_value : $enum_val + 1); if ($opt_h) { print OUT ($t, "eval(\"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n", "sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ", "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n"); ++ $eval_index; } else { print OUT ($t, "eval(\"sub $enum_name () \{ $enum_val; \}\") ", "unless defined(\&$enum_name);\n"); } } } elsif (/^(?:__extension__\s+)?(?:extern|static)\s+(?:__)?inline(?:__)?\s+/ and !/;\s*$/ and !/{\s*}\s*$/) { # { for vi # This is a hack to parse the inline functions in the glibc headers. # Warning: massive kludge ahead. We suppose inline functions # are mainly constructed like macros. while (1) { last unless defined ($next = next_line($file)); chomp $next; undef $_, last if $next =~ /__THROW\s*;/ or $next =~ /^(__extension__|extern|static)\b/; $_ .= " $next"; print OUT "# $next\n" if $opt_D; last if $next =~ /^}|^{.*}\s*$/; } next if not defined; # because it's only a prototype s/\b(__extension__|extern|static|(?:__)?inline(?:__)?)\b//g; # violently drop #ifdefs s/#\s*if.*?#\s*endif//g and print OUT "# some #ifdef were dropped here -- fill in the blanks\n"; if (s/^(?:\w|\s|\*)*\s(\w+)\s*//) { $name = $1; } else { warn "name not found"; next; # shouldn't occur... } my @args; if (s/^\(([^()]*)\)\s*(\w+\s*)*//) { for my $arg (split /,/, $1) { if ($arg =~ /(\w+)\s*$/) { $curargs{$1} = 1; push @args, $1; } } } $args = ( @args ? "my(" . (join ',', map "\$$_", @args) . ") = \@_;\n$t " : "" ); my $proto = @args ? '' : '() '; $new = ''; s/\breturn\b//g; # "return" doesn't occur in macros usually... expr(); # try to find and perlify local C variables our @local_variables = (); # needs to be a our(): (?{...}) bug workaround { use re "eval"; my $typelist = join '|', keys %isatype; $new =~ s[' (?:(?:__)?const(?:__)?\s+)? (?:(?:un)?signed\s+)? (?:long\s+)? (?:$typelist)\s+ (\w+) (?{ push @local_variables, $1 }) '] [my \$$1]gx; $new =~ s[' (?:(?:__)?const(?:__)?\s+)? (?:(?:un)?signed\s+)? (?:long\s+)? (?:$typelist)\s+ ' \s+ &(\w+) \s* ; (?{ push @local_variables, $1 }) ] [my \$$1;]gx; } $new =~ s/&$_\b/\$$_/g for @local_variables; $new =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; #"]); # now that's almost like a macro (we hope) EMIT($proto); } } $Is_converted{$file} = 1; if ($opt_e && exists($bad_file{$file})) { unlink($Dest_dir . '/' . $outfile); $next = ''; } else { print OUT "1;\n"; queue_includes_from($file) if $opt_a; } } if ($opt_e && (scalar(keys %bad_file) > 0)) { warn "Was unable to convert the following files:\n"; warn "\t" . join("\n\t",sort(keys %bad_file)) . "\n"; } exit $Exit; sub EMIT { my $proto = shift; $new = reindent($new); $args = reindent($args); if ($t ne '') { $new =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; #']); if ($opt_h) { print OUT $t, "eval \"\\n#line $eval_index $outfile\\n\" . 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n"; $eval_index++; } else { print OUT $t, "eval 'sub $name $proto\{\n$t ${args}eval q($new);\n$t}' unless defined(\&$name);\n"; } } else { print OUT "unless(defined(\&$name)) {\n sub $name $proto\{\n\t${args}eval q($new);\n }\n}\n"; } %curargs = (); return; } sub expr { if (/\b__asm__\b/) { # freak out $new = '"(assembly code)"'; return } my $joined_args; if(keys(%curargs)) { $joined_args = join('|', keys(%curargs)); } while ($_ ne '') { s/^\&\&// && do { $new .= " &&"; next;}; # handle && operator s/^\&([\(a-z\)]+)/$1/i; # hack for things that take the address of s/^(\s+)// && do {$new .= ' '; next;}; s/^0X([0-9A-F]+)[UL]*//i && do {my $hex = $1; $hex =~ s/^0+//; if (length $hex > 8 && !$Config{use64bitint}) { # Croak if nv_preserves_uv_bits < 64 ? $new .= hex(substr($hex, -8)) + 2**32 * hex(substr($hex, 0, -8)); # The above will produce "erroneous" code # if the hex constant was e.g. inside UINT64_C # macro, but then again, h2ph is an approximation. } else { $new .= lc("0x$hex"); } next;}; s/^(-?\d+\.\d+E[-+]?\d+)[FL]?//i && do {$new .= $1; next;}; s/^(\d+)\s*[LU]*//i && do {$new .= $1; next;}; s/^("(\\"|[^"])*")// && do {$new .= $1; next;}; s/^'((\\"|[^"])*)'// && do { if ($curargs{$1}) { $new .= "ord('\$$1')"; } else { $new .= "ord('$1')"; } next; }; # replace "sizeof(foo)" with "{foo}" # also, remove * (C dereference operator) to avoid perl syntax # problems. Where the %sizeof array comes from is anyone's # guess (c2ph?), but this at least avoids fatal syntax errors. # Behavior is undefined if sizeof() delimiters are unbalanced. # This code was modified to able to handle constructs like this: # sizeof(*(p)), which appear in the HP-UX 10.01 header files. s/^sizeof\s*\(// && do { $new .= '$sizeof'; my $lvl = 1; # already saw one open paren # tack { on the front, and skip it in the loop $_ = "{" . "$_"; my $index = 1; # find balanced closing paren while ($index <= length($_) && $lvl > 0) { $lvl++ if substr($_, $index, 1) eq "("; $lvl-- if substr($_, $index, 1) eq ")"; $index++; } # tack } on the end, replacing ) substr($_, $index - 1, 1) = "}"; # remove pesky * operators within the sizeof argument substr($_, 0, $index - 1) =~ s/\*//g; next; }; # Eliminate typedefs /\(([\w\s]+)[\*\s]*\)\s*[\w\(]/ && do { my $doit = 1; foreach (split /\s+/, $1) { # Make sure all the words are types, unless($isatype{$_} or $_ eq 'struct' or $_ eq 'union'){ $doit = 0; last; } } if( $doit ){ s/\([\w\s]+[\*\s]*\)// && next; # then eliminate them. } }; # struct/union member, including arrays: s/^([_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?((\.|->)[_A-Z]\w*(\[[^\]]+\])?)+)//i && do { my $id = $1; $id =~ s/(\.|(->))([^\.\-]*)/->\{$3\}/g; $id =~ s/\b([^\$])($joined_args)/$1\$$2/g if length($joined_args); while($id =~ /\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/) { my($index) = $1; $index =~ s/\s//g; if(exists($curargs{$index})) { $index = "\$$index"; } else { $index = "&$index"; } $id =~ s/\[\s*([^\$\&\d\]]+)\]/[$index]/; } $new .= " (\$$id)"; }; s/^([_a-zA-Z]\w*)// && do { my $id = $1; if ($id eq 'struct' || $id eq 'union') { s/^\s+(\w+)//; $id .= ' ' . $1; $isatype{$id} = 1; } elsif ($id =~ /^((un)?signed)|(long)|(short)$/) { while (s/^\s+(\w+)//) { $id .= ' ' . $1; } $isatype{$id} = 1; } if ($curargs{$id}) { $new .= "\$$id"; $new .= '->' if /^[\[\{]/; } elsif ($id eq 'defined') { $new .= 'defined'; } elsif (/^\s*\(/) { s/^\s*\((\w),/("$1",/ if $id =~ /^_IO[WR]*$/i; # cheat $new .= " &$id"; } elsif ($isatype{$id}) { if ($new =~ /\{\s*$/) { $new .= "'$id'"; } elsif ($new =~ /\(\s*$/ && /^[\s*]*\)/) { $new =~ s/\(\s*$//; s/^[\s*]*\)//; } else { $new .= q(').$id.q('); } } else { if ($inif) { if ($new =~ /defined\s*$/) { $new .= '(&' . $id . ')'; } elsif ($new =~ /defined\s*\($/) { $new .= '&' . $id; } else { $new .= '(defined(&' . $id . ') ? &' . $id . ' : undef)'; } } elsif (/^\[/) { $new .= " \$$id"; } else { $new .= ' &' . $id; } } next; }; s/^(.)// && do { if ($1 ne '#') { $new .= $1; } next;}; } } sub next_line { my $file = shift; my ($in, $out); my $pre_sub_tri_graphs = 1; READ: while (not eof IN) { $in .