[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Authors:
# Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os.path
import copy

from firewall.core.base import SHORTCUTS, DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET
from firewall.core.prog import runProg
from firewall.core.logger import log
from firewall.functions import tempFile, readfile, splitArgs, check_mac, portStr, \
                               check_single_address, check_address, normalizeIP6
from firewall import config
from firewall.errors import FirewallError, INVALID_PASSTHROUGH, INVALID_RULE
from firewall.core.rich import Rich_Accept, Rich_Reject, Rich_Drop, Rich_Mark
import string

    "security": [ "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FORWARD" ],
    "raw": [ "PREROUTING", "OUTPUT" ],
    "filter": [ "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "FORWARD" ],

    "ipv4": "icmp-host-prohibited",
    "ipv6": "icmp6-adm-prohibited",

ICMP = {
    "ipv4": "icmp",
    "ipv6": "ipv6-icmp",

# ipv ebtables also uses this
def common_reverse_rule(args):
    """ Inverse valid rule """

    replace_args = {
        # Append
        "-A": "-D",
        "--append": "--delete",
        # Insert
        "-I": "-D",
        "--insert": "--delete",
        # New chain
        "-N": "-X",
        "--new-chain": "--delete-chain",

    ret_args = args[:]

    for arg in replace_args:
            idx = ret_args.index(arg)
        except Exception:

        if arg in [ "-I", "--insert" ]:
            # With insert rulenum, then remove it if it is a number
            # Opt at position idx, chain at position idx+1, [rulenum] at
            # position idx+2
            except Exception:

        ret_args[idx] = replace_args[arg]
    return ret_args

def common_reverse_passthrough(args):
    """ Reverse valid passthough rule """

    replace_args = {
        # Append
        "-A": "-D",
        "--append": "--delete",
        # Insert
        "-I": "-D",
        "--insert": "--delete",
        # New chain
        "-N": "-X",
        "--new-chain": "--delete-chain",

    ret_args = args[:]

    for x in replace_args:
            idx = ret_args.index(x)
        except ValueError:

        if x in [ "-I", "--insert" ]:
            # With insert rulenum, then remove it if it is a number
            # Opt at position idx, chain at position idx+1, [rulenum] at
            # position idx+2
            except ValueError:

        ret_args[idx] = replace_args[x]
        return ret_args

    raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH,
                        "no '-A', '-I' or '-N' arg")

# ipv ebtables also uses this
def common_check_passthrough(args):
    """ Check if passthough rule is valid (only add, insert and new chain
    rules are allowed) """

    args = set(args)
    not_allowed = set(["-C", "--check",           # check rule
                       "-D", "--delete",          # delete rule
                       "-R", "--replace",         # replace rule
                       "-L", "--list",            # list rule
                       "-S", "--list-rules",      # print rules
                       "-F", "--flush",           # flush rules
                       "-Z", "--zero",            # zero rules
                       "-X", "--delete-chain",    # delete chain
                       "-P", "--policy",          # policy
                       "-E", "--rename-chain"])   # rename chain)
    # intersection of args and not_allowed is not empty, i.e.
    # something from args is not allowed
    if len(args & not_allowed) > 0:
        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH,
                            "arg '%s' is not allowed" %
                            list(args & not_allowed)[0])

    # args need to contain one of -A, -I, -N
    needed = set(["-A", "--append",
                  "-I", "--insert",
                  "-N", "--new-chain"])
    # empty intersection of args and needed, i.e.
    # none from args contains any needed command
    if len(args & needed) == 0:
        raise FirewallError(INVALID_PASSTHROUGH,
                            "no '-A', '-I' or '-N' arg")

class ip4tables(object):
    ipv = "ipv4"
    name = "ip4tables"
    zones_supported = True

    def __init__(self, fw):
        self._fw = fw
        self._command = config.COMMANDS[self.ipv]
        self._restore_command = config.COMMANDS["%s-restore" % self.ipv]
        self.wait_option = self._detect_wait_option()
        self.restore_wait_option = self._detect_restore_wait_option()
        self.available_tables = []
        self.zone_source_index_cache = []
        self.our_chains = {} # chains created by firewalld

    def fill_exists(self):
        self.command_exists = os.path.exists(self._command)
        self.restore_command_exists = os.path.exists(self._restore_command)

