/* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef ISC_MSGS_H #define ISC_MSGS_H 1 /*! \file isc/msgs.h */ #include <isc/lib.h> /* Provide isc_msgcat global variable. */ #include <isc/msgcat.h> /* Provide isc_msgcat_*() functions. */ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Message sets, named per source file, excepting "GENERAL". * * IMPORTANT: The original list is alphabetical, but any new sets must * be added to the end. */ #define ISC_MSGSET_GENERAL 1 /* ISC_RESULT_RESULTSET 2 */ /* XXX */ /* ISC_RESULT_UNAVAILABLESET 3 */ /* XXX */ #define ISC_MSGSET_APP 4 #define ISC_MSGSET_COMMANDLINE 5 #define ISC_MSGSET_ENTROPY 6 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERIOCTL 7 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERSYSCTL 8 #define ISC_MSGSET_LEX 9 #define ISC_MSGSET_LOG 10 #define ISC_MSGSET_MEM 11 #define ISC_MSGSET_NETADDR 12 #define ISC_MSGSET_PRINT 13 #define ISC_MSGSET_RESULT 14 #define ISC_MSGSET_RWLOCK 15 #define ISC_MSGSET_SOCKADDR 16 #define ISC_MSGSET_SOCKET 17 #define ISC_MSGSET_TASK 18 #define ISC_MSGSET_TIMER 19 #define ISC_MSGSET_UTIL 20 #define ISC_MSGSET_IFITERGETIFADDRS 21 /*@}*/ /*@{*/ /*! * Message numbers * are only required to be unique per message set, * but are unique throughout the entire catalog to not be as confusing when * debugging. * * The initial numbering was done by multiply by 100 the set number the * message appears in then adding the incremental message number. */ #define ISC_MSG_FAILED 101 /*%< "failed" */ #define ISC_MSG_SUCCEEDED 102 /*%< Compatible with "failed" */ #define ISC_MSG_SUCCESS 103 /*%< More usual way to say "success" */ #define ISC_MSG_STARTING 104 /*%< As in "daemon: starting" */ #define ISC_MSG_STOPING 105 /*%< As in "daemon: stopping" */ #define ISC_MSG_ENTERING 106 /*%< As in "some_subr: entering" */ #define ISC_MSG_EXITING 107 /*%< As in "some_subr: exiting" */ #define ISC_MSG_CALLING 108 /*%< As in "calling some_subr()" */ #define ISC_MSG_RETURNED 109 /*%< As in "some_subr: returned <foo>" */ #define ISC_MSG_FATALERROR 110 /*%< "fatal error" */ #define ISC_MSG_SHUTTINGDOWN 111 /*%< "shutting down" */ #define ISC_MSG_RUNNING 112 /*%< "running" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAIT 113 /*%< "wait" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAITUNTIL 114 /*%< "waituntil" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALSETUP 201 /*%< "handle_signal() %d setup: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_ILLEGALOPT 301 /*%< "illegal option" */ #define ISC_MSG_OPTNEEDARG 302 /*%< "option requires an argument" */ #define ISC_MSG_ENTROPYSTATS 401 /*%< "Entropy pool %p: refcnt %u ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_MAKESCANSOCKET 501 /*%< "making interface scan socket: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFCONFIG 502 /*%< "get interface configuration: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_BUFFERMAX 503 /*%< "... maximum buffer size exceeded" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETDESTADDR 504 /*%< "%s: getting destination address: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETNETMASK 505 /*%< "%s: getting netmask: %s" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFLISTSIZE 601 /*%< "getting interface list size: ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFLIST 602 /*%< "getting interface list: ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_UNEXPECTEDTYPE 603 /*%< "... unexpected ... message type" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNEXPECTEDSTATE 701 /*%< "Unexpected state %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_BADTIME 801 /*%< "Bad 00 99:99:99.999 " */ #define ISC_MSG_LEVEL 802 /*%< "level %d: " */ #define ISC_MSG_ADDTRACE 901 /*%< "add %p size %u " */ #define ISC_MSG_DELTRACE 902 /*%< "del %p size %u " */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLSTATS 903 /*%< "[Pool statistics]\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLNAME 904 /*%< "name" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLSIZE 905 /*%< "size" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLMAXALLOC 906 /*%< "maxalloc" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLALLOCATED 907 /*%< "allocated" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFREECOUNT 908 /*%< "freecount" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFREEMAX 909 /*%< "freemax" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLFILLCOUNT 910 /*%< "fillcount" */ #define ISC_MSG_POOLGETS 911 /*%< "gets" */ #define ISC_MSG_DUMPALLOC 912 /*%< "DUMP OF ALL OUTSTANDING MEMORY ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_NONE 913 /*%< "\tNone.