= <IN>; chomp $in; next unless length $in; while (length $in) { if ($pre_sub_tri_graphs) { # Preprocess all tri-graphs # including things stuck in quoted string constants. $in =~ s/\?\?=/#/g; # | ??=| #| $in =~ s/\?\?\!/|/g; # | ??!| || $in =~ s/\?\?'/^/g; # | ??'| ^| $in =~ s/\?\?\(/[/g; # | ??(| [| $in =~ s/\?\?\)/]/g; # | ??)| ]| $in =~ s/\?\?\-/~/g; # | ??-| ~| $in =~ s/\?\?\//\\/g; # | ??/| \| $in =~ s/\?\?</{/g; # | ??<| {| $in =~ s/\?\?>/}/g; # | ??>| }| } if ($in =~ /^\#ifdef __LANGUAGE_PASCAL__/) { # Tru64 disassembler.h evilness: mixed C and Pascal. while (<IN>) { last if /^\#endif/; } $in = ""; next READ; } if ($in =~ /^extern inline / && # Inlined assembler. $^O eq 'linux' && $file =~ m!(?:^|/)asm/[^/]+\.h$!) { while (<IN>) { last if /^}/; } $in = ""; next READ; } if ($in =~ s/\\$//) { # \-newline $out .= ' '; next READ; } elsif ($in =~ s/^([^"'\\\/]+)//) { # Passthrough $out .= $1; } elsif ($in =~ s/^(\\.)//) { # \... $out .= $1; } elsif ($in =~ /^'/) { # '... if ($in =~ s/^('(\\.|[^'\\])*')//) { $out .= $1; } else { next READ; } } elsif ($in =~ /^"/) { # "... if ($in =~ s/^("(\\.|[^"\\])*")//) { $out .= $1; } else { next READ; } } elsif ($in =~ s/^\/\/.*//) { # //... # fall through } elsif ($in =~ m/^\/\*/) { # /*... # C comment removal adapted from perlfaq6: if ($in =~ s/^\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/*][^*]*\*+)*\///) { $out .= ' '; } else { # Incomplete /* */ next READ; } } elsif ($in =~ s/^(\/)//) { # /... $out .= $1; } elsif ($in =~ s/^([^\'\"\\\/]+)//) { $out .= $1; } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' && $file =~ m!(?:^|/)linux/byteorder/pdp_endian\.h$! && $in =~ s!\'T KNOW!!) { $out =~ s!I DON$!I_DO_NOT_KNOW!; } else { if ($opt_e) { warn "Cannot parse $file:\n$in\n"; $bad_file{$file} = 1; $in = ''; $out = undef; last READ; } else { die "Cannot parse:\n$in\n"; } } } last READ if $out =~ /\S/; } return $out; } # Handle recursive subdirectories without getting a grotesquely big stack. # Could this be implemented using File::Find? sub next_file { my $file; while (@ARGV) { $file = shift @ARGV; if ($file eq '-' or -f $file or -l $file) { return $file; } elsif (-d $file) { if ($opt_r) { expand_glob($file); } else { print STDERR "Skipping directory '$file'\n"; } } elsif ($opt_a) { return $file; } else { print STDERR "Skipping '$file': not a file or directory\n"; } } return undef; } # Put all the files in $directory into @ARGV for processing. sub expand_glob { my ($directory) = @_; $directory =~ s:/$::; opendir DIR, $directory; foreach (readdir DIR) { next if ($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..'); # expand_glob() is going to be called until $ARGV[0] isn't a # directory; so push directories, and unshift everything else. if (-d "$directory/$_") { push @ARGV, "$directory/$_" } else { unshift @ARGV, "$directory/$_" } } closedir DIR; } # Given $file, a symbolic link to a directory in the C include directory, # make an equivalent symbolic link in $Dest_dir, if we can figure out how. # Otherwise, just duplicate the file or directory. sub link_if_possible { my ($dirlink) = @_; my $target = eval 'readlink($dirlink)'; if ($target =~ m:^\.\./: or $target =~ m:^/:) { # The target of a parent or absolute link could leave the $Dest_dir # hierarchy, so let's put all of the contents of $dirlink (actually, # the contents of $target) into @ARGV; as a side effect down the # line, $dirlink will get created as an _actual_ directory. expand_glob($dirlink); } else { if (-l "$Dest_dir/$dirlink") { unlink "$Dest_dir/$dirlink" or print STDERR "Could not remove link $Dest_dir/$dirlink: $!\n"; } if (eval 'symlink($target, "$Dest_dir/$dirlink")') { print "Linking $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink\n"; # Make sure that the link _links_ to something: if (! -e "$Dest_dir/$target") { mkpath("$Dest_dir/$target", 0755) or print STDERR "Could not create $Dest_dir/$target/\n"; } } else { print STDERR "Could not symlink $target -> $Dest_dir/$dirlink: $!\n"; } } } # Push all #included files in $file onto our stack, except for STDIN # and files we've already processed. sub queue_includes_from { my ($file) = @_; my $line; return if ($file eq "-"); open HEADER, $file or return; while (defined($line = <HEADER>)) { while (/\\$/) { # Handle continuation lines chop $line; $line .= <HEADER>; } if ($line =~ /^#\s*include\s+([<"])(.*?)[>"]/) { my ($delimiter, $new_file) = ($1, $2); # copy the prefix in the quote syntax (#include "x.h") case if ($delimiter eq q{"} && $file =~ m|^(.*)/|) { $new_file = "$1/$new_file"; } push(@ARGV, $new_file) unless $Is_converted{$new_file}; } } close HEADER; } # Determine include directories; $Config{usrinc} should be enough for (all # non-GCC?) C compilers, but gcc uses additional include directories. sub inc_dirs { my $from_gcc = `LC_ALL=C $Config{cc} -v -E - < /dev/null 2>&1 | awk '/^#include/, /^End of search list/' | grep '^ '`; length($from_gcc) ? (split(' ', $from_gcc), $Config{usrinc}) : ($Config{usrinc}); } # Create "_h2ph_pre.ph", if it doesn't exist or was built by a different # version of h2ph. sub build_preamble_if_necessary { # Increment $VERSION every time this function is modified: my $VERSION = 3; my $preamble = "$Dest_dir/_h2ph_pre.ph"; # Can we skip building the preamble file? if (-r $preamble) { # Extract version number from first line of preamble: open PREAMBLE, $preamble or die "Cannot open $preamble: $!"; my $line = <PREAMBLE>; $line =~ /(\b\d+\b)/; close PREAMBLE or die "Cannot close $preamble: $!"; # Don't build preamble if a compatible preamble exists: return if $1 == $VERSION; } my (%define) = _extract_cc_defines(); open PREAMBLE, ">$preamble" or die "Cannot open $preamble: $!"; print PREAMBLE "# This file was created by h2ph version $VERSION\n"; foreach (sort keys %define) { if ($opt_D) { print PREAMBLE "# $_=$define{$_}\n"; } if ($define{$_} =~ /^\((.*)\)$/) { # parenthesized value: d=(v) $define{$_} = $1; } if (/^(\w+)\((\w)\)$/) { my($macro, $arg) = ($1, $2); my $def = $define{$_}; $def =~ s/$arg/\$\{$arg\}/g; print PREAMBLE <<DEFINE; unless (defined &$macro) { sub $macro(\$) { my (\$$arg) = \@_; \"$def\" } } DEFINE } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^([+-]?(\d+)?\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)[FL]?$/) { # float: print PREAMBLE "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $1 } }\n\n"; } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^([+-]?