    def __run(self, args):
        # convert to string list
        if self.wait_option and self.wait_option not in args:
            _args = [self.wait_option] + ["%s" % item for item in args]
            _args = ["%s" % item for item in args]
        log.debug2("%s: %s %s", self.__class__, self._command, " ".join(_args))
        (status, ret) = runProg(self._command, _args)
        if status != 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._command,
                                                     " ".join(_args), ret))
        return ret

    def split_value(self, rules, opts=None):
        """Split values combined with commas for options in opts"""

        if opts is None:
            return rules

        out_rules = [ ]
        for rule in rules:
            processed = False
            for opt in opts:
                    i = rule.index(opt)
                except ValueError:
                    if len(rule) > i and "," in rule[i+1]:
                        # For all items in the comma separated list in index
                        # i of the rule, a new rule is created with a single
                        # item from this list
                        processed = True
                        items = rule[i+1].split(",")
                        for item in items:
                            _rule = rule[:]
                            _rule[i+1] = item
            if not processed:

        return out_rules

    def _rule_replace(self, rule, pattern, replacement):
            i = rule.index(pattern)
        except ValueError:
            return False
            rule[i:i+1] = replacement
            return True

    def is_chain_builtin(self, ipv, table, chain):
        return table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS and \
               chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS[table]

    def build_chain_rules(self, add, table, chain):
        rule = [ "-t", table ]
        if add:
        return [rule]

    def build_rule(self, add, table, chain, index, args):
        rule = [ "-t", table ]
        if add:
            rule += [ "-I", chain, str(index) ]
            rule += [ "-D", chain ]
        rule += args
        return rule

    def reverse_rule(self, args):
        return common_reverse_rule(args)

    def check_passthrough(self, args):

    def reverse_passthrough(self, args):
        return common_reverse_passthrough(args)

    def passthrough_parse_table_chain(self, args):
        table = "filter"
            i = args.index("-t")
        except ValueError:
            if len(args) >= i+1:
                table = args[i+1]
        chain = None
        for opt in [ "-A", "--append",
                     "-I", "--insert",
                     "-N", "--new-chain" ]:
                i = args.index(opt)
            except ValueError:
                if len(args) >= i+1:
                    chain = args[i+1]
        return (table, chain)

    def _run_replace_zone_source(self, rule, zone_source_index_cache):
            i = rule.index("%%ZONE_SOURCE%%")
            zone = rule.pop(i)
            if "-m" == rule[4]: # ipset/mac
                zone_source = (zone, rule[7]) # (zone, address)
                zone_source = (zone, rule[5]) # (zone, address)
        except ValueError:
                i = rule.index("%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%")
                zone_source = None
            except ValueError:

        rule_add = True
        if rule[0] in ["-D", "--delete"]:
            rule_add = False

        if zone_source and not rule_add:
            if zone_source in zone_source_index_cache:
        elif rule_add:
            if zone_source:
                # order source based dispatch by zone name
                if zone_source not in zone_source_index_cache:
                    zone_source_index_cache.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

                index = zone_source_index_cache.index(zone_source)
                if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting:
                    index = 0
                    index = len(zone_source_index_cache)

            rule[0] = "-I"
            rule.insert(2, "%d" % (index + 1))

    def set_rules(self, rules, log_denied):
        temp_file = tempFile()

        table_rules = { }
        zone_source_index_cache = copy.deepcopy(self.zone_source_index_cache)
        for _rule in rules:
            rule = _rule[:]

            # replace %%REJECT%%
            self._rule_replace(rule, "%%REJECT%%", \
                    ["REJECT", "--reject-with", DEFAULT_REJECT_TYPE[self.ipv]])

            # replace %%ICMP%%
            self._rule_replace(rule, "%%ICMP%%", [ICMP[self.ipv]])

            # replace %%LOGTYPE%%
                i = rule.index("%%LOGTYPE%%")
            except ValueError:
                if log_denied == "off":
                if log_denied in [ "unicast", "broadcast", "multicast" ]:
                    rule[i:i+1] = [ "-m", "pkttype", "--pkt-type", log_denied ]

            self._run_replace_zone_source(rule, zone_source_index_cache)

            table = "filter"
            # get table form rule
            for opt in [ "-t", "--table" ]:
                    i = rule.index(opt)
                except ValueError:
                    if len(rule) >= i+1:
                        table = rule.pop(i)

