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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Authors:
# Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

"""The ipset command wrapper"""

__all__ = [ "ipset", "check_ipset_name", "remove_default_create_options" ]

import os.path

from firewall import errors
from firewall.errors import FirewallError
from firewall.core.prog import runProg
from firewall.core.logger import log
from firewall.functions import tempFile, readfile
from firewall.config import COMMANDS

    # bitmap and set types are currently not supported
    # "bitmap:ip",
    # "bitmap:ip,mac",
    # "bitmap:port",
    # "list:set",



    "family": "inet|inet6",
    "hashsize": "value",
    "maxelem": "value",
    "timeout": "value in secs",
    #"counters": None,
    #"comment": None,
    "family": "inet",
    "hashsize": "1024",
    "maxelem": "65536",

class ipset(object):
    """ipset command wrapper class"""

    def __init__(self):
        self._command = COMMANDS["ipset"]
        self.name = "ipset"

    def __run(self, args):
        """Call ipset with args"""
        # convert to string list
        _args = ["%s" % item for item in args]
        log.debug2("%s: %s %s", self.__class__, self._command, " ".join(_args))
        (status, ret) = runProg(self._command, _args)
        if status != 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._command,
                                                     " ".join(_args), ret))
        return ret

    def check_name(self, name):
        """Check ipset name"""
        if len(name) > IPSET_MAXNAMELEN:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_NAME,
                                "ipset name '%s' is not valid" % name)

    def set_supported_types(self):
        """Return types that are supported by the ipset command and kernel"""
        ret = [ ]
        output = ""
            output = self.__run(["--help"])
        except ValueError as ex:
            log.debug1("ipset error: %s" % ex)
        lines = output.splitlines()

        in_types = False
        for line in lines:
            if in_types:
                splits = line.strip().split(None, 2)
                if splits[0] not in ret and splits[0] in IPSET_TYPES:
            if line.startswith("Supported set types:"):
                in_types = True
        return ret

    def check_type(self, type_name):
        """Check ipset type"""
        if len(type_name) > IPSET_MAXNAMELEN or type_name not in IPSET_TYPES:
            raise FirewallError(errors.INVALID_TYPE,
                                "ipset type name '%s' is not valid" % type_name)

    def set_create(self, set_name, type_name, options=None):
        """Create an ipset with name, type and options"""

        args = [ "create", set_name, type_name ]
        if isinstance(options, dict):
            for key, val in options.items():
                if val != "":
        return self.__run(args)

    def set_destroy(self, set_name):
        return self.__run([ "destroy", set_name ])

    def set_add(self, set_name, entry):
        args = [ "add", set_name, entry ]
        return self.__run(args)

    def set_delete(self, set_name, entry):
        args = [ "del", set_name, entry ]
        return self.__run(args)

    def test(self, set_name, entry, options=None):
        args = [ "test", set_name, entry ]
        if options:
            args.append("%s" % " ".join(options))
        return self.__run(args)

    def set_list(self, set_name=None, options=None):
        args = [ "list" ]
        if set_name:
        if options:
        return self.__run(args).split("\n")

    def set_get_active_terse(self):
        """ Get active ipsets (only headers) """
        lines = self.set_list(options=["-terse"])

        ret = { }
        _name = _type = None
        _options = { }
        for line in lines:
            if len(line) < 1:
            pair = [ x.strip() for x in line.split(":", 1) ]
            if len(pair) != 2:
            elif pair[0] == "Name":
                _name = pair[1]
            elif pair[0] == "Type":
                _type = pair[1]
            elif pair[0] == "Header":
                splits = pair[1].split()
                i = 0
                while i < len(splits):
                    opt = splits[i]
                    if opt in [ "family", "hashsize", "maxelem", "timeout",
                                "netmask" ]:
                        if len(splits) > i:
                            i += 1
                            _options[opt] = splits[i]
                            log.error("Malformed ipset list -terse output: %s",
                            return { }
                    i += 1
                if _name and _type:
                    ret[_name] = (_type,
                _name = _type = None
        return ret

    def save(self, set_name=None):
        args = [ "save" ]
        if set_name:
        return self.__run(args)

    def set_restore(self, set_name, type_name, entries,
                create_options=None, entry_options=None):

        temp_file = tempFile()

        if ' ' in set_name:
            set_name = "'%s'" % set_name
        args = [ "create", set_name, type_name, "-exist" ]
        if create_options:
            for key, val in create_options.items():
                if val != "":
        temp_file.write("%s\n" % " ".join(args))
        temp_file.write("flush %s\n" % set_name)

        for entry in entries:
            if ' ' in entry:
                entry = "'%s'" % entry
            if entry_options:
                temp_file.write("add %s %s %s\n" % \
                                (set_name, entry, " ".join(entry_options)))
                temp_file.write("add %s %s\n" % (set_name, entry))

        stat = os.stat(temp_file.name)
        log.debug2("%s: %s restore %s", self.__class__, self._command,
                   "%s: %d" % (temp_file.name, stat.st_size))

        args = [ "restore" ]
        (status, ret) = runProg(self._command, args,

        if log.getDebugLogLevel() > 2:
            except Exception:
                i = 1
                for line in readfile(temp_file.name):
                    log.debug3("%8d: %s" % (i, line), nofmt=1, nl=0)
                    if not line.endswith("\n"):
                        log.debug3("", nofmt=1)
                    i += 1


        if status != 0:
            raise ValueError("'%s %s' failed: %s" % (self._command,
                                                     " ".join(args), ret))
        return ret

    def set_flush(self, set_name):
        args = [ "flush" ]
        if set_name:
        return self.__run(args)

    def rename(self, old_set_name, new_set_name):
        return self.__run([ "rename", old_set_name, new_set_name ])

    def swap(self, set_name_1, set_name_2):
        return self.__run([ "swap", set_name_1, set_name_2 ])

    def version(self):
        return self.__run([ "version" ])

def check_ipset_name(name):
    """Return true if ipset name is valid"""
    if len(name) > IPSET_MAXNAMELEN:
        return False
    return True

def remove_default_create_options(options):
    """ Return only non default create options """
    _options = options.copy()
        if opt in _options and \
           IPSET_DEFAULT_CREATE_OPTIONS[opt] == _options[opt]:
            del _options[opt]
    return _options


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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