\d+)U?L{0,2}$/i) { # integer: print PREAMBLE "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { $1 } }\n\n"; } elsif ($define{$_} =~ /^\w+$/) { my $def = $define{$_}; if ($isatype{$def}) { print PREAMBLE "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { \"$def\" } }\n\n"; } else { print PREAMBLE "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { &$def } }\n\n"; } } else { print PREAMBLE "unless (defined &$_) { sub $_() { \"", quotemeta($define{$_}), "\" } }\n\n"; } } print PREAMBLE "\n1;\n"; # avoid 'did not return a true value' when empty close PREAMBLE or die "Cannot close $preamble: $!"; } # %Config contains information on macros that are pre-defined by the # system's compiler. We need this information to make the .ph files # function with perl as the .h files do with cc. sub _extract_cc_defines { my %define; my $allsymbols = join " ", @Config{'ccsymbols', 'cppsymbols', 'cppccsymbols'}; # Split compiler pre-definitions into 'key=value' pairs: while ($allsymbols =~ /([^\s]+)=((\\\s|[^\s])+)/g) { $define{$1} = $2; if ($opt_D) { print STDERR "$_: $1 -> $2\n"; } } return %define; } 1; ############################################################################## __END__ =head1 NAME h2ph - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files =head1 SYNOPSIS B<h2ph [-d destination directory] [-r | -a] [-l] [-h] [-e] [-D] [-Q] [headerfiles]> =head1 DESCRIPTION I<h2ph> converts any C header files specified to the corresponding Perl header file format. It is most easily run while in /usr/include: cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/* or cd /usr/include; h2ph * sys/* arpa/* netinet/* or cd /usr/include; h2ph -r -l . The output files are placed in the hierarchy rooted at Perl's architecture dependent library directory. You can specify a different hierarchy with a B<-d> switch. If run with no arguments, filters standard input to standard output. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -d destination_dir Put the resulting B<.ph> files beneath B<destination_dir>, instead of beneath the default Perl library location (C<$Config{'installsitearch'}>). =item -r Run recursively; if any of B<headerfiles> are directories, then run I<h2ph> on all files in those directories (and their subdirectories, etc.). B<-r> and B<-a> are mutually exclusive. =item -a Run automagically; convert B<headerfiles>, as well as any B<.h> files which they include. This option will search for B<.h> files in all directories which your C compiler ordinarily uses. B<-a> and B<-r> are mutually exclusive. =item -l Symbolic links will be replicated in the destination directory. If B<-l> is not specified, then links are skipped over. =item -h Put 'hints' in the .ph files which will help in locating problems with I<h2ph>. In those cases when you B<require> a B<.ph> file containing syntax errors, instead of the cryptic [ some error condition ] at (eval mmm) line nnn you will see the slightly more helpful [ some error condition ] at filename.ph line nnn However, the B<.ph> files almost double in size when built using B<-h>. =item -e If an error is encountered during conversion, output file will be removed and a warning emitted instead of terminating the conversion immediately. =item -D Include the code from the B<.h> file as a comment in the B<.ph> file. This is primarily used for debugging I<h2ph>. =item -Q 'Quiet' mode; don't print out the names of the files being converted. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT No environment variables are used. =head1 FILES /usr/include/*.h /usr/include/sys/*.h etc. =head1 AUTHOR Larry Wall =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1) =head1 DIAGNOSTICS The usual warnings if it can't read or write the files involved. =head1 BUGS Doesn't construct the %sizeof array for you. It doesn't handle all C constructs, but it does attempt to isolate definitions inside evals so that you can get at the definitions that it can translate. It's only intended as a rough tool. You may need to dicker with the files produced. You have to run this program by hand; it's not run as part of the Perl installation. Doesn't handle complicated expressions built piecemeal, a la: enum { FIRST_VALUE, SECOND_VALUE, #ifdef ABC THIRD_VALUE #endif }; Doesn't necessarily locate all of your C compiler's internally-defined symbols. =cut
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
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db_verify | File | 11.25 KB | 0755 |
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dbus-binding-tool | File | 94.49 KB | 0755 |
dbus-cleanup-sockets | File | 11 KB | 0755 |
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dbus-run-session | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
dbus-send | File | 27.07 KB | 0755 |
dbus-test-tool | File | 23.13 KB | 0755 |
dbus-update-activation-environment | File | 15.02 KB | 0755 |
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dc | File | 44.33 KB | 0755 |
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easy_install-2.7 | File | 328 B | 0755 |
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ex | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
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factor | File | 93.29 KB | 0755 |
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false | File | 28.25 KB | 0755 |
fc | File | 26 B | 0755 |
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fc-cache-64 | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
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fc-conflist | File | 11.2 KB | 0755 |
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fc-match | File | 11.32 KB | 0755 |
fc-pattern | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
fc-query | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
fc-scan | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
fc-validate | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
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fribidi | File | 16.09 KB | 0755 |
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gcov | File | 307.45 KB | 0755 |
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gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer | File | 15.59 KB | 0755 |
gdlib-config | File | 2.52 KB | 0755 |
gdparttopng | File | 11.07 KB | 0755 |
gdtopng | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
gencat | File | 22.11 KB | 0755 |
genl-ctrl-list | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
geoiplookup | File | 15.28 KB | 0755 |
geoiplookup6 | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
geoipupdate | File | 31.28 KB | 0755 |
geqn | File | 144.41 KB | 0755 |
getconf | File | 22.02 KB | 0755 |
getent | File | 26.39 KB | 0755 |
getfacl | File | 24.29 KB | 0755 |
getkeycodes | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
getopt | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
getopts | File | 31 B | 0755 |
gettext | File | 35.94 KB | 0755 |
gettext.sh | File | 4.52 KB | 0755 |
gettextize | File | 42.69 KB | 0755 |
ghostscript | File | 10.97 KB | 0755 |
giftogd2 | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
gio | File | 73.41 KB | 0755 |
gio-querymodules-64 | File | 11.31 KB | 0755 |
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git-shell | File | 722.04 KB | 0755 |
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git-upload-pack | File | 795.48 KB | 0755 |
glib-compile-schemas | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
gmake | File | 178.47 KB | 0755 |