            # we can not use joinArgs here, because it would use "'" instead
            # of '"' for the start and end of the string, this breaks
            # iptables-restore
            for i in range(len(rule)):
                for c in string.whitespace:
                    if c in rule[i] and not (rule[i].startswith('"') and
                        rule[i] = '"%s"' % rule[i]

            table_rules.setdefault(table, []).append(rule)

        for table in table_rules:
            rules = table_rules[table]
            rules = self.split_value(rules, [ "-s", "--source" ])
            rules = self.split_value(rules, [ "-d", "--destination" ])

            temp_file.write("*%s\n" % table)
            for rule in rules:
                temp_file.write(" ".join(rule) + "\n")


        stat = os.stat(temp_file.name)
        log.debug2("%s: %s %s", self.__class__, self._restore_command,
                   "%s: %d" % (temp_file.name, stat.st_size))
        args = [ ]
        if self.restore_wait_option:

        (status, ret) = runProg(self._restore_command, args,

        if log.getDebugLogLevel() > 2:
            lines = readfile(temp_file.name)
            if lines is not None:
                i = 1
                for line in lines:
                    log.debug3("%8d: %s" % (i, line), nofmt=1, nl=0)
                    if not line.endswith("\n"):
                        log.debug3("", nofmt=1)
                    i += 1


        if status != 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._restore_command,
                                                     " ".join(args), ret))
        self.zone_source_index_cache = zone_source_index_cache
        return ret

    def set_rule(self, rule, log_denied):
        # replace %%REJECT%%
        self._rule_replace(rule, "%%REJECT%%", \
                ["REJECT", "--reject-with", DEFAULT_REJECT_TYPE[self.ipv]])

        # replace %%ICMP%%
        self._rule_replace(rule, "%%ICMP%%", [ICMP[self.ipv]])

        # replace %%LOGTYPE%%
            i = rule.index("%%LOGTYPE%%")
        except ValueError:
            if log_denied == "off":
                return ""
            if log_denied in [ "unicast", "broadcast", "multicast" ]:
                rule[i:i+1] = [ "-m", "pkttype", "--pkt-type", log_denied ]

        zone_source_index_cache = copy.deepcopy(self.zone_source_index_cache)
        self._run_replace_zone_source(rule, zone_source_index_cache)

        output = self.__run(rule)

        self.zone_source_index_cache = zone_source_index_cache
        return output

    def get_available_tables(self, table=None):
        ret = []
        tables = [ table ] if table else BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys()
        for table in tables:
            if table in self.available_tables:
                    self.__run(["-t", table, "-L", "-n"])
                except ValueError:
                    log.debug1("%s table '%s' does not exist (or not enough permission to check)." % (self.ipv, table))

        return ret

    def _detect_wait_option(self):
        wait_option = ""
        ret = runProg(self._command, ["-w", "-L", "-n"])  # since iptables-1.4.20
        if ret[0] == 0:
            wait_option = "-w"  # wait for xtables lock
            ret = runProg(self._command, ["-w10", "-L", "-n"])  # since iptables > 1.4.21
            if ret[0] == 0:
                wait_option = "-w10"  # wait max 10 seconds
            log.debug2("%s: %s will be using %s option.", self.__class__, self._command, wait_option)

        return wait_option

    def _detect_restore_wait_option(self):
        temp_file = tempFile()

        wait_option = ""
        for test_option in ["-w", "--wait=2"]:
            ret = runProg(self._restore_command, [test_option], stdin=temp_file.name)
            if ret[0] == 0 and "invalid option" not in ret[1] \
                           and "unrecognized option" not in ret[1]:
                wait_option = test_option

        log.debug2("%s: %s will be using %s option.", self.__class__, self._restore_command, wait_option)


        return wait_option

    def build_flush_rules(self):
        self.zone_source_index_cache = []
        rules = []
        for table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys():
            if not self.get_available_tables(table):
            # Flush firewall rules: -F
            # Delete firewall chains: -X
            # Set counter to zero: -Z
            for flag in [ "-F", "-X", "-Z" ]:
                rules.append(["-t", table, flag])
        return rules

    def build_set_policy_rules(self, policy):
        rules = []
        for table in BUILT_IN_CHAINS.keys():
            if not self.get_available_tables(table):
            if table == "nat":
            for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS[table]:
                rules.append(["-t", table, "-P", chain, policy])
        return rules