\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_PTRFILELINE 914 /*%< "\tptr %p file %s line %u\n" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNKNOWNADDR 1001 /*%< "<unknown address, family %u>" */ #define ISC_MSG_NOLONGDBL 1104 /*%< "long doubles are not supported" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRINTLOCK 1201 /*%< "rwlock %p thread %lu ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_READ 1202 /*%< "read" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITE 1203 /*%< "write" */ #define ISC_MSG_READING 1204 /*%< "reading" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITING 1205 /*%< "writing" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRELOCK 1206 /*%< "prelock" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTLOCK 1207 /*%< "postlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_PREUNLOCK 1208 /*%< "preunlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTUNLOCK 1209 /*%< "postunlock" */ #define ISC_MSG_PRINTLOCK2 1210 /*%< "rwlock %p thread %lu ..." w/ atomic */ #define ISC_MSG_UNKNOWNFAMILY 1301 /*%< "unknown address family: %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_WRITEFAILED 1401 /*%< "write() failed during watcher ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_READFAILED 1402 /*%< "read() failed during watcher ... " */ #define ISC_MSG_PROCESSCMSG 1403 /*%< "processing cmsg %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_IFRECEIVED 1404 /*%< "interface received on ifindex %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_SENDTODATA 1405 /*%< "sendto pktinfo data, ifindex %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_DOIORECV 1406 /*%< "doio_recv: recvmsg(%d) %d bytes ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_PKTRECV 1407 /*%< "packet received correctly" */ #define ISC_MSG_DESTROYING 1408 /*%< "destroying" */ #define ISC_MSG_CREATED 1409 /*%< "created" */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTLOCK 1410 /*%< "internal_accept called, locked ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTEDCXN 1411 /*%< "accepted connection, new socket %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_INTERNALRECV 1412 /*%< "internal_recv: task %p got event %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_INTERNALSEND 1413 /*%< "internal_send: task %p got event %p" */ #define ISC_MSG_WATCHERMSG 1414 /*%< "watcher got message %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_SOCKETSREMAIN 1415 /*%< "sockets exist" */ #define ISC_MSG_PKTINFOPROVIDED 1416 /*%< "pktinfo structure provided, ..." */ #define ISC_MSG_BOUND 1417 /*%< "bound" */ #define ISC_MSG_ACCEPTRETURNED 1418 /*%< accept() returned %d/%s */ #define ISC_MSG_TOOMANYFDS 1419 /*%< %s: too many open file descriptors */ #define ISC_MSG_ZEROPORT 1420 /*%< dropping source port zero packet */ #define ISC_MSG_FILTER 1421 /*%< setsockopt(SO_ACCEPTFILTER): %s */ #define ISC_MSG_TOOMANYHANDLES 1422 /*%< %s: too many open WSA event handles: %s */ #define ISC_MSG_POKED 1423 /*%< "poked flags: %d" */ #define ISC_MSG_AWAKE 1502 /*%< "awake" */ #define ISC_MSG_WORKING 1503 /*%< "working" */ #define ISC_MSG_EXECUTE 1504 /*%< "execute action" */ #define ISC_MSG_EMPTY 1505 /*%< "empty" */ #define ISC_MSG_DONE 1506 /*%< "done" */ #define ISC_MSG_QUANTUM 1507 /*%< "quantum" */ #define ISC_MSG_SCHEDULE 1601 /*%< "schedule" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALSCHED 1602 /*%< "signal (schedule)" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALDESCHED 1603 /*%< "signal (deschedule)" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNALDESTROY 1604 /*%< "signal (destroy)" */ #define ISC_MSG_IDLERESCHED 1605 /*%< "idle reschedule" */ #define ISC_MSG_EVENTNOTALLOC 1606 /*%< "couldn't allocate event" */ #define ISC_MSG_SCHEDFAIL 1607 /*%< "couldn't schedule timer: %u" */ #define ISC_MSG_POSTING 1608 /*%< "posting" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAKEUP 1609 /*%< "wakeup" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCK 1701 /*%< "LOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCKING 1702 /*%< "LOCKING" */ #define ISC_MSG_LOCKED 1703 /*%< "LOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_UNLOCKED 1704 /*%< "UNLOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWLOCK 1705 /*%< "RWLOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWLOCKED 1706 /*%< "RWLOCKED" */ #define ISC_MSG_RWUNLOCK 1707 /*%< "RWUNLOCK" */ #define ISC_MSG_BROADCAST 1708 /*%< "BROADCAST" */ #define ISC_MSG_SIGNAL 1709 /*%< "SIGNAL" */ #define ISC_MSG_UTILWAIT 1710 /*%< "WAIT" */ #define ISC_MSG_WAITED 1711 /*%< "WAITED" */ #define ISC_MSG_GETIFADDRS 1801 /*%< "getting interface addresses: ..." */ /*@}*/ #endif /* ISC_MSGS_H */
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