gneqn | File | 271 B | 0755 |
gnroff | File | 3.31 KB | 0755 |
gpasswd | File | 76.57 KB | 4755 |
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gpg-agent | File | 289.74 KB | 0755 |
gpg-connect-agent | File | 152.69 KB | 0755 |
gpg-error | File | 23.18 KB | 0755 |
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gpg2 | File | 732.4 KB | 0755 |
gpgconf | File | 140.31 KB | 0755 |
gpgparsemail | File | 23.7 KB | 0755 |
gpgsplit | File | 48.88 KB | 0755 |
gpgv | File | 345.38 KB | 0755 |
gpgv2 | File | 345.38 KB | 0755 |
gpic | File | 180.41 KB | 0755 |
gprof | File | 98.41 KB | 0755 |
gr2fonttest | File | 23.66 KB | 0755 |
grep | File | 155.3 KB | 0755 |
groff | File | 81.63 KB | 0755 |
grops | File | 140.85 KB | 0755 |
grotty | File | 98.59 KB | 0755 |
groups | File | 32.41 KB | 0755 |
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grub2-file | File | 834.34 KB | 0755 |
grub2-fstest | File | 1.03 MB | 0755 |
grub2-glue-efi | File | 258.84 KB | 0755 |
grub2-kbdcomp | File | 1.63 KB | 0755 |
grub2-menulst2cfg | File | 241.85 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkfont | File | 287.58 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkimage | File | 379.21 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mklayout | File | 264.9 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mknetdir | File | 429.8 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 | File | 271.29 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkrelpath | File | 258.48 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkrescue | File | 1021.84 KB | 0755 |
grub2-mkstandalone | File | 534.33 KB | 0755 |
grub2-render-label | File | 839.14 KB | 0755 |
grub2-script-check | File | 295.41 KB | 0755 |
grub2-syslinux2cfg | File | 763.57 KB | 0755 |
gs | File | 10.97 KB | 0755 |
gsbj | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsdj | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsdj500 | File | 352 B | 0755 |
gsettings | File | 23.8 KB | 0755 |
gslj | File | 353 B | 0755 |
gslp | File | 350 B | 0755 |
gsnd | File | 277 B | 0755 |
gsoelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |
gss-client | File | 23.17 KB | 0755 |
gtar | File | 338.02 KB | 0755 |
gtbl | File | 115.96 KB | 0755 |
gtroff | File | 512.96 KB | 0755 |
gunzip | File | 2.2 KB | 0755 |
gzexe | File | 5.79 KB | 0755 |
gzip | File | 98.43 KB | 0755 |
h2ph | File | 27.65 KB | 0755 |
h2xs | File | 59.15 KB | 0755 |
hdsploader | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
head | File | 40.51 KB | 0755 |
hexdump | File | 32.02 KB | 0755 |
hmac256 | File | 15.67 KB | 0755 |
host | File | 127.02 KB | 0755 |
hostid | File | 28.32 KB | 0755 |
hostname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
hostnamectl | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
htdbm | File | 56.14 KB | 0755 |
htdigest | File | 29.35 KB | 0755 |
htpasswd | File | 54.2 KB | 0755 |
httxt2dbm | File | 21.69 KB | 0755 |
hunspell | File | 53.11 KB | 0755 |
i386 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
iceauth | File | 31.73 KB | 0755 |
iconv | File | 58.14 KB | 0755 |
id | File | 36.52 KB | 0755 |
ident | File | 110.45 KB | 0755 |
identify | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
idiag-socket-details | File | 11.34 KB | 0755 |
idle | File | 93 B | 0755 |
idn | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
ifnames | File | 4.03 KB | 0755 |
igawk | File | 3.11 KB | 0755 |
imapsync | File | 338.75 KB | 0755 |
import | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
imunify-antivirus | File | 1 KB | 0755 |
imunify-service | File | 1023 B | 0755 |
imunify360-agent | File | 1 KB | 0755 |
imunify360-command-wrapper | File | 8.35 KB | 0755 |
info | File | 265.19 KB | 0755 |
infocmp | File | 56.07 KB | 0755 |
infokey | File | 21.47 KB | 0755 |
infotocap | File | 64.26 KB | 0755 |
innochecksum | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
install | File | 139.59 KB | 0755 |
install-tools | File | 4.06 KB | 0755 |
instmodsh | File | 4.15 KB | 0755 |
ionice | File | 23.86 KB | 0755 |
iostat | File | 60.79 KB | 0755 |
ipcalc | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
ipcmk | File | 24 KB | 0755 |
ipcrm | File | 27.85 KB | 0755 |
ipcs | File | 48.37 KB | 0755 |
iptables-xml | File | 91.52 KB | 0755 |
isc-config.sh | File | 3.47 KB | 0755 |
isosize | File | 23.83 KB | 0755 |
ispell | File | 988 B | 0755 |
isql | File | 31.69 KB | 0755 |
iusql | File | 23.61 KB | 0755 |
jobs | File | 28 B | 0755 |
join | File | 48.75 KB | 0755 |
journalctl | File | 537.88 KB | 0755 |
jq | File | 23.61 KB | 0755 |
js | File | 3.36 MB | 0755 |
json_pp | File | 3.82 KB | 0755 |
json_reformat | File | 35.89 KB | 0755 |
json_verify | File | 27.52 KB | 0755 |
json_xs | File | 6.74 KB | 0755 |
kbd_mode | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
kbdinfo | File | 11.19 KB | 0755 |
kbdrate | File | 11.22 KB | 0755 |
kcare-scanner-interface | File | 4.56 KB | 0755 |
kcare-uname | File | 571 B | 0755 |
kcarectl | File | 1.21 KB | 0755 |
kdumpctl | File | 33.18 KB | 0755 |
kernel-install | File | 4.7 KB | 0755 |
keyctl | File | 27.94 KB | 0755 |
kibitz | File | 10.63 KB | 0755 |
kill | File | 32.82 KB | 0755 |
killall | File | 24.14 KB | 0755 |
kmod | File | 143.24 KB | 0755 |
krb5-config | File | 6.96 KB | 0755 |
last | File | 19.11 KB | 0755 |
lastb | File | 19.11 KB | 0755 |
lastlog | File | 19.15 KB | 0755 |
lchfn | File | 15.52 KB | 0755 |
lchsh | File | 15.49 KB | 0755 |
ld | File | 982.58 KB | 0755 |
ld.bfd | File | 982.58 KB | 0755 |
ld.gold | File | 5.11 MB | 0755 |
ldd | File | 5.18 KB | 0755 |
less | File | 154.57 KB | 0755 |
lessecho | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
lesskey | File | 16.67 KB | 0755 |
lesspipe.sh | File | 2.24 KB | 0755 |
lex | File | 318.07 KB | 0755 |
lexgrog | File | 85.09 KB | 0755 |
libcare-cron | File | 1.06 KB | 0755 |
libgcrypt-config | File | 3.78 KB | 0755 |
libnetcfg | File | 15.36 KB | 0755 |
libpng-config | File | 2.38 KB | 0755 |
libpng15-config | File | 2.38 KB | 0755 |
libtool | File | 314.04 KB | 0755 |
libtoolize | File | 76.8 KB | 0755 |
libwmf-fontmap | File | 12.78 KB | 0755 |
link | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
links | File | 1.3 MB | 0755 |
linux-boot-prober | File | 5.85 KB | 0755 |
linux32 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
linux64 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
ln | File | 57.22 KB | 0755 |
loadkeys | File | 110.48 KB | 0755 |
loadunimap | File | 23.88 KB | 0755 |
locale | File | 37.11 KB | 0755 |
localectl | File | 326.23 KB | 0755 |
localedef | File | 318.31 KB | 0755 |
logger | File | 28.62 KB | 0755 |
login | File | 36.38 KB | 0755 |
loginctl | File | 489.6 KB | 0755 |
logname | File | 28.31 KB | 0755 |
logresolve | File | 28.58 KB | 0755 |
look | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
lprsetup.sh | File | 5.34 KB | 0755 |
lpunlock | File | 2.56 KB | 0755 |
ls | File | 114.85 KB | 0755 |