    def supported_icmp_types(self):
        """Return ICMP types that are supported by the iptables/ip6tables command and kernel"""
        ret = [ ]
        output = ""
            output = self.__run(["-p",
                                 "icmp" if self.ipv == "ipv4" else "ipv6-icmp",
        except ValueError as ex:
            if self.ipv == "ipv4":
                log.debug1("iptables error: %s" % ex)
                log.debug1("ip6tables error: %s" % ex)
        lines = output.splitlines()

        in_types = False
        for line in lines:
            if in_types:
                line = line.strip().lower()
                splits = line.split()
                for split in splits:
                    if split.startswith("(") and split.endswith(")"):
                        x = split[1:-1]
                        x = split
                    if x not in ret:
            if self.ipv == "ipv4" and line.startswith("Valid ICMP Types:") or \
               self.ipv == "ipv6" and line.startswith("Valid ICMPv6 Types:"):
                in_types = True
        return ret

    def build_default_tables(self):
        # nothing to do, they always exist
        return []

    def build_default_rules(self, log_denied="off"):
        default_rules = {}

        if self.get_available_tables("security"):
            default_rules["security"] = [ ]
            self.our_chains["security"] = set()
            for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["security"]:
                default_rules["security"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain)
                default_rules["security"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain))
                self.our_chains["security"].add("%s_direct" % chain)

        if self.get_available_tables("raw"):
            default_rules["raw"] = [ ]
            self.our_chains["raw"] = set()
            for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["raw"]:
                default_rules["raw"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain)
                default_rules["raw"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain))
                self.our_chains["raw"].add("%s_direct" % chain)

                if chain == "PREROUTING":
                    for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES_SOURCE", "ZONES"] if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting else ["ZONES"]:
                        default_rules["raw"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        default_rules["raw"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        self.our_chains["raw"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)]))

        if self.get_available_tables("mangle"):
            default_rules["mangle"] = [ ]
            self.our_chains["mangle"] = set()
            for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["mangle"]:
                default_rules["mangle"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain)
                default_rules["mangle"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain))
                self.our_chains["mangle"].add("%s_direct" % chain)

                if chain == "PREROUTING":
                    for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES_SOURCE", "ZONES"] if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting else ["ZONES"]:
                        default_rules["mangle"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        default_rules["mangle"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        self.our_chains["mangle"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)]))

        if self.get_available_tables("nat"):
            default_rules["nat"] = [ ]
            self.our_chains["nat"] = set()
            for chain in BUILT_IN_CHAINS["nat"]:
                default_rules["nat"].append("-N %s_direct" % chain)
                default_rules["nat"].append("-A %s -j %s_direct" % (chain, chain))
                self.our_chains["nat"].add("%s_direct" % chain)

                if chain in [ "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING" ]:
                    for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES_SOURCE", "ZONES"] if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting else ["ZONES"]:
                        default_rules["nat"].append("-N %s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        default_rules["nat"].append("-A %s -j %s_%s" % (chain, chain, dispatch_suffix))
                        self.our_chains["nat"].update(set(["%s_%s" % (chain, dispatch_suffix)]))

        default_rules["filter"] = []
        self.our_chains["filter"] = set()
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-N INPUT_direct")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j INPUT_direct")
        for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES_SOURCE", "ZONES"] if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting else ["ZONES"]:
            default_rules["filter"].append("-N INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))
            default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix))
            self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("INPUT_%s" % (dispatch_suffix)))
        if log_denied != "off":
            default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'STATE_INVALID_DROP: '")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP")
        if log_denied != "off":
            default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'FINAL_REJECT: '")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A INPUT -j %%REJECT%%")

        default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_direct")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j FORWARD_direct")
        for direction in ["IN", "OUT"]:
            for dispatch_suffix in ["ZONES_SOURCE", "ZONES"] if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting else ["ZONES"]:
                default_rules["filter"].append("-N FORWARD_%s_%s" % (direction, dispatch_suffix))
                default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j FORWARD_%s_%s" % (direction, dispatch_suffix))
                self.our_chains["filter"].update(set("FORWARD_%s_%s" % (direction, dispatch_suffix)))
        if log_denied != "off":
            default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'STATE_INVALID_DROP: '")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP")
        if log_denied != "off":
            default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD %%LOGTYPE%% -j LOG --log-prefix 'FINAL_REJECT: '")
        default_rules["filter"].append("-A FORWARD -j %%REJECT%%")

