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Copyright (c) 1995  Jon Tombs
Copyright (c) 1995  XFree86 Inc.


#ifndef _XF86DGAPROTO_H_
#define _XF86DGAPROTO_H_

#include <X11/extensions/xf86dga1proto.h>
#include <X11/extensions/xf86dgaconst.h>

#define XF86DGANAME "XFree86-DGA"

#define XDGA_MAJOR_VERSION	2	/* current version numbers */

typedef struct _XDGAQueryVersion {
    CARD8	reqType;		/* always DGAReqCode */
    CARD8	dgaReqType;		/* always X_DGAQueryVersion */
    CARD16	length B16;
} xXDGAQueryVersionReq;
#define sz_xXDGAQueryVersionReq		4

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
    BOOL	pad1;
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD16	majorVersion B16;	/* major version of DGA protocol */
    CARD16	minorVersion B16;	/* minor version of DGA protocol */
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
    CARD32	pad6 B32;
} xXDGAQueryVersionReply;
#define sz_xXDGAQueryVersionReply	32

typedef struct _XDGAQueryModes {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
} xXDGAQueryModesReq;
#define sz_xXDGAQueryModesReq		8

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
    BOOL	pad1;
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD32	number B32;		/* number of modes available */
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
    CARD32	pad6 B32;
} xXDGAQueryModesReply;
#define sz_xXDGAQueryModesReply	32

typedef struct _XDGASetMode {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD32	mode B32;		/* mode number to init */
    CARD32	pid B32;		/* Pixmap descriptor */
} xXDGASetModeReq;
#define sz_xXDGASetModeReq		16

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
    BOOL	pad1;
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD32	offset B32;		/* offset into framebuffer map */
    CARD32	flags B32;
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
} xXDGASetModeReply;
#define sz_xXDGASetModeReply	32

typedef struct {
   CARD8	byte_order;
   CARD8	depth;
   CARD16 	num B16;
   CARD16	bpp B16;
   CARD16	name_size B16;
   CARD32	vsync_num B32;
   CARD32	vsync_den B32;
   CARD32	flags B32;
   CARD16	image_width B16;
   CARD16	image_height B16;
   CARD16	pixmap_width B16;
   CARD16	pixmap_height B16;
   CARD32	bytes_per_scanline B32;
   CARD32	red_mask B32;
   CARD32	green_mask B32;
   CARD32	blue_mask B32;
   CARD16	visual_class B16;
   CARD16	pad1 B16;
   CARD16	viewport_width B16;
   CARD16	viewport_height B16;
   CARD16	viewport_xstep B16;
   CARD16	viewport_ystep B16;
   CARD16	viewport_xmax B16;
   CARD16	viewport_ymax B16;
   CARD32	viewport_flags B32;
   CARD32	reserved1 B32;
   CARD32	reserved2 B32;
} xXDGAModeInfo;
#define sz_xXDGAModeInfo 72

typedef struct _XDGAOpenFramebuffer {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
} xXDGAOpenFramebufferReq;
#define sz_xXDGAOpenFramebufferReq	8

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
    BOOL	pad1;
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;		/* device name size if there is one */
    CARD32	mem1 B32;		/* physical memory */	
    CARD32	mem2 B32;		/* spillover for _alpha_ */
    CARD32	size B32;		/* size of map in bytes */
    CARD32	offset B32;		/* optional offset into device */
    CARD32	extra B32;		/* extra info associated with the map */
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
} xXDGAOpenFramebufferReply;
#define sz_xXDGAOpenFramebufferReply	32

typedef struct _XDGACloseFramebuffer {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
} xXDGACloseFramebufferReq;
#define sz_xXDGACloseFramebufferReq	8

typedef struct _XDGASetViewport {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD16	x B16;
    CARD16	y B16;
    CARD32	flags B32;
} xXDGASetViewportReq;
#define sz_xXDGASetViewportReq	16

typedef struct _XDGAInstallColormap {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD32	cmap B32;
} xXDGAInstallColormapReq;
#define sz_xXDGAInstallColormapReq	12

typedef struct _XDGASelectInput {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD32	mask B32;
} xXDGASelectInputReq;
#define sz_xXDGASelectInputReq	12

typedef struct _XDGAFillRectangle {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD16	x B16;
    CARD16	y B16;
    CARD16	width B16;
    CARD16	height B16;
    CARD32	color B32;
} xXDGAFillRectangleReq;
#define sz_xXDGAFillRectangleReq	20

typedef struct _XDGACopyArea {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD16	srcx B16;
    CARD16	srcy B16;
    CARD16	width B16;
    CARD16	height B16;
    CARD16	dstx B16;
    CARD16	dsty B16;
} xXDGACopyAreaReq;
#define sz_xXDGACopyAreaReq	20

typedef struct _XDGACopyTransparentArea {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD16	srcx B16;
    CARD16	srcy B16;
    CARD16	width B16;
    CARD16	height B16;
    CARD16	dstx B16;
    CARD16	dsty B16;
    CARD32	key B32;
} xXDGACopyTransparentAreaReq;
#define sz_xXDGACopyTransparentAreaReq	24

typedef struct _XDGAGetViewportStatus {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
} xXDGAGetViewportStatusReq;
#define sz_xXDGAGetViewportStatusReq	8

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			
    BOOL	pad1;	
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD32	status B32;
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
    CARD32	pad6 B32;
} xXDGAGetViewportStatusReply;
#define sz_xXDGAGetViewportStatusReply	32

typedef struct _XDGASync {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
} xXDGASyncReq;
#define sz_xXDGASyncReq	8

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			
    BOOL	pad1;	
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD32	pad2 B32;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
    CARD32	pad6 B32;
    CARD32	pad7 B32;
} xXDGASyncReply;
#define sz_xXDGASyncReply	32

typedef struct _XDGASetClientVersion {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD16	major B16;
    CARD16	minor B16;
} xXDGASetClientVersionReq;
#define sz_xXDGASetClientVersionReq	8

typedef struct {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD16	x B16;
    CARD16	y B16;
    CARD32	flags B32;
} xXDGAChangePixmapModeReq;
#define sz_xXDGAChangePixmapModeReq	16

typedef struct {
    BYTE	type;			
    BOOL	pad1;	
    CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
    CARD32	length B32;
    CARD16	x B16;
    CARD16	y B16;
    CARD32	pad3 B32;
    CARD32	pad4 B32;
    CARD32	pad5 B32;
    CARD32	pad6 B32;
    CARD32	pad7 B32;
} xXDGAChangePixmapModeReply;
#define sz_xXDGAChangePixmapModeReply	32

typedef struct _XDGACreateColormap {
    CARD8	reqType;
    CARD8	dgaReqType;
    CARD16	length B16;
    CARD32	screen B32;
    CARD32	id B32;
    CARD32	mode B32;
    CARD8	alloc;
    CARD8	pad1;
    CARD16	pad2;
} xXDGACreateColormapReq;
#define sz_xXDGACreateColormapReq	20

typedef struct {
  union {
    struct {
      BYTE type;
      BYTE detail;
      CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
    } u;
    struct {
      CARD32 pad0 B32;
      CARD32 time B32;
      INT16 dx B16;
      INT16 dy B16;
      INT16 screen B16;
      CARD16 state B16;
      CARD32 pad1 B32;
      CARD32 pad2 B32;
      CARD32 pad3 B32;
      CARD32 pad4 B32;
    } event;
  } u;
} dgaEvent;

#endif /* _XF86DGAPROTO_H_ */


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