� i�:Oc @ sJ d Z d d l m Z d Z e e � Z e d � Z e d � Z d Z d S( s� Functions to manipulate iterables .. versionadded:: Kitchen: 0.2.1a1 .. moduleauthor:: Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@fedoraproject.org> .. moduleauthor:: Luke Macken <lmacken@redhat.com> i����( t version_tuple_to_stringi i c C sD | s t | t � r@ y t | � Wn t k r8 t SXt Sn t S( s Check whether an object is an iterable :arg obj: Object to test whether it is an iterable :kwarg include_string: If :data:`True` and :attr:`obj` is a byte :class:`str` or :class:`unicode` string this function will return :data:`True`. If set to :data:`False`, byte :class:`str` and :class:`unicode` strings will cause this function to return :data:`False`. Default :data:`False`. :returns: :data:`True` if :attr:`obj` is iterable, otherwise :data:`False`. ( t isinstancet basestringt itert TypeErrort Falset True( t objt include_string( ( s>