        default_rules["filter"] += [
            "-N OUTPUT_direct",

            "-A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT",
            "-A OUTPUT -j OUTPUT_direct",

        final_default_rules = []
        for table in default_rules:
            if table not in self.get_available_tables():
            for rule in default_rules[table]:
                final_default_rules.append(["-t", table] + splitArgs(rule))

        return final_default_rules

    def get_zone_table_chains(self, table):
        if table == "filter":
            return { "INPUT", "FORWARD_IN", "FORWARD_OUT" }
        if table == "mangle":
            if "mangle" in self.get_available_tables() and \
               "nat" in self.get_available_tables():
                return { "PREROUTING" }
        if table == "nat":
            if "nat" in self.get_available_tables():
                return { "PREROUTING", "POSTROUTING" }
        if table == "raw":
            if "raw" in self.get_available_tables():
                return { "PREROUTING" }

        return {}

    def build_zone_source_interface_rules(self, enable, zone, interface,
                                          table, chain, append=False):
        # handle all zones in the same way here, now
        # trust and block zone targets are handled now in __chain
        opt = {
            "PREROUTING": "-i",
            "POSTROUTING": "-o",
            "INPUT": "-i",
            "FORWARD_IN": "-i",
            "FORWARD_OUT": "-o",
            "OUTPUT": "-o",

        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[chain], zone=zone)
        action = "-g"

        if enable and not append:
            rule = [ "-I", "%s_ZONES" % chain, "%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%" ]
        elif enable:
            rule = [ "-A", "%s_ZONES" % chain ]
            rule = [ "-D", "%s_ZONES" % chain ]
            if not append:
                rule += ["%%ZONE_INTERFACE%%"]
        rule += [ "-t", table, opt, interface, action, target ]
        return [rule]

    def build_zone_source_address_rules(self, enable, zone,
                                        address, table, chain):
        add_del = { True: "-I", False: "-D" }[enable]

        opt = {
            "PREROUTING": "-s",
            "POSTROUTING": "-d",
            "INPUT": "-s",
            "FORWARD_IN": "-s",
            "FORWARD_OUT": "-d",
            "OUTPUT": "-d",

        if self._fw._allow_zone_drifting:
            zone_dispatch_chain = "%s_ZONES_SOURCE" % (chain)
            zone_dispatch_chain = "%s_ZONES" % (chain)

        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[chain], zone=zone)
        action = "-g"

        if address.startswith("ipset:"):
            name = address[6:]
            if opt == "-d":
                opt = "dst"
                opt = "src"
            flags = ",".join([opt] * self._fw.ipset.get_dimension(name))
            rule = [ add_del, zone_dispatch_chain,
                     "%%ZONE_SOURCE%%", zone,
                     "-t", table,
                     "-m", "set", "--match-set", name,
                     flags, action, target ]
            if check_mac(address):
                # outgoing can not be set
                if opt == "-d":
                    return ""
                rule = [ add_del, zone_dispatch_chain,
                         "%%ZONE_SOURCE%%", zone,
                         "-t", table,
                         "-m", "mac", "--mac-source", address.upper(),
                         action, target ]
                if check_single_address("ipv6", address):
                    address = normalizeIP6(address)
                elif check_address("ipv6", address):
                    addr_split = address.split("/")
                    address = normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1]
                rule = [ add_del, zone_dispatch_chain,
                         "%%ZONE_SOURCE%%", zone,
                         "-t", table,
                         opt, address, action, target ]
        return [rule]

    def build_zone_chain_rules(self, zone, table, chain):
        _zone = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[chain], zone=zone)