lsattr | File | 11.25 KB | 0755 |
lsblk | File | 79.17 KB | 0755 |
lscpu | File | 60.75 KB | 0755 |
lsinitrd | File | 6.26 KB | 0755 |
lsipc | File | 60.95 KB | 0755 |
lslocks | File | 41.01 KB | 0755 |
lslogins | File | 52.88 KB | 0755 |
lsmem | File | 40.78 KB | 0755 |
lsns | File | 36.43 KB | 0755 |
lsphp | File | 937 B | 0755 |
lsscsi | File | 56.48 KB | 0755 |
lua | File | 15.47 KB | 0755 |
luac | File | 119.03 KB | 0755 |
lwp-download | File | 8.43 KB | 0755 |
lwp-dump | File | 2.73 KB | 0755 |
lwp-mirror | File | 2.42 KB | 0755 |
lwp-request | File | 14.71 KB | 0755 |
lynx | File | 1.43 MB | 0755 |
lz4 | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
lz4c | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
lz4cat | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
m4 | File | 151.17 KB | 0755 |
machinectl | File | 533.93 KB | 0755 |
File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
mailx | File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
make | File | 178.47 KB | 0755 |
makedb | File | 18.11 KB | 0755 |
man | File | 100.44 KB | 0755 |
mandb | File | 122.25 KB | 0755 |
manpath | File | 32.55 KB | 0755 |
mapscrn | File | 19.78 KB | 0755 |
mcookie | File | 15.44 KB | 0755 |
md5sum | File | 40.53 KB | 0755 |
mdig | File | 44.2 KB | 0755 |
merge | File | 110.43 KB | 0755 |
mesg | File | 10.98 KB | 0755 |
mixartloader | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
mkdir | File | 77.9 KB | 0755 |
mkfifo | File | 61.59 KB | 0755 |
mkfontdir | File | 65 B | 0755 |
mkfontscale | File | 32.48 KB | 0755 |
mkinitrd | File | 2.94 KB | 0755 |
mknod | File | 65.61 KB | 0755 |
mkpasswd | File | 5.56 KB | 0755 |
mktemp | File | 40.66 KB | 0755 |
modutil | File | 165.78 KB | 0755 |
mogrify | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
montage | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
more | File | 40.15 KB | 0755 |
mount | File | 43.23 KB | 4755 |
mountpoint | File | 15.32 KB | 0755 |
mpstat | File | 56.54 KB | 0755 |
msgattrib | File | 23.36 KB | 0755 |
msgcat | File | 23.34 KB | 0755 |
msgcmp | File | 23.59 KB | 0755 |
msgcomm | File | 19.31 KB | 0755 |
msgconv | File | 19.3 KB | 0755 |
msgen | File | 19.3 KB | 0755 |
msgexec | File | 15.33 KB | 0755 |
msgfilter | File | 27.56 KB | 0755 |
msgfmt | File | 77.05 KB | 0755 |
msgfmt.py | File | 6.33 KB | 0755 |
msggrep | File | 35.97 KB | 0755 |
msghack | File | 12.45 KB | 0755 |
msginit | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
msgmerge | File | 52.6 KB | 0755 |
msgunfmt | File | 31.7 KB | 0755 |
msguniq | File | 19.31 KB | 0755 |
msql2mysql | File | 1.91 KB | 0755 |
mv | File | 127.3 KB | 0755 |
my_print_defaults | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
myisam_ftdump | File | 7.17 MB | 0755 |
myisamchk | File | 7.72 MB | 0755 |
myisamlog | File | 6.86 MB | 0755 |
myisampack | File | 7.29 MB | 0755 |
mysql | File | 6.96 MB | 0755 |
mysql_client_test | File | 8.05 MB | 0755 |
mysql_client_test_embedded | File | 88.05 MB | 0755 |
mysql_config | File | 6.92 KB | 0755 |
mysql_config_editor | File | 5.86 MB | 0755 |
mysql_convert_table_format | File | 4.61 KB | 0755 |
mysql_find_rows | File | 3.7 KB | 0755 |
mysql_fix_extensions | File | 1.69 KB | 0755 |
mysql_install_db | File | 34.21 KB | 0755 |
mysql_plugin | File | 4.68 MB | 0755 |
mysql_secure_installation | File | 10.28 KB | 0755 |
mysql_setpermission | File | 17.53 KB | 0755 |
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql | File | 4.38 MB | 0755 |
mysql_upgrade | File | 5.94 MB | 0755 |
mysql_waitpid | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
mysql_zap | File | 4.26 KB | 0755 |
mysqlaccess | File | 109.89 KB | 0755 |
mysqlaccess.conf | File | 1.66 KB | 0644 |
mysqladmin | File | 5.81 MB | 0755 |
mysqlbinlog | File | 6.71 MB | 0755 |
mysqlbug | File | 11.32 KB | 0755 |
mysqlcheck | File | 5.79 MB | 0755 |
mysqld_multi | File | 26.29 KB | 0755 |
mysqld_safe | File | 26.01 KB | 0755 |
mysqldump | File | 6.13 MB | 0755 |
mysqldumpslow | File | 7.64 KB | 0755 |
mysqlhotcopy | File | 34.51 KB | 0755 |
mysqlimport | File | 5.8 MB | 0755 |
mysqlshow | File | 5.79 MB | 0755 |
mysqlslap | File | 5.87 MB | 0755 |
mysqltest | File | 6.62 MB | 0755 |
mysqltest_embedded | File | 86.25 MB | 0755 |
nail | File | 383.67 KB | 0755 |
named-rrchecker | File | 15.32 KB | 0755 |
namei | File | 27.95 KB | 0755 |
nano | File | 201.08 KB | 0755 |
nc | File | 371.27 KB | 0755 |
ncat | File | 371.27 KB | 0755 |
ncdu | File | 76.88 KB | 0755 |
ncurses5-config | File | 5.68 KB | 0755 |
ncursesw5-config | File | 5.68 KB | 0755 |
ndptool | File | 23.63 KB | 0755 |
needs-restarting | File | 8.17 KB | 0755 |
neqn | File | 271 B | 0755 |
net-snmp-create-v3-user | File | 2.98 KB | 0755 |
netstat | File | 151.38 KB | 0755 |
nettle-hash | File | 11.33 KB | 0755 |
nettle-lfib-stream | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
newgidmap | File | 38.09 KB | 0755 |
newgrp | File | 40.95 KB | 4755 |
newuidmap | File | 38.06 KB | 0755 |
nf-ct-add | File | 11.8 KB | 0755 |
nf-ct-list | File | 15.84 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-add | File | 16.21 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-delete | File | 15.99 KB | 0755 |
nf-exp-list | File | 11.8 KB | 0755 |
nf-log | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
nf-monitor | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
nf-queue | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
nfsiostat-sysstat | File | 52.55 KB | 0755 |
ngettext | File | 35.95 KB | 0755 |
nice | File | 32.32 KB | 0755 |
nisdomainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
nl | File | 40.6 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-add | File | 11.65 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-delete | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
nl-addr-list | File | 15.88 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-add | File | 11.7 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-delete | File | 11.55 KB | 0755 |
nl-class-list | File | 11.48 KB | 0755 |
nl-classid-lookup | File | 11.29 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-add | File | 11.76 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-delete | File | 11.68 KB | 0755 |
nl-cls-list | File | 11.58 KB | 0755 |
nl-fib-lookup | File | 11.41 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-enslave | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-ifindex2name | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-list | File | 11.52 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-name2ifindex | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-release | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-set | File | 11.64 KB | 0755 |
nl-link-stats | File | 11.39 KB | 0755 |
nl-list-caches | File | 11.08 KB | 0755 |
nl-list-sockets | File | 7.06 KB | 0755 |
nl-monitor | File | 11.2 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-add | File | 11.51 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-delete | File | 11.57 KB | 0755 |
