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Copyright 1991 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

                        All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
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#ifndef XVPROTO_H
#define XVPROTO_H
** File:
**   Xvproto.h --- Xv protocol header file
** Author:
**   David Carver (Digital Workstation Engineering/Project Athena)
** Revisions:
**   11.06.91 Carver
**     - changed SetPortControl to SetPortAttribute
**     - changed GetPortControl to GetPortAttribute
**     - changed QueryBestSize
**   15.05.91 Carver
**     - version 2.0 upgrade
**   24.01.91 Carver
**     - version 1.4 upgrade

#include <X11/Xmd.h>

/* Symbols: These are undefined at the end of this file to restore the
   values they have in Xv.h */

#define XvPortID CARD32
#define XvEncodingID CARD32
#define ShmSeg CARD32
#define VisualID CARD32
#define Drawable CARD32
#define GContext CARD32
#define Time CARD32
#define Atom CARD32

/* Structures */

typedef struct {
  INT32 numerator B32;
  INT32 denominator B32;
} xvRational;
#define sz_xvRational 8

typedef struct {
  XvPortID base_id B32;
  CARD16 name_size B16;
  CARD16 num_ports B16;
  CARD16 num_formats B16;
  CARD8 type;
  CARD8 pad;
} xvAdaptorInfo;
#define sz_xvAdaptorInfo 12

typedef struct {
  XvEncodingID encoding B32;
  CARD16 name_size B16;
  CARD16 width B16, height B16;
  CARD16 pad B16;
  xvRational rate;
} xvEncodingInfo;
#define sz_xvEncodingInfo (12 + sz_xvRational)

typedef struct {
  VisualID visual B32;
  CARD8 depth;
  CARD8 pad1;
  CARD16 pad2 B16;
} xvFormat;
#define sz_xvFormat 8

typedef struct {
  CARD32 flags B32;
  INT32 min B32;
  INT32 max B32;
  CARD32 size  B32;
} xvAttributeInfo;
#define sz_xvAttributeInfo 16

typedef struct {
  CARD32 id B32;
  CARD8 type;
  CARD8 byte_order;
  CARD16 pad1 B16;
  CARD8 guid[16];
  CARD8 bpp;
  CARD8 num_planes;
  CARD16 pad2 B16;
  CARD8 depth;
  CARD8 pad3;
  CARD16 pad4 B16;
  CARD32 red_mask B32;
  CARD32 green_mask B32;
  CARD32 blue_mask B32;
  CARD8 format;
  CARD8 pad5;
  CARD16 pad6 B16;
  CARD32 y_sample_bits B32;
  CARD32 u_sample_bits B32;
  CARD32 v_sample_bits B32;
  CARD32 horz_y_period B32;
  CARD32 horz_u_period B32;
  CARD32 horz_v_period B32;
  CARD32 vert_y_period B32;
  CARD32 vert_u_period B32;
  CARD32 vert_v_period B32;
  CARD8 comp_order[32];
  CARD8 scanline_order;
  CARD8 pad7;
  CARD16 pad8 B16;
  CARD32 pad9 B32;
  CARD32 pad10 B32;
} xvImageFormatInfo;
#define sz_xvImageFormatInfo 128

/* Requests */

#define xv_QueryExtension                  0
#define	xv_QueryAdaptors                   1
#define	xv_QueryEncodings                  2
#define xv_GrabPort                        3
#define xv_UngrabPort                      4
#define xv_PutVideo                        5
#define xv_PutStill                        6
#define xv_GetVideo                        7
#define xv_GetStill                        8
#define xv_StopVideo                       9
#define xv_SelectVideoNotify              10
#define xv_SelectPortNotify               11
#define xv_QueryBestSize                  12
#define xv_SetPortAttribute               13
#define xv_GetPortAttribute               14
#define xv_QueryPortAttributes            15
#define xv_ListImageFormats               16
#define xv_QueryImageAttributes           17
#define xv_PutImage                       18
#define xv_ShmPutImage                    19
#define xv_LastRequest                    xv_ShmPutImage

#define xvNumRequests                     (xv_LastRequest + 1)

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
} xvQueryExtensionReq;
#define sz_xvQueryExtensionReq 4

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  CARD32 window B32;
} xvQueryAdaptorsReq;
#define sz_xvQueryAdaptorsReq 8

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  CARD32 port B32;
} xvQueryEncodingsReq;
#define sz_xvQueryEncodingsReq 8

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  INT16 vid_x B16;
  INT16 vid_y B16;
  CARD16 vid_w B16;
  CARD16 vid_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
} xvPutVideoReq;
#define sz_xvPutVideoReq 32

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  INT16 vid_x B16;
  INT16 vid_y B16;
  CARD16 vid_w B16;
  CARD16 vid_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
} xvPutStillReq;
#define sz_xvPutStillReq 32

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  INT16 vid_x B16;
  INT16 vid_y B16;
  CARD16 vid_w B16;
  CARD16 vid_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
} xvGetVideoReq;
#define sz_xvGetVideoReq 32

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  INT16 vid_x B16;
  INT16 vid_y B16;
  CARD16 vid_w B16;
  CARD16 vid_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
} xvGetStillReq;
#define sz_xvGetStillReq 32