                                      "%s_log" % _zone,
                                      "%s_deny" % _zone,
                                      "%s_allow" % _zone]))

        rules = []
        rules.append([ "-N", _zone, "-t", table ])
        rules.append([ "-N", "%s_log" % _zone, "-t", table ])
        rules.append([ "-N", "%s_deny" % _zone, "-t", table ])
        rules.append([ "-N", "%s_allow" % _zone, "-t", table ])
        rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_log" % _zone ])
        rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_deny" % _zone ])
        rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "-j", "%s_allow" % _zone ])

        target = self._fw.zone._zones[zone].target

        if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off":
            if table == "filter" and \
               chain in [ "INPUT", "FORWARD_IN", "FORWARD_OUT", "OUTPUT" ]:
                if target in [ "REJECT", "%%REJECT%%" ]:
                    rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "%%LOGTYPE%%",
                                   "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix",
                                   "\"%s_REJECT: \"" % _zone ])
                if target == "DROP":
                    rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "%%LOGTYPE%%",
                                   "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix",
                                   "\"%s_DROP: \"" % _zone ])

        # Handle trust, block and drop zones:
        # Add an additional rule with the zone target (accept, reject
        # or drop) to the base zone only in the filter table.
        # Otherwise it is not be possible to have a zone with drop
        # target, that is allowing traffic that is locally initiated
        # or that adds additional rules. (RHBZ#1055190)
        if table == "filter" and \
           target in [ "ACCEPT", "REJECT", "%%REJECT%%", "DROP" ] and \
           chain in [ "INPUT", "FORWARD_IN", "FORWARD_OUT", "OUTPUT" ]:
            rules.append([ "-A", _zone, "-t", table, "-j", target ])

        return rules

    def _rule_limit(self, limit):
        if limit:
            return [ "-m", "limit", "--limit", limit.value ]
        return []

    def _rich_rule_log(self, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment):
        if not rich_rule.log:
            return []

        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]

        rule = [ add_del, "%s_log" % (target), "-t", table]
        rule += rule_fragment + [ "-j", "LOG" ]
        if rich_rule.log.prefix:
            rule += [ "--log-prefix", "'%s'" % rich_rule.log.prefix ]
        if rich_rule.log.level:
            rule += [ "--log-level", "%s" % rich_rule.log.level ]
        rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.log.limit)

        return rule

    def _rich_rule_audit(self, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment):
        if not rich_rule.audit:
            return []

        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]

        rule = [add_del, "%s_log" % (target), "-t", table] + rule_fragment
        if type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Accept:
            _type = "accept"
        elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Reject:
            _type = "reject"
        elif type(rich_rule.action) ==  Rich_Drop:
            _type = "drop"
            _type = "unknown"
        rule += [ "-j", "AUDIT", "--type", _type ]
        rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.audit.limit)

        return rule

    def _rich_rule_action(self, zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment):
        if not rich_rule.action:
            return []

        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]

        if type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Accept:
            chain = "%s_allow" % target
            rule_action = [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ]
        elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Reject:
            chain = "%s_deny" % target
            rule_action = [ "-j", "REJECT" ]
            if rich_rule.action.type:
                rule_action += [ "--reject-with", rich_rule.action.type ]
        elif type(rich_rule.action) ==  Rich_Drop:
            chain = "%s_deny" % target
            rule_action = [ "-j", "DROP" ]
        elif type(rich_rule.action) == Rich_Mark:
            target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["PREROUTING"],
            table = "mangle"
            chain = "%s_allow" % target
            rule_action = [ "-j", "MARK", "--set-xmark", rich_rule.action.set ]
            raise FirewallError(INVALID_RULE,
                                "Unknown action %s" % type(rich_rule.action))

        rule = [ add_del, chain, "-t", table ]
        rule += rule_fragment + rule_action
        rule += self._rule_limit(rich_rule.action.limit)

        return rule

    def _rich_rule_destination_fragment(self, rich_dest):
        if not rich_dest:
            return []

        rule_fragment = []
        if rich_dest.invert:
        if check_single_address("ipv6", rich_dest.addr):
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", normalizeIP6(rich_dest.addr) ]
        elif check_address("ipv6", rich_dest.addr):
            addr_split = rich_dest.addr.split("/")
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1] ]
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", rich_dest.addr ]

        return rule_fragment

    def _rich_rule_source_fragment(self, rich_source):
        if not rich_source:
            return []