nl-neigh-list | File | 11.46 KB | 0755 |
nl-neightbl-list | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
nl-pktloc-lookup | File | 11.36 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-add | File | 11.6 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-delete | File | 11.54 KB | 0755 |
nl-qdisc-list | File | 11.63 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-add | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-delete | File | 15.86 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-get | File | 11.18 KB | 0755 |
nl-route-list | File | 11.77 KB | 0755 |
nl-rule-list | File | 11.3 KB | 0755 |
nl-tctree-list | File | 11.53 KB | 0755 |
nl-util-addr | File | 7.03 KB | 0755 |
nm | File | 45.43 KB | 0755 |
nm-online | File | 15.16 KB | 0755 |
nmcli | File | 809.16 KB | 0755 |
nmtui | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-connect | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-edit | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nmtui-hostname | File | 646.77 KB | 0755 |
nohup | File | 32.42 KB | 0755 |
nproc | File | 32.37 KB | 0755 |
nroff | File | 3.31 KB | 0755 |
nsenter | File | 28.22 KB | 0755 |
nslookup | File | 130.93 KB | 0755 |
nss-policy-check | File | 15.26 KB | 0755 |
nsupdate | File | 65.2 KB | 0755 |
numfmt | File | 64.71 KB | 0755 |
objcopy | File | 227.34 KB | 0755 |
objdump | File | 357.76 KB | 0755 |
od | File | 64.81 KB | 0755 |
odbc_config | File | 11.04 KB | 0755 |
odbcinst | File | 27.69 KB | 0755 |
oldfind | File | 186.41 KB | 0755 |
open | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
openssl | File | 542.27 KB | 0755 |
openvt | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
os-prober | File | 5.51 KB | 0755 |
p11-kit | File | 32.18 KB | 0755 |
package-cleanup | File | 17.39 KB | 0755 |
page_owner_sort | File | 10.2 KB | 0755 |
pango-list | File | 11.1 KB | 0755 |
pango-querymodules-64 | File | 28.26 KB | 0755 |
pango-view | File | 49.47 KB | 0755 |
paperconf | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
passmass | File | 4.63 KB | 0755 |
passwd | File | 27.2 KB | 4755 |
paste | File | 32.34 KB | 0755 |
patch | File | 147 KB | 0755 |
pathchk | File | 32.31 KB | 0755 |
pchrt | File | 3.93 KB | 0755 |
pcre-config | File | 2.09 KB | 0755 |
pdf2dsc | File | 698 B | 0755 |
pdf2ps | File | 909 B | 0755 |
peekfd | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
perl | File | 11.14 KB | 0755 |
perl5.16.3 | File | 11.14 KB | 0755 |
perlbug | File | 43.61 KB | 0755 |
perldoc | File | 203 B | 0755 |
perlivp | File | 10.52 KB | 0755 |
perlml | File | 5.98 KB | 0755 |
perlthanks | File | 43.61 KB | 0755 |
perror | File | 4.73 MB | 0755 |
pf2afm | File | 498 B | 0755 |
pfbtopfa | File | 516 B | 0755 |
pflags | File | 2.06 KB | 0755 |
pftp | File | 85.5 KB | 0755 |
pgawk | File | 418.59 KB | 0755 |
pgrep | File | 27.67 KB | 0755 |
php | File | 937 B | 0755 |
pic | File | 180.41 KB | 0755 |
piconv | File | 7.99 KB | 0755 |
pidstat | File | 68.91 KB | 0755 |
pinentry | File | 2.54 KB | 0755 |
pinentry-curses | File | 49.19 KB | 0755 |
ping | File | 64.63 KB | 0755 |
ping6 | File | 64.63 KB | 0755 |
pinky | File | 36.57 KB | 0755 |
pk12util | File | 103.22 KB | 0755 |
pkaction | File | 15 KB | 0755 |
pkcheck | File | 23.03 KB | 0755 |
pkcs1-conv | File | 15.52 KB | 0755 |
pkexec | File | 27.02 KB | 4755 |
pkg-config | File | 44.38 KB | 0755 |
pkill | File | 27.67 KB | 0755 |
pkla-admin-identities | File | 19.23 KB | 0755 |
pkla-check-authorization | File | 27.3 KB | 0755 |
pkttyagent | File | 18.98 KB | 0755 |
pl2pm | File | 4.42 KB | 0755 |
pldd | File | 14.11 KB | 0755 |
plesk_configure | File | 450 B | 0755 |
plymouth | File | 39.77 KB | 0755 |
pmap | File | 27.61 KB | 0755 |
pngtogd | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
pngtogd2 | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
pod2html | File | 4 KB | 0755 |
pod2latex | File | 10.1 KB | 0755 |
pod2man | File | 13.26 KB | 0755 |
pod2text | File | 10.75 KB | 0755 |
pod2usage | File | 3.67 KB | 0755 |
podchecker | File | 3.7 KB | 0755 |
podselect | File | 2.55 KB | 0755 |
post-grohtml | File | 187.55 KB | 0755 |
powernow-k8-decode | File | 6.15 KB | 0755 |
pphs | File | 404 B | 0755 |
pr | File | 65.11 KB | 0755 |
pre-grohtml | File | 86.24 KB | 0755 |
precat | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
preconv | File | 40.88 KB | 0755 |
preunzip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip | File | 5.52 KB | 0755 |
prezip-bin | File | 11.05 KB | 0755 |
printafm | File | 395 B | 0755 |
printenv | File | 28.28 KB | 0755 |
printf | File | 48.61 KB | 0755 |
prl_backup | File | 7.37 KB | 0755 |
prlimit | File | 41.2 KB | 0755 |
procan | File | 76.99 KB | 0755 |
prove | File | 13.13 KB | 0755 |
prtstat | File | 15.25 KB | 0755 |
ps | File | 97.77 KB | 0755 |
ps2ascii | File | 631 B | 0755 |
ps2epsi | File | 2.69 KB | 0755 |
ps2pdf | File | 272 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf12 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf13 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdf14 | File | 215 B | 0755 |
ps2pdfwr | File | 1.07 KB | 0755 |
ps2ps | File | 647 B | 0755 |
ps2ps2 | File | 669 B | 0755 |
psed | File | 52.08 KB | 0755 |
psfaddtable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfgettable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfstriptable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
psfxtable | File | 19.48 KB | 0755 |
pstree | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
pstree.x11 | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
pstruct | File | 35.75 KB | 0755 |
ptar | File | 3.43 KB | 0755 |
ptardiff | File | 2.41 KB | 0755 |
ptargrep | File | 4.13 KB | 0755 |
ptaskset | File | 3.8 KB | 0755 |
ptx | File | 65.08 KB | 0755 |
pure-pw | File | 33.97 KB | 0755 |
pure-pwconvert | File | 9.93 KB | 0755 |
pure-statsdecode | File | 9.93 KB | 0755 |
pwd | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
pwdx | File | 11.27 KB | 0755 |
pwmake | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
pwscore | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
pydoc | File | 78 B | 0755 |
pygettext.py | File | 21.57 KB | 0755 |
pynche | File | 137 B | 0755 |
python | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
python2 | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python2-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
python2.7 | File | 6.98 KB | 0755 |
python2.7-config | File | 1.79 KB | 0755 |
pyzor | File | 165 B | 0755 |
pyzor-migrate | File | 181 B | 0755 |
pyzord | File | 167 B | 0755 |
qemu-ga | File | 980.87 KB | 0755 |
quota | File | 83.31 KB | 4755 |
quotasync | File | 70.84 KB | 0755 |
ranlib | File | 61.21 KB | 0755 |
raw | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
rcs | File | 175.6 KB | 0755 |
rcsclean | File | 819 B | 0755 |
rcsdiff | File | 816 B | 0755 |
rcsfreeze | File | 4.34 KB | 0755 |
rcsmerge | File | 819 B | 0755 |
rdate | File | 10.3 KB | 0755 |
read | File | 28 B | 0755 |
readelf | File | 509.84 KB | 0755 |
readlink | File | 40.82 KB | 0755 |
realpath | File | 61.23 KB | 0755 |
recode-sr-latin | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
rename | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
renice | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
replace | File | 4.51 MB | 0755 |
repo-graph | File | 4.09 KB | 0755 |
repo-rss | File | 10.07 KB | 0755 |
repoclosure | File | 11.42 KB | 0755 |
repodiff | File | 13.97 KB | 0755 |
repomanage | File | 6.88 KB | 0755 |
repoquery | File | 55.68 KB | 0755 |
reposync | File | 14.14 KB | 0755 |
repotrack | File | 9.86 KB | 0755 |
reset | File | 19.59 KB | 0755 |
resizecons | File | 19.63 KB | 0755 |
resolve_stack_dump | File | 4.7 MB | 0755 |
resolveip | File | 4.62 MB | 0755 |
rev | File | 11.26 KB | 0755 |
rftp | File | 8.68 KB | 0755 |
rlog | File | 807 B | 0755 |
rlogin-cwd | File | 501 B | 0755 |
rm | File | 61.4 KB | 0755 |
rmdir | File | 44.46 KB | 0755 |
rnano | File | 201.08 KB | 0755 |
rpcgen | File | 90.45 KB | 0755 |
rpm | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rpm2cpio | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
rpmdb | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
rpmkeys | File | 11.73 KB | 0755 |
rpmquery | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rpmverify | File | 15.75 KB | 0755 |
rsync | File | 488.38 KB | 0755 |
rsyslog-recover-qi.pl | File | 5.96 KB | 0755 |
run-parts | File | 2.04 KB | 0755 |
run-with-aspell | File | 85 B | 0755 |
runcon | File | 32.47 KB | 0755 |
rvi | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
rview | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
rvim | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
s2p | File | 52.08 KB | 0755 |
sadf | File | 168.46 KB | 0755 |
sandbox | File | 17.52 KB | 0755 |
sar | File | 95.4 KB | 0755 |
scl | File | 19.5 KB | 0755 |
scl_enabled | File | 258 B | 0755 |
scl_source | File | 1.83 KB | 0755 |
scp | File | 89.23 KB | 0755 |
screen | File | 464.1 KB | 2755 |
script | File | 19.61 KB | 0755 |
scriptreplay | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
sdiff | File | 48.41 KB | 0755 |
secon | File | 24.06 KB | 0755 |
sed | File | 74.29 KB | 0755 |
sedismod | File | 249.42 KB | 0755 |
sedispol | File | 176.32 KB | 0755 |
semodule_package | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
seq | File | 48.48 KB | 0755 |
sessreg | File | 11.24 KB | 0755 |
setarch | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
setfacl | File | 36.73 KB | 0755 |
setfont | File | 40.38 KB | 0755 |
setkeycodes | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
setleds | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
setmetamode | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
setpriv | File | 36.06 KB | 0755 |
setsid | File | 11.23 KB | 0755 |
setterm | File | 27.48 KB | 0755 |
setup-nsssysinit | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
setup-nsssysinit.sh | File | 1.5 KB | 0755 |
setvtrgb | File | 11.34 KB | 0755 |
sexp-conv | File | 23.63 KB | 0755 |
sftp | File | 142.01 KB | 0755 |
sg | File | 40.95 KB | 4755 |
sh | File | 941.93 KB | 0755 |
sha1sum | File | 36.57 KB | 0755 |
sha224sum | File | 40.63 KB | 0755 |
sha256sum | File | 40.63 KB | 0755 |
sha384sum | File | 40.65 KB | 0755 |
sha512sum | File | 40.65 KB | 0755 |
shar | File | 154.05 KB | 0755 |
shasum | File | 8.4 KB | 0755 |
show-changed-rco | File | 10.13 KB | 0755 |
show-installed | File | 16.18 KB | 0755 |
showconsolefont | File | 15.47 KB | 0755 |
showkey | File | 15.23 KB | 0755 |
showrgb | File | 7.08 KB | 0755 |
shred | File | 52.94 KB | 0755 |
shuf | File | 49.13 KB | 0755 |
signver | File | 102.6 KB | 0755 |
sim_client | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
size | File | 32.35 KB | 0755 |
skill | File | 23.62 KB | 0755 |
slabinfo | File | 34.96 KB | 0755 |
slabtop | File | 19.52 KB | 0755 |
sleep | File | 32.35 KB | 0755 |
slogin | File | 760.45 KB | 0755 |
smtpd.py | File | 18.1 KB | 0755 |
snice | File | 23.62 KB | 0755 |
snmpconf | File | 25.52 KB | 0755 |
socat | File | 380.43 KB | 0755 |
soelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |
sort | File | 114.94 KB | 0755 |
sotruss | File | 4.24 KB | 0755 |
spell | File | 122 B | 0755 |
splain | File | 18.03 KB | 0755 |
split | File | 69.47 KB | 0755 |
sprof | File | 22.1 KB | 0755 |
sqlite3 | File | 54.95 KB | 0755 |
ssh | File | 760.45 KB | 0755 |
ssh-add | File | 352.46 KB | 0755 |
ssh-agent | File | 373.25 KB | 2111 |
ssh-copy-id | File | 10.22 KB | 0755 |
ssh-keygen | File | 409.38 KB | 0755 |
ssh-keyscan | File | 434.7 KB | 0755 |
ssltap | File | 118.41 KB | 0755 |
stat | File | 77.19 KB | 0755 |
stdbuf | File | 64.88 KB | 0755 |
strace | File | 1009.22 KB | 0755 |
strace-log-merge | File | 1.28 KB | 0755 |
stream | File | 7.05 KB | 0755 |
strings | File | 36.53 KB | 0755 |
strip | File | 227.32 KB | 0755 |
stty | File | 68.61 KB | 0755 |
su | File | 31.38 KB | 4750 |
sudo | File | 147.88 KB | 4111 |
sudoedit | File | 147.88 KB | 4111 |
sudoreplay | File | 56.11 KB | 0111 |
sum | File | 36.55 KB | 0755 |
sw-engine | File | 22.34 MB | 0755 |
sxpm | File | 19.83 KB | 0755 |
sync | File | 28.33 KB | 0755 |
systemctl | File | 704.8 KB | 0755 |
systemd-analyze | File | 1.49 MB | 0755 |
systemd-ask-password | File | 60.38 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cat | File | 39.98 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgls | File | 326.31 KB | 0755 |
systemd-cgtop | File | 85.09 KB | 0755 |
systemd-coredumpctl | File | 154.52 KB | 0755 |
systemd-delta | File | 76.84 KB | 0755 |
systemd-detect-virt | File | 39.97 KB | 0755 |
systemd-escape | File | 48.2 KB | 0755 |
systemd-firstboot | File | 101.52 KB | 0755 |
systemd-hwdb | File | 85.31 KB | 0755 |
systemd-inhibit | File | 309.83 KB | 0755 |
systemd-loginctl | File | 489.6 KB | 0755 |
systemd-machine-id-setup | File | 52.23 KB | 0755 |
systemd-notify | File | 48.13 KB | 0755 |
systemd-nspawn | File | 545.88 KB | 0755 |
systemd-path | File | 52.16 KB | 0755 |
systemd-run | File | 387.05 KB | 0755 |
systemd-stdio-bridge | File | 305.77 KB | 0755 |
systemd-sysv-convert | File | 3.89 KB | 0755 |
systemd-tmpfiles | File | 146.13 KB | 0755 |
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent | File | 84.75 KB | 0755 |
tabs | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
tac | File | 32.48 KB | 0755 |
tail | File | 65.25 KB | 0755 |
tailf | File | 23.88 KB | 0755 |
tapestat | File | 52.56 KB | 0755 |
tar | File | 338.02 KB | 0755 |
taskset | File | 32.22 KB | 0755 |
tbl | File | 115.96 KB | 0755 |
tcamgr | File | 23.47 KB | 0755 |
tcamttest | File | 19.37 KB | 0755 |
tcatest | File | 52.78 KB | 0755 |
tcbmgr | File | 27.66 KB | 0755 |
tcbmttest | File | 47.96 KB | 0755 |
tcbtest | File | 64.47 KB | 0755 |
tcfmgr | File | 19.5 KB | 0755 |