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Time time B32;
} xvGrabPortReq;
#define sz_xvGrabPortReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Time time B32;
} xvUngrabPortReq;
#define sz_xvUngrabPortReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  BOOL onoff;
  CARD8 pad1;
  CARD16 pad2;
} xvSelectVideoNotifyReq;
#define sz_xvSelectVideoNotifyReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  BOOL onoff;
  CARD8 pad1;
  CARD16 pad2;
} xvSelectPortNotifyReq;
#define sz_xvSelectPortNotifyReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
} xvStopVideoReq;
#define sz_xvStopVideoReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Atom attribute B32;
  INT32 value B32;
} xvSetPortAttributeReq;
#define sz_xvSetPortAttributeReq 16

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Atom attribute B32;
} xvGetPortAttributeReq;
#define sz_xvGetPortAttributeReq 12

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  CARD16 vid_w B16;
  CARD16 vid_h B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
  CARD8 motion;
  CARD8 pad1;
  CARD16 pad2 B16;
} xvQueryBestSizeReq;
#define sz_xvQueryBestSizeReq 20

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
} xvQueryPortAttributesReq;
#define sz_xvQueryPortAttributesReq 8

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  CARD32 id B32;
  INT16 src_x B16;
  INT16 src_y B16;
  CARD16 src_w B16;
  CARD16 src_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
  CARD16 width B16;
  CARD16 height B16;
} xvPutImageReq;
#define sz_xvPutImageReq 40

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
  Drawable drawable B32;
  GContext gc B32;
  ShmSeg shmseg B32;
  CARD32 id B32;
  CARD32 offset B32;
  INT16 src_x B16;
  INT16 src_y B16;
  CARD16 src_w B16;
  CARD16 src_h B16;
  INT16 drw_x B16;
  INT16 drw_y B16;
  CARD16 drw_w B16;
  CARD16 drw_h B16;
  CARD16 width B16;
  CARD16 height B16;
  CARD8 send_event;
  CARD8 pad1;
  CARD16 pad2 B16;
} xvShmPutImageReq;
#define sz_xvShmPutImageReq 52

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  XvPortID port B32;
} xvListImageFormatsReq;
#define sz_xvListImageFormatsReq 8

typedef struct {
  CARD8 reqType;
  CARD8 xvReqType;
  CARD16 length B16;
  CARD32 port B32;
  CARD32 id B32;
  CARD16 width B16;
  CARD16 height B16;
} xvQueryImageAttributesReq;
#define sz_xvQueryImageAttributesReq 16

/* Replies */

typedef struct _QueryExtensionReply {
  BYTE type;   /* X_Reply */
  CARD8 padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;
  CARD16 version B16;
  CARD16 revision B16;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryExtensionReply;
#define sz_xvQueryExtensionReply 32

typedef struct _QueryAdaptorsReply {
  BYTE type;   /* X_Reply */
  CARD8 padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;
  CARD16 num_adaptors B16;
  CARD16 pads3 B16;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryAdaptorsReply;
#define sz_xvQueryAdaptorsReply 32

typedef struct _QueryEncodingsReply {
  BYTE type;   /* X_Reply */
  CARD8 padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;
  CARD16 num_encodings B16;
  CARD16 padl3 B16;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryEncodingsReply;
#define sz_xvQueryEncodingsReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE result;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;  /* 0 */
  CARD32 padl3 B32;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvGrabPortReply;
#define sz_xvGrabPortReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;  /* 0 */
  INT32 value B32;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvGetPortAttributeReply;
#define sz_xvGetPortAttributeReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;  /* 0 */
  CARD16 actual_width B16;
  CARD16 actual_height B16;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryBestSizeReply;
#define sz_xvQueryBestSizeReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;  /* 0 */
  CARD32 num_attributes B32;
  CARD32 text_size B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryPortAttributesReply;
#define sz_xvQueryPortAttributesReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;
  CARD32 num_formats B32;
  CARD32 padl4 B32;
  CARD32 padl5 B32;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvListImageFormatsReply;
#define sz_xvListImageFormatsReply 32

typedef struct {
  BYTE type;  /* X_Reply */
  BYTE padb1;
  CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
  CARD32 length B32;
  CARD32 num_planes B32;
  CARD32 data_size B32;
  CARD16 width B16;
  CARD16 height B16;
  CARD32 padl6 B32;
  CARD32 padl7 B32;
  CARD32 padl8 B32;
} xvQueryImageAttributesReply;
#define sz_xvQueryImageAttributesReply 32


typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      BYTE type;
      BYTE detail;
      CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
    } u;
    struct {
      BYTE type;
      BYTE reason;
      CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
      Time time B32;
      Drawable drawable B32;
      XvPortID port B32;
      CARD32 padl5 B32;
      CARD32 padl6 B32;
      CARD32 padl7 B32;
      CARD32 padl8 B32;
    } videoNotify;
    struct {
      BYTE type;
      BYTE padb1;
      CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
      Time time B32;
      XvPortID port B32;
      Atom attribute B32;
      INT32 value B32;
      CARD32 padl6 B32;
      CARD32 padl7 B32;
      CARD32 padl8 B32;
    } portNotify;
  } u;
} xvEvent;

#undef XvPortID
#undef XvEncodingID
#undef ShmSeg
#undef VisualID
#undef Drawable
#undef GContext
#undef Time
#undef Atom

#endif /* XVPROTO_H */


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