        rule_fragment = []
        if rich_source.addr:
            if rich_source.invert:
            if check_single_address("ipv6", rich_source.addr):
                rule_fragment += [ "-s", normalizeIP6(rich_source.addr) ]
            elif check_address("ipv6", rich_source.addr):
                addr_split = rich_source.addr.split("/")
                rule_fragment += [ "-s", normalizeIP6(addr_split[0]) + "/" + addr_split[1] ]
                rule_fragment += [ "-s", rich_source.addr ]
        elif hasattr(rich_source, "mac") and rich_source.mac:
            rule_fragment += [ "-m", "mac" ]
            if rich_source.invert:
            rule_fragment += [ "--mac-source", rich_source.mac ]
        elif hasattr(rich_source, "ipset") and rich_source.ipset:
            rule_fragment += [ "-m", "set" ]
            if rich_source.invert:
            flags = self._fw.zone._ipset_match_flags(rich_source.ipset, "src")
            rule_fragment += [ "--match-set", rich_source.ipset, flags ]

        return rule_fragment

    def build_zone_ports_rules(self, enable, zone, proto, port, destination=None, rich_rule=None):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]
        table = "filter"
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["INPUT"],

        rule_fragment = [ "-p", proto ]
        if port:
            rule_fragment += [ "--dport", "%s" % portStr(port) ]
        if destination:
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ]
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)
        if not rich_rule or type(rich_rule.action) != Rich_Mark:
            rule_fragment += [ "-m", "conntrack", "--ctstate", "NEW,UNTRACKED" ]

        rules = []
        if rich_rule:
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", table] +
                         rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_protocol_rules(self, enable, zone, protocol, destination=None, rich_rule=None):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]
        table = "filter"
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["INPUT"], zone=zone)

        rule_fragment = [ "-p", protocol ]
        if destination:
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ]
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)
        if not rich_rule or type(rich_rule.action) != Rich_Mark:
            rule_fragment += [ "-m", "conntrack", "--ctstate", "NEW,UNTRACKED" ]

        rules = []
        if rich_rule:
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", table] +
                         rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_source_ports_rules(self, enable, zone, proto, port,
                                     destination=None, rich_rule=None):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]
        table = "filter"
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["INPUT"], zone=zone)

        rule_fragment = [ "-p", proto ]
        if port:
            rule_fragment += [ "--sport", "%s" % portStr(port) ]
        if destination:
            rule_fragment += [ "-d", destination ]
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)
        if not rich_rule or type(rich_rule.action) != Rich_Mark:
            rule_fragment += [ "-m", "conntrack", "--ctstate", "NEW,UNTRACKED" ]

        rules = []
        if rich_rule:
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
            rules.append([add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", table] +
                         rule_fragment + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_helper_ports_rules(self, enable, zone, proto, port,
                                      destination, helper_name, module_short_name):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["PREROUTING"],
        rule = [ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", "raw", "-p", proto ]
        if port:
            rule += [ "--dport", "%s" % portStr(port) ]
        if destination:
            rule += [ "-d",  destination ]
        rule += [ "-j", "CT", "--helper", module_short_name ]

        return [rule]

    def build_zone_masquerade_rules(self, enable, zone, rich_rule=None):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["POSTROUTING"],
        rule_fragment = []
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)

        rules = []
        rules.append([ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", "nat" ]
                     + rule_fragment +
                     [ "!", "-o", "lo", "-j", "MASQUERADE" ])
        # FORWARD_OUT
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["FORWARD_OUT"],
        rule_fragment = []
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)

        rules.append([ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", "filter"]
                     + rule_fragment +
                     ["-m", "conntrack", "--ctstate", "NEW,UNTRACKED", "-j", "ACCEPT" ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_forward_port_rules(self, enable, zone, filter_chain, port,
                                      protocol, toport, toaddr, mark_id, rich_rule=None):
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]

        mark_str = "0x%x" % mark_id
        mark = [ "-m", "mark", "--mark", mark_str ]

        to = ""
        if toaddr:
            if check_single_address("ipv6", toaddr):
                to += "[%s]" % normalizeIP6(toaddr)
                to += toaddr
        if toport and toport != "":
            to += ":%s" % portStr(toport, "-")

        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["PREROUTING"],

        rule_fragment = [ "-p", protocol, "--dport", portStr(port) ]
        if rich_rule:
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
            rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)

        rules = []
        if rich_rule:
            rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, "mangle", target, rule_fragment))
        rules.append([ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", "mangle"]
                     + rule_fragment + 
                     [ "-j", "MARK", "--set-mark", mark_str ])

        # local and remote
        rules.append([ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target), "-t", "nat",
                     "-p", protocol ] + mark +
                     [ "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", to ])