tcfmttest | File | 31.79 KB | 0755 |
tcftest | File | 43.86 KB | 0755 |
tchmgr | File | 23.52 KB | 0755 |
tchmttest | File | 43.87 KB | 0755 |
tchtest | File | 52.29 KB | 0755 |
tclsh | File | 7 KB | 0755 |
tclsh8.5 | File | 7 KB | 0755 |
tcptraceroute | File | 1.44 KB | 0755 |
tctmgr | File | 31.82 KB | 0755 |
tctmttest | File | 39.72 KB | 0755 |
tcttest | File | 51.9 KB | 0755 |
tcucodec | File | 31.75 KB | 0755 |
tcumttest | File | 19.52 KB | 0755 |
tcutest | File | 65.61 KB | 0755 |
teamd | File | 155.09 KB | 0755 |
teamdctl | File | 28.98 KB | 0755 |
teamnl | File | 19.09 KB | 0755 |
tee | File | 32.38 KB | 0755 |
test | File | 36.46 KB | 0755 |
testgdbm | File | 29.77 KB | 0755 |
tic | File | 64.26 KB | 0755 |
timed-read | File | 303 B | 0755 |
timed-run | File | 277 B | 0755 |
timedatectl | File | 330.2 KB | 0755 |
timeout | File | 53.31 KB | 0755 |
tload | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
tmon | File | 31.11 KB | 0755 |
tmpwatch | File | 27.87 KB | 0755 |
toe | File | 15.42 KB | 0755 |
top | File | 104.38 KB | 0755 |
touch | File | 61.02 KB | 0755 |
tput | File | 15.43 KB | 0755 |
tr | File | 44.61 KB | 0755 |
tracepath | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
tracepath6 | File | 15.05 KB | 0755 |
traceroute | File | 61.86 KB | 0755 |
traceroute6 | File | 61.86 KB | 0755 |
troff | File | 512.96 KB | 0755 |
true | File | 28.26 KB | 0755 |
truncate | File | 52.68 KB | 0755 |
trust | File | 179.08 KB | 0755 |
tset | File | 19.59 KB | 0755 |
tsort | File | 36.47 KB | 0755 |
tty | File | 28.29 KB | 0755 |
turbostat | File | 113.15 KB | 0755 |
tzselect | File | 7.17 KB | 0755 |
uapi | File | 3.02 MB | 0755 |
ucs2any | File | 19.47 KB | 0755 |
udevadm | File | 414.27 KB | 0755 |
ul | File | 19.47 KB | 0755 |
umask | File | 29 B | 0755 |
umount | File | 31.23 KB | 4755 |
unalias | File | 31 B | 0755 |
uname | File | 32.3 KB | 0755 |
unbuffer | File | 640 B | 0755 |
unexpand | File | 32.45 KB | 0755 |
unicode_start | File | 2.5 KB | 0755 |
unicode_stop | File | 363 B | 0755 |
uniq | File | 44.71 KB | 0755 |
unix-lpr.sh | File | 4.07 KB | 0755 |
unlink | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
unlz4 | File | 105.87 KB | 0755 |
unshar | File | 108.52 KB | 0755 |
unshare | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
unxz | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
unzip | File | 185.16 KB | 0755 |
unzipsfx | File | 88.66 KB | 0755 |
update-ca-trust | File | 1.03 KB | 0755 |
update-mime-database | File | 52.82 KB | 0755 |
uptime | File | 11.22 KB | 0755 |
urlgrabber | File | 12.17 KB | 0755 |
users | File | 32.42 KB | 0755 |
usleep | File | 10.95 KB | 0755 |
usx2yloader | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
utmpdump | File | 15.45 KB | 0755 |
uuclient | File | 14.97 KB | 0755 |
uudecode | File | 103.99 KB | 0755 |
uuencode | File | 103.98 KB | 0755 |
uuidgen | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
vdir | File | 114.85 KB | 0755 |
verifytree | File | 10.79 KB | 0755 |
vi | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
view | File | 906.4 KB | 0755 |
vim | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
vimdiff | File | 2.23 MB | 0755 |
vimtutor | File | 2.04 KB | 0755 |
vlock | File | 15.73 KB | 0755 |
vmstat | File | 31.48 KB | 0755 |
vxloader | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
w | File | 19.45 KB | 0755 |
wait | File | 28 B | 0755 |
wall | File | 14.98 KB | 2555 |
watch | File | 24.14 KB | 0755 |
watchgnupg | File | 15.35 KB | 0755 |
wc | File | 40.67 KB | 0755 |
wdctl | File | 40.7 KB | 0755 |
weather | File | 2.18 KB | 0755 |
webpng | File | 11.15 KB | 0755 |
wget | File | 408.97 KB | 0755 |
whatis | File | 45.49 KB | 0755 |
whereis | File | 20.2 KB | 0755 |
which | File | 23.77 KB | 0755 |
whiptail | File | 27.84 KB | 0755 |
who | File | 48.7 KB | 0755 |
whoami | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
wish | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
wish8.5 | File | 7.04 KB | 0755 |
wmf2eps | File | 15.29 KB | 0755 |
wmf2fig | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
wmf2gd | File | 15.26 KB | 0755 |
wmf2svg | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
wmf2x | File | 15.25 KB | 0755 |
word-list-compress | File | 11.03 KB | 0755 |
write | File | 19.09 KB | 2755 |
x86_64 | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-c++ | File | 754.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ | File | 754.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc | File | 750.59 KB | 0755 |
x86_energy_perf_policy | File | 10.23 KB | 0755 |
xargs | File | 60.91 KB | 0755 |
xgamma | File | 11.15 KB | 0755 |
xgettext | File | 265.35 KB | 0755 |
xhost | File | 15.38 KB | 0755 |
xinput | File | 52.81 KB | 0755 |
xkibitz | File | 4.75 KB | 0755 |
xkill | File | 15.27 KB | 0755 |
xml2-config | File | 1.68 KB | 0755 |
xmlcatalog | File | 15.3 KB | 0755 |
xmllint | File | 61.94 KB | 0755 |
xmlwf | File | 24 KB | 0755 |
xmodmap | File | 32.28 KB | 0755 |
xorg-x11-fonts-update-dirs | File | 1.29 KB | 0744 |
xrandr | File | 60.06 KB | 0755 |
xrdb | File | 27.78 KB | 0755 |
xrefresh | File | 11.16 KB | 0755 |
xset | File | 31.72 KB | 0755 |
xsetmode | File | 11.1 KB | 0755 |
xsetpointer | File | 11.13 KB | 0755 |
xsetroot | File | 19.38 KB | 0755 |
xslt-config | File | 2.36 KB | 0755 |
xsltproc | File | 23.5 KB | 0755 |
xstdcmap | File | 15.77 KB | 0755 |
xsubpp | File | 4.45 KB | 0755 |
xxd | File | 14.42 KB | 0755 |
xz | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
xzcat | File | 73.52 KB | 0755 |
xzcmp | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzdec | File | 11.21 KB | 0755 |
xzdiff | File | 6.48 KB | 0755 |
xzegrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzfgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzgrep | File | 5.76 KB | 0755 |
xzless | File | 1.76 KB | 0755 |
xzmore | File | 2.11 KB | 0755 |
yes | File | 28.3 KB | 0755 |
ypdomainname | File | 15.41 KB | 0755 |
yum | File | 801 B | 0755 |
yum-builddep | File | 9.95 KB | 0755 |
yum-config-manager | File | 9.35 KB | 0755 |
yum-debug-dump | File | 8.34 KB | 0755 |
yum-debug-restore | File | 7.72 KB | 0755 |
yum-groups-manager | File | 10.77 KB | 0755 |
yumdownloader | File | 10.85 KB | 0755 |
zcat | File | 1.9 KB | 0755 |
zcmp | File | 1.72 KB | 0755 |
zdiff | File | 5.63 KB | 0755 |
zegrep | File | 123 B | 0755 |
zfgrep | File | 123 B | 0755 |
zforce | File | 2.09 KB | 0755 |
zgrep | File | 5.98 KB | 0755 |
zip | File | 210.78 KB | 0755 |
zipcloak | File | 98.1 KB | 0755 |
zipcmp | File | 11.71 KB | 0755 |
zipdetails | File | 47.32 KB | 0755 |
zipgrep | File | 2.88 KB | 0755 |
zipinfo | File | 185.16 KB | 0755 |
zipmerge | File | 11.76 KB | 0755 |
zipnote | File | 93.73 KB | 0755 |
zipsplit | File | 97.75 KB | 0755 |
ziptorrent | File | 11.6 KB | 0755 |
zless | File | 1.99 KB | 0755 |
zmore | File | 2.79 KB | 0755 |
znew | File | 5.22 KB | 0755 |
zsh | File | 723.13 KB | 0755 |
zsoelim | File | 32.59 KB | 0755 |