        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[filter_chain],
        rules.append([ add_del, "%s_allow" % (target),
                     "-t", "filter", "-m", "conntrack",
                     "--ctstate", "NEW,UNTRACKED" ] +
                     mark + [ "-j", "ACCEPT" ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_icmp_block_rules(self, enable, zone, ict, rich_rule=None):
        table = "filter"
        add_del = { True: "-A", False: "-D" }[enable]

        if self.ipv == "ipv4":
            proto = [ "-p", "icmp" ]
            match = [ "-m", "icmp", "--icmp-type", ict.name ]
            proto = [ "-p", "ipv6-icmp" ]
            match = [ "-m", "icmp6", "--icmpv6-type", ict.name ]

        rules = []
        for chain in ["INPUT", "FORWARD_IN"]:
            target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[chain],
            if self._fw.zone.query_icmp_block_inversion(zone):
                final_chain = "%s_allow" % target
                final_target = "ACCEPT"
                final_chain = "%s_deny" % target
                final_target = "%%REJECT%%"

            rule_fragment = []
            if rich_rule:
                rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
                rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)
            rule_fragment += proto + match

            if rich_rule:
                rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
                rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
                if rich_rule.action:
                    rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
                    rules.append([ add_del, "%s_deny" % target, "-t", table ]
                                 + rule_fragment +
                                 [ "-j", "%%REJECT%%" ])
                if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off" and final_target != "ACCEPT":
                    rules.append([ add_del, final_chain, "-t", table ]
                                 + rule_fragment +
                                 [ "%%LOGTYPE%%", "-j", "LOG",
                                   "--log-prefix", "\"%s_ICMP_BLOCK: \"" % zone ])
                rules.append([ add_del, final_chain, "-t", table ]
                             + rule_fragment +
                             [ "-j", final_target ])

        return rules

    def build_zone_icmp_block_inversion_rules(self, enable, zone):
        table = "filter"
        rules = []
        for chain in [ "INPUT", "FORWARD_IN" ]:
            rule_idx = 4
            _zone = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS[chain],

            if self._fw.zone.query_icmp_block_inversion(zone):
                ibi_target = "%%REJECT%%"

                if self._fw.get_log_denied() != "off":
                    if enable:
                        rule = [ "-I", _zone, str(rule_idx) ]
                        rule = [ "-D", _zone ]

                    rule = rule + [ "-t", table, "-p", "%%ICMP%%",
                                  "-j", "LOG", "--log-prefix",
                                  "\"%s_ICMP_BLOCK: \"" % _zone ]
                    rule_idx += 1
                ibi_target = "ACCEPT"

            if enable:
                rule = [ "-I", _zone, str(rule_idx) ]
                rule = [ "-D", _zone ]
            rule = rule + [ "-t", table, "-p", "%%ICMP%%", "-j", ibi_target ]

        return rules

    def build_zone_rich_source_destination_rules(self, enable, zone, rich_rule):
        table = "filter"
        target = DEFAULT_ZONE_TARGET.format(chain=SHORTCUTS["INPUT"],

        rule_fragment = []
        rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_destination_fragment(rich_rule.destination)
        rule_fragment += self._rich_rule_source_fragment(rich_rule.source)

        rules = []
        rules.append(self._rich_rule_log(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
        rules.append(self._rich_rule_audit(rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))
        rules.append(self._rich_rule_action(zone, rich_rule, enable, table, target, rule_fragment))

        return rules

    def is_ipv_supported(self, ipv):
        return ipv == self.ipv

class ip6tables(ip4tables):
    ipv = "ipv6"
    name = "ip6tables"

    def build_rpfilter_rules(self, log_denied=False):
        rules = []
        rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "raw",
                       "-m", "rpfilter", "--invert", "-j", "DROP" ])
        if log_denied != "off":
            rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "raw",
                           "-m", "rpfilter", "--invert",
                           "-j", "LOG",
                           "--log-prefix", "rpfilter_DROP: " ])
        rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "raw",
                       "-p", "ipv6-icmp",
                       "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) # RHBZ#1575431, kernel bug in 4.16-4.17
        rules.append([ "-I", "PREROUTING", "-t", "raw",
                       "-p", "ipv6-icmp",
                       "-j", "ACCEPT" ]) # RHBZ#1058505